59 research outputs found

    Small-number statistics near the clustering transition in a compartementalized granular gas

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    Statistical fluctuations are observed to profoundly influence the clustering behavior of granular material in a vibrated system consisting of two connected compartments. When the number of particles N is sufficiently large sN<300 is sufficientd, the clustering follows the lines of a standard second-order phase transition and a mean-field description works. For smaller N, however, the enhanced influence of statistical fluctuations breaks the mean-field behavior. We quantitatively describe the competition between fluctuations and mean-field behavior sas a function of Nd using a dynamical flux model and molecular dynamics simulations

    Implementación y operación de una Estación de Servicio

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    En la actualidad se observa que la venta de vehículos nuevos de transporte pesado, en particular los camiones y tractocamiones, en enero y febrero de 2021 tuvieron un crecimiento de 22.7% respecto al mismo periodo del 2020, en una coyuntura en la que diversas actividades ligadas al transporte de bienes, insumos y mercancías continuaron operando con relativa normalidad pesar de la pandemia. De otro lado, la comercializaron de unidades de vehículos livianos observó una contracción anual del 17% como consecuencia del comportamiento del consumidor frente al aumento del número de casos de COVID-19, nuevas medidas de restricción dictadas por el Gobierno para contener el avance de la segunda ola, y un mercado laboral que se recupera lentamente. Inversiones Estrella S.A.C. es una empresa que busca incursionar en el sector, para ello cuenta con socios con capacidad de solvencia necesaria para iniciar el negocio de operar una EDS ubicada en la Panamericana Sur, dado que se ha analizado el sector. El presente proyecto propone la creación de una propuesta de valor diferenciada y centrada en: precios bajos y atención al cliente. La inversión inicial es S/ 440,695, (100% capital social), determinando un COK de 11.9%, por lo que luego de la evaluación económico-financiera se obtiene un VAN positivo, una TIR mayor al COK y un periodo de recuperación dentro del periodo de análisis. Por tanto, se concluye que el proyecto es viable, por lo que se recomienda su implementación.At present it is observed that the sale of new heavy transport vehicles, in particular trucks and tractors, in January and February 2021 had a growth of 22.7% compared to the same period of 2020, in a situation in which various related activities transportation of goods, supplies and merchandise, continued to operate with relative normality despite the pandemic. On the other hand, the commercialization of light vehicle units observed an annual contraction of 17% as a consequence of consumer behavior in the face of the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, new restriction measures dictated by the Government to contain the advance of the second wave, and a slowly recovering labor market. Inversiones Estrella S.A.C. is a company that seeks to enter the sector, for this it has partners with the necessary solvency capacity to start the business of operating an EDS located in the Panamericana Sur, since the sector has been analyzed. This project proposes the creation of a differentiated value proposition focused on: low prices and customer service. The initial investment is S / 440,695, (100% capital stock), determining a COK of 11.9%, so after the economic-financial evaluation a positive NPV is obtained, an IRR greater than the COK and a recovery period within the Analysis period. Therefore, it is concluded that the project is viable, so its implementation is recommended.Trabajo de investigació

    Electrochemical Microsensors for the Detection of Cadmium(II) and Lead(II) Ions in Plants

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    Routine determination of trace metals in complex media is still a difficult task for many analytical instruments. The aim of this work was to compare three electro-chemical instruments [a standard potentiostat (Autolab), a commercially available miniaturized potentiostat (PalmSens) and a homemade micropotentiostat] for easy-to-use and sensitive determination of cadmium(II) and lead(II) ions. The lowest detection limits (hundreds of pM) for both metals was achieved by using of the standard potentiostat, followed by the miniaturized potentiostat (tens of nM) and the homemade instrument (hundreds of nM). Nevertheless, all potentiostats were sensitive enough to evaluate contamination of the environment, because the environmental limits for both metals are higher than detection limits of the instruments. Further, we tested all used potentiostats and working electrodes on analysis of environmental samples (rainwater, flour and plant extract) with artificially added cadmium(II) and lead(II). Based on the similar results obtained for all potentiostats we choose a homemade instrument with a carbon tip working electrode for our subsequent environmental experiments, in which we analyzed maize and sunflower seedlings and rainwater obtained from various sites in the Czech Republic

    High-throughput screening of monoclonal antibodies against plant cell wall glycans by hierarchical clustering of their carbohydrate microarray binding profiles

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    Antibody-producing hybridoma cell lines were created following immunisation with a crude extract of cell wall polymers from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In order to rapidly screen the specificities of individual monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), their binding to microarrays containing 50 cell wall glycans immobilized on nitrocellulose was assessed. Hierarchical clustering of microarray binding profiles from newly produced mAbs, together with the profiles for mAbs with previously defined specificities allowed the rapid assignments of mAb binding to antigen classes. mAb specificities were further investigated using subsequent immunochemical and biochemical analyses and two novel mAbs are described in detail. mAb LM13 binds to an arabinanase-sensitive pectic epitope and mAb LM14, binds to an epitope occurring on arabinogalactan-proteins. Both mAbs display novel patterns of recognition of cell walls in plant materials

    The Histone Demethylase Jarid1b (Kdm5b) Is a Novel Component of the Rb Pathway and Associates with E2f-Target Genes in MEFs during Senescence

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    Senescence is a robust cell cycle arrest controlled by the p53 and Rb pathways that acts as an important barrier to tumorigenesis. Senescence is associated with profound alterations in gene expression, including stable suppression of E2f-target genes by heterochromatin formation. Some of these changes in chromatin composition are orchestrated by Rb. In complex with E2f, Rb recruits chromatin modifying enzymes to E2f target genes, leading to their transcriptional repression. To identify novel chromatin remodeling enzymes that specifically function in the Rb pathway, we used a functional genetic screening model for bypass of senescence in murine cells. We identified the H3K4-demethylase Jarid1b as novel component of the Rb pathway in this screening model. We find that depletion of Jarid1b phenocopies knockdown of Rb1 and that Jarid1b associates with E2f-target genes during cellular senescence. These results suggest a role for Jarid1b in Rb-mediated repression of cell cycle genes during senescence

    Rare SLC13A1 variants associate with intervertebral disc disorder highlighting role of sulfate in disc pathology.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBack pain is a common and debilitating disorder with largely unknown underlying biology. Here we report a genome-wide association study of back pain using diagnoses assigned in clinical practice; dorsalgia (119,100 cases, 909,847 controls) and intervertebral disc disorder (IDD) (58,854 cases, 922,958 controls). We identify 41 variants at 33 loci. The most significant association (ORIDD = 0.92, P = 1.6 × 10-39; ORdorsalgia = 0.92, P = 7.2 × 10-15) is with a 3'UTR variant (rs1871452-T) in CHST3, encoding a sulfotransferase enzyme expressed in intervertebral discs. The largest effects on IDD are conferred by rare (MAF = 0.07 - 0.32%) loss-of-function (LoF) variants in SLC13A1, encoding a sodium-sulfate co-transporter (LoF burden OR = 1.44, P = 3.1 × 10-11); variants that also associate with reduced serum sulfate. Genes implicated by this study are involved in cartilage and bone biology, as well as neurological and inflammatory processes.European Commission European Commission Joint Research Centre Novo Nordisk Foundation Novocure Limite