50 research outputs found
Preliminary Proposal for New Traffic Flow Regulation and Organization in Brodarica in the City of Å ibenik
Kretanje pojedinaÄnog vozila na prometnici je kretanje vozila na cesti najveÄom sigurnosnom brzinom, a nije ovisno o drugim vozilima na prometnici. Za razliku od pojedinaÄnog kretanja vozila, pod prometnim tokom se razumijeva kretanje dvaju ili viÅ”e vozila na istom putu. Odnosi meÄu prometnim tokovima na raskrižjima jedan su od uzroka smanjene propusne moÄi. Zbog toga svaki postupak u izmjeni organiziranosti prometnih tokova mora biti utemeljen na detaljno izuÄenom postojeÄem stanju i sagledavanju njegove izmjene. Takav problem vidljiv je u mjestu Brodarica kod Å ibenika. PogreÅ”na organizacija prometa dovodi do nepotrebnih presijecanja prometnih tokova. Svrha istraživanja je analizirati postojeÄe prometne tokove u naselju Brodarica,te ukazati na probleme koji se javljaju pri odvijanju prometa. Cilj istraživanja je prikupiti podatke brojanjem prometa i ponuditi nova rjeÅ”enja kako bi se smanjio broj nepotrebnih presijecanja, smanjili repovi Äekanja,poveÄala propusna moÄ te sigurnost svih sudionika u prometu.The movement of an individual vehicle on the road is the movement of the vehicle on the road at highest safety speed and independently of any other vehicles on the road. Unlike single-vehicle movement, traffic flow implies the movement of two or more vehicles on the same path. The relation between traffic flows at intersections is one of the causes of reduced throughput capacity. Therefore, any procedure of modification of organization of traffic flows needs to be based on troughly studying in the existing situation and reviewing its modification. Such problem can be seen in Brodarica near Å ibenik. Incorrect organization of traffic leads to unnecessary intersecting of traffic flows. The purpose of the research is to analyze the existing traffic flows in Brodarica and to point out the problems that occur in the traffic flow. The goal of the research is to collect data by counting traffic and to offer new solutions that would reduce the number of unnecessary intersections, queue lenghts and increase throughput capacity and safety of all traffic participants
Preliminary Proposal for New Traffic Flow Regulation and Organization in Brodarica in the City of Å ibenik
Kretanje pojedinaÄnog vozila na prometnici je kretanje vozila na cesti najveÄom sigurnosnom brzinom, a nije ovisno o drugim vozilima na prometnici. Za razliku od pojedinaÄnog kretanja vozila, pod prometnim tokom se razumijeva kretanje dvaju ili viÅ”e vozila na istom putu. Odnosi meÄu prometnim tokovima na raskrižjima jedan su od uzroka smanjene propusne moÄi. Zbog toga svaki postupak u izmjeni organiziranosti prometnih tokova mora biti utemeljen na detaljno izuÄenom postojeÄem stanju i sagledavanju njegove izmjene. Takav problem vidljiv je u mjestu Brodarica kod Å ibenika. PogreÅ”na organizacija prometa dovodi do nepotrebnih presijecanja prometnih tokova. Svrha istraživanja je analizirati postojeÄe prometne tokove u naselju Brodarica,te ukazati na probleme koji se javljaju pri odvijanju prometa. Cilj istraživanja je prikupiti podatke brojanjem prometa i ponuditi nova rjeÅ”enja kako bi se smanjio broj nepotrebnih presijecanja, smanjili repovi Äekanja,poveÄala propusna moÄ te sigurnost svih sudionika u prometu.The movement of an individual vehicle on the road is the movement of the vehicle on the road at highest safety speed and independently of any other vehicles on the road. Unlike single-vehicle movement, traffic flow implies the movement of two or more vehicles on the same path. The relation between traffic flows at intersections is one of the causes of reduced throughput capacity. Therefore, any procedure of modification of organization of traffic flows needs to be based on troughly studying in the existing situation and reviewing its modification. Such problem can be seen in Brodarica near Å ibenik. Incorrect organization of traffic leads to unnecessary intersecting of traffic flows. The purpose of the research is to analyze the existing traffic flows in Brodarica and to point out the problems that occur in the traffic flow. The goal of the research is to collect data by counting traffic and to offer new solutions that would reduce the number of unnecessary intersections, queue lenghts and increase throughput capacity and safety of all traffic participants
Preliminary Proposal for New Traffic Flow Regulation and Organization in Brodarica in the City of Å ibenik
Kretanje pojedinaÄnog vozila na prometnici je kretanje vozila na cesti najveÄom sigurnosnom brzinom, a nije ovisno o drugim vozilima na prometnici. Za razliku od pojedinaÄnog kretanja vozila, pod prometnim tokom se razumijeva kretanje dvaju ili viÅ”e vozila na istom putu. Odnosi meÄu prometnim tokovima na raskrižjima jedan su od uzroka smanjene propusne moÄi. Zbog toga svaki postupak u izmjeni organiziranosti prometnih tokova mora biti utemeljen na detaljno izuÄenom postojeÄem stanju i sagledavanju njegove izmjene. Takav problem vidljiv je u mjestu Brodarica kod Å ibenika. PogreÅ”na organizacija prometa dovodi do nepotrebnih presijecanja prometnih tokova. Svrha istraživanja je analizirati postojeÄe prometne tokove u naselju Brodarica,te ukazati na probleme koji se javljaju pri odvijanju prometa. Cilj istraživanja je prikupiti podatke brojanjem prometa i ponuditi nova rjeÅ”enja kako bi se smanjio broj nepotrebnih presijecanja, smanjili repovi Äekanja,poveÄala propusna moÄ te sigurnost svih sudionika u prometu.The movement of an individual vehicle on the road is the movement of the vehicle on the road at highest safety speed and independently of any other vehicles on the road. Unlike single-vehicle movement, traffic flow implies the movement of two or more vehicles on the same path. The relation between traffic flows at intersections is one of the causes of reduced throughput capacity. Therefore, any procedure of modification of organization of traffic flows needs to be based on troughly studying in the existing situation and reviewing its modification. Such problem can be seen in Brodarica near Å ibenik. Incorrect organization of traffic leads to unnecessary intersecting of traffic flows. The purpose of the research is to analyze the existing traffic flows in Brodarica and to point out the problems that occur in the traffic flow. The goal of the research is to collect data by counting traffic and to offer new solutions that would reduce the number of unnecessary intersections, queue lenghts and increase throughput capacity and safety of all traffic participants
Nanofiltration of a Landfill Leachate Containing Pharmaceutical Intermediates from Vitamin C Production
The main landfill of the city of Zagreb generates several hundreds of cubic meters of heavily contaminated leachate per day. The organic composition of the leachate is particularly peculiar because, besides common macromolecular humus-like dissolved organic carbon,it encompasses a number of specific compounds of pharmaceutical origin, including a suite of by-products deriving from the production of vitamin C. Since both macromolecular humic organic matter and vitamin C intermediates are rather resistant to microbial degradation, leachate treatment procedures using simple retention lagoons or conventional bioreactors are not very effective in reducing their levels before the discharge into the receiving waters. An attractive alternative is the application of membrane technology. The efficiencies of three different types of nanofilters for the purification of leachates from the JakuŔevec landfill were examined. It was shown that both complex humic-like dissolved organic matter and anthropogenic compounds of pharmaceutical origin can be eliminated at high efficiencies, mostly above 90 %
Fenotipska i genetska povezanost osobina plodnosti plotkinja Ŕvedskog landrasa
The aims of this paper were: determination of correlation between fertility traits both at phenotypic and at genetic level, determination of dependency of exsamined parameters from the analysed data size as well as determination of influence of data corrections on correlations between traits. Phenotypic correlation between litter size and weight did not confirm after correction for NWP and LWW. Between NLB and NTB phenotypic correlation was complete (from rP=0.922 to rP=0.929) and statistical very significant (P lt 0.01). Genetic correlation among traits were in range from low (rG=0.230, NWP:TNB) to complete (rG=1.197, cNWP:NLB). So wide range for genetic correlation was consequence of analyzed data set. Statistical significance for obtained parameters were high (P lt 0.01).Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi povezanost izmeÄu osobina plodnosti na fenotipskom i genetskom nivou. da se utvrdi zavisnost ispitivanih parametara od obima analiziranih podataka kao i uticaj sprovedenih korekcija podataka na povezanost izmeÄu osobina. Fenotipska povezanost osobina veliÄine i mase legla nije ustanovljena posle sprovedenih korekcije za BOP i MLPO. IzmeÄu BŽRP i BURP fenotipska povezanost je bila potpuna (od rp=0.922 do rp=0.929) i statistiÄki visoko znaÄajna (P lt 0.01). Genetske korelacije su se kretale od jako slabe (rG=0.230, KBOP:BURP) do potpune (rG=1.197, KBOP:BŽRP) Å”to je zavisilo od osobina i koriÅ”Äenih podataka u analizi. StatistiÄka znaÄajnost utvrÄenih parametara je bila visoka (P lt 0.01)
