41 research outputs found

    A strategic partner selection decision-making support methodology in the business modelling phase for startups in the pre-incubation phase

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    Partner choice is an important element for any business throughout its lifecycle. It is even more strategic in early startup stages, when the business model is set in the pre-incubation phase.Entrepreneurs are confronted to take decisions on which partners to choose. Those strategic decisions on which partners to commit with, and defining their roles, can be made more or less formally, with the risk of relying on “gut feelings” when there is complex data to be taken in consideration and when there is pressure, constraints, limited resources and no proper methodology for the entrepreneur to base its decision on.Confronted to such a situation, it is interesting to consider building a decision-making support methodology for strategic partner choice for in the business modelling phase of a startup pre-incubation phase. This can offer support to the entrepreneur and make its leadership anchored in more formal approach to decision-making.This research presents a methodological framework that can support early startups, while still in the pre-incubation phase, to select the most suitable strategic business partner(s) and develop, based on that, their business operations, management, development and commercialization models. The methodology offers an initial approach which allows an entrepreneur to make more formal investigation and be assisted in the decision-making process on choosing the partners and defining their roles and contribution in the strategy of the start-up. Specifically, the methodology intends to provide support on selecting the most relevant and feasible data types that need to be collected for the effective partner evaluation and selection. Furthermore, it provides a data collection mechanism and algorithm, a partner evaluation procedure, support on identifying the strategic intend or need from a specific partner, the analysis of the potential partner based on the partnership needs, a scoring tableau based on several parameters per partner selection criteria and finally the calculation of the potential partner’s score. The research conducted evaluated twenty-one potential partners for a VR training startup that intends to operate in the following months and it is currently at the partnerships establishment phase. The partners that have been analyzed derive from eight, related to the start-up, professional sectors, from five countries, and with more than fifty unique activities that cover the fourteen key parameters of the partner evaluation methodology. The paper presents the overall methodological approach in stages and the procedure (steps) of each stage. It indicates the goal setting approach, the evaluation of the partner’s activities, the partner’s evaluation scorecard, the computation of the scoring process and the visualization of the scoring results in tables and charts that create a partner’s evaluation dashboard for effective partners comparison in total or in specific partnership requirements as set in the partnerships strategy and objectives. It must be noted that the proposed methodology is not an optimal tool but more of a heuristic exploratory tool. Further research has been scheduled to be extend the testing of the methodology with more cases, to increase the number of partner evaluation parameters and to link several of the related parameter metrics with sources than can provide more subjective values

    Indoor positioning using symmetric double-sided two-way ranging in a welding hall

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    We introduce a method by which to locate sensors in a 2.4 GHz wireless network. We tested our system in a rough welding hall, where plasma cutters and welding machines commonly cause radio interference. Indoor positioning is a challenge because standardized GPStype global-positioning technologies are not available. There is therefore a need for extra infrastructure, such as wireless sensors, but moreover there is no standardized communication between sensors. Therefore, it is reasonable to investigate alternative technologies. We found that a reliable positioning system could be created by using Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) modulation. Also, we studied which CSS parameters affect the transfer data rate in order to determine the most reliable speed for both top and average transfer

    Virtual Training in Safety and Security – TUAS Visions for Next Generation Learning

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    [EN] The new suggested collaboration is related to the development of learning materials for a virtual environment that can be used in multiprofessional excercises for improving safety and security in bodies of water and /or in urban settings. We have identified both national and international needs for virtual training. Especially safety and security with dangerous or hazardous working environments seems to be one of the first domains where virtual training should be widely applied. We are searching for both end users such as shipping companies or fire departments but also researchers from various fields. In order to be able to develop learning content we will need a multidisciplinary team consisting which is able to design and implement suitable learning episodes but also measure the impact in improved safety and security conditions. In this, paper we will use virtual fire safety training application as an example of next generation learning. Finally, we will show our first field experiences from Oman.Luimula, M.; Talvitie, R.; Rantalaiho-Kulo, N. (2019). Virtual Training in Safety and Security – TUAS Visions for Next Generation Learning. En Proceedings 5th CARPE Conference: Horizon Europe and beyond. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 258-263. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARPE2019.2019.10542OCS25826

    Fostering Communication between the Elderly and the Youth with Social Games

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    In today’s aging societies, elderly people often have difficulties to find people to communicate with. To address this loneliness of the elderly, it has been suggested to create more opportunities for children and elderly people to engage in various shared activities together. In this ongoing research, we investigate that social offline games can facilitate communication between the generations by creating a mutually enjoyable environment where elderly and young persons can interact with each other. A longitudinal approach is used to investigate whether intergenerational communication actually is enhanced by utilizing social offline games as the medium. Prior research has been conducted in related topics, such as the perceptions of the young and elderly participants towards each other in a game setting, as well as the impacts to communication behaviours among players of the same generation. We aim to build a model that connects game enjoyment, intergenerational perceptions and communication, and ultimately contribute to improving the well-being and relieving the loneliness experienced by many elderly people

    Investigating the Finnish Elderly People’s Attitudes and Motivation towards Digital Game-Based Physical Exercises

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    Attitudes and motivation towards physical exercises play a vital role for elderly people’s adherence to exercise. In recent years, digital games have been used to enhance elderly people’s experiences in physical exercises. However, there is a limited number of studies regarding elderly people’s attitudes and motivation towards digital game-based exercises. In this study, we aim at investigating the Finnish elderly people’s attitudes towards physical and digital game-based exercises, as well as their motivation in the gameplay. Furthermore, we intend to investigate if digital games can be an alternative way of exercising for elderly people. We conducted a user experience test of the “Skiing Game” with 21 elderly participants in Finland. We applied both qualitative (e.g. interview) and quantitative (e.g. questionnaires) methods to collect data from the participants. Then, we analyzed the data by using SPSS and Nvivo. The findings show that the Finnish elderly people’s attitudes towards physical exercises are more positive than digital game-based exercises. However, their attitudes towards digital games have become more positive after the gameplay. Their in-game and post-game user experiences were moderately positive. Their motivation to play digital game-based exercises was moderately high after the gameplay. Their feedback towards the Skiing game was positive. They recommend that digital game-based exercises can be an effective way of exercising. Based on these findings, we recommend that digital games are promising to be used as an alternative way of exercising for the Finnish elderly people. The discussion in this study can help researchers gain insights about using digital games for promoting elderly people’s participation in physical exercises

    Aging and sleep deprivation affect different neurocognitive stages of spatial information processing during a virtual driving task – An ERP study

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    We have previously shown that aging deteriorates detection of spatial visual and auditory stimuli and prolongs reaction times measured during a virtual driving task. Sleep deprivation affected the young more than the old. Here we determined the effects of age and sleep deprivation on ERPs elicited by spatial visual and auditory stimuli during virtual driving. Participants were 22 young (18–35 years) and 19 old (65–79) healthy males. Experiments were run in normal daytime condition and after a night of sleep deprivation. Aging shortened the peak latencies of the early P1 and N1 but increased the P3 latency. Sleep deprivation slowed down and diminished the N1 peaks of the young. General right-side preference was seen in latencies. Thus, the effects of aging could be seen in decision making and working memory related processes (P3), whereas those of sleep deprivation could be found in alerting and orienting functions (N1) in the young.</p

    A Certification Framework for Virtual Reality and Metaverse Training Scenarios in the Maritime and Shipping industry

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    The Covid-19 pandemic enable advanced technologies to find areas of application that significantly eliminate physical presence. This paper presents an analysis of the maritime and shipping VR and Metaverse training certification demand, the requirements that need to be fulfilled for VR training scenarios to be certified, and the overall certification process that can be followed. The research is based on primary and secondary research with an extensive academic literature review, a survey with 80 maritime participants, three interviews with industry experts in maritime VR training and certification, case studies on the maturity and the readiness on the VR training in maritime and shipping, and the presentation of the latest virtual training certification standards from a leading maritime classification organization. The research results indicate an initial VR training certification process that can be used as a guide for VR training organizations on their efforts to certify their professional training applications and technologies

    Differential interactions of age and sleep deprivation in driving and spatial perception by male drivers in a virtual reality environment

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    We determined the effects of age and sleep deprivation on driving and spatial perception in a virtual reality environment. Twenty-two young (mean age: 22 years, range: 18-35) and 23 old (mean age: 71 years, range: 65-79) participants were tested after a normal night of sleep and a night of sleep deprivation. The participants drove a virtual car while responding to uni- and bilateral visual and auditory stimuli. Driving errors (crossing the lane borders), reaction times and accuracy to visual and auditory stimuli, performance in psychological tests, and subjective driving ability and tiredness were measured. Age had no effect on the number of driving errors, whereas sleep deprivation increased significantly especially the number of left lane border crossings. Age increased the number of stimulus detection errors, while sleep deprivation increased the number of errors particularly in the young and in the auditory modality as response omissions. Age and sleep deprivation together increased the number of response omissions in both modalities. Left side stimulus omissions suggest a bias to the right hemispace. The subjective evaluations were consistent with the objective measures. The psychological tests were more sensitive to the effects of age than to those of sleep deprivation. Driving simulation in a virtual reality setting is sensitive in detecting the effects of deteriorating factors on both driving and simultaneous spatial perception

    The use of metaverse in maritime sector – a combination of social communication, hands on experiencing and digital twins

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    COVID-19 has caused challenges in traveling, sales activities, and teleconferencing is at the moment the main communication tool in industry. Various technologies have been introduced during the last a couple of years to increase the immersion of remote presence. Technologies, that can be called as a virtual reality social platform (VRSP) such as Glue, MootUp, Breakroom, LearnBrite, Virtway Events, Engage, AltspaceVR, and VirBELA are robust solutions for a small group of people to participate in the same event. In July 2021, both Microsoft CEO and Facebook CEO published their visions for remote presence, teleconferencing, and much more. Microsoft plans to build an enterprise metaverse (combining technologies such as AltspaceVR, Mesh, Teams, and HoloLens). Facebook in turn intends to transit their business from social media platform to metaverse provider. In February 2021, much before the metaverse enhancement of the big tech giants, Turku University of Applied Sciences started the development of its own metaverse technology. According to Nevelsteen (2018) metaverse is a virtual universe shared amongst its users allowing them to interact with each other within the boundaries of the platform. For TUAS the metaverse concept is a combination of social communication, hands on experiencing and digital twin integration. None of the mentioned VRSP technologies include all these three features neither Microsoft or Facebook have this type of vision. Moreover existing VRSP technologies typically have challenges such as update management, number of simultaneous users, usability, user experience, license policies, customization but also limited user interaction and user data gathering. In this paper, we will introduce our own metaverse technology. Research conducted at TUAS tested existing VRSPs, compared Unity and Unreal game engines in metaverse development and based on industry trend analysis revealed that Epic Games intends to focus on metaverse software development tools. On the other hand the use of Unreal limits user groups for VR and PC users. This research approach presented in this paper provides metaverse experiences to be used with various ways from VR/AR/XR to PCs and mobile phones. This way, users who have limited resources available are able to participate in metaverse applications where the user experience will vary based the available device. This paper introduces the TUAS metaverse technology, the first experiences of developing it and how the first prototype version of this technology has been used in various maritime sector projects. To demonstrate the technology a harbor area has been selected as a test environment. In the first test, AltspaceVR technology was used to develop the environment itself with features needed in virtual exhibition called Match XR. This will be followed by an experiment where the harbor environment with same functionalities will be moved to the TUAS metaverse technology. Finally, the paper reports how multiplayer concepts such as MarISOT command bridge training scenarios can be developed utilizing the TUAS metaverse technology

    Tulevaisuuden interaktiiviset teknologiat – virtuaalitodellisuus turvallisuusviestinnän välineenä paloturvallisuudessa

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    Tässä artikkelissa kuvataan kahta virtuaaliympäristöön sijoittuvaa paloturvallisuuspeliä ja virtuaalitodellisuuden käyttämistä turvallisuusviestinnän välineenä. Pelimetriikan analyysilla selvitettiin neljään pelaajaryhmään kuuluvien henkilöiden käyttäytymistä hätäpoistumistilanteessa. Lisäksi artikkelissa esitellään alkusammuttamisen simulointiin perustuvaa virtuaalitodellisuusympäristöön sijoittuvaa opetuspeliä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella opetuspelin pelaamista ja tulevaisuuden teknologioiden mahdollisuuksia paloturvallisuuden edistämisessä. Suhteellisen pienen koehenkilöjoukon (n=169) pelitulosten perusteella ilmeni, että peruskouluikäiset pelaajat eivät virtuaaliympäristön poistumisskenaariossa käyttäneet yhtä paljon poistumisen tukena turvakilpiä tai seinällä ollutta pohjapiirroskarttaa kuin muut pelaajaryhmät. Vaikka alustavien tutkimustulosten perusteella ei voidakaan päätellä käyttäytymistä todellisessa tulipalotilanteessa, tarkoituksenmukaiseen toimintaan, turvakilpien ja pohjapiirroskarttojen käyttämiseen tulisi kiinnittää huomiota turvallisuusviestinnässä. </p