533 research outputs found

    Between-Site Variation in Suitability of \u3ci\u3eSalix Cordata\u3c/i\u3e as a Host for \u3ci\u3eAltica Subplicata\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    To investigate local adaptation of insect herbivore populations to host plant populations, willow flea beetles (Altica subplicata) were collected from two distant sites in northern Michigan (Grass Bay, GB; Pte. Aux Chenes, PAC) and reared on host plants (Salix cordata) collected from each of the sites. Larval development (measured by molt frequency and length of larval stage) was significantly faster on PAC plants than on GB plants but did not differ for the two beetle populations. For both populations of beetles, mean pupal weight was also greater on PAC plants than on GB plants. Thus, there was no evidence for adaptation of beetle populations to local host plant populations. The greater performance of A. subplicata on PAC plants most likely resulted from a lower trichome density on leaves of plants from that site

    An Exploration of the Pay Levels Needed to Attract Students With Mathematics, Science and Technology Skills to a Career in K-12 Teaching

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    In an exploratory study (Note 1) of the role of salary level and other factors in motivating undergraduate math, science, and technology majors to consider a career as a K-12 teacher, the salary level students said would motivate them to consider a career in teaching was related to the salary expected in their chosen non-teaching occupation, but not to three of the Big 5 personality dimensions of extroversion, agreeableness, and openness, nor concern for others or career risk aversion. An annual starting salary 45% above the local average would attract 48% of the sophomore students and 37% of the juniors. Focus group results suggested that low pay was an important reason for not considering K-12 teaching, but that perceived job demands and abilities and interests were also important reasons for not being attracted to a teaching career

    Varieties of Knowledge and Skill-Based Pay Design

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    This article describes the design of knowledge and skill-based pay systems for K-12 teachers in six U.S. school districts and one charter school. Based on a theory of action that relates knowledge and skill- based pay systems to improvements in instruction, and the expectancy theory of motivation, seven dimensions for comparison are identified and the systems are compared based on these dimensions. While there were a variety of reasons for designing new pay systems, similarities included that teachers were involved in the design processes, and that the knowledge and skills rewarded are more closely related to instruction than in the traditional salary schedule (though none of the systems placed heavy emphasis on content-specific pedagogy). Most systems made use of existing standards or definitions of good teaching, such as the Framework for Teaching (Danielson, 1996). While most of the systems involved performance-based assessments of teacher skills, in no case were seniority and graduate degrees eliminated as a basis for pay progression. Few of the programs had developed a coordinated professional development program specifically linked to the knowledge and skills rewarded by the new pay system. Implications for policy makers and system designers are drawn

    Effects of Progressive Lens Eyeglasses on Gait Performance Factors Among Young and Middle-Aged Groups

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    Background: It is estimated that over 85% of adults over the age of 45 develop a condition called presbyopia (Holden et al., 2008). Multifocal lenses (MfLs) are used to functionally adapt to this condition to allow for convenient near and distance vision. However, this causes vision distortion in the lower part of the visual field at ground level while walking. Since safe ambulation relies on the lower visual field to detect obstacles (Marigold et al., 2008), and vision acts as a moderating factor for increased fall rates as individuals age (Heasley et al., 2005), there is a need to investigate the connection between MfLs, falls, and age. Objective: This study hypothesized that when wearing MfLs, both young and middle-aged individuals would experience a significant decrease in functional gait performance when compared to wearing single lenses. In addition, non-experienced MfLs wearers would both show similar within group gait performance decrement. Methods: Sixteen 18-35 year olds and seven 45-60 year old novice MfL wearers with no history of balance or gait impairments participated. A within-between subjects repeated measures ANOVA and t-tests evaluated the effects of MfLs and age on toe clearance, step force, and functional gait (the Dynamic Gait Index-Modified). Results: A statistically significant difference in toe clearance and DGI-m scores were found for young and middle-aged individuals between lens conditions. Young group: increase in toe clearance (t=4.801, p=.000) and decrease in DGI-m scores (t=-3.9, p=.001); Middle-aged group: increase in toe clearance (t=3.230, p=.018) and decrease in DGI-m (t=3.092, p=.021). No significant difference between groups was found (DGI-m F=.020, p=.836, toe clearance F=.015, p=.905, and maximum force F=.463, p=.505). Due to the multiple t- tests performed, an adjustment of a .0125 alpha was used for a significance threshold. Conclusion: MfLs appear to not only degrade visual performance, but also degrades key components of gait performance. The results of this study provided evidence that contributes to the validation of MfLs as a possible fall risk

    Parallel Selection Algorithms on GPUs: Implementation and Performance Comparison

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    The computing power of current Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) has increased rapidly over the years. They offer much more computational power than recent CPUs by providing a vast number of simple, data parallel, multithreaded cores. In this project, we focused on the study of different variations of parallel selection algorithms on the current generation of NVIDIA GPUs. That is, given a massively large array of elements, we were interested in how we could use a GPU to efficiently select those elements that meet certain criteria and then store them into a target array for further processing. The optimization techniques used and implementation issues encountered are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the experiment results show that our advanced implementation performs an average of 1.74 times faster than Thrust, an open-source parallel algorithms library.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/u_poster_2015/1057/thumbnail.jp

    The quality of life of farmers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

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    Introduction and objective COPD is a medical state characterized by chronically poor airflow, and typically worsens over time. Farmers have an increased risk of COPD because of being exposed to ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, inorganic dust, and organic dust. The quality of life of the ill depends on biomedical as well as psychosocial factors, the impact of which has not been a frequent subject of studies among COPD patients. The aim of the study was to indicate the factors that have negative and positive influence on the quality of life of farmers suffering from COPD. Material and Methods The study was conducted among 84 farmers treated for COPD in the Department of Pneumology, Oncology and Allergology of the Medical University in Lublin, Poland. The differences between the farmers concerned: severity of the disease, level of education and income, frequency of smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, kinds of support they receive from their families, and the level of depression and anxiety experienced by the patients. Results The study revealed that most patients suffered from depressive and anxiety disorders, and the level of depression higher among the patients who smoked more. Lack of family support had significant influence on exacerbation of the patient’s depressive and anxiety symptoms. Patients who had recently experienced a critical situation presented with more severe COPD symptoms, lower quality of life and a higher level of depression. Higher income of the patients had positive influence on their quality of life. Farmers addicted to alcohol suffered from a higher level of anxiety

    Percepções dos maestros sobre um novo sistema de avaliação da performance e da sua influência na prática: Uma análise dentro das escuelas e entre as escuelas

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    Teacher performance evaluation systems (PESs) are central to policy efforts to increase teacher effectiveness and student learning. We argue that for these reforms to work, PESs need to be treated as coherent systems, in which teachers perceive that there are linkages between the PES components. Using teacher survey data from a large, midwestern school district, this article explores the linkages between teacher perceptions of a new PES using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structural equation modeling (SEM), and multilevel CFA. We also examine whether a strong evaluation climate developed in this district. The CFA and SEM analysis demonstrate that teacher perceptions of PES are interrelated and linked to perceptions of changes in teaching practices and to the potential impact on student learning. The multilevel CFA demonstrates cross-level noninvariance, with fewer factors being identified at the school levels. These results suggest a need for a school‐level theory of action with corresponding school‐level constructs. While we did not find evidence of a shared strong evaluation climate, the results of the analysis illustrate the importance of examining within-school agreement, both to assess the reliability of between-school differences in average teacher perceptions and to assess whether schools are developing a strong evaluation climate.Los sistemas de evaluación del desempeño de los maestros (PES) son fundamentales para los esfuerzos de las políticas para aumentar la efectividad de los docentes y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Argumentamos que para que estas reformas funcionen, los SPE deben tratarse como sistemas coherentes, en los que los docentes perciben que existen vínculos entre los componentes de PSA. Utilizando los datos de la encuesta de docentes de un gran distrito escolar del medio oeste, este artículo explora los vínculos entre las percepciones de los docentes de un nuevo PES utilizando análisis factorial confirmatorio (CFA), modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) y CFA multinivel. También examinamos si se desarrolló un clima de evaluación fuerte en este distrito. Los análisis de CFA y SEM demuestran que las percepciones de los maestros sobre los SPE se interrelacionan y se relacionan con las percepciones de los cambios en las prácticas de enseñanza y con el posible impacto en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El CFA multinivel demuestra la no invariabilidad de niveles cruzados, con menos factores identificados en los niveles escolares. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de una teoría de acción a nivel escolar con los constructos correspondientes a nivel escolar. Aunque no encontramos evidencia de un clima de evaluación sólido compartido, los resultados del análisis ilustran la importancia de examinar el acuerdo dentro de la escuela, tanto para evaluar la confiabilidad de las diferencias entre las escuelas en las percepciones promedio de los docentes como para evaluar si las escuelas están desarrollando clima de evaluación fuerte.Los sistemas de avaliação do desempenho dos professores (PES) filho fundamental para os esforços das políticas para aumentar a eficácia dos professores e a aprendizagem dos estudiosos. Argumentamos que, para que estes esquemas funcionem, os SPE deben tratarse como os sistemas coerentes, nos quais os docentes percebem que existem entre os componentes da PSA. Utilizando os dados da pesquisa de professores de um grande distrito da medicina ocidental, este artigo explora os acontecimentos entre as percepções dos docentes de um novo PES analisado factorial confirmatorio (CFA), modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) e CFA multinivel. Também foi possível encontrar um clima de avaliação para avaliar este distrito. As análises de CFA e SEM demonstram quais são as percepções das mudanças nas relações públicas e se relacionam com a percepção das mudanças nas prácticas de enseñanza e com o possível impacto na aprendizagem dos estudiosos. El CFA multinivel demuestra a invariabilidade de niveles cruzados, com menos fatores identificados nas niveles escolares. Estos resultados sugam a necessidade de uma teoría de uma escola nivelada com os constructos correspondentes a nivel escolar. A inexistente evidencias in the clima of evaluación maciço compartimenta, los procesos del análisis ilustrant la importancia de dashboard in aeroplane of la escuela, both for evaluate the dependibility of las différences en las escuelas en las percepción promedio de los docentes for evaluat si as escuelas estão desarrollando clima de avaliação fuerte

    The quality of life of farmers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

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    Introduction and objective COPD is a medical state characterized by chronically poor airflow, and typically worsens over time. Farmers have an increased risk of COPD because of being exposed to ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, inorganic dust, and organic dust. The quality of life of the ill depends on biomedical as well as psychosocial factors, the impact of which has not been a frequent subject of studies among COPD patients. The aim of the study was to indicate the factors that have negative and positive influence on the quality of life of farmers suffering from COPD. Material and Methods The study was conducted among 84 farmers treated for COPD in the Department of Pneumology, Oncology and Allergology of the Medical University in Lublin, Poland. The differences between the farmers concerned: severity of the disease, level of education and income, frequency of smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, kinds of support they receive from their families, and the level of depression and anxiety experienced by the patients. Results The study revealed that most patients suffered from depressive and anxiety disorders, and the level of depression higher among the patients who smoked more. Lack of family support had significant influence on exacerbation of the patient’s depressive and anxiety symptoms. Patients who had recently experienced a critical situation presented with more severe COPD symptoms, lower quality of life and a higher level of depression. Higher income of the patients had positive influence on their quality of life. Farmers addicted to alcohol suffered from a higher level of anxiety

    Recruiting New Teachers to Urban School Districts: What Incentives Will Work

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    Explores the effectiveness of financial incentives in attracting qualified teachers to low-performing and hard-to-staff schools. Surveys teachers in training on factors in job choices and considers the size of an effective pay incentive and alternatives