Reproductive performances of Holstein cows with different milk fat to protein ratio during successive stages of lactation
Aim of study was to determine relationship between the energy status of cows, expressed through different milk fat to protein ratio values (FPR1.3), and their reproductive performances (interval from calving to first artificial insemination; calving to conception interval; insemination index; pregnancy duration; intercalving interval) during succesive stages of lactation (day 15th to 45th; day 46th-75th; day 76th-105th; day 106th to 135th of lactation). The study included a total of 350 fresh calved Holstein cows (121 primiparous, 115 secundiparous and 114 cows which calved three or more times), kept and fed in usual farm conditions. Milk samples were taken during morning milking, and FPR value was calculated from concentrations of milk fat and protein for all milk samples. Reproductive parameters were calculated from farm data. Values of all reproductive parameters, except pregnancy duration, had generally increasing trend in all groups during successive stages of lactation. During successive stages of lactation, cows with optimal FPR values had generally better reproductive performances, compared to cows with increased or decreased FPR values, which indicates importance of FPR monitoring during early lactation for timely detection of cows predisposed for poor reproductive results
Reproductive Performances of Holstein Cows with Different Milk Fat to Protein Ratio during Successive Stages of Lactation
Aim of study was to determine relationship between the energy status of cows, expressed through different milk fat to protein ratio values (FPR<1.0, 1.0-1.3 and >1.3), and their reproductive performances (interval from calving to first artificial insemination; calving to conception interval; insemination index; pregnancy duration; intercalving interval) during succesive stages of lactation (day 15th to 45th; day 46th-75th; day 76th-105th; day 106th to 135th of lactation). The study included a total of 350 fresh calved Holstein cows (121 primiparous, 115 secundiparous and 114 cows which calved three or more times), kept and fed in usual farm conditions. Milk samples were taken during morning milking, and FPR value was calculated from concentrations of milk fat and protein for all milk samples. Reproductive parameters were calculated from farm data. Values of all reproductive parameters, except pregnancy duration, had generally increasing trend in all groups during successive stages of lactation. During successive stages of lactation, cows with optimal FPR values had generally better reproductive performances, compared to cows with increased or decreased FPR values, which indicates importance of FPR monitoring during early lactation for timely detection of cows predisposed for poor reproductive results
In the paper was analysed the influence of three different container types, used for
cultivation of Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris seedlings, on dimensions of their anatomical
(resin ducts width, resin ducts number, tracheid number, tracheid width, wood rays height) and
morphological (height, root collar diameter, sturdiness coefficient) elements, and on proportion
of wood, bark and pith, as well. Two-factorial ANOVA showed that container type affects a lot
all investigated anatomical traits by both species, but on the other side, these species varied
between each other just in terms of tracheid width and wood rays height. Based on descriptive
statistics, significantly lower values of all studied anatomical elements were recorded by
biodegradable compared to plastic containers. As for P. nigra seedlings, they showed the best
anatomical performance in Plantagrah I, while Hiko V-120 SS was the most suitable for
P. sylvestris. The highest proportion of pith and bark was recorded in biodegradable container.
As for morphological parameters, such as height and root collar diameter, higher values were
recorded by plastic containers
Produžen anestrus post partum i reproduktivna performansa muznih krava (pregled)
Tokom Ā nekoliko zadnjih decenija, genetski napredak u proizvodnji mleka, povezan sa primenom novih reproduktivnih tehnologija, doveo je do znaÄajnog smanjenja fertiliteta u zapatima krava visoke mleÄnosti Å”irom sveta. Produžen postpartalni anestrus je jedan od glavnih uzroka smanjenog fertiliteta i ekonomskih gubitaka u intenzivnoj proizvodnji mleka. Cilj ovog rada je da se prikažu uzroci i moguÄnost smanjenja uticaja ovog faktora na sledeÄu reproduktivnu performansu visoko mleÄnih krav
Sedative poisoning - eight-year retrospective study in the Centre of Emergency Medicine Clinical Hospital "Sveti Duh"
U radu je retrospektivno analizirana uÄestalost bolesnika zaprimljenih u Centar za hitnu medicinu ā SrediÅ”nji hitni prijam KB āSveti Duhā zbog trovanja sedativima u razdoblju od sijeÄnja 2008. do rujna 2015. godine. Analizirani su demografski podaci bolesnika, vrste sedativa kojima je izvrÅ”eno trovanje, te kliniÄka simptomatologija, terapijski postupci i ishod lijeÄenja. Podaci su prikupljeni iz baze podataka informatiÄkog bolniÄkoga sustava, te arhive medicinske dokumentacije. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 444 bolesnika. NajveÄi broj bolesnika zaprimljenih zbog trovanja bio je u dobnoj skupini od 36 do 55 godina (50%). S obzirom na spol, veÄi je udio žena (64%), a najÄeÅ”Äi uzroÄnik trovanja bio je diazepam (67,1%). Kod najveÄeg broja otrovanih bolesnika nije bilo znaÄajnih kliniÄkih simptoma (31%) ili je bila izražena blaga somnolencija, sedacija ili pospanost (45%). U 87% bolesnika primijenjena je infuzijska terapija kristaloidnim otopinama, a u 55% njih antidot flumazenil. NajveÄi broj bolesnika (81%) bio je zadržan na promatranju do nestanka simptoma, te nakon toga upuÄen u nadležnu psihijatrijsku ustanovu. Smrtni ishod zabilježen je kod 8 bolesnika. U zakljuÄku možemo naglasiti da trovanja sedativima predstavljaju znaÄajan problem za sve lijeÄnike koji rade u hitnoj medicinskoj službi. Iako veÄina bolesnika ne zahtijeva hospitalizaciju i nema izraženu težu kliniÄku simptomatologiju, 8 umrlih bolesnika ukazuje na Å”iroku dostupnost sedativa, a time i potrebu za boljom regulacijom propisivanja, kao i potrebu za stalnom edukacijom u zbrinjavanju istih.The study retrospectively analyzed sedative poisoning among patients admitted to the Centre of Emergency Medicine of Clinical Hospital āSveti Duh" from January 2008 to September 2015.
Patientsā demographic, sedative medication type, clinical symptoms, therapeutic procedures and outcomes were analysed. Data were collected from the hospital medical information system, and from the patients\u27 medical records. The study included 444 patients. The majority of patients were between 36 to 55 years of age (50%). In relation to gender, a greater number of cases occurred in female patients (64%) and the most frequently ingested drug was diazepam (67.1%). Most patients had no clinical manifestation of poisoning (31%) or just relatively mild symptoms included sedation, drowsiness and mild somnolence (45%). For the treatment, 87% of patients received IV solution and 55% received antidote flumazenil. The majority of patients were kept under observation until signs and symptoms of poisoning had been resolved, and then sent to psychiatric hospitals. Deaths were recorded in 8 patients.
In conclusion, we need to emphasize that the acutely poisoned patient remains a common problem facing doctors working in the Emergency Department. Although, most poisoned patients do not requirehospitalization and do not have significant clinical symptoms, the widespread use and availability of sedatives resulted in 8 deaths. This high rate of mortality indicated the need for better control and more restrictions on prescribing sedatives and continuing education in the management of these patients