573 research outputs found

    Phenolic compounds in dried herbs and spices commonly used in the kitchen

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    Introduction and aim: Currently, herbs and spices are most often used in a dried form due to low durability of raw materials. They are used to enhance or improve the taste and organoleptic properties of food, to shape the quality of food products, and also as medicines for many generations. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic and even anti-cancer properties. These health-promoting properties result mainly from the presence of phenolic compounds. The aim of the article was to collect numerical data showing the total content of phenolic compounds and shares of individual phenolic acids and flavonoids in dried herbs and spices commonly used in the kitchen. Brief description of the state of knowledge: The total content of phenolic compounds in dried herbs was 0.01 - 91.40 mg GAE/g d.w. A good source was bay leaf (44.40 - 46.79 mg GAE/g d.w.) and oregano (91.40 mg GAE/g d.w.). However, the content of phenolic compounds in dried spices was in the range of 0.02 - 155.10 mg GAE/g d.w., the dominant amounts contained cinnamon. Small amounts (0.01 - 0.28 mg GAE/g d.w.) of phenolic compounds were found in dried herbs such as lovage, rosemary, lemond bald, sage, and in case of dried species only in turmeric. The shares of phenolic acids in dried herbs were in the range 0.01 (caraway) - 5.17 (thyme) mg/g d.w. for caffeic acid, 0.001 (caraway) - 0.91 (thyme) mg/g d.w. for ferulic acid, 0.01 (caraway) - 0.26 (fennel) mg/g d.w. for chlorogenic acid, and 0.96 (oregano) - 1.64 (lovage) mg/g d.w. for neochlorogenic acid. In the case of dried spices, the shares of individual phenolic acids were 0.01 (ginger) - 0.18 (turmeric) mg/g d.w. for ferulic acid, 0.02 (star anise) - 0.10 (cinnamon) mg/g d.w. for p-coumaric acid, and 0.06 (nutmeg) - 0.21 (star anise) mg/g d.w. for protocatechuic acid. The content of flavonoids in dried herbs and spices was small. A valuable source of luteolin was rosemary (6.16 mg/g d.w.), quercetin was lovage (9.23 mg/g d.w.) and apigenin was rosemary (0.44 mg/g d.w.) and fennel (0.62 mg/g d.w.). Dried spices contained only catechin (curry) and rutin (star anise). Summary: Based on the review of available literature, it can be concluded that dried herbs (bay leaf and oregano) and spices (cinnamon and turmeric) are a good source of phenolic compounds. In addition, dried herbs (oregano, thyme, fennel, lovage) are characterized by the presence of such phenolic acids as caffeic, chlorogenic, and ferulic, while dried spices (cinnamon, star anise) are a source of p-coumaric, protocatechuic and chlorogenic acids. The share of flavonoids in the dried herbs and spices is varied, however dried spices (ginger, cinnamon) contain small amounts of flavonoids

    What organizational values drive NGOs to be successful? Evidence from Polish non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the theory of management by values

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    This paper aims to identify the relationships between organizational values and the success of Polish NGOs in the context of the theory of management by values. The study indicates that different categories of NGO success are related to different priorities of the organizations’ CEOs in survival values. Results show that ethical values associated with organizational success are viewed in financial terms compared to organizations whose managers do not consider these values important. The article also shows that the quality of an organization’s services and its competitiveness are rated lower by organizations that prioritize conservative values. It also shows that honesty’s core ethical organizational value is related to NGO performance to varying degrees. The results show that the quality of an organization’s services is rated higher by organizations whose leaders prioritize honesty. Still, the level of cooperation between the organization and public and local government institutions is rated lower. This has clear implications for NGO managers: they should review the organizational values they prioritize concerning their organization’s performance goals to implement value management more effectively

    Pronoun of interest and other pronouns of emotive function

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    The pronoun in spite of its various marking functions has some uses that can be considered slightly marginal. The aim of this article is to illustrate pronouns in its emotive and affective usage. The following text is aimed to evidence that either personal or objective form of a pronoun is able to complete such functions that can mean “delicate” semantic relations without any reference to the functions considered crucial for pronominal form such as anaphor, possession, noun substitution, etc.The pronoun in spite of its various marking functions has some uses that can be considered slightly marginal. The aim of this article is to illustrate pronouns in its emotive and affective usage. The following text is aimed to evidence that either personal or objective form of a pronoun is able to complete such functions that can mean “delicate” semantic relations without any reference to the functions considered crucial for pronominal form such as anaphor, possession, noun substitution, etc

    Ability of reconstructing hierarchical semantic structures by blind and sighted language users

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    The ability to reconstruct hierarchical semantic structures by blind and sighted average language users. The present paper concerns the hierarchically organised semantic structure of the mental lexicon. The structure of hierarchical series of nouns constructed for 75 Polish nouns by 116 subjects (58 blind and 58 sighted) was analysed and compared. The ability to reconstruct hierarchical semantic structures by blind and sighted average language users. The present paper concerns the hierarchically organised semantic structure of the mental lexicon. The structure of hierarchical series of nouns constructed for 75 Polish nouns by 116 subjects (58 blind and 58 sighted) was analysed and compared

    Skojarzenia słowne niewidomych i widzących użytkowników języka polskiego – studium porównawcze

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    Verbal associations of blind and sighted users of the Polish language – a comparative study. The present paper concerns the role of visual perception in the cognitive (verbal and nonverbal) functioning of people. Verbal associations (free associations) given for 75 Polish nouns by 116 subjects (58 blind people and 58 sighted people) were analysed and compared

    The prototypicality of semantic opposition in the light of linguistic studies and psycholinguistic experiments

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    Artykuł stanowi próbę wykorzystania efektów analiz językoznawczych, w tym wyników badań korpusowych, oraz rezultatów eksperymentów psycholingwistycznych do przedstawienia relacji opozycji semantycznej w terminach koncepcji prototypów pojęciowych. Zawarto w nim syntezę poglądów językoznawców na temat czynników wyznaczających prototyp kategorii relacji opozycji semantycznej i próbowano określić zależności między tymi czynnikami. Wskazano konieczność odróżniania prototypowych i kanonicznych przykładów tej relacji. Przeanalizowano rezultaty najważniejszych badań korpusowych dotyczących relacji opozycji w celu znalezienia sposobów określania stref peryferyjnych i wyznaczania granic tej relacji na podstawie realnych kontekstów użycia. Podkreślono szczególną rolę par opozycyjnych wyodrębnionych z kohiponimicznych zbiorów wieloelementowych w budowaniu pogranicznych stref kategorii opozycji. Określono, na podstawie wybranych prac, które techniki badań psycholingwistycznych mogą dostarczać dowodu na realność psychologiczną prototypowego charakteru kategorii relacji opozycji, a które mogą stać się podstawą odróżniania prototypu kategorii od kanonu. W podsumowaniu zaproponowano semantyczne, korpusowe i psycholingwistyczne kryteria ustalania miejsca konkretnego przykładu relacji w strukturze kategorii opozycji semantycznej, czyli warunki klasyfikowania przykładów jako, odpowiednio: a) należących do ścisłego centrum kategorii, b) pozostających w pobliżu centrum, c) znajdujących się w części peryferyjnej, d) stanowiących zmienne pogranicze kategorii.This paper aims to use the results of linguistic analyses, including corpus studies, and psycholinguistic experiments to present the relation of semantic opposition in terms of the prototype theory of concepts. A synthesis of linguists' views on the factors defining the prototype of the category of semantic opposition is presented, and an attempt is made to determine the relationship between these factors. The need to distinguish prototypical and canonical examples of the relationship is also indicated. The results of the most important corpus studies concerning the relation of opposition are analysed in order to find ways of delineating the peripheral zones and the boundaries of the relation based on real contexts of use. The particular role of opposition pairs extracted from cohyponymic multi-element sets in forming the boundary areas of the category of opposition is highlighted. It is determined, on the basis of selected studies, which psycholinguistic techniques can provide evidence of the psychological reality of the prototypical nature of the category of semantic opposition, and which may serve as a basis for distinguishing the prototype of the category from the canon. In conclusion, some semantic, corporal, and psycholinguistic criteria are proposed for locating particular examples of the relation within the structure of the category of semantic opposition - that is, conditions for classifying examples as, accordingly: a) belonging to the strict centre of the category, b) lying near the centre, c) located in the peripheral part, or d) forming the fuzzy boundary of the category

    Hierarchical organization of vocabulary in non-electronical dictionaries

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    The paper concerns the role of class inclusion (relation of hyponymy) in structures of paradigmatic dictionaries, especially of thesauri (onomasiological dictionaries). Macrostructures of some French, English and Polish thesauri were analysed and compared.The paper concerns the role of class inclusion (relation of hyponymy) in structures of paradigmatic dictionaries, especially of thesauri (onomasiological dictionaries). Macrostructures of some French, English and Polish thesauri were analysed and compared

    Registration of CT and MRI brain images

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    The purpose of a registration process is to find a geometric transformation, that relates corresponding voxels in two different 3D images of the same object. We present an algorithm based on maximization of mutual information and its medical applications

    Conjugated Linoleic Acid Content of Milk from Cows Fed Different Diets

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    Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a mixture of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid (c-9, c-12 C18:2). Conjugated linoleic acid occurs naturally in foods, however the main dietary sources are dairy products and other foods derived from ruminants. Continuous interest in CLA is attributed to its potential health benefits such as anticarcinogenic, antiatherogenic, antidiabetic and antiadipogenic effects (Dhiman et al., 1999, Staszak et al., 2001). Typical consumption of CLA by humans is far lower than the dose that has been shown to be effective in reducing tumours in animal models (Dhiman et al., 1999), so it is very important to increase the CLA content of ruminants edible products. The CLA concentration can be positively influenced by animal diet. Grazing cows on pasture, feeding fresh cut pasture, addition of fish oil etc demonstrate positive effects on CLA content in milk (Bessa et al., 2000, Staszak et al., 2001). The objective of this research was to determine the CLA content of milk from cows fed diets containing different proportions of conserved forages

    Struktura ambiwalencji postaw wobec kobiet - Legitymizacja dyskryminacji płciowej i możliwości zmiany

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    One way in which sexism is distinct from other types of prejudice is its ambivalent nature. Women are both reviled and revered, depending on whether they fulfill or violate expectations concerning their gender roles. Basing on Ambivalent Sexism Theory (AST; Glick & Fiske, 1995, 1996, 2001), the following thesis explores dimensions that are not subsumed under AST that I consider critical to the perception of women. Specifically, based on data coming from qualitative and quantitative studies conducted in Poland and in the United States, I distinguish two additional springboards for sexism: 1. the belief that the fundamental role of a woman is that of the mother (together with the assumption that women’s goals should be subsumed under others’ goals and needs), and 2. the responsibility for aesthetics that is placed upon women. Subsequently, discriminant and predictive validity of the new dimensions is tested showing that these basic tenets form a richer structure of prejudice not encompassed by the existing sub-dimensions of AST. Theoretical implications of the findings and the universality of new dimensions are discussed