1,110 research outputs found

    Implementation of problem-based learning while studying the discipline «technical mechanics»

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    The article discusses the possibility of implementing the technology of problem learning to form students ' professional and General competenciesВ статье рассматриваются возможности реализации технологии проблемного обучения для формирования у студентов профессиональных и общих компетенци

    Using QR-code in education

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    This article is about the history, methods of creation, and advantages of applying QR-code at the lessons. Unfortunately, this system is not widely spread in Russia, but lately we can meet QR-code more often in museums, on monuments and even in churches. For reading such code you need a mobile phone, that every pupil has. That is why such methods of organisation we could apply at any lesson without special equipmentВ данной статье рассмотрены история появления, методы создания и возможности применения QR-кода на уроках. К сожалению, в России эта форма кодирования пока не очень распространена, но в последнее время QR-код все чаще можно встретить в музеях, на памятниках культуры и даже церквях. Все что необходимо для считывания кода - это мобильный телефон, который есть у каждого ученика, поэтому предложенные методы организации можно провести на любом уроке без привлечения специальной техник

    The functions of examples in the case category description : in the Spanish grammars of the Golden age

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    The article analyzes examples as an integral part of a grammar. The functions of examples in the case category description in the Spanish grammars of the Golden Age are under consideration. It is pointed out that the functions of the examples in the case category description differed greatly from those in the description of other grammatical categoriesyesBelgorod State Universit

    Zombies in our time

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    Eye-movements reveal semantic interference effects during the encoding of naturalistic scenes in long-term memory

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    Similarity-based semantic interference (SI) hinders memory recognition. Within long-term visual memory paradigms, the more scenes (or objects) from the same semantic category are viewed, the harder it is to recognize each individual instance. A growing body of evidence shows that overt attention is intimately linked to memory. However, it is yet to be understood whether SI mediates overt attention during scene encoding, and so explain its detrimental impact on recognition memory. In the current experiment, participants watched 372 photographs belonging to different semantic categories (e.g., a kitchen) with different frequency (4, 20, 40 or 60 images), while being eye-tracked. After 10 minutes, they were presented with the same 372 photographs plus 372 new photographs and asked whether they recognized (or not) each photo (i.e., old/new paradigm). We found that the more the SI, the poorer the recognition performance, especially for old scenes of which memory representations existed. Scenes more widely explored were better recognized, but for increasing SI, participants focused on more local regions of the scene in search for its potentially distinctive details. Attending to the centre of the display, or to scene regions rich in low-level saliency was detrimental to recognition accuracy, and as SI increased participants were more likely to rely on visual saliency. The complexity of maintaining faithful memory representations for increasing SI also manifested in longer fixation durations; in fact, a more successful encoding was also associated with shorter fixations. Our study highlights the interdependence between attention and memory during high-level processing of semantic information

    Competitiveness indicators of catering business entities : the case of Russia

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    Purpose: The article analyzes the existing marketing strategies in catering and define their influence on the competitiveness level of catering business entities in Russia. Design/Methodology/Approach: This article is dedicated to generalizing papers on the problems of catering marketing strategy formation. The object of the research is marketing strategies in catering and their influence on the competitiveness level of the entities. Findings: The novelty of the research is an algorithm of evaluation of the competitiveness level and marketing strategy adjustment of operating catering business entities based on the analysis of their major performance indicators. The algorithm with its system of certain indicators allows defining the competitiveness level, selecting and adjusting marketing strategies and sub-strategies, and, thus, enhancing the effectiveness of catering business entity performance. Practical implications: Flexibility and adaptiveness of this system entails that any catering business entity can select priority indicators from it and then calculate them to adjust marketing strategies and sub-strategies based on data obtained in the meantime. Originality/Value: The value lies in the disclosure of industry specifics of strategic marketing management in a definite economic activity considering essential strategic and operational factors which determine ultimate economic effectiveness of target marketing exposures.peer-reviewe

    Формирование готовности и мотивации студентов к самостоятельной работе в высшем техническом учебном заведении

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    The article is devoted to the problem of organizing independent work of students in a higher technical educational institution, held in Tyumen Industrial University of the Nizhnevartovsk branch. This paper analyzes the requirements for students to master the skills of independent work on the basis of the competency model of a university graduate in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of higher education. The competence of a successful specialist in any dynamically developing industry is considered. The author made an analysis of the works of scientists, teachers, researchers, dealing with the problem of motivation and improving the efficiency of the organization of work activities of students. The tendency to steady interest of students in additional material related to the profile of the main direction of study in the form of problem situations is revealed. Three forms of organization of independent work are highlighted and described in detail: extracurricular, classroom, and creative in the form of NIRS (students' research work). Express questionnaires of students were conducted to measure the time spent on independent work, to identify students' claims for research skills, for the types of independent work that are most laborious for respondents, diagnosing time spent on extracurricular work per week. According to the results of the study, graphs were made and diagnostic diagrams were constructed. The conclusion is formulated.El artículo está dedicado al problema de organizar el trabajo independiente de los estudiantes en una institución de educación técnica superior, celebrada en la Universidad Industrial de Tyumen de la sucursal de Nizhnevartovsk. Este documento analiza los requisitos para que los estudiantes dominen las habilidades del trabajo independiente sobre la base del modelo de competencia de un graduado universitario de acuerdo con los requisitos del estándar profesional de educación superior. Se considera la competencia de un especialista exitoso en cualquier industria en desarrollo dinámico. El autor realizó un análisis de los trabajos de científicos, docentes, investigadores, abordando el problema de la motivación y mejorando la eficiencia de la organización de las actividades laborales de los estudiantes. Se revela la tendencia a mantener el interés de los estudiantes en material adicional relacionado con el perfil de la dirección principal de estudio en forma de situaciones problemáticas. Se resaltan y describen en detalle tres formas de organización del trabajo independiente: extracurricular, aula y creativa en forma de NIRS (trabajo de investigación de los estudiantes). Se realizaron cuestionarios expresos a los estudiantes para medir el tiempo empleado en el trabajo independiente, para identificar los reclamos de los estudiantes sobre habilidades de investigación, para los tipos de trabajo independiente que son más laboriosos para los encuestados, diagnosticando el tiempo dedicado al trabajo extracurricular por semana. De acuerdo con los resultados del estudio, se realizaron gráficos y se construyeron diagramas de diagnóstico. La conclusión está formulada.Статья посвящена проблеме организации самостоятельной работы студентов в высшем техническом учебном заведении, проводимой в Тюменском индустриальном университете Нижневартовского филиала. В статье анализируются требования к студентам освоить навыки самостоятельной работы на основе модели компетенций выпускника вуза в соответствии с требованиями профессионального стандарта высшего профессионального образования. Рассматривается компетенция успешного специалиста в любой динамично развивающейся отрасли. Автором проведен анализ работ ученых, преподавателей, исследователей, занимающихся проблемой мотивации и повышения эффективности организации работы, виды деятельности студентов. Выявлена тенденция к устойчивому интересу студентов к дополнительному материалу, связанному с профилем основного направления обучения в виде проблемных ситуаций. Выделены и подробно описаны три формы организации самостоятельной работы: внеклассная, аудиторная и творческая в форме НИРС (научно-исследовательская работа студентов). Экспресс-анкетирование студентов проводилось с целью измерения времени, затраченного на самостоятельную работу, выявления притязаний студентов на исследовательские навыки, на виды самостоятельной работы, наиболее трудоемкие для респондентов, диагностики времени, затраченного на внеурочную работу в неделю. По результатам исследования построены графики и диагностические диаграммы. Сформулирован вывод

    Learning the tensor network model of a quantum state using a few single-qubit measurements

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    The constantly increasing dimensionality of artificial quantum systems demands for highly efficient methods for their characterization and benchmarking. Conventional quantum tomography fails for larger systems due to the exponential growth of the required number of measurements. The conceptual solution for this dimensionality curse relies on a simple idea - a complete description of a quantum state is excessive and can be discarded in favor of experimentally accessible information about the system. The probably approximately correct (PAC) learning theory has been recently successfully applied to a problem of building accurate predictors for the measurement outcomes using a dataset which scales only linearly with the number of qubits. Here we present a constructive and numerically efficient protocol which learns a tensor network model of an unknown quantum system. We discuss the limitations and the scalability of the proposed method.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure