72 research outputs found

    Cationic porphyrins are reversible proteasome inhibitors

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    The aim of this study is to verify if watersoluble porphyrins can be used as proteasome inhibitors. We have found that cationic porphyrins inhibit proteasome peptidase activities much more effectively than the corresponding anionic derivatives. The relevance of electrostatics in driving porphyin−proteasome interactions has been confirmed by the observation that the inhibitory efficiency of the cationic macrocycles decreases with the number of positive substituents. We have also investigated various metalloporphyrins, which differ due to the different propension of the central metal ion toward axial coordination. Our experimental results indicate that the naked cationic porphyrins are the most active in reversibly inhibiting the three main protease activities of the proteasome in the micromolar range. A spectroscopic characterization of porphyrin−proteasome interactions by UV−vis spectra parallels the results of inhibition assays: the higher the inhibitory effect the stronger the spectroscopic variations are. To interpret the action of porphyrins at a molecular level, we have performed calculations evidencing that cationic porphyrins may hinder the access to the canonical proteolytic site on the proteasome β5 subunit. In particular, an inspection of the top-scoring docking modes shows that the tetracationic porphyrin blocks the catalytic pocket, close to the N termini of the β5 proteasome subunit, more efficiently than its anionic counterpart. Proteasome inhibition activity of porphyrins unites their known anticancer properties making them suitable as a scaffold for the design of novel multitargeted molecules

    Silybins inhibit human IAPP amyloid growth and toxicity through stereospecific interactions

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    Type 2 Diabetes is a major public health threat, and its prevalence is increasing worldwide. The abnormal accumulation of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) in pancreatic β-cells is associated with the onset of the disease. Therefore, the design of small molecules able to inhibit IAPP aggregation represents a promising strategy in the development of new therapies. Here we employ in vitro, biophysical, and computational methods to inspect the ability of Silybin A and Silybin B, two natural diastereoisomers extracted from milk thistle, to interfere with the toxic self-assembly of human IAPP (hIAPP). We show that Silybin B inhibits amyloid aggregation and protects INS-1 cells from hIAPP toxicity more than Silybin A. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed that the higher efficiency of Silybin B is ascribable to its interactions with precise hIAPP regions that are notoriously involved in hIAPP self-assembly i.e., the S20-S29 amyloidogenic core, H18, the N-terminal domain, and N35. These results highlight the importance of stereospecific ligand-peptide interactions in regulating amyloid aggregation and provide a blueprint for future studies aimed at designing Silybin derivatives with enhanced drug-like properties. Keywords: Aggregation; Diabetes; Inhibitors; Molecular dynamics; Peptid

    Cooperative Binding of the Cationic Porphyrin Tris-T4 Enhances Catalytic Activity of 20S Proteasome Unveiling a Complex Distribution of Functional States

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    The present study provides new evidence that cationic porphyrins may be considered as tunable platforms to interfere with the structural "key code" present on the 20S proteasome α-rings and, by consequence, with its catalytic activity. Here, we describe the functional and conformational effects on the 20S proteasome induced by the cooperative binding of the tri-cationic 5-(phenyl)-10,15,20-(tri N-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphyrin (Tris-T4). Our integrated kinetic, NMR, and in silico analysis allowed us to disclose a complex effect on the 20S catalytic activity depending on substrate/porphyrin concentration. The analysis of the kinetic data shows that Tris-T4 shifts the relative populations of the multiple interconverting 20S proteasome conformations leading to an increase in substrate hydrolysis by an allosteric pathway. Based on our Tris-T4/h20S interaction model, Tris-T4 is able to affect gating dynamics and substrate hydrolysis by binding to an array of negatively charged and hydrophobic residues present on the protein surface involved in the 20S molecular activation by the regulatory proteins (RPs). Accordingly, despite the fact that Tris-T4 also binds to the α3ΔN mutant, allosteric modulation is not observed since the molecular mechanism connecting gate dynamics with substrate hydrolysis is impaired. We envisage that the dynamic view of the 20S conformational equilibria, activated through cooperative Tris-T4 binding, may work as a simplified model for a better understanding of the intricate network of 20S conformational/functional states that may be mobilized by exogenous ligands, paving the way for the development of a new generation of proteasome allosteric modulators

    Defective proteasome biogenesis into skin fibroblasts isolated from Rett syndrome subjects with {MeCP}2 non-sense mutations

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    Rett Syndrome (RTT) is a rare X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder which affects about 1: 10000 live births. In >95% of subjects RTT is caused by a mutation in Methyl-CpG binding protein-2 (MECP2) gene, which encodes for a transcription regulator with pleiotropic genetic/epigenetic activities. The molecular mechanisms underscoring the phenotypic alteration of RTT are largely unknown and this has impaired the development of therapeutic approaches to alleviate signs and symptoms during disease progression. A defective proteasome biogenesis into two skin primary fibroblasts isolated from RTT subjects harbouring non-sense (early-truncating) MeCP2 mutations (i.e., R190fs and R255X) is herewith reported. Proteasome is the proteolytic machinery of Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS), a pathway of overwhelming relevance for post-mitotic cells metabolism. Molecular, transcription and proteomic analyses indicate that MeCP2 mutations down-regulate the expression of one proteasome subunit, α7, and of two chaperones, PAC1 and PAC2, which bind each other in the earliest step of proteasome biogenesis. Furthermore, this molecular alteration recapitulates in neuron-like SH-SY5Y cells upon silencing of MeCP2 expression, envisaging a general significance of this transcription regulator in proteasome biogenesis

    The role of copper(II) in the aggregation of human amylin

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    Amylin is the 37-residue peptide hormone produced by the islet β-cells in the pancreas and the formation of amylin aggregates is strongly associated with β-cells degeneration in type 2 diabetes, as demonstrated by more than 95% of patients exhibiting amylin amyloid upon autopsy. It is widely recognized that metal ions such as copper(II) have been implicated in the aggregation process of amyloidogenic peptides such as Aβ and α-synuclein and there is evidence that also amylin self-assembly is largely affected by copper(II). For this reason, in this work, the role of copper(II) in the aggregation of amylin has been investigated by several different experimental approaches. Mass spectrometric investigations show that copper(II) induces significant changes in the amylin structure which decrease the protein fibrillogenesis as observed by ThT measurements. Accordingly, solid-state NMR experiments together with computational analysis carried out on a model amylin fragment confirmed the non fibrillogenic nature of the copper(II) induced aggregated structure. Finally, the presence of copper(II) is also shown to have a major influence on amylin proneness to be degraded by proteases and cytotoxicity studies on different cell cultures are reported

    Fraisinib: a calixpyrrole derivative reducing A549 cell-derived NSCLC tumor in vivo acts as a ligand of the glycine-tRNA synthase, a new molecular target in oncology

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    Background and purpose: Lung cancer is the leading cause of death in both men and women, constituting a major public health problem worldwide. Non-small-cell lung cancer accounts for 85%–90% of all lung cancers. We propose a compound that successfully fights tumor growth in vivo by targeting the enzyme GARS1.Experimental approach: We present an in-depth investigation of the mechanism through which Fraisinib [meso-(p-acetamidophenyl)-calix(4)pyrrole] affects the human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cell line. In a xenografted model of non-small-cell lung cancer, Fraisinib was found to reduce tumor mass volume without affecting the vital parameters or body weight of mice. Through a computational approach, we uncovered that glycyl-tRNA synthetase is its molecular target. Differential proteomics analysis further confirmed that pathways regulated by Fraisinib are consistent with glycyl-tRNA synthetase inhibition.Key results: Fraisinib displays a strong anti-tumoral potential coupled with limited toxicity in mice. Glycyl-tRNA synthetase has been identified and validated as a protein target of this compound. By inhibiting GARS1, Fraisinib modulates different key biological processes involved in tumoral growth, aggressiveness, and invasiveness.Conclusion and implications: The overall results indicate that Fraisinib is a powerful inhibitor of non-small-cell lung cancer growth by exerting its action on the enzyme GARS1 while displaying marginal toxicity in animal models. Together with the proven ability of this compound to cross the blood–brain barrier, we can assess that Fraisinib can kill two birds with one stone: targeting the primary tumor and its metastases “in one shot.” Taken together, we suggest that inhibiting GARS1 expression and/or GARS1 enzymatic activity may be innovative molecular targets for cancer treatment

