Urn Burial Find at Mariškići (Lupoglav)


U članku je prikazana grupa predmeta koji čine ostatke oštećene grobne cjeline pronađene ispod kaštela Stari Lupoglav, odnosