463 research outputs found

    Finding the Gap:Neuromorphic Motion Vision in Cluttered Environments

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    Many animals meander in environments and avoid collisions. How the underlying neuronal machinery can yield robust behaviour in a variety of environments remains unclear. In the fly brain, motion-sensitive neurons indicate the presence of nearby objects and directional cues are integrated within an area known as the central complex. Such neuronal machinery, in contrast with the traditional stream-based approach to signal processing, uses an event-based approach, with events occurring when changes are sensed by the animal. Contrary to von Neumann computing architectures, event-based neuromorphic hardware is designed to process information in an asynchronous and distributed manner. Inspired by the fly brain, we model, for the first time, a neuromorphic closed-loop system mimicking essential behaviours observed in flying insects, such as meandering in clutter and gap crossing, which are highly relevant for autonomous vehicles. We implemented our system both in software and on neuromorphic hardware. While moving through an environment, our agent perceives changes in its surroundings and uses this information for collision avoidance. The agent's manoeuvres result from a closed action-perception loop implementing probabilistic decision-making processes. This loop-closure is thought to have driven the development of neural circuitry in biological agents since the Cambrian explosion. In the fundamental quest to understand neural computation in artificial agents, we come closer to understanding and modelling biological intelligence by closing the loop also in neuromorphic systems. As a closed-loop system, our system deepens our understanding of processing in neural networks and computations in biological and artificial systems. With these investigations, we aim to set the foundations for neuromorphic intelligence in the future, moving towards leveraging the full potential of neuromorphic systems.Comment: 7 main pages with two figures, including appendix 26 pages with 14 figure

    Beneficial pleiotropic antidepressive effects of cardiovascular disease risk factor interventions in the metabolic syndrome

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    © 2018 The Authors. Background--Although the increased prevalence and severity of clinical depression and elevated cardiovascular disease risk represent 2 vexing public health issues, the growing awareness of their combined presentation compounds the challenge. The obese Zucker rat, a model of the metabolic syndrome, spontaneously develops significant depressive symptoms in parallel with the progression of the metabolic syndrome and, thus, represents a compelling model for study. The primary objective was to assess the impact on both cardiovascular outcomes, specifically vascular structure and function, and depressive symptoms in obese Zucker rats after aggressive treatment for cardiovascular disease risk factors with long-term exercise or targeted pharmacological interventions. Methods and Results--We chronically treated obese Zucker rats with clinically relevant interventions against cardiovascular disease risk factors to determine impacts on vascular outcomes and depressive symptom severity. While most of the interventions (chronic exercise, anti-hypertensive, the interventions (long-term exercise, antihypertensive, antidyslipidemia, and antidiabetic) were differentially effective at improving vascular outcomes, only those that also resulted in a significant improvement to oxidant stress, inflammation, arachidonic acid metabolism (prostacyclin versus thromboxane A2), and their associated sequelae were effective at also blunting depressive symptom severity. Using multivariable analyses, discrimination between the effectiveness of treatment groups to maintain behavioral outcomes appeared to be dependent on breaking the cycle of inflammation and oxidant stress, with the associated outcomes of improving endothelial metabolism and both cerebral and peripheral vascular structure and function. Conclusions--This initial study provides a compelling framework from which to further interrogate the links between cardiovascular disease risk factors and depressive symptoms and suggests mechanistic links and potentially effective avenues for intervention

    Multifractal analysis of the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems

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    We study the Anderson model of localization with anisotropic hopping in three dimensions for weakly coupled chains and weakly coupled planes. The eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, as computed by Lanczos diagonalization for systems of sizes up to 48348^3, show multifractal behavior at the metal-insulator transition even for strong anisotropy. The critical disorder strength WcW_c determined from the system size dependence of the singularity spectra is in a reasonable agreement with a recent study using transfer matrix methods. But the respective spectrum at WcW_c deviates from the ``characteristic spectrum'' determined for the isotropic system. This indicates a quantitative difference of the multifractal properties of states of the anisotropic as compared to the isotropic system. Further, we calculate the Kubo conductivity for given anisotropies by exact diagonalization. Already for small system sizes of only 12312^3 sites we observe a rapidly decreasing conductivity in the directions with reduced hopping if the coupling becomes weaker.Comment: 25 RevTeX pages with 10 PS-figures include

    The three-dimensional Anderson model of localization with binary random potential

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    We study the three-dimensional two-band Anderson model of localization and compare our results to experimental results for amorphous metallic alloys (AMA). Using the transfer-matrix method, we identify and characterize the metal-insulator transitions as functions of Fermi level position, band broadening due to disorder and concentration of alloy composition. The appropriate phase diagrams of regions of extended and localized electronic states are studied and qualitative agreement with AMA such as Ti-Ni and Ti-Cu metallic glasses is found. We estimate the critical exponents nu_W, nu_E and nu_x when either disorder W, energy E or concentration x is varied, respectively. All our results are compatible with the universal value nu ~ 1.6 obtained in the single-band Anderson model.Comment: 9 RevTeX4 pages with 11 .eps figures included, submitted to PR

    Development and validation of a tool for advising primiparous women during early labour : study protocol for the GebStart Study

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    Pregnant women experience early labour with different physical and emotional symptoms. Early admission to hospital has been found to be associated with increased intervention and caesarean section rates. However, primiparous women often contact the hospital before labour progresses because they encounter difficulties coping with symptoms of onset of labour on their own. An evidence-based instrument for assessing the individual needs to advise primiparous women during early labour is currently missing. The study aims to develop and validate a tool to inform the joint decision for or against hospital admission

    Numerical verification of universality for the Anderson transition

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    We analyze the scaling behavior of the higher Lyapunov exponents at the Anderson transition. We estimate the critical exponent and verify its universality and that of the critical conductance distribution for box, Gaussian and Lorentzian distributions of the random potential

    Effects of Scale-Free Disorder on the Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition

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    We investigate the three-dimensional Anderson model of localization via a modified transfer-matrix method in the presence of scale-free diagonal disorder characterized by a disorder correlation function g(r)g(r) decaying asymptotically as rαr^{-\alpha}. We study the dependence of the localization-length exponent ν\nu on the correlation-strength exponent α\alpha. % For fixed disorder WW, there is a critical αc\alpha_{\rm c}, such that for α<αc\alpha < \alpha_{\rm c}, ν=2/α\nu=2/\alpha and for α>αc\alpha > \alpha_{\rm c}, ν\nu remains that of the uncorrelated system in accordance with the extended Harris criterion. At the band center, ν\nu is independent of α\alpha but equal to that of the uncorrelated system. The physical mechanisms leading to this different behavior are discussed.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Let


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    Women exhibiting the components of metabolic syndrome before the pregnancy have a high risk of fetal placental dysfunction, even fetal death. Moreover, glucotoxicity has been linked to birth defects. These issues have motivated checking the possible association between a metabolic syndrome and morphological damages in the conception product. In this paper, morphological alterations produced on the fetus by the metabolic syndrome of progenitors were determined in an experimental model. The bio-model was developed in Wistar rats by supplying them with 35 % sucrose from the intrauterine stage up to eighteen weeks of age. Subsequently, the crossing was performed, the pregnancy was confirmed, and blood pressure was checked. Two groups of pregnancy were formed; metabolic syndrome and healthy control. Cesarean section was performed on day twenty of gestation, in order to make the corresponding first segment studies of reproductive toxicity. Maternal parameters such as body and organ weight were assessed. Weight, crown-rump length, and the total number of fetuses by group, as well as the skeletal and soft tissue of the fetuses were recorded. The hematoma was the main external change found, as well as there was a significant decrease in fetuses’ weight of metabolic syndrome parents’ group. In these fetuses, the absence of Xiphoid and Sterne brae was reported as the principal developmental delays in bone tissue and no noticeable damage was observed in a soft one. These results suggest that metabolic syndrome morphologically affects the conception product

    Anisotropic fractal magnetic domain pattern in bulk Mn1.4PtSn

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    The tetragonal compound Mn1.4PtSn with D2d symmetry recently attracted attention as the first known material that hosts magnetic antiskyrmions, which differ from the skyrmions known so far by their internal structure. The latter have been found in a number of magnets with the chiral crystal structure. In previous works, the existence of antiskyrmions in Mn1.4PtSn was unambiguously demonstrated in real space by means of Lorentz transmission electron microscopy on thin-plate samples (∼100 nm thick). In the present study, we used small-angle neutron scattering and magnetic force microscopy to perform reciprocal- and real-space imaging of the magnetic texture of bulk Mn1.4PtSn single crystals at different temperatures and in applied magnetic field. We found that the magnetic texture in the bulk differs significantly from that of thin-plate samples. Instead of spin helices or an antiskyrmion lattice, we observe an anisotropic fractal magnetic pattern of closure domains in zero field above the spin-reorientation transition temperature, which transforms into a set of bubble domains in high field. Below the spin-reorientation transition temperature the strong in-plane anisotropy as well as the fractal self-affinity in zero field is gradually lost, while the formation of bubble domains in high field remains robust. The results of our study highlight the importance of dipole-dipole interactions in thin-plate samples for the stabilization of antiskyrmions and identify criteria which should guide the search for potential (anti)skyrmion host materials. Moreover, they provide consistent interpretations of the previously reported magnetotransport anomalies of the bulk crystals. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Open access publication funded by the Max Planck Society

    Metal-insulator transitions in anisotropic 2d systems

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    Several phenomena related to the critical behaviour of non-interacting electrons in a disordered 2d tight-binding system with a magnetic field are studied. Localization lengths, critical exponents and density of states are computed using transfer matrix techniques. Scaling functions of isotropic systems are recovered once the dimension of the system in each direction is chosen proportional to the localization length. It is also found that the critical point is independent of the propagation direction, and that the critical exponents for the localization length for both propagating directions are equal to that of the isotropic system (approximately 7/3). We also calculate the critical value of the scaling function for both the isotropic and the anisotropic system. It is found that the isotropic value equals the geometric mean of the two anisotropic values. Detailed numerical studies of the density of states for the isotropic system reveals that for an appreciable amount of disorder the critical energy is off the band center.Comment: 6 pages RevTeX, 6 figures included, submitted to Physical Review