    Colorectal Cancer Stage at Diagnosis Before vs During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy

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    IMPORTANCE Delays in screening programs and the reluctance of patients to seek medical attention because of the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 could be associated with the risk of more advanced colorectal cancers at diagnosis. OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was associated with more advanced oncologic stage and change in clinical presentation for patients with colorectal cancer. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This retrospective, multicenter cohort study included all 17 938 adult patients who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer from March 1, 2020, to December 31, 2021 (pandemic period), and from January 1, 2018, to February 29, 2020 (prepandemic period), in 81 participating centers in Italy, including tertiary centers and community hospitals. Follow-up was 30 days from surgery. EXPOSURES Any type of surgical procedure for colorectal cancer, including explorative surgery, palliative procedures, and atypical or segmental resections. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was advanced stage of colorectal cancer at diagnosis. Secondary outcomes were distant metastasis, T4 stage, aggressive biology (defined as cancer with at least 1 of the following characteristics: signet ring cells, mucinous tumor, budding, lymphovascular invasion, perineural invasion, and lymphangitis), stenotic lesion, emergency surgery, and palliative surgery. The independent association between the pandemic period and the outcomes was assessed using multivariate random-effects logistic regression, with hospital as the cluster variable. RESULTS A total of 17 938 patients (10 007 men [55.8%]; mean [SD] age, 70.6 [12.2] years) underwent surgery for colorectal cancer: 7796 (43.5%) during the pandemic period and 10 142 (56.5%) during the prepandemic period. Logistic regression indicated that the pandemic period was significantly associated with an increased rate of advanced-stage colorectal cancer (odds ratio [OR], 1.07; 95%CI, 1.01-1.13; P = .03), aggressive biology (OR, 1.32; 95%CI, 1.15-1.53; P < .001), and stenotic lesions (OR, 1.15; 95%CI, 1.01-1.31; P = .03). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This cohort study suggests a significant association between the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the risk of a more advanced oncologic stage at diagnosis among patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer and might indicate a potential reduction of survival for these patients

    Termodinamica delle proteine: sviluppo di nuovi modelli teorici nell'analisi microcalorimetrica delle proteine

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    Dottorato di ricerca in scienze chimiche. 8. ciclo. A.a. 1995-96. Tutore D. Grasso. Coordinatore E. RizzarelliConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Computational comparison of imidazoline association with the 12 binding site in human monoamine oxidases

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    Imidazoline ligands in I2-type binding sites in the brain alter monoamine turnover and release. One example of an 12 binding site characterized by binding studies, kinetics, and crystal structure has been described in monoamine oxidase B (MAO B). MAO A also binds imidazolines but has a different active site structure. Docking and molecular dynamics were used to explore how 2-(2-benzofuranyl)-2-imidazoline hydrochloride (2-BFI) binds to MAO A and to explain why tranylcypromine increases tight binding to MAO B. The energy for 2-BFI binding to MAO A was comparable to that for tranylcypromine-modified MAO B, but the location of 2-BFI in the MAO A could be anywhere in the monopartite substrate cavity. Binding to the tranylc-ypromine-modified MAO B was with high affinity and in the entrance cavity as in the crystal structure, but the energies of interaction with the native MAO B were less favorable. Molecular dynamics revealed that the entrance cavity of MAO B after tranylcypromine modification is both smaller and less flexible. This change in the presence of tranylcypromine may be responsible for the greater affinity of tranylcypromine-modified MAO B for imidazoline ligands.</p
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