29 research outputs found


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    Even though it is established, that team work is associated with positive psychological findings (higher engagement in organizational matters, higher satisfaction with work, better performance results), but it is still not clear, which variables describing the teams, and the military teams in particular, are the most important and how they relate to each other. The aim of this research was to investigate the interaction between team trust, cohesion, perceived collective efficacy and stress in the military settings. 160 military men of professional service took part in this research. They had to fill in two questionnaires, specially created for this research (Military Stress Questionnaire, The Questionnaire of the Perceived Collective Military Efficacy) and two scales, designed by the other authors (Perceived Cohesion Scale, Intrateam Trust Scale). It was estimated that there is positive correlation between cohesion and perceived collective efficacy (r = 0.417, p < 0.01), as well as between cohesion and team trust (r = 0.521, p < 0.01). Military stress level is negatively related to cohesion (r = -0.269, p < 0.01) and team trust (r = -0.155, p < 0.05). Contrary to the hypothesis, there were found no statistically significant correlations between collective efficacy and stress. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) the model in which cohesion level predicts other variables (team trust, collective efficacy and stress) was confirmed. KEY WORDS: military teams, cohesion, team trust, perceived collective efficacy, military stress

    Komandos sutelktumo, pasitikėjimo ja, suvokto Aš ir kolektyvinio efektyvumo, patiriamo streso ir veiklos efektyvumo sąveika karinėse komandose

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    Even though it is usually inferred that team work is associated with positive findings (higher engagement in organizational matters, higher satisfaction with work, better performance results), this is not always true. In some occasions, team work results in poor performance outcomes because of social loafing or interpersonal conflicts. Therefore, it is important to know what psychological factors of the team determine its performance. We indicate that the main factors clearly associated with performance results are team trust, cohesion, stress, perceived self- and collective efficacy. Even though a lot of empirical studies have been made, there is still a lack of information about the interaction between these variables and the way they contribute to performance results. Besides, usually short-term artificially composed teams are under the scope of researchers. That’s why the results do not fully reflect the essence of long-term teams functioning in real-life situations. In respect to the problems mentioned above, we raised the aim of this research: to investigate the interaction between performance results and team trust, cohesion, stress, perceived collective and self-efficacy in military settings. A hypothetical model in which team trust influences cohesion and the collective efficacy acts as a mediating variable between cohesion and performance results was created. The hypothetical model has also stated that self- and collective efficacy are associated with performance results not directly, but through the perceived stress.In this research, 160 military men of professional service took part. Of them 94.4% (151) were males and 3.8% (6) females. The age of the participants ranged from 19 to 37, mean 24.6 years. The participants belonged to 28 teams (military sections) and were selected based on the information about their team functioning. Only the teams in which their members were constantly working together were included in the research. Aggregated results were used in the statistical analysis. For the purpose of the research, three questionnaires were developed: the Military Stress Questionnaire (Cronbach α = 0.92), the Questionnaire of the Perceived Military Collective Efficacy (Cronbach α = 0.93), the Questionnaire of the Perceived Military Self-efficacy (Cronbach α = 0.94). Two scales used in this research were developed by other authors: the Intrateam Trust Scale (DeJong and Elfring, 2010; Cronbach α = 0.88) and The Perceived Cohesion Scale (Bollen and Hoyle, 1990; Cronbach α = 0.85). Team performance results were based on the evaluations of the field training.The results indicate that almost all variables of our research are intercorrelated at a statistically significant level. Performance results positively correlate with the perceived self- and collective efficacy, team trust and team cohesion. No statistically significant correlation was found between stress and performance results. Besides, a high correlation between cohesion and team trust was revealed, which indicates the multicollinearity problem between these two variables. Cohesion and team trust were united, and a hypothetical model was developed using the path analysis. It shows that cohesion and team trust influences performance results not directly: the perceived collective efficacy acts as a mediating variable. Besides, self-efficacy influences the perceived collective efficacy, and the collective efficacy influences the stress level. Several important conclusions from the obtained results could be made. First, a high collective efficacy can diminish military stress and thus act as a protective factor against the formation of PTSD and other psychopathologies. Secondly, the perceived collective efficacy is the only variable that influences the performance results directly. In order to improve the results of the team, it is important to monitor and raise the levels of collective efficacy. Thirdly, cohesion and team trust have important implications not only for the perceived team capabilities, but also for the perceived one’s own capabilities.Sutelktumas, pasitikėjimas komanda, patiriamas stresas bei suvoktas Aš ir kolektyvinis efektyvumas laikomi svarbiais komandų veiklos efektyvumo veiksniais. Vis dėlto nėra aišku, kokia šių veiksnių tarpusavio sąveikos kryptis ir kokia jų reikšmė prognozuojant karinių komandų veiklos efektyvumą. Apklausus 160 profesinės karo tarnybos karių, kurie priklausė 28 komandoms (skyriams), nustatyta, kad didesnis komandos sutelktumas, pasitikėjimas ja, suvoktas Aš ir kolektyvinis efektyvumas yra susiję su didesniu komandos veiklos efektyvumu. Atlikta kelių analizė parodė, jog komandos sutelktumas ir pasitikėjimas ja numato veiklos efektyvumą per tarpinį kintamąjį – suvoktą kolektyvinį efektyvumą. Suvoktas Aš efektyvumas su komandos veiklos efektyvumu taip pat susijęs ne tiesiogiai, o per suvoktą kolektyvinį efektyvumą

    Ar visada „gražu yra gerai“: potencialių darbuotojų suvokto fizinio patrauklumo ir lyties įtaka priimant sprendimą pakviesti į pokalbį dėl darbo

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      A great number of scientific studies have proven that better personal characteristics are attributed to attrac­tive people rather than less attractive ones. However, a negative effect of perceived physical attractiveness of woman in a managerial position has been noticed. This paradoxical situation usually is explained by the belief stating that an attractive woman does not have certain relevant competencies for a high-level working position. Nevertheless, the findings of recent years’ studies reveal an increase in the number of women in leading positions. It may affect the power of the belief. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the significance of perceived physical attractiveness and sex on attributing personal characteristics related to work and decision in inviting a potential employee, in applying to managerial and non-managerial posi­tions and to a job interview. The research was based on several parts. The first part was dedicated to selecting four photographs that should be used in the second part of the research. 90 participants took part in this research (mean age 36.06). Participants had to evaluate the attractiveness of men and women in the photographs. Two photographs of men (most attractive, most unattractive) and two photograps of women (most attractive, most unattractive) were selected. The second part of the research was based on an experiment. 85 participants took part in this research (mean age 36.4). Participants were asked to evaluate personal characteristics related to work of four people shown in the photographs and to decide which of these people they would invite to the job interview. One group of participants was told that the person in the photograph is applying for a managerial position, another group stated that he/she is applying for a non-managerial position. The results revealed that the more attractive person is, the more positive personality traits are assigned to him/her regardless of gender or position that he/she were applying for. This research has proved the “beauty is good” belief. The hypothesis that attractive women are evaluated more negatively that unattractive ones when they apply for a managerial position was not confirmed. Also, attractive people are more likely to be invited to a job interview than unattractive ones.Įsitikinimas, kad „grožis yra gėris“, reiškia, jog patraukliems žmonėms priskiriamos teigiamesnės asme­nybės savybės nei nepatraukliems, tačiau įdarbinimo srityje gaunami prieštaringi rezultatai. Pastebėta, kad patrauklios moterys, siekiančios vadovaujamų pareigų, vertinamos neigiamiau, palyginti su patrau­kliais vyrais ir nepatraukliomis moterimis. Šiuo tyrimu siekta išsiaiškinti, kokią reikšmę suvoktas fizinis patrauklumas turi asmens savybių vertinimui ir potencialaus darbuotojo pasirinkimui pakviesti į darbo pokalbį dėl vadovaujamų / nevadovaujamų pareigų. Pagrindiniame tyrimo etape dalyvavo 85 asmenys. Jie turėjo įvertinti keturių fotografijose pavaizduotų skirtingų lyčių žmonių asmenybės savybes, taip pat nuspręsti, kurį iš asmenų kviestų į darbo pokalbį. Nustatyta, kad patraukliems žmonėms priskiriamos teigiamesnės savybės, nesvarbu, kokia jų lytis ar pareigos, į kurias jie kandidatuoja, taip pat jie būtų dažniau kviečiami į darbo pokalbius

    Vyresnio amžiaus asmenų patikėjimo tikromis ir melagingomis naujienomis ypatumai

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     Introduction. The spread of fake news on the internet is an increasingly serious problem. When analysing belief in fake news, people are usually treated as homogeneous group, however, previous studies suggest that different groups may exist. This study aims to identify clusters of older people according to their level of belief in real and fake news. Methods. 504 people aged 50 to 90 years (M=64.37, SD=9.10) participated in the study. Belief in true and false news was assessed using 10 news headlines (six false, four true). Respondents’ vaccination intentions and trust in democratic institutions were assessed. A cluster analysis was performed to distinguish between groups of respondents. Results. Four clusters were identified and replicated: moderately believing in fake and real news; believing in real but not in fake news; tending not to believe in either real or fake news; and tending to believe in both real and fake news. Individuals who fell into the cluster of believers in both real and fake news had lower intentions to vaccinate against COVID-19 and lower trust in political institutions. Conclusions. The study provides evidence that people aren’t homogeneous in their belief in fake and real news, and four meaningful clusters can be distinguished.Įvadas. Internete vartotojai vis dažniau susiduria su melagingomis naujienomis, patikėjimas kuriomis gali sukelti neigiamų pasekmių. Analizuojant patikėjimą melagingomis naujienomis, žmonės dažniausiai traktuojami kaip vienalytė grupė, tačiau kai kurie anksčiau atlikti tyrimai leidžia manyti, kad gali egzistuoti skirtingos grupės. Šio tyrimo tikslas: išskirti vyresnio amžiaus žmonių klasterius pagal patikėjimo tikromis ir melagingomis naujienomis lygį ir įvertinti skirtumus tarp klasterių. Metodai. Tyrime dalyvavo 504 50–90 metų amžiaus žmonės (M = 64,37, SD = 9,10). Patikėjimas tikromis ir melagingomis naujienomis buvo vertinamas naudojant 10 naujienų antraščių sąrašą. Šešios iš šių antraščių buvo melagingos, keturios – teisingos. Buvo įvertinta respondentų vakcinacijos intencijos ir pasitikėjimas demokratinėmis institucijomis. Analizė. Siekiant išskirti respondentų grupes atlikta klasterinė analizė, palyginta vakcinacijos intencijos ir pasitikėjimas demokratinėmis institucijomis klasteriuose. Rezultatai. Išskirti ir replikuoti keturi klasteriai – vidutiniškai tikintys tiek melagingomis, tiek tikromis naujienomis; tikintieji tikromis, bet ne melagingomis naujienomis; linkę netikėti nei tikromis, nei melagingomis naujienomis; linkę tikėti tikromis ir melagingomis naujienomis. Asmenys, kurie pateko į tikinčiųjų tiek tikromis, tiek melagingomis naujienomis klasterį, pasižymėjo mažesnėmis vakcinacijos nuo COVID-19 intencijomis ir mažesniu pasitikėjimu politinėmis institucijomis. Išvados. Atliktas tyrimas suteikia svarbių įrodymų, kad pagal santykį su melaginga ir tikra informacija žmonės nėra vienodi, galima išskirti keturias grupes, išskirtos grupės tarpusavyje skiriasi prasmingais aspektais

    Beck Scales (BDI-II, BAI, BHS, BSS, and CBOCI): Clinical and Normative Samples’ Comparison and Determination of Clinically Relevant Cutoffs

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    This article aims to evaluate 5 Beck scales – Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), Beck Suicidal Ideation Scale (BSS), and Clark–Beck Obsession-Compulsion Inventory (CBOCI) – comparing clinical and normative samples, and to determine clinically relevant cutoffs. The clinical sample consisted of 242 persons aged 18–74; 39 percent were men and 61 percent were women. The normative sample consisted of 1296 persons aged 18–95; 44 percent were men and 56 percent were women. In order to compare the estimates of the normative and clinical samples of the Beck scales, a paired data study sample was formed – 230 participants from the clinical and normative groups each. The clinical sample was divided into four groups according to the primary diagnoses: 107 (46.5%) patients were diagnosed with mood (affective) disorder (F30–F39), 38 (16.5%) with neurophysical stress and somatoform disorders (F40–F49), 51 (22.2%) with disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances (F10–F19), 34 (14.8%) with high risk of suicide (X60–X84; Z91.5; R45.81). 27 percent of patients had comorbid diagnoses. The results show high internal consistency of the Beck scales in all samples. The discrimination abilities of all five Beck scales are good; the cutoffs for each Beck scale in four clinical groups are estimated. Both the total clinical sample and the 4 clinical sample groups had significantly higher BDI-II, BAI, BHS, BSS, and CBOCI scores than the normative sample. In conclusion, the Beck scales alone are not sufficient for making a decision about the clinical diagnosis


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    Article examines the character, similarities and differences of the image (separate it’s aspects) of judges and courts perceived by judges (n = 171) and general public representing different age groups (n = 1186), as well as the relationships among the image of judges and courts, experience accumulated by participants, and socio-demographic characteristics.The participants completed the “Image of Judges and Courts” questionnaire developed by us. Findings showed that the image of judges and courts (the environmental, service, and social aspects of the image) perceived by all external groups (outsiders) and by judges (insiders) was positive. Participants of all external groups gave the most favourable opinion about the image of environment, less favourable opinion about the image of services, and the relatively least favourable opinion about the social image, while judges gave the highest appraisal to the image of services, lower appraisal to the social image, and the lowest appraisal to the image of environment. Youngest (14–17 year old) participants, compared to all older ones (18–25 year olds, 26–49 year olds and 50–86 year olds), appraised all aspects of the image of judges and courts much more favourably. Appraisals of the image of judges and courts given by external groups were related to various factors, such as gender, education, acquired knowledge of the law, personal or family members’ / acquaintances’ participation in court hearings, etc. Judges, in comparison with participants from all external groups (14–17 year olds, 18–25 year olds, 26–49 year olds, and 50–86 year olds), gave more favourable opinions about the service and social images, however, compared to 14–17 year old participants, they rated the environmental image less favourably. Much higher ratings given to the service and social images by judges, compared to participants representing all external groups, may be related either to inadequately overstated evaluation on the part of judges (especially women), or to inadequately understated evaluation on the part of general public, or to both. In any case, such gap between the ratings of the service and social images by judges and general public is a reason for concern.Straipsnyje analizuojamas teisėjų (n = 171) ir įvairaus amžiaus visuomenės grupių atstovų (n = 1186) suvokto teisėjų ir teismų įvaizdžio (tam tikrų jo aspektų) pobūdis, panašumai ir skirtumai, taip pat teisėjų ir teismų įvaizdžio, tiriamųjų sukauptos patirties bei sociodemografinių charakteristikų sąsajos

    Predictors of Enhancing Human Physical Attractiveness: Data from 93 Countries

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    People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating preferences and strategies. Here, we test one of the most popular evolutionary hypotheses for beauty-enhancing behaviors, drawn from mating market and parasite stress perspectives, in a large cross-cultural sample. We also test hypotheses drawn from other influential and non-mutually exclusive theoretical frameworks, from biosocial role theory to a cultural media perspective. Survey data from 93,158 human participants across 93 countries provide evidence that behaviors such as applying makeup or using other cosmetics, hair grooming, clothing style, caring for body hygiene, and exercising or following a specific diet for the specific purpose of improving ones physical attractiveness, are universal. Indeed, 99% of participants reported spending \u3e10 min a day performing beauty-enhancing behaviors. The results largely support evolutionary hypotheses: more time was spent enhancing beauty by women (almost 4 h a day, on average) than by men (3.6 h a day), by the youngest participants (and contrary to predictions, also the oldest), by those with a relatively more severe history of infectious diseases, and by participants currently dating compared to those in established relationships. The strongest predictor of attractiveness-enhancing behaviors was social media usage. Other predictors, in order of effect size, included adhering to traditional gender roles, residing in countries with less gender equality, considering oneself as highly attractive or, conversely, highly unattractive, TV watching time, higher socioeconomic status, right-wing political beliefs, a lower level of education, and personal individualistic attitudes. This study provides novel insight into universal beauty-enhancing behaviors by unifying evolutionary theory with several other complementary perspectives

    Factors of military teams performance efficacy

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    Cohesion, team trust, stress, perceived Self and collective efficacy are considered to be significant factors of military teams performance efficacy. Still it is not clear, what the interaction between these factors are and in what way they predict performance efficacy. For the purpose of the study three questionnaires were developed: Perceived Military Stress, Perceived Military Self–efficacy and Perceived Military Collective Efficacy questionnaires, two scales of other authors were adapted to Lithuanian military population. 160 soldiers of Lithuanian professional military, belonging to 28 military teams (sections) took part in the research. It was estimated that cohesion, team trust, perceived Self and Collective efficacy are related to performance efficacy. Path model proves, that perceived collective efficacy is the most important variable predicting military team’s performance efficacy and stress. Team’s performance efficacy can also be predicted by cohesion, team trust and perceived Self - efficacy, but these factors predict performance efficacy not directly, but through perceived collective efficacy. Besides, higher levels of perceived Self and collective efficacy characterize person with international operation experience. Privates tend to experience higher levels of stress and to trust their teams less to compare to junior privates. Commanders of the section and their subjects evaluate their teams similar

    Interaction between cohesion, team trust, perceived self and collective efficacy, stress and performance efficacy in military teams

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    Sutelktumas, pasitikėjimas komanda, patiriamas stresas bei suvoktas Aš ir kolektyvinis efektyvumas laikomi svarbiais komandų veiklos efektyvumo veiksniais. Vis dėlto nėra aišku, kokia šių veiksnių tarpusavio sąveikos kryptis ir kokia jų reikšmė prognozuojant karinių komandų veiklos efektyvumą. Apklausus 160 profesinės karo tarnybos karių, kurie priklausė 28 komandoms (skyriams), nustatyta, kad didesnis komandos sutelktumas, pasitikėjimas ja, suvoktas Aš ir kolektyvinis efektyvumas yra susiję su didesniu komandos veiklos efektyvumu. Atlikta kelių analizė parodė, jog komandos sutelktumas ir pasitikėjimas ja numato veiklos efektyvumą per tarpinį kintamąjį – suvoktą kolektyvinį efektyvumą. Suvoktas Aš efektyvumas su komandos veiklos efektyvumu taip pat susijęs ne tiesiogiai, o per suvoktą kolektyvinį efektyvumą.[...] We indicate that the main factors clearly associated with performance results are team trust, cohesion, stress, perceived self- and collective efficacy. Even though a lot of empirical studies have been made, there is still a lack of information about the interaction between these variables and the way they contribute to performance results. Besides, usually short-term artificially composed teams are under the scope of researchers. That’s why the results do not fully reflect the essence of long-term teams functioning in real-life situations. In respect to the problems mentioned above, we raised the aim of this research: to investigate the interaction between performance results and team trust, cohesion, stress, perceived collective and self-efficacy in military settings. A hypothetical model in which team trust influences cohesion and the collective efficacy acts as a mediating variable between cohesion and performance results was created. The hypothetical model has also stated that self- and collective efficacy are associated with performance results not directly, but through the perceived stress. In this research, 160 military men of professional service took part. Of them 94.4% (151) were males and 3.8% (6) females. The age of the participants ranged from 19 to 37, mean 24.6 years. The participants belonged to 28 teams (military sections) and were selected based on the information about their team functioning. Only the teams in which their members were constantly working together were included in the research. Aggregated results were used in the statistical analysis. For the purpose of the research, three questionnaires were developed: the Military Stress Questionnaire (Cronbach α = 0.92), the Questionnaire of the Perceived Military Collective Efficacy (Cronbach α = 0.93), the Questionnaire of the Perceived Military Self-efficacy (Cronbach α = 0.94). Two scales used in this research were developed by other authors: the Intrateam Trust Scale (DeJong and Elfring, 2010; Cronbach α = 0.88) and The Perceived Cohesion Scale (Bollen and Hoyle, 1990; Cronbach α = 0.85).Team performance results were based on the evaluations of the field training. The results indicate that almost all variables of our research are intercorrelated at a statistically significant level. Performance results positively correlate with the perceived self- and collective efficacy, team trust and team cohesion. No statistically significant correlation was found between stress and performance results. Besides, a high correlation between cohesion and team trust was revealed, which indicates the multicollinearity problem between these two variables. Cohesion and team trust were united, and a hypothetical model was developed using the path analysis. It shows that cohesion and team trust influences performance results not directly: the perceived collective efficacy acts as a mediating variable. Besides, self-efficacy influences the perceived collective efficacy, and the collective efficacy influences the stress level. Several important conclusions from the obtained results could be made. First, a high collective efficacy can diminish military stress and thus act as a protective factor against the formation of PTSD and other psychopathologies. Secondly, the perceived collective efficacy is the only variable that influences the performance results directly. Secondly, the perceived collective efficacy is the only variable that influences the performance results directly. In order to improve the results of the team, it is important to monitor and raise the levels of collective efficacy. Thirdly, cohesion and team trust have important implications not only for the perceived team capabilities, but also for the perceived one’s own capabilities

    Karinių komandų veiklos efektyvumo veiksniai

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    Cohesion, team trust, stress, perceived Self and collective efficacy are considered to be significant factors of military teams performance efficacy. Still it is not clear, what the interaction between these factors are and in what way they predict performance efficacy. For the purpose of the study three questionnaires were developed: Perceived Military Stress, Perceived Military Self –efficacy and Perceived Military Collective Efficacy questionnaires, two scales of other authors were adapted to Lithuanian military population. 160 soldiers of Lithuanian professional military, belonging to 28 military teams (sections) took part in the research. It was estimated that cohesion, team trust, perceived Self and Collective efficacy are related to performance efficacy. Path model proves, that perceived collective efficacy is the most important variable predicting military team’s performance efficacy and stress. Team’s performance efficacy can also be predicted by cohesion, team trust and perceived Self - efficacy, but these factors predict performance efficacy not directly, but through perceived collective efficacy. Besides, higher levels of perceived Self and collective efficacy characterize person with international operation experience. Privates tend to experience higher levels of stress and to trust their teams less to compare to junior privates. Commanders of the section and their subjects evaluate their teams similar