26 research outputs found


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    Universities have an important role in regional innovation systems. In this study, we evaluate and compare two different case regional innovation systems (RIS), one located in the north of Romania, in Bucovina area and the other in Ylä-Savo region, in the middle of Finland. Main focus is on how university is contributing to competences of a RIS. We use the A’WOT analysis, which is a hybrid method connecting Multiple Criteria Decision Support (MCDS) methods to SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. The method yields analytical priorities for the factors included in SWOT analysis and makes them commensurable. The research work done was based on experts and actors interviews, which were structured according to principles of the steps of the A’WOT analysis. SMART technique was applied in the A’WOT framework. Both case RIS are described and analysed. The main goal is to improve the theoretical and effective knowledge in the innovations and sustainable development field from a country with tradition: how management models are applied in countries with competitive industry; which are the costs of the marketing and management strategy implementation in companies; which are the obstacles for the entrepreneurs’ development. The study will conclude by recommendations how to develop RIS competences, and especially the role of universities in this aspect.innovation system, multiple criteria decision support, regional planning, strategic planning, SWOT

    EU-jäsenyyden vaikutus maatilan nettotuloihin eri puuntuotantoskenaarioissa

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    Enhancing university – firm collaboration through an open innovation platform - A study on university – small firm collaboration based on experiences from the Plan C project

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    In this paper two research questions are explored by analysing empirical material from Savonia University of Applied Sciences’ innovation platform. The primary question is: how does strong tie development between faculty and firm representatives differ in the context of applied science university from strong tie development in the context of research university? A secondary and more practical question concerns the extent to which an innovation platform was successful in bringing Savonia University of Applied Sciences closer to theoretically derived Open Innovation System (OIS) operation model. Concerning the first research question our analysis suggests that strong-tie development in the context of university of applied science is different from that of research university because of missing common history between firm population and university staff. Concerning the second question our analysis suggests that the creation of an open innovation platform (Plan C) has helped Savonia University of Applied Sciences to increase the number of ties between university staff and firm representatives as well as the tie strength. By so doing the project has supported the theoretically driven Open Innovation System operation mode

    Health Game project experiences

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    When we combined concepts of own motivation and addictivety of digital games, the Health ProPeli (Health ProGame) program was born! Aim of the program is to study the use of gaming technologies, digital- and physical innovations and gamification in health care, functional capacity and rehabilitation. Game mechanics could help people to get motivation for preventive healthcare, managing their own treatment and getting better results in general. The study is conducted on 6 different ’playfields’. Six different playfields have mapped user scenarios and operating conditions. Students have been in main role, while enterprises and experts are guiding work. Based on the different game concepts, demos and prototypes have been produced for different environments. Some of the demo versions have already been used in tests. The concept of playfields is proved to be promising environments enabling fast prototyping and testing and allowing patients, students and experts from different sectors to straightforward co-creation. More than one hundred students, fifty users and 20 experts from health care, design, technology and business sectors have been involved and participated. Along the development process four joint Game Jams were organized

    Ekometsätalouden hyödyt ja kustannukset tasapainoon

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    Välitämmekö metsän mahdollisuuksista maaseudulla?

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    Sosiaalista kestävyyttä ja innovaatioita metsäsuunnitteluun

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