31 research outputs found
This study examines contemporary processes of harmonization and unification of law and the relationship between these processes and the natural right to difference which all individuals have. The author tries to find the source of natural individual's right to difference and to find the philosophical foundation of this right as well. Philosophers Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel wrote about the Reason, the Freedom and the natural right to difference. From the fact that the man is reasonable being it follows necessarily the right to difference, uniqueness and individuality of all individuals. The fact is, the Reason and the Freedom are the birthplace of the natural right to difference. The author puts into the limelight the question of whether this right - the right to difference belongs also to the nations and whether this right stems from the right to a proper national legislation. From the analysis it follows the conclusion that right to difference belongs both to individuals and nations, but nations are entitled, whether spontaneous or organized, to harmonize their national legislation with the right of others nations or international communities.Autor se u tekstu bavi savremenim procesima harmonizacije i unifikacije prava, ali samo kao polaznom osnovom za postavljanje kljuÄnog pitanja koje se tiÄe odnosa izmeÄu ovih procesa i prirodnog i neospornog prava na razlikovanje. Autor nastoji da naÄe izvoriÅ”te prirodnog prava pojedinaca na razlikovanje i razliÄitost, kao i da ukaže na filozofsko utemeljenje ovog prava. O prirodnom pravu na razlikovanje pisali su poznati filozofi kao Å”to je Imanuel Kant, Artur Å openhauer i Georg Vilhelm Fridrih Hegel. Iz Äinjenice da je Äovjek umno biÄe nužno proizilazi i parvo svakog pojedinca na razlikovanje, jedinstvenost i individualnost. Um i Sloboda su ārodno mjesto" prirodnog prava na razlikovanje. Autor u centar pažnje, ipak, stavlja pitanje da li ovo pravo ā pravo na razlikovanje, pripada i narodima i da li iz njega proizilazi i pravo na vlastito, nacionalno zakonodavstvo. Iz analiza slijedi zakljuÄak da pravo na razlikovanje pripada kako pojedincima tako i narodima, ali da narodima iz ovog ovog osnovnog derivira i pravo da odluÄuju o naÄinu i obimu usklaÄivanja svog nacionalno zakonodavstvo sa nacionalnim zakonodavstima drugih naroda ili nadnacionalnih zajednica
Phenazines producing pseudomonas isolates decrease Alternaria tenuissima growth, pathogenicity and disease incidence on cardoon
Phenazines, secondary metabolites of fluorescent Pseudomonas, represent a group of heterocyclic nitrogen-containing compounds showing a broad spectrum of antibiotic properties. Phenazines producing fluorescent Pseudomonas species are studied extensively for their application in plant disease management. In this study, we examined the antifungal activity of different indigenous Pseudomonas isolates (Q16, B25 and PS2) against the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria tenuissima, which had infected cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L., Asteraceae). An in vitro experiment demonstrated the antifungal activity of selected indigenous isolates. In addition, an in vivo experiment under gnotobiotic conditions showed suppression of C. cardunculus disease caused by A. tenuissima. The quantification of phenazines revealed significant amounts of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) and 2-hydroxy-phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (2-OH-PCA). PCR analysis confirmed the presence of PCA genes in all examined indigenous Pseudomonas isolates. Based on our results, we assume that these Pseudomonas isolates have potential in controlling plant diseases caused by A. tenuissima. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46007 and br. TR31018
Mentoring support in the implementation process of Family-oriented early interventions: Perceptions of professionals
Uvod: PorodiÄno orijentisane rane intervencije karakteriÅ”e pružanje podrÅ”ke
deci (mlaÄeg uzrasta sa razvojnim odstupanjima, smetnjama, netipiÄnim ponaÅ”anjem,
socijalnim i emocionalnim teÅ”koÄama) i porodicama u prirodnom
okruženju, uz oslanjanje na porodiÄne rutine i jake strane roditelja i dece.
Profesionalci se na razliÄite naÄine mogu usavrÅ”avati za sprovoÄenje porodiÄno
orijentisanih ranih intervencija, Å”to se poslediÄno može odraziti na efekte
u njihovom radu sa decom i porodicama. Mentorska podrŔka smatra se
poželjnim oblikom profesionalnog usavrÅ”avanja praktiÄara.
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi kako Älanovi timova za porodiÄno orijentisane
rane intervencije percipiraju veŔtine mentora koji su ih podržavali,
kao i kako mentori sagledavaju svoje kompetencije.
Metode: UÄeÅ”Äe u istraživanju uzelo je osam mentora i 70 Älanova timova za
porodiÄno orijentisane rane intervencije iz Republike Srbije. U ovom istraživanju
koriÅ”Äena su dva instrumenta ā Upitnik za procenu mentora i Upitnik za
samoevaluaciju mentora (AOMP, 2016).
Rezultati i zakljuÄak: Preko 88% Älanova timova za porodiÄno orijentisane rane
intervencije saglasno je da su njihovi mentori pokazali empatiju, da su ih podsticali
na dublja razmiÅ”ljanja, delili svoja iskustva, obezbeÄivali poverljiv odnos
i da su pokazivali poÅ”tovanje, pružajuÄi im pomoÄ kada je to potrebno.
Dodatno, Älanovi timova istakli su da im je ova podrÅ”ka bila jako korisna i da
je neophodno da se ona planira i u daljem radu. S druge strane, i mentori su
kod sebe detektovali iste one vrednosti koje su prepoznali profesionalci koje
su podržavali. Dodatno, istakli su i veÅ”tine koje je potrebno joÅ” da unapreÄuju.
Ovi nalazi su znaÄajni za kreatore politika, koji bi pri planiranju raspodele
resursa u oblasti ranog razvoja mogli da uvrste i mentorsku podrŔku kao oblik
obaveznog profesionalnog razvoja.Introduction: Family-oriented early interventions are characterized by supporting
children (younger age with developmental disabilities, atypical behavior, social and
emotional difficulties) and families in a natural environment, relying on family routines and
the strengths of parents and children. Professionals can be trained in various ways to carry
out family-oriented early interventions, which can consequently be reflected in the effects of
their work with children and families. Mentoring support is considered a desirable form of
professional development for practitioners.
Aim: This research aims to determine how members of family-oriented early
intervention teams perceive the skills of the mentors who supported them and how mentors
perceive their competencies.
Methods: Eight mentors and 70 members of family-oriented early intervention teams
from the Republic of Serbia participated in the research. In this research, two instruments
were used ā A mentor assessment questionnaire and A questionnaire for the self-evaluation
of mentors (AOMP, 2016).
Results and conclusion: Over 88% of family-oriented early intervention team members
agree that their mentors showed empathy, encouraged them to think deeper, shared their
experiences, secured a confidential relationship, and showed respect, helping them when
needed. In addition, members of the teams pointed out that this support was beneficial to
them and that it is necessary to plan it in further work. On the other hand, mentors also
detected in themselves the same values that were recognized by the professionals they supported. In addition, they highlighted those skills that need to be improved. These findings
are significant for policy makers who, when planning the allocation of resources in the field
of early development, could include mentoring support as a form of mandatory professional
Mentoring support in the implementation process of Family-oriented early interventions: Perceptions of professionals
Uvod: PorodiÄno orijentisane rane intervencije karakteriÅ”e pružanje podrÅ”ke
deci (mlaÄeg uzrasta sa razvojnim odstupanjima, smetnjama, netipiÄnim ponaÅ”anjem,
socijalnim i emocionalnim teÅ”koÄama) i porodicama u prirodnom
okruženju, uz oslanjanje na porodiÄne rutine i jake strane roditelja i dece.
Profesionalci se na razliÄite naÄine mogu usavrÅ”avati za sprovoÄenje porodiÄno
orijentisanih ranih intervencija, Å”to se poslediÄno može odraziti na efekte
u njihovom radu sa decom i porodicama. Mentorska podrŔka smatra se
poželjnim oblikom profesionalnog usavrÅ”avanja praktiÄara.
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi kako Älanovi timova za porodiÄno orijentisane
rane intervencije percipiraju veŔtine mentora koji su ih podržavali,
kao i kako mentori sagledavaju svoje kompetencije.
Metode: UÄeÅ”Äe u istraživanju uzelo je osam mentora i 70 Älanova timova za
porodiÄno orijentisane rane intervencije iz Republike Srbije. U ovom istraživanju
koriÅ”Äena su dva instrumenta ā Upitnik za procenu mentora i Upitnik za
samoevaluaciju mentora (AOMP, 2016).
Rezultati i zakljuÄak: Preko 88% Älanova timova za porodiÄno orijentisane rane
intervencije saglasno je da su njihovi mentori pokazali empatiju, da su ih podsticali
na dublja razmiÅ”ljanja, delili svoja iskustva, obezbeÄivali poverljiv odnos
i da su pokazivali poÅ”tovanje, pružajuÄi im pomoÄ kada je to potrebno.
Dodatno, Älanovi timova istakli su da im je ova podrÅ”ka bila jako korisna i da
je neophodno da se ona planira i u daljem radu. S druge strane, i mentori su
kod sebe detektovali iste one vrednosti koje su prepoznali profesionalci koje
su podržavali. Dodatno, istakli su i veÅ”tine koje je potrebno joÅ” da unapreÄuju.
Ovi nalazi su znaÄajni za kreatore politika, koji bi pri planiranju raspodele
resursa u oblasti ranog razvoja mogli da uvrste i mentorsku podrŔku kao oblik
obaveznog profesionalnog razvoja.Introduction: Family-oriented early interventions are characterized by supporting
children (younger age with developmental disabilities, atypical behavior, social and
emotional difficulties) and families in a natural environment, relying on family routines and
the strengths of parents and children. Professionals can be trained in various ways to carry
out family-oriented early interventions, which can consequently be reflected in the effects of
their work with children and families. Mentoring support is considered a desirable form of
professional development for practitioners.
Aim: This research aims to determine how members of family-oriented early
intervention teams perceive the skills of the mentors who supported them and how mentors
perceive their competencies.
Methods: Eight mentors and 70 members of family-oriented early intervention teams
from the Republic of Serbia participated in the research. In this research, two instruments
were used ā A mentor assessment questionnaire and A questionnaire for the self-evaluation
of mentors (AOMP, 2016).
Results and conclusion: Over 88% of family-oriented early intervention team members
agree that their mentors showed empathy, encouraged them to think deeper, shared their
experiences, secured a confidential relationship, and showed respect, helping them when
needed. In addition, members of the teams pointed out that this support was beneficial to
them and that it is necessary to plan it in further work. On the other hand, mentors also
detected in themselves the same values that were recognized by the professionals they supported. In addition, they highlighted those skills that need to be improved. These findings
are significant for policy makers who, when planning the allocation of resources in the field
of early development, could include mentoring support as a form of mandatory professional
Effect of foliar application of NPK fertilizer with trace elements and effective microorganisms on soybean yield
Visoki prinosi i stabilnaproizvodnja soje pod direktnim su uticajem koliÄini i dostupnosti hraniva biljkama. Cilj ovih istraživanja je ispitivanje uticaja NPK Äubriva sa mikroelementima i efektivnih mikroorganizama na prinos kod tri sorte soje, razliÄitih grupa zrenja. Efektivni mikroorganizmi i NPK Äubrivo sa mikroelementima statistiÄki veoma znaÄajno poveÄavaju prinos soje. Efektivni mikroorganizmi poveÄali su prinos za 7,28%, NPK Äubrivo sa mikroelementima za 11,20%, dok kombinacija efektivnih mikroorganizama i NPK Äubriva sa mikroelementima poveÄava prinos soje za 14,86%.High yields and stable soybean production are under direct influence of plant nutrient quantity and availability. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of NPK fertilizer with trace elements and effective microorganisms on the yields of three soybean varieties which belong to different maturation groups. Effective microorganisms and NPK fertilizer with trace elements statistically very significantly increase soybean yield. Effective microorganisms increased the yield by 7.28%, NPK fertilizer with trace elements by 11.20%, while the combination of effective microorganisms and NPK fertilizer with trace elements increase soybean
yield by 14.86%
ZnaÄaj genetskih resursa leguminoza za oplemenjivanje
This paper presents the plant genetic resources maintained by the Center of Excellence for Legumes of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia. The genetic resources of legumes (soybean, alfalfa, red clover, pea and vetch) are an invaluable source material and a rich source of genetic divergence for the development of varieties adapted to specific agricultural and environmental conditions. Soybean is the most important of all cultivated legumes and occupies the largest area under cultivation. The alfalfa collection consists of over 800 genotypes with different agronomic traits and dormancy values. The novel alfalfa breeding concept - breeding for yield per se, based on natural heterosis in the development of half hybrids - was introduced in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The Center of Excellence for Legumes has 757 soybean genotypes, 655 red clover genotypes, about 730 pea genotypes and 495 vetch genotypes. The development of the winter pea variety for grain (NS Mraz), the first of its kind in South-Eastern Europe, was significant for science.Cilj rada je bio da se prikažu biljni genetski resursi (BGR) kojima raspolaže Centar izuzetnih vrednosti za leguminoze Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Instituta od nacionalnog znaÄaja za Republiku Srbiju. Genetski resursi leguminoza (soja, lucerka, crvena detelina, graÅ”ak i grahorice) predstavljaju dragocen polazni materijal i izvor raznovrsne genetske divergentnosti za stvaranje novih sorti prilagoÄenih odreÄenim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima. MeÄu leguminozama, soja zauzima najveÄe povrÅ”ine i spada u red najznaÄajnijih gajenih biljaka u svetu. Do sada postignuti i valorizovani rezultati istraživanja u zemlji i svetu potvrÄuju lidersku poziciju u regionu i Å”ire, a novosadsku genetiku soje Äine prepoznatljivom. Kolekcija lucerke poseduje oko 800 genotipova razliÄitih varijateta i nivoa dormantnosti. Kraj XX i poÄetak XXI veka, karakteriÅ”e primena novog koncepta oplemenjivanja lucerke na prinos per se, koji treba da iskoristi prirodni heterozis u cilju stvaranja semihibrida. Centar izuzetnih vrednosti za leguminoze raspolaže sa 655 genotipova crvene deteline, oko 730 genotipova graÅ”ka i 495 genotipova grahorica. ZnaÄajan doprinos nauci je stvaranje prve sorte ozimog graÅ”ka za zrno u JugoistoÄnoj Evropi (NS Mraz)
Effects of autumn and spring soybean fertilization on grain yield and oil content
Tokom 2017., 2018. i 2019. godine ispitivana je primena NPK i N Äubriva u jesenjem i proleÄnom periodu na prinos, sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje i prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Jesenja primena NPK Äubriva uz predsetvenu primenu azotnog Äubriva AN ima najveÄi pozitivan efekat na prinos zrna i prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Predsetvena primena azotnih Äubriva, bez primene NPK Äubriva ima mali efekat na poveÄanje prinosa zrna i ulja soje. ProleÄna primena NPK Äubriva i azotnog Äubriva AN poveÄava sadržaj ulja u zrnu, ali smanjuje prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine i prinos zrna, u odnosu na jesenju primenu NPK Äubriva.During the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, application of NPK and N fertilizers was examined in autumn and spring periods, as well as itās influence on yield, soybean grain oil content and oil yield per area unit. Applying NPK fertilizer in autumn along with a pre-sowing treatment with nitrogenous fertilizer AN has the greatest positive effect on grain and oil yield per area unit. Pre-sowing application of nitrogenous fertilizers without the use of NPK fertilizer has a small effect on the increasement of soybean grain and oil yields. Spring application of NPK fertilizers and nitrogenous fertilizer AN increases grain oil content, but decreases oil yield per area unit and grain yield, when compared to autumn application of NPK fertilizers
Metabolomic Profiling of Bipolar Disorder by 1H-NMR in Serbian Patients
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a brain disorder that causes changes in a personās mood, energy, and ability to function. It has a prevalence of 60 million people worldwide, and it is among the top 20 diseases with the highest global burden. The complexity of this disease, including diverse genetic, environmental, and biochemical factors, and diagnoses based on the subjective recognition of symptoms without any clinical test of biomarker identification create significant difficulties in understanding and diagnosing BD. A 1H-NMR-based metabolomic study applying chemometrics of serum samples of Serbian patients with BD (33) and healthy controls (39) was explored, providing the identification of 22 metabolites for this disease. A biomarker set including threonine, aspartate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, 2-hydroxybutyric acid, serine, and mannose was established for the first time in BD serum samples by an NMR-based metabolomics study. Six identified metabolites (3-hydroxybutyric acid, arginine, lysine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and glycerol) are in agreement with the previously determined NMR-based sets of serum biomarkers in Brazilian and/or Chinese patient samples. The same established metabolites (lactate, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, glutamine, glutamate, glucose, and choline) in three different ethnic and geographic origins (Serbia, Brazil, and China) might have a crucial role in the realization of a universal set of NMR biomarkers for BD
Effects of autumn and spring soybean fertilization on grain yield and oil content
Tokom 2017., 2018. i 2019. godine ispitivana je primena NPK i N Äubriva u jesenjem i proleÄnom periodu na prinos,
sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje i prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Jesenja primena NPK Äubriva uz predsetvenu primenu azotnog
Äubriva AN ima najveÄi pozitivan efekat na prinos zrna i prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Predsetvena primena
azotnih Äubriva, bez primene NPK Äubriva ima mali efekat na poveÄanje prinosa zrna i ulja soje. ProleÄna primena
NPK Äubriva i azotnog Äubriva AN poveÄava sadržaj ulja u zrnu, ali smanjuje prinos ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine i prinos
zrna, u odnosu na jesenju primenu NPK Äubriva.During the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, application of NPK and N fertilizers was examined in autumn and spring periods,
as well as itās influence on yield, soybean grain oil content and oil yield per area unit. Applying NPK fertilizer in
autumn along with a pre-sowing treatment with nitrogenous fertilizer AN has the greatest positive effect on grain and oil
yield per area unit. Pre-sowing application of nitrogenous fertilizers without the use of NPK fertilizer has a small effect
on the increasement of soybean grain and oil yields. Spring application of NPK fertilizers and nitrogenous fertilizer AN
increases grain oil content, but decreases oil yield per area unit and grain yield, when compared to autmn application
of NPK fertilizers
Genotypic variation of fatty acid composition in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) oil
Safflower is a multipurpose crop with quality oil and brilliantly colored flowers which are used as a source of natural dyes for food and fabrics. In addition, different parts of the safflower plant have medicinal properties and are useful in treating many chronic diseases. Further, safflower oils are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acid (FA) with a fraction of some very desirable essential fatty acids (EFA). The increased interest for healthier food related with the consumption of long-chain n-3 fatty acids has conducted to the sale of supplements and fortified foods containing these fatty acids. Safflower oils can be considered functional foods without any biochemical additions. The objective of this study was to assay the fatty acid composition of oils obtained from eight safflower cultivars, which belong to the alternative oil crops collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad. Oil samples were obtained by pressing seeds in hydraulic press. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography (Konik HRGC 4000) coupled with a flame ionizing detector, after derivatization to their volatile methylesters (FAME). In order to chemically convert FA to FAME, 10 ul of oils were subjected to transesierification using 190 pl methanolic trimethylsulfonium hydroxide solution (0.2 mol/dm?). Peak identification was performed by comparing the relative retention times with those of a commercial standard mixture of FAME and FA contents are expressed as weight percentages of total FAME. The results have shown significant differences among the safflower cultivars regarding the fatty acids composition. In average, linoleic acid represented the most FA (74.96%) followed by oleic (15.15%), palmitic (5.79%), stearic (2.77%) and a-linolenic (0.40%) acids. Based on obtained results safflower oils were characterized by high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (mean value 75.48%) versus 15.32% of monounsaturated and 8.87% of saturated ones, indicating that the safflower is rich sourse of polyunsaturated EFA (linoleic and a-linolenic)