623 research outputs found
Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kredit Terhadap Kreditur Dan Debitur Pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit terhadap kreditur dan debitur pada bank BRI dan apa saja hak dan kewajiban kreditur dan debitur. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Kehendak nasabah debiturnya hanya diberikan secara formal, disebabkan adanya ketergantungan akan kebutuhan kredit. Kata sepakat dapat berbentuk isyarat, lisan, dan tertulis. Perjanjian kredit di sini berfungsi sebagai paduan bank dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengorganisasian, dan pengawasan dalam pemberian kredit yang dilakukan oleh bank, sehingga bank tidak dirugikan dan kepentingan nasabah yang mempercayakan dananya kepada bank terjamin dengan sebaik-baiknya. 2. Hak debitur atau bank adalah Kepada nasabah (kreditur) yaitu bank berhak mengetahui identitas dan latar belakang nasabah tersebut sesuai dengan prinsip Know Your Costumer (KYC). Dalam kredit, bank tersebut mendapatkan kembali uang yang dipinjamkan kepada nasabah dan hasil keuntungan yang diperoleh oleh debitur. Kewajiban bank adalah tetap menjaga rahasia keuangan nasabah penyimpan dana, mengamankan dana nasabah. Kewajiban bank untuk menerima sejumlah uang dari nasabah, Kewajiban untuk melaporkan kegiatan perbankan secara transparan kepada masyarakat, Kewajiban bank untuk mengetahui secara mendalam nasabahnya
Memaknai Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen pada Industri Kreatif
Semua organisasi pasti membutuhkan SPM untuk mencapai visi misi yang ditetapkan. Tidak terkecuali untuk industri kreatif griya karya tiara kusuma yang merupakan salah satu cabang industri kreatif kategori kerajinan dengan menghasilkan berbagai macam produk olahan mangrove, yaitu batik tulis, sirup, krupuk dan sabun. Griya karya tiara kusuma adalah pelopor batik tulis mangrove yang ada di Indonesia. Minimnya literatur pembahasan sistem pengendalian manajemen dengan I ndusti kreatif maka penelitian ini merupakan basic research dengan mempelajari hubungan pengendalian manajemen dengan industri kerajinan batik tulis. Kendali manajemen griya karya tiara kusuma sangat dipengaruhi oleh filosofi organisasi. Empat kendali manajemen yang dikemukakan oleh Merchant dan Van Der Stede (2007) sepenuhnya tidak bisa dijalankan dalam industri batik tulis. Karena ada beberapa perbedaan dengan industri konvensional lainnya. Lebih menekankan pada pemanfaatan daya kreativitas tiap individu untuk menggoreskan desain batik yang berseni. Proses pembuatan batik yang tidak bisa terpatok dengan waktu dan membutuhkan penjiwaan untuk berkreasi. Oleh sebab itu ada perbedaan pada penerapan pengendalian hasil, proses, personal dan budaya. Membuka paradigma baru bahwa pengendalian industri kreatif berbeda dengan industri pada umumnya. Menjadi pengendalian budaya kerja, pengendalian pengembangan produk, pengendalian operasional, dan pengendalian kualitas. Griya Karya Tiara Kusuma tetap membutuhkan SPM supaya mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan
Proliferation of anomalous symmetries in colloidal monolayers subjected to quasiperiodic light fields
Quasicrystals provide a fascinating class of materials with intriguing
properties. Despite a strong potential for numerous technical applications, the
conditions under which quasicrystals form are still poorly understood.
Currently, it is not clear why most quasicrystals hold 5- or 10-fold symmetry
but no single example with 7 or 9-fold symmetry has ever been observed. Here we
report on geometrical constraints which impede the formation of quasicrystals
with certain symmetries in a colloidal model system. Experimentally, colloidal
quasicrystals are created by subjecting micron-sized particles to
two-dimensional quasiperiodic potential landscapes created by n=5 or seven
laser beams. Our results clearly demonstrate that quasicrystalline order is
much easier established for n = 5 compared to n = 7. With increasing laser
intensity we observe that the colloids first adopt quasiperiodic order at local
areas which then laterally grow until an extended quasicrystalline layer forms.
As nucleation sites where quasiperiodicity originates, we identify highly
symmetric motifs in the laser pattern. We find that their density strongly
varies with n and surprisingly is smallest exactly for those quasicrystalline
symmetries which have never been observed in atomic systems. Since such high
symmetry motifs also exist in atomic quasicrystals where they act as
preferential adsorption sites, this suggests that it is indeed the deficiency
of such motifs which accounts for the absence of materials with e.g. 7-fold
Interaction between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Human Host: Role of Cytokines in Pathogenesis and Treatment Monitoring
Tuberculosis is one of the most prevalent infections of human beings. According to WHO Global tuberculosis report 2016, there were 10.4 million new incidents of TB cases worldwide, and 580,000 new cases of multidrug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis. Monitoring the effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment and timely diagnosis of latent tuberculosis is an important problem for immunological research. Interaction of M. tuberculosis and the human immune system begins with phagocytosis of mycobacteria by macrophages and activate the immune response through the cytokines and chemokines release. The balance of proinflammatory and immunoregulatory cytokines and chemokines production may reflect the level of host-parasite interaction (e.g., elimination or persistence of the microbe). The review presents current clinical trends in studies on proinflammatory (IL-12, IL-1, INF-II, TNF-α) and immunoregulatory (IL-10 and TGF-β) cytokines, as well as matrix metalloproteases and hemoxygenase 1 to characterize the success of antituberculous chemotherapy. Monitoring the effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment will require the use new combinations of cytokines, chemokines, and nonspecific inflammatory factors which combinations have not yet been determined. The most promising area is studying of immunoregulatory cytokines, (e.g., IL-10, TGF-β), cell migration factors (e.g., IP-10/CXCL-10, MIG/CXCL/9), and markers of nonspecific inflammation (e.g., HO-1, SAA and MMP-1,3,9)
Molekularna diferencijacija izolata bolesti kvrgave kože na terenu i cjepnih sojeva virusa Capripox u Egiptu 2018.
Lumpy skin disease virus is a member of the Capripoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family, which affects cattle and causes a notifiable disease with significant economic losses. It is controlled by vaccination with capripox live attenuated vaccines. The aim of the study was the isolation and identification of the lumpy skin virus field virus strain during 2018. Nodular skin lesions were collected from clinically infected lumpy skin disease cattle that were used for the virus isolation on the chorioallantoic membrane of specific pathogen free embryonated chicken eggs and Madin Darby Bovine Kidney tissue culture. Polymerase chain reaction targeting the Capripoxvirus CaPV ORF103 gene was applied on the isolated virus and three Capripoxvirus vaccinal strains (Kenyan sheep pox virus, Held goat pox virus and Ismailia lumpy skin disease virus). The amplicons of the four strains of Capripoxvirus (one isolated and three vaccinal strains) were used for sequencing. Reference capripox viruses were obtained from GenBank to create the phylogenetic tree. The virus isolated from the collected nodular skin samples on chicken eggs showed clear typical pock lesions on the chorioallantoic membrane and on tissue cultures and showed a characteristic cytopathic effect. Positive samples of the isolated strain were identified by PCR for the CaPV ORF103 gene that yielded expected amplicon sizes of 570 bp. This was confirmed through gene sequence and analysed by BLAST, and submitted to GenBank under accession number MW 546997_LSD_Aziz_LSD. The phylogenetic tree revealed that the field isolate strain of LSDV had different identity percentages ranging from 98.2–99.8% with the tested vaccinal Capripoxvirus strains in Egypt. The amino acid sequence showed only different amino acid found in the field isolate strain and not in other tested vaccinal strains, and a maximum homology (100%) of the isolated strain nucleotide sequence was with two GenBank recorded strains. We recommend maintaining the routine lumpy skin disease vaccination programme in Egypt, frequent eradication of the insect population, and further genetic studies on the genomes of this virus strain and the Capripoxvirus vaccinal strains to reach the most related and homologous vaccinal strain given the massive genome of this disease.Virus bolesti kvrgave kože pripada rodu Capripox virusa porodice Poxviridae, koji pogađa stoku i uzrokuje bolest sa značajnim ekonomskih gubitcima, a koja se kontrolira cijepljenjem živim oslabljenim capripox cjepivima. Cilj studije bio je izolirati i identificirati soj virusa BKK na terenu tijekom 2018. godine. Prikupljene kvrge na koži u stoke klinički inficirane bolešću kvrgave kože (BKK) rabljene su za izoliranje virusa na korioalantoičnoj membrani (CAM) embrioniranog kokošjeg jaja (ECE) bez specifičnog patogena (SPF) i staničnoj kulturi bubrega goveda Madin Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK stanična linija). Lančane reakcije polimerazom (PCR) usmjerene na ORF103 gen virusa Capripox (CaPV) primijenjene su na izolirani BKK virus i tri cjepna soja virusa Capripox (kenijski virus ovčjih boginja, Held virus kozjih boginja i Ismailia virus bolesti kvrgave kože). PCR amplikoni četiriju sojeva CaPV (jednog izoliranog i tri cjepna soja) rabljeni su za sekvenciranje i dobivanje pristupnog broja u banci gena te ilustriranje filogenetskog stabla u usporedbi s drugim referentnim virusima Capripox dobivenima iz banke gena. BKK virus izoliran iz prikupljenih
uzoraka kvrga na koži na embrioniranom kokošjem jaju pokazao je jasne tipične pustula lezije na korioalantoičnoj membrani, a na staničnim kulturama (MDBK stanična linija) pokazao je karakterističan citopatski učinak. Pozitivni uzorci izoliranog soja BKK identificirani su PCR-om za CaPV ORF103 gen koji je dao očekivane veličine amplikona od 570 bp te potvrđeni sekvenciranjem gena uz analizu putem BLAST-a i su dostavljeni banci gena pod pristupnim brojem MW 546997_LSD_Aziz_LSD. Dizajnirano je filogenetsko stablo i otkriveno je da je soj izolata virusa BKK na terenu imao postotke različitog identiteta koji su se kretali od 98,2-99,8 % s testiranim cjepnim sojevima virusa Capripox u Egiptu. Sekvenca aminokiselina pokazala je samo jednu posebnu aminokiselinu koja je pronađena u soju izolata s terena, ali ne u ostalim testiranim cjepnim sojevima. Maksimalna podudarnost (100%) nukleotidne sekvence izoliranog BKK soja bila je s dva soja zabilježena u banci gena (MK342935_LSD-CPD/Menofiya1/18) i (MN792930_LSD/AHRI/_Wadi Elgdid/18). Zaključeno je da je izolirani soj virusa BKK imao velike postotke identiteta (98,2-99,8 %) s testiranim cjepnim sojevima virusa Capripox u Egiptu. Da bi se postigao najpovezaniji i homologni cjepni soj, jer je genom BKK virusa velik preporučujemo nastavak programa rutinskog cijepljenja za BKK u Egiptu, često uništavanje populacije insekata i provedbu dodatnih genetskih studija na genomima soja BKK virusa i cjepnih sojeva virusa Capripox da bi se postigao najpovezaniji i homologni cjepni soj, jer je genom BKK virusa golem
Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Web pada PT Era Makmur Cahaya Damai Bekasi
. Pada saat ini, ada banyak USAha seperti penjualan bahan bangunan yang berperan penting dalam masyarakat, termasuk dalam hal penjualan yang dilakukan oleh beberapa bagian Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang bangunan ini. Perusahaan retail bangunan pada umumnya menjual peralatan dan perlengkapan bangunan dimana salah satunya adalah untuk penjualan peralatan dan perlengkapan bangunan dan sangat lengkap adalah yang disediakan oleh PT.Era Makmur Cahaya Damai. Dalam memeberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan/pembeli/calon pembeli sangat diperlukan sebuah sistem penjualan yang terkomputerisasi dan berbasis online. Dimana seluruh kegiatan dewasa ini sangat penting untuk di komputerisasikan serta berbasis online. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk membuat PT. Era Makmur Cahaya Damai lebih efisien dalam konteks penjualan yang mudah dengan menggunakan web. Metode yang digunakan disini lebih mengarah kepada proses penelitian dengan Metode Waterfall. Dalam dibangunnya system seperti ini, supaya lebih memudahkan dalam penjualan, melakukan transaksi dengan mudah, memudahkan pembeli dalam pembelian barang secara online jika jauh, meningkatkan pendapatan dan memperluas promosi penjualan pada PT. Era Makmur Cahaya Damai.
Kata Kunci : PT. Era Makmur Cahaya Damai, Sistem Informasi, Penjualan, Web, Waterfall, PHP.
Abstract. Abstract. At this time, there are a lot of several businesses such as sales of building materials play an important role in society, including in the case of sales made by some parts of the Company engaged in this building. Building retail companies generally sell tools and equipment building where one of them is for the sale of equipment and supplies fully equipped building and is provided by PT.ERA Makmur Cahaya Damai. In giving out the best service to customers / buyers / potential buyers urgently needed a computerized sales system and online-based. Where all the action today is very important for computerization and online-based. The purpose of research is done to make the PT. Era Makmur Cahaya Damai is more efficient in the context of the sale of an easy to use web. The method used here is more directed to the research process by the Waterfall method. In the construction of such a system, in order to further facilitate the sales, transactions with ease, allowing the buyer to purchase goods online if distant, increase revenue and expand sales promotion at PT. Era Makmur Cahaya Damai.
Keywords: PT. Era Makmur Cahaya Damai, Sales Information System Design, Waterfall, Web, PHP
A Simple Heliodon System for Horizontal Placed Models
Most probably, all our buildings are affected by sunlight. Hence, the ignorance of the sun's impact results in overheating, glare, and missed opportunities for the positive use of daylight, leading to wasted energy. Heliodon is considered to be a powerful tool that can aid students, professionals, building developers and users to better understand the relationship between the sun's path and its effects on the architectural model(s). Most of the heliodons are relatively expensive and complex in operation. Thus, the need to design and build a simple and relatively inexpensive one emerged. It was proposed to work on this heliodon as a team project in the environmental control class “fall-2016”. The authors put the design concept and introduced a mathematical calculations table to be used with the physical heliodon, while nine students participated in the manufacturing process. The design concept is based on determining the sun's position by converting the Altitude and Azimuth angels to their corresponding measurements on the (X, Y & Z) coordinates (in relation to the observer's location). One light source can be moved on a set of graded tubes assembled in the shape of a wire frame box (thus the X, Y & Z distances could be measured) to simulate the sun's position and its lighting conditions for any latitude, at any time for any chosen day
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Menggunakan Radikal 1,1-difenil-2- Pikrilhidrazil dan Penetapan Kandungan Fenolik Total Fraksi Etil Asetat Ekstrak Etanol Buah Anggur Bali (Vitis Vinifera L.)
This research was conducted to determine the antioxidant activity of ethyl acetat fraction of extract of Balinesse grape (Vitis vinifera L.) using free radical and determine the total phenolic content. Balinesse grape was extracted with ethanol and then fractionated using ethyl acetate. Free radical scavenging activity was tested by measuring the DPPH radical scavenging activity. Total phenolic content was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteau method measured the concentration of phenolic content in gallic acid total equivalents using unit's mg/g. The mean IC50 value for DPPH radical scavenging activity of the ethyl acetat fraction of ethanolic extract of Balinesse grape was found to be 36.55 ± 0.09 µg/mL. The phenolic content was ranging from 3.23 ± 0.02 mg gallic acid equivalents per gram of ethyl acetat fraction of ethanolic extract of Balinesse grape
ABSTRACTPerformanced measurement used Balanced Scorecard with customer perspective and learn and growth perspective offers comprehensive solution to found how customers value products or services and how companies improved the resources of human quality become competent workers and able to produce excellent performance for the organization. This studied aims to determine the performance of Pharmacy Installation at Manado Advent Hospital based on the customer perspective and learning and growth perspective. The typed of research was non-experimental research with descriptive evaluative design. Data were obtained prospectively and retrospectively. The criteria of data were qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data form an observation data and interviews. Quantitative data form questionnaire. The results customer perspective has 83.45% of patient satisfied to performanced of Pharmacy Installation at Manado Advent Hospital. Learning and growth perspective got results the employees has high satisfaction of job and spirit worked with value 3.05 and 3.06. The employee training of Pharmacy Installation at Manado Advent Hospital was never been implemented. The conclusions good performanced on patient satisfaction based on costumer perspective. Learn and growth perspective has good performance from work spirit and employee job satisfaction but poor performance that must be improved was employee trained.Keywords : Performance, Pharmacy Installation, Balanced Scorecard, Customer Perspective, Learning and Growth Perspective.ABSTRAKPengukuran kinerja menggunakan Balanced Scorecard dengan perspektif pelanggan dan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan menawarkan solusi menyeluruh untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelanggan menilai produk atau jasa serta cara perusahaan meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia untuk menjadi pekerja yang kompeten dan mampu menghasilkan kinerja yang prima bagi organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Advent Manado berdasarkan perspektif pelanggan dan perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian non eksperimental dengan rancangan deskriptif evaluatif. Data diperoleh secara prospektif dan retrospektif. Kriteria data berupa data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Data kualitatif berupa data observasi dan wawancara langsung. Data kuantitatif berupa kuesioner. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu kinerja perspektif pelanggan yaitu 83,45 % pasien menyatakan puas terhadap kinerja Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Advent Manado. Perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan memperoleh hasil karyawan memiliki semangat kerja dan kepuasan kerja yang tinggi yaitu 3,05 dan 3,06. Pelatihan karyawan Instalasi Rumah Sakit Advent Manado belum pernah dilakukan. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu kinerja yang baik pada kepuasan pasien, semangat kerja dan kepuasan kerja karyawan. Kinerja kurang baik yang harus diperbaiki yaitu pelatihan karyawan.Kata kunci : Kinerja, Instalasi Farmasi, Balanced Scorecard, Perspektif Pelanggan, Perspektif Pertumbuhan dan Pembelajara
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