25 research outputs found

    GROPI - STARI GURAN Analysis of Prehistoric Pottery

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    Sustavnim istraživanjima na području Gropi - Stari Guran, zapadno od Vodnjana, u razdoblju od 2002. do 2008., dokumentiran je tanki kulturni sloj s prapovijesnom keramikom koji prati tok žive stijene podloge (Sl. 1 - 6; nap. 1 - 12). Među prikupljenim ulomcima ističe se grupa koja vjerojatno pripada istoj posudi, ukrašenoj apliciranim oštrim stožastim bradavicama (T. 12). Paralele nalazimo na prostoru sjeverne i srednje Dalmacije, u lokalitetima koji su datirani već u kasni eneolitik, odnosno rano brončano doba (Sl. 8; T. 13; nap. 13 - 18). Radi se o prostoru koji pokriva cetinska kultura. S toga nalaz iz Gurana predstavlja element cetinske kulture na prostoru Istre, čime se još jednom povezuju pojave cetinske kulture u pećinama tršćanskog Krasa i Dalmacije (nap. 19 - 20). Osim njih, cetinske elemente predstavljaju ulomci zdjela s ojačanim rubom ušća (T. 1: 6; 6: 63 - 65; 11: 105 - 109). Ranobrončanodobne podunavske utjecaje predstavljaju lonci i amfore s “x” ručkama (T. 5: 40, 41; 6: 66; Sl. 2), a istom razdoblju pripadaju i ulomci ručki koje se suzuju u gornjem dijelu, gdje su često spojene s jezičastom pločicom (T. 4: 28 - 32; 9: 84, 86 - 90). Među skromnim ukrašenim ulomcima, nalazi se dio dna posude ukrašenog s vanjske strane (T. 3: 24), kakva su uobičajena za srednje brončano doba Istre, ali im je moguća i nešto ranija pojava. Izrađena je termoluminescentna analiza ulomka keramike iz US 33, s područja bazilike, čime je dobiven datum 2800. g. pr. Kr. (+ 380) (nap. 29), dok je tipološkom analizom ulomaka nalaze bilo moguće datirati u razdoblje ranoga brončanog doba, odnosno oko 1800. g. pr. Kr. Čak i ako prihvatimo raniju dataciju keramike s bradavicama u kasni eneolitik, prema Batoviću, ne uspijevamo uskladiti podatak. Naselje na području Gropi - Stari Guran, uz još nekoliko novih lokaliteta, predstavlja potvrdu postojanja izvangradinskih naselja na prostoru Istre tijekom brončanog doba (Sl. 9, nap. 36 - 39). Postojanje takvog tipa naselja (iako još slabo poznatih), dokumentiran je već ranije na području posuške kulture zapadne Hercegovine, kao i na području srednje i sjeverne Dalmacije (nap. 32 - 35). Razlog malom broju dosad poznatih izvangradinskih naselja je njihovo teško prepoznavanje u prostoru.Systematic archaeological excavations at the site Gropi - Stari Guran, located west of Vodnjan, were carried out in the period 2002-2008. Documented was a thin cultural layer that followed the shape of bedrock, containing prehistoric pottery (Fig. 1 - 6; ft. 1 - 12). Among recovered ceramic fragments, those that are most probably parts of the same vessel decorated with applied sharp cone-shaped bossets, are distinguished (Pl. 12). The closest typological parallels to the vessel in question are vessels found in North and Middle Dalmatia, on sites already dated to the Late Aeneolithic or Early Bronze Age (Fig. 8; Pl. 13; ft. 13 - 18). This area belongs to the cultural area of the Cetina culture. Therefore, the find from Guran represents an element of the Cetina culture in Istria and once again connects the finds from the caves in the Trieste Karst and those in Dalmatia belonging to the Cetina culture (ft. 19 - 20). In addition, elements of the Cetina culture are represented by the fragments of bowls with a thickened rim edge (Pl. 1: 6; 6: 63 - 65; 11: 105 - 109). Pots and amphorae with “x’’ handles display inf luences from the Danube-basin region in the Early Bronze Age (Pl. 5: 40, 41; 6: 66; Fig. 2). Fragments of handles narrowed in the upper section, where they are often attached to a small linguiform plate, can be dated to the same period (Pl. 4: 28 - 32; 9: 84, 86 - 90). Among modestly decorated fragments is the part of the base of a vessel with decorated outside surface, an usual find of the Middle Bronze Age in Istria, but it can also appear earlier (Pl. 3: 24). Termoluminiscence technique for dating the ceramic fragments found in US 33 (in the area of the basilica) was used and gave the age of 2800 BC (+ 380) (ft. 29), while typological analysis gave the datation to the Early Bronze Age, around 1800 BC. Even if we take into consideration the earlier dating (proposed by Batović) of the vessels decorated with applied bossets, we still do not manage to relate the data obtained. With several newly discovered sites, Gropi - Stari Guran corroborates the statement of the existence of open-air settlements in the Istrian region during the Bronze Age (Fig. 9, ft. 36 - 39). Even though they are still inadequately known, the existence of this type of settlement was documented even earlier in the area of the Posušje culture in West Herzegovina, as well as in Middle and North Dalmatia (ft. 32 - 35). The reason for the small number of known open-air settlements is their difficulty to be recognised in the landscape

    Nalazi prahistorijskih ostava na području Istre

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    The paper deals with prehistoric hoards found to date on the tcrritory of Istria. The oldest is a set of copper axes from Boljun. The Late Bronze Age hoards of axes from Oprtalj, Baredine near Brtonigla and Monte Maesta (Debeljak) near Stinjan are ali lost and have been only partly published. Closely examined and catalogued are the hoard with iron objeets from Kosmati Kostel, near the village of Opatija (municipality of Buzet), containing spearheads. machaira fragments and parts of vvinged axes. and from Pula-Tivoli. consisting of bronze and iron weaponry (bronze spearheads, a fragment of a bronze axe, iron spearheads and machairae, spits etc.) and amorphous bronze and iron lumps. The latter hoards are compared with those from Tržišče near Cerknica and Gradišče near Trnovo and similarly datcd to circa 600 B. C. or in the second half of the 7lh century (stage III of the development of Istrian group).Članek obravnava vse znane prazgodovinske zakladne najdbe iz Istre. Najstarejša najdba, skupina bakrenih sekir iz Boljuna, je bila tudi najprej odkrita. Poznobronastodobne zakladne najdbe sekir iz Oprtlja, iz Baredin pri Brtonigli in z Monte Maestk (Debeljak) pri Štinjanu so vse izgubljene, objavljene pa so bile le delno. V novejšem času odkriti najdbi s Kosmatega Kostela pri vasi Opatija (občina Buzet) in s Tivolija v Puli sta tukaj prvič objavljeni. Medtem ko vsebuje prva (Kosmati Kostel) samo železne predmete (sulične osti, odlomke krivih mečev in dele plavutastih sekir), se nahajajo v drugi (Pula-Tivoli) poleg bronastega in železnega orožja in orodja (bronaste sulične osti. del bronaste sekire, železne sulične osti, krivi meči in nabodala za raženj) še brezoblični kosi brona in železa. Obe sta zelo podobni notranjskima zakladnima najdbama s Tržišča pri Cerknici in z Gradišča pri Trnovem. Tudi datirani sta podobno, in sicer v čas okrog leta 6(X) ali v drugo polovico 7. st. pr. n. š. oziroma v tretjo razvojno stopnjo istrske skupine

    Hellenistic bronze situlae from Nesactium

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    U radu su prikazani ulomci helenističkih brončanih situla zvonolikog i stamnoidnog tipa pronađeni na području rimskoga kapitolija u Nezakciju, u razdoblju između 1978. i 1983. godine. Obrađeni su tipološki, zbog nejasnih stratigrafskih okolnosti. Zvonolike situle predstavljaju proizvode etruščanskih radionica s kraja 4. i 3. st. pr. Kr., dok su ataše s lijevkom u obliku lavlje glave dijelovi stamnoidnih situla, izrađivanih u makedonskim i tračkim radionicama od sredine 4. do početka 3. st. pr. Kr. Predstavljaju dijelove luksuznog posuđa vezanog uz konzumaciju vina, korištenog u svečanostima, na banketima i simpozijima.The work presents fragments of Hellenistic bronze situlae of bell shaped and stamnoid type found in the area of the Roman capitolium in Nesactium during the period between 1978 and 1983. They were subjected to a typological analysis due to the unclear stratigraphic circumstances. Bell shaped situlae are the product of Etruscan workshops from the end of the 4th century and 3rd century BC, while the attachments with lion’s head spouts are components of stamnoid situlae, made in the Macedonian and Thracian workshops from the mid-4th to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. They were fixtures on luxury vessels associated with the consumption of wine, and thus used at ceremonies, banquets and symposia

    Daunian Askoi from Nesactium

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    Iskopavanjima početkom 20. st. na željeznodobnoj nekropoli u Nezakciju pronađeni su ulomci triju daunijskih askosa u obliku patke. U radu uspoređujemo nezakcijski askos sa sličnim posudama pronađenima na području istočnog Mediterana i Italije, od kasnog eneolitika do ranoga željeznog doba. Zaključujemo da Nezakcijski nalazi pripadaju fazama subgeomertijske daunijske keramike I i II.The fragments of three Daunian duck-shaped askoi were discovered in the course of excavations conducted at the beginning of the 20th century on the Iron Age necropolis at Nesactium. In this work we compare the Nesactium askoi with similar vessels discovered on the territories of the eastern Mediterranean and Italy, from the late Eneolithic period to the early Iron Age. We conclude that the finds from Nesactium belong to subgeometrical Daunian pottery, phases I and II

    Nesactium – New Fragments of Objects of Situla Art with Figural Decoration

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    U radu su prikazani nalazi ulomaka brončanih predmeta ukrašenih situlskim stilom, koji su pronađeni na području temelja rimskih hramova B i C u Nezakciju, tijekom 1979., 1980. i 1981. godine. Radi se o ulomcima pojaseva i situla, s tipičnim figuralnim i biljnim prizorima, nastalim u razdoblju između kraja 6. i početka 4. st. pr. Kr. Najčešće usporedbe za ove prikaze, nalazimo na području jugoistočnih Alpa. Među ulomcima se posebno ističu dijelovi koje prepoznajemo kao prizore koji se prvi put pojavljuju u Nezakciju – natjecanje u boksanju i povorka ratnika. Pronađeni su u istoj grupi ulomaka i uspoređeni s prizorima na situlama iz Bologne i Kufferna.The paper presents the finds of fragments of bronze artefacts decorated in the style of Situla Art, discovered in the area of the foundations of Roman temples B and C in Nesactium in 1979, 1980 and 1981. The fragments depict typical figural and floral scenes and belong to belts and situlae created in the period between the end of the 6th and the beginning of the 4th cent. BC. The parallels for these scenes are most often found in the area of the southeastern Alps. The fragments that particularly stand out are those that depict scenes for the first time encountered in Nesactium – a boxing competition and a procession of warriors. These were found in the same group of fragments and compared with scenes on the situlae from Bologna and Kuffern

    Urn Burial Find at Mariškići (Lupoglav)

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    U članku je prikazana grupa predmeta koji čine ostatke oštećene grobne cjeline pronađene ispod kaštela Stari Lupoglav, odnosno u blizini naselja Mariškići. Sakupljeni su ulomci keramike, među kojima se ističe gnathia olpe, staklene perle i ulomci brončanog nakita, koji se mogu datirati u razdoblje 3. i 2. st. pr. n. e. Analizom skromnih spaljenih koštanih ostataka utvrđeno je da se radi o ukopu odrasle osobe i djeteta.This paper presents a group of artefacts that comprise the remains of a damaged grave context found below Stari Lupoglav castle, near the settlement of Mariškići. Notable among the recovered finds are a Gnathian olpe vessel, glass beads, and fragments of bronze jewellery that can be assigned to the period of the third to second century BCE. An analysis of the modest burned bone remains points to the burial of an adult and a child

    Two Unknown Prehistoric Hillforts on Ćićarija - A Contribution to the Topography of Istria

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    U radu su prikazane dvije gradine prepoznate prilikom topografskog pregleda nekadašnjeg graničnog prostora, između Republike Venecije i Kuće Austrije, na području Ćićarije. Gradina na Vrhu od Šterne, nalazi se istočno od Dana, dok je druga na vrhu Kosmačić, nad graničnim prijelazom Jelovice.The paper presents two hillforts that were recognized during a topographical survey of the former border area between the Republic of Venice and the House of Austria, located in the region of Ćićarija. The hillfort on Vrh od Šterne is located to the east of Dane, while the other is on Kosmačić Hill, above the border-crossing of Jelovice

    Konzeptioneller Wandel im früh- bis mittelbronzezeitlichen Befestigungsbau Istriens

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    Behandelt wird die Frage, ob es im Befestigungsbau der Altbronzezeit zeitspe zifische Konzeptionen gegeben hat. Sie wird positiv beantwortet. Ausgangspunkt sind unsere lang jährigen Ausgrabungen in Monkodonja bei Rovinj in Istrien. Geforscht wurde in einer der großen Bergsiedlungen, Gradine oder Castellieri genannt. Eine große, über Strecken bis zu 3 m Höhe er haltene Mauer fasst die Siedlung ein, eine zweite im Zentrum, Akropolis genannt, ist besonders aufwendig angelegt. Beide Mauern weisen zwei Bauphasen auf, eine Gründungsphase und eine die Anlage verstärkende Erneuerung. Insgesamt vier Tore wurden gründlich untersucht. Genügend viele Radiokarbondaten bestimmen den Bau der ersten Mauer in die Zeit um oder vor 1800, den zweiten in die Zeit um oder vor 1600 v. Chr., was der Br A 2 und der Br B in Sinne Reineckes entspricht. Beide Mauern zeigten grundsätzliche Unterschiede. Die aus sorgfältig gebrochenen Kalkquadern er richtete ältere Mauer von ca. 1,5 m Stärke verläuft nahe der Tore in Winkeln, in deren Ecken sich die Tore nicht besonders geschützt, befinden. Die kantige Form der älteren Mauer wird in der zweiten Phase des Wiederaufbaus aufgegeben. Alle vormals Ecken bildende Partien werden durch gerundete ersetzt. Nicht nur die Verstärkung der Mauer auf eine Breite von 3 – 5 m zeigt die Notwendigkeit, auf zunehmende Bedrohungen zu reagieren. Die Tore werden durch Einbauten besser besichert, eines wird sogar zugebaut, die anderen liegen mehr versteckt als repräsentativ. An allen bronzezeit lichen Gradinen durchgeführten Grabungen konnte ein ähnlicher Befund festgestellt werden (Vrčin, Brijuni, Karaštak, und vielleicht auch bei Elleri/ Jelarji nahe Triest). Wir schließen daraus, dass es Gründe gab, sich besser zu schützen. Diese bestanden wahrscheinlich in einer besseren Bewaffnung der Angreifer. In Europa wird z. B. das Schwert eingeführt, andere Metallwaffen wie funktionstüch tige Bronzebeile und Lanzenspitzen kommen in Istrien erstmals vor. Die Bedrohung durch Reiter scheint hinzuzukommen, wie der Bau von sog. Spanischen Reitern in Monkodonja anzeigt. Genutzt haben die Sicherungen nicht, die Siedlung von Monkodonja wird im Krieg zerstört und aufgelasse

    Fortifikacijski sistemi brončanodobnih naselja u Istri - koncepti i promjene

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    The paper presents the results of the systematic archaeological excavations of the defense system at Monkodonja Hillfort carried out between 1997 and 2008. Some characteristics of the construction and changes in it – particularly of the hill fort entrance – are compared with other Bronze-Age hillforts in Istria and Eastern Mediterranean. The paper proposes possible reasons for and datings of the changes in the rampart and gate construction that coincided with the appearance of new weapons and, consequently, with new methods of warfare.U članku su prikazani rezultati sustavnih arheoloških istraživanja obrambenog sustava na gradini Monkodonja u razdoblju između 1997. i 2008. Pojedine karakteristike gradnje i promjene u gradnji, posebno ulaza, uspoređene su s drugim brončanodobnim gradinama na području Istre, kao i na području istočnog Sredozemlja. Predloženi su mogući uzroci kao i datacije promjena u gradnji bedema i vrata naselja u skladu s pojavom novog naoružanja, a samim time i s promjenama u načinu ratovanja

    Two Unknown Prehistoric Hillforts on Ćićarija - A Contribution to the Topography of Istria

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    U radu su prikazane dvije gradine prepoznate prilikom topografskog pregleda nekadašnjeg graničnog prostora, između Republike Venecije i Kuće Austrije, na području Ćićarije. Gradina na Vrhu od Šterne, nalazi se istočno od Dana, dok je druga na vrhu Kosmačić, nad graničnim prijelazom Jelovice.The paper presents two hillforts that were recognized during a topographical survey of the former border area between the Republic of Venice and the House of Austria, located in the region of Ćićarija. The hillfort on Vrh od Šterne is located to the east of Dane, while the other is on Kosmačić Hill, above the border-crossing of Jelovice