64 research outputs found

    Srodne pojave u svadbenim običajima Bunjevaca i balkanskog stanovništva romanskoga govora

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    The introductory part of the article is dedicated to Milovan Gavazzi, to the ethnology he was promoting and to its meaning and importance for the ethnology of today. The occurrence of staćel, a particular wedding honoured attendant, in the Croatian heritage could not be overlooked in the scientific opus of M. Gavazzi. After a short survey of his contribution to the research of the origin of the staćel, as well as to the latest research in the early nineties, the article is introducing the elements of the Bunjevci wedding customs which might have been formed according to certain indicators in contact with the Balkan Romance speaking population. More though research of each particular element may bring more light to the origins of at least one part of the cultural heritage of all the Bunjevci branches, as well as to the processes of their ethnogenesis.U uvodnom dijelu članka autorica se kratko osvrće na znanstveni rad Milovana Gavazzija, na etnologiju za kakvu se on zalagao te na značenje i opstojnost takve etnologije danas. Pojave o kojima se u ovome članku raspravlja ubrajaju se u skupinu istraživanja koja je Gavazzi poticao, a rezultat su višegodišnjih autoričinih istraživanja. Ta su istraživanja započela s pojavom osebujnog svatovskog lika staćela, kojom se svojedobno bavio i Milovan Gavazzi, i pretpostavio njegovo moguće grčko podrijetlo te ukazao na tri moguća puta unosa ovoga kulturnog elementa u Dalmatinsku zagoru. Pojava staćela tada još nije bila dovoljno istražena. Tek su novija istraživanja dala podrobnije podatke o toj svatovskoj ulozi i njezinoj ukupnoj prostornoj zastupljenosti: osim u Bunjevaca, gradišćanskih Hrvata, u dijelovima Dalmacije, Primorja i Like i na širem području Dalmacije, u jugozapadnoj Bosni, zapadnoj Hercegovini, području ušća Neretve i među Vlasima u sjeveroistočnoj Srbiji. Ta saznanja nisu bila dostatna da se dokaže izvorište staćelovo, ali karakteristični razmještaj pojave staćela, kao i etnološki pokazatelji njegove uloge upućuju na mogući unos posredstvom balkanskih Vlaha (Romana). Osim toga, staćel je kao zagonetni svatovski lik otvorio put mnogim pitanjima koja se tiču kulturnog naslijeđa hrvatske grupe, katkada više, a katkada manje jasno označene imenom Bunjevci. Proučavanje pojave odabranih svatova i njihove uloge u ukupnom zbiru svadbenih običaja u Bunjevaca ukazalo je na niz tema čije buduće proučavanje može pridonijeti novim spoznajama o mogućem ishodištu kulturne baštine Bunjevaca u svim njihovim ograncima. U ovome prilogu izdvajaju se običaji ili elementi običaja, koji su se po svoj prilici oblikovali u doticaju s balkanskim stanovništvom romanskoga govora. U tu svrhu autorica uspoređuje pojedine kulturne elemente i pojave u svadbenim običajima, koje su potvrđene samo u nekim ili u svim bunjevačkim ograncima, s istima ili srodnim pojavama u Vlaha na području Pinda u sjevernoj Grčkoj i u području sjeveroistočne Srbije. Neke od tih pojava poznate su i drugim balkanskim narodima, Albancima i Grcima, te se pri usporedbi i na te elemente okvirno ukazuje. Autorica razmatra karakterističan prostorni razmještaj sljedećih pojava: svatovska čast kuma, njegova primarna uloga starješine svatova i određeni karakteristični elementi njegove uloge; posebni običajni postupci sa svatovskim kolačem; običaj da nevjesta tijekom pira ljubi svatove i za poljubac biva nagrađena novcem; običaj da se nevjesta na dulje ili kraće vrijeme odvoji od svatova. Potom slijedi pregled pojava koje nisu potvrđene u svim bunjevačkim područjima niti ih poznaju sve skupine podunavskih Bunjevaca, a isto tako nisu poznate niti svim Vlasima: običaj da svatovi bacaju novčiće u posudu s vodom pred ulazom u kuću i/ili običaj da pritom nevjesta, mladoženja ili djever nogom obore tu posudu; običaj ulaska nevjeste u mladoženjin dom preko bijelog platna; specifičan način pozivanja svatova s jabukom; odlaganje konzumacije braka. Nadalje, autorica ukazuje i na druge pojave, koje bi još bilo potrebno podrobnije istražiti. Sve spomenute pojave potvrđene u svadbenim običajima Bunjevaca i Vlaha daju tek ograničen pregled njihove ukupne prostorne zastupljenosti, jer su se razmatrali samo nešto šire obuhvaćeni jadransko-dinarski prostori s mogućim bunjevačkim tragovima u prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Tako postavljeni okviri ukazali su na specifične okolnosti u kojima su nastajale, razvijale se i oblikovale etnokulturne osobine ove hrvatske skupine, koje su se prilagođene novoj kulturnoj sredini održale u znatnoj mjeri. Trag razmatranih pojava vodi nas u unutrašnjost Balkana na čijim je prostorima znatno ranije došlo do prožimanja kulturnih elemenata doseljenih Slavena i starosjedilačkog stanovništva romanskoga govora. Premda je zagonetni svatovski lik staćel naizgled samo još više zapleo i tako već zamršeno balkansko klupko, u isto je vrijeme dao poticaja za pokušaj konačnog razrješavanja složenih etnokulturnih procesa i povijesnih zbivanja na prostorima jugoistočne Europe

    Prijelaz preko vode prije ulaska svadbene povorke u kuću

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    The article deals with the rite of watercrossing, known mostly in the eastern parts of Slavonia, Vojvodina, partly in the Romanian territories, in the Vlach regions of northeastern Serbia and sporadically in southeastern Serbia and Bulgaria. The analysis of the elements of the rite indicates that we are dealing with a typologically analogous rite regionally limited to the northeastern parts of the South Slav territories. The result of the study points to the possible mutual permeation of different cultures, those of the settled Slav peoples and the autochtonous Romance speaking population of the Balkans.U članku se analizira obred prijelaza preko vode koji predstavlja jednu od prepreka koju svadbena povorka treba svladati prije nego što uđe u kuću. Ponekad se obavlja ispred obje kuće, češće ili ispred nevjestine ili mladoženjine kuće. Korito, vedro ili posuda s vodom smješteno je ispred kuće i svadbena družina ili netko od svatovskih časnika je dužan ubaciti metalni novčić u vodu da bi omogućio ulazak svatova u kuću. Prijelaz preko vode najviše je zastupljen u istočnom panonskom prostoru, prvenstveno u istočnoj Slavoniji i Vojvodini te sporadično u panonskom dijelu Rumunjske i u sjeveroistočnoj Srbiji s pretežito vlaškim stanovništvom. Analiza elemenata obreda potvrđuje da je riječ o tipološki istovrsnoj pojavi regionalno ograničenoj na istočne dijelove južnoslavenskoga područja. Budući da postoji nekoliko izoliranih podataka o prijelazu preko vode i u jugoistočnim dijelovima ovoga područja kao i pojedini zajednički elementi s nekim drugim obredima tipološki različitim (prevrtanje posude s vodom, prskanje svatova) u pojedinim središnjim istočnim i južnim prostorima jugoistočne Europe (neka područja Bosne, istočna Hercegovina, južna Dalmacija, južna Srbija, Bugarska, Makedonija, Albanija, sjeverna Grčka) bilo bi potrebno slijediti trag ovom običaju na širem prostoru jugoistočne Europe. Takav karakterističan raspored specifičnih obrednih postupaka vezanih uz vodu, ukazuje da njihovo izvorište valja tražiti u starosjedilačkom stanovništvu jugoistočne Europe. Prijelaz preko vode jedna je od pojava u nizu koje su ukazale na moguća uzajamna prožimanja različitih kultura: doseljenih slavenskih naroda i starosjedilačkog romanskog stanovništva. Kao takav, ovaj običaj nas približava konačnom odgovoru na već ranije postavljena pitanja o etnokulturnim procesima u složenim povijesnim uvjetima na prostoru jugoistočne Europe

    Bunjevci: ishodišta, sudbine, identiteti

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    Bunjevci: Origins, Destinies, IdentitiesThe author of the book takes new steps aiming to unite earlier and the latest understandings of the Bunjevci ethnic and cultural heritage. The road to those understandings was paved by two projects led by the author – The Identity and Ethnogenesis of the Primorje Bunjevci (2003-2006) and The Identity and Ethnocultural Shaping of Bunjevci (2008-2013). The book aims to conclude a quite a number of years spent researching the Bunjevci traditional and contemporary culture, their ethnocultural shaping and their identities, and finally, based upon those understandings, to propose well-founded hypotheses and try to interpret their origins, destinies and multiple identities, primarily relying on ethnological evidence.Ovom knjigom autorica poduzima nove korake sa svrhom povezivanja ranijih i novijih spoznaja o etnokulturnoj baštini Bunjevaca. Put do tih spoznaja omogućili su projekti Identitet i etnogeneza primorskih Bunjevaca (2003. – 2006.) i projekt Identitet i etnokulturno oblikovanje Bunjevaca (2008. – 2013.), kojih je bila voditeljica. Na taj način nastoji zaokružiti dugi niz godina posvećenih istraživanju bunjevačke tradicijske i suvremene kulture, njegovome etnokulturnom oblikovanju i njihovim identitetima te na temelju tih saznanja iznijeti utemeljene pretpostavke i ponuditi interpretacije o njihovu ishodištu, sudbinama i mnogostrukim identitetima, u prvom redu na temelju etnoloških pokazatelja.&nbsp

    Bunjevci: ishodišta, sudbine, identiteti

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    Bunjevci: Origins, Destinies, IdentitiesThe author of the book takes new steps aiming to unite earlier and the latest understandings of the Bunjevci ethnic and cultural heritage. The road to those understandings was paved by two projects led by the author – The Identity and Ethnogenesis of the Primorje Bunjevci (2003-2006) and The Identity and Ethnocultural Shaping of Bunjevci (2008-2013). The book aims to conclude a quite a number of years spent researching the Bunjevci traditional and contemporary culture, their ethnocultural shaping and their identities, and finally, based upon those understandings, to propose well-founded hypotheses and try to interpret their origins, destinies and multiple identities, primarily relying on ethnological evidence.Ovom knjigom autorica poduzima nove korake sa svrhom povezivanja ranijih i novijih spoznaja o etnokulturnoj baštini Bunjevaca. Put do tih spoznaja omogućili su projekti Identitet i etnogeneza primorskih Bunjevaca (2003. – 2006.) i projekt Identitet i etnokulturno oblikovanje Bunjevaca (2008. – 2013.), kojih je bila voditeljica. Na taj način nastoji zaokružiti dugi niz godina posvećenih istraživanju bunjevačke tradicijske i suvremene kulture, njegovome etnokulturnom oblikovanju i njihovim identitetima te na temelju tih saznanja iznijeti utemeljene pretpostavke i ponuditi interpretacije o njihovu ishodištu, sudbinama i mnogostrukim identitetima, u prvom redu na temelju etnoloških pokazatelja.&nbsp

    Connections between Living on the Salaš and in the Town among the Bunjevci Croats in Bačka

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    Većina je bunjevačkih obiteljskih zadruga uz salaš, kao specifičan stambeni i gospodarski prostor, imala i kuću u gradu. Razlog tomu dobrim dijelom valja tražiti u činjenici da na salašima nije bilo organizirane trgovine ni administrativnih i vjerskih ustanova. U pojedinim zadrugama domaćin i domaćica su živjeli u gradu ili su pojedini članovi povremeno, po potrebi, dolazili u grad ili su određeno vrijeme boravili u gradu. Istraživanja koja su prethodila pripremi izložbe Iz baštine bačkih Hrvata — Bunjevaca potvrdila su povezanost života bačkih Bunjevaca na salašu i u gradu u prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Salaš je gospodarska osnova na kojoj se temelji dobrobit mnogih bunjevačkih građanskih obitelji.Research on extended families named zadruga among the Bunjevci Croats in Bačka has pointed to the connections between the living on the salaš (the farm) and in the town. The majority of those families, along with the salaš as a specific dwelling and economic space, also owned a household in the town. In some families the master lived in the town with his wife, separated from their sons, but they still functioned as an economic and family whole. The father kept all his rights, but the eldest son was the one who acomplished the majority of his duties on the salaš. Still the members of the zadruga mostly did not live in the town, they spent some time occasionally there according to their needs. The reason why the members of the zadruga had a separate house in the town could lie in the fact that there was neither organized commerce nor administrative and religious institutions near the salaš. The preparation of the exhibition From the Heritage of the Bunjevci Croats in Bačka has confirmed the fact that the descendents of those families, who nowadays live in Croatia, use the articles they have inherited from their ancestors to show their manyfolded connection to the life on the salaš. The salaš represents an economic basis on which the wellbeing of many Bunjevci urban families and their way of life in general have been founded. The articles from their homeland, which they have brought to Croatia, originate from or are indirectly connected with the living on the salaš. These articles became the symbols of their identity and connection with their homeland. The research on the way of life of the Bunjevci in Bačka in the past and in the present has confirmed close connection of the living on the salaš and in the town, which have been rooted in the system of extended families


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    Autorica u radu daje kratak osvrt na desetljetna sustavna etnološka istraživanja tradicijskog nasljeđa primorskih Bunjevaca na području Senjskoga bila, Krivoga Puta, Krmpota, velebitskog Podgorja. Ta su istraživanja započela na inicijativu prof. Ante Glavičića 1999. godine, nastavila se putem projekta Ministarstava znanosti obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske Identitet i etnogeneza primorskih Bunjevaca (2002.-1006) u suradnji s Gradskim muzejom Senja. Istraživanja su se nastavila na području Podgorja i Like do 2010. godine u okviru novoga projekta Identitet i etnokulturno oblikovanje Bunjevaca (2008.-2013.), kojim su obuhvaćeni i ostali bunjevački ogranci.The author of this paper writes a short review of the ten year systematic ethnological research of the traditional inheritance of the littoral Bunjevci in the region of Senjsko Bilo, Krivi Put, Krmpote and Velebit Podgorje. This is research which was started upon the initiative of Prof. Ante Glavičić in 1999, and continued via The Identity and Ethnogenesis of the Littoral Bunjevci (2002-2006) project of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia in collaboration with the Senj City Museum. The research continued in the area of Podgorje and Lika until 2010 in the form of a new project Identity and Ethno-cultural Formation of the Bunjevci (2008-2013), in which the remaining branches of the Bunjevci are included


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    Autorica slijedi trag specifičnog darivanja nevjeste novcem za poljubac u svih regionalnih bunjevačkih skupina u Podunavlju, koji vodi i do primorsko-ličkih Bunjevaca. Komparativnom analizom utvrđuje raspored te pojave i njezinih suvrstica na prostoru jugoistočne Europe. Darivanje je karakteristično i za vlaške skupine te druge starosjedilačke narode, čija prostorna zastupljenost upućuje na prožimanja starosjedilačkog i slavenskog kulturnog sloja u južnim prostorima jugoist. Europe, kao i na pravce kasnijeg širenja toga običaja prema zapadu i sjeveru, s krajnjim točkama upravo na izrazitijim bunjevačkim područjima.The author follows the trail of the specific mode of gift-giving to the bride – by offering her money for a kiss - among all the regional Bunjevac groups in the Podunavlje [Danube Basin] region, then leading on to the Littoral-Lika Bunjevac groups. By comparative analysis, she establishes the pattern of that phenomenon and its variants in the region of south-eastern Europe. The phenomenon is also characteristic to Vlach groups and to other early-settler peoples, while its territorial representation points to a permeation of the early-settler and Slavic cultural strata in the most southerly parts of south-eastern Europe, as well as to the directions of its later dissemination towards the west and the north, with the final concentrations of its manifestation being found precisely in the more prominently Bunjevac regions

    The Appearance of Vukovi in the Wedding Customs near Novska

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    U članku se razmatra pojava nepozvanih gostiju koji se nazivaju vukovima u ispitanim selima okolice Novske, što je u dosadašnjim istraživanjima bila nepoznata pojava u svadbenim običajima na ovom prostoru. U osnovi je riječ o običaju pojavljivanja nepozvanih gostiju u određeno vrijeme tijekom svadbe, koji čine različite nepodopštine sve dok im ukućani ne daju hranu i piće. S istim nazivom i u sličnom ili nešto drugačijem obliku taj je običaj poznat u nekim dinarskim područjima (južna Lika, zapadna i jugozapadna Bosna, dio zapadne Hercegovine, srednja Dalmacija). Komparativnom analizom pojave vukova na svim dosad poznatim područjima njezine pojavnosti u svadbenim običajima autorica pokušava utvrditi moguće izvorište toga običaja.The article considers the appearance of the uninvited guests, who call themselves vukovi ("wolves"), in the villages near Novska, which were included in this research. This custom is basically about the appearance of the uninvited guests at a certain moment during the wedding ceremony, who perform all sorts of pranks and practical jokes, until the hosts give them something to eat and drink. The common characteristics in all the researched villages were the following: vukovi are always uninvited, they are mostly younger, unwed men, they yell and make a lot of noise, they are not masked, and the members of the wedding party bring them food and drink in front of the house, since they are not supposed to enter. They appear during the wedding ceremony in the home of the groom, although the time of their arrival can differ from village to village. This custom, with the same name and in similar or slightly different form, can be found in some regions around Dinara Mountain. By using the comparative analysis on the vukovi custom, in all the regions where it appears as part of the wedding customs, the author is trying to establish the possible origin of this custom. A large number of common characteristics in all the regions where this custom can be found, definitely points to the conclusion that it represents a part of the traditional heritage brought by the immigrants from Bosnia and Lika to this region. Basically, we can talk about the same custom bearing some local traits. It is most commonly found in the western part of the Dinaric region and among the members of the three nationalities inhabiting the broader areas around the Dinara Mountain. Almost all the elements of this custom can be found in the West Slavonia and in Lika. The appearance of vukovi during the procurement of the bride and groom is typically found in Bosnia, but is not completely unknown in West Slavonia or in Lika. These few confirmations point to the conclusion that this variant of the custom was also present in the past, and that in the earlier period it could have been present in a broader region. With time, the appearance of vukovi during the wedding ceremony prevailed, and spread from the harassment of the wedding couple to the harassment of the whole wedding party. This line of development could have been supported by the fact that the wedding customs of the older, kaikawian population, also included the appearance of the uninvited guests on the wedding ceremony, to whom the members of the wedding party would give food and drink, after which they would be \u27pacified\u27 and would leave the ceremony. Because of the massive immigrations of the population from the Dinaric regions in several waves, the custom has changed towards the variant in which Dinaric elements were prevailing. The common elements of this custom among the populations of different origin, were favourable for its preservance. So, specific variants of the title vukovi for a group of uninvited guests are regionally limited, as research has shown so far, to the areas of west and south-west Bosnia, a part of western Herzegovina, southern Lika and to the region of Western Slavonia. There are some traces in the middle of Dalmatia, where this custom has been abandoned long time ago, and hence it is possible that, sometime in the past, it was more common in this region, too. The title vukovi points to the cattle breeding population as the original carriers of this custom. Vukovi is just a small section of the wedding customs in the villages near Novska which points to the prevailing Dinaric elements. This conclusion is significant because in the research carried so far, this section of the wedding customs, among some others, has been unknown in this region


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    U članku se usporedno prikazuju dvije zadruge s područja Krivoga Puta: Prpić-Grgajice iz sela Kosove Buljme i Tomljanović-Puljiz iz sela Podbila. Prikazana je zadružna imovina, gospodarenje, organizacija obiteljskog života i njihova dioba prema sjećanju i kazivanju njihovih posljednjih potomaka. U završnom dijelu članka autorica upućuje na zanimljive pokazatelje postupne diobe ovih zadruga, kroz njihove specifične prijelazne oblike iz zadružne obitelji u inokosnu. Ti pokazatelji zanimljivi i stoga što su uočeni i u Lici, te u bačkih Bunjevaca i u nekim jugoistočnim dinarskim krajevima.Two cooperative societies in the region of Krivi Put have been described: Prpić-Grgajice from Kosova Buljima village and Tomljanović-Puljiz from Podbilo village. It is described further the property belonging to the cooperative societies, then managing, organization of their family lives and their partition, all according to the memories and narration of their last descendants. In the final part of the article, the author points out some interesting indicators of gradual partition of those two cooperative societies through their specific transitive forms from the cooperative to the sole family lives. Said indicators are interesting also because they were observed in Lika, with Bunjevci from Bačka and also with some south-east Dinaric regions.In diesem Artikel werden zwei Familiengenossenschaften auf dem Gebiet von Krivi Put paraleli dargestellt: Prpić-Grgajice aus dem Dorfe Kosova Buljima und Tomljanović-Puljiz aus dem Dorfe Podbilo. Es wird das Familiengenossenschaftsvermoegen, die Wirtschaft, die Organisation des Familienlebens und ihre Teilung nach den Erinnerungen und dem Erzaehlen ihrer letzten Nachfolger beschrieben. Am Ende des Artikels weist die Autorin auf sehr interessante Daten ueber die allmaehliche Teilung dieser Familiengenossenschaften hin auf Grund der spezifischen Formen des Ueberganges aus der Familiengenossenschaft in die einzelne Familie. Diese Daten sind auch deswegen interessant, weil in der Lika, bei den Bunjewatzern in der Bačka und in einigen suedlich-oestlichen Gebieten des Dinara-Gebirges aehnliche Formen des Lebens zu sehen sind

    Kravaj in the South Slav Wedding Customs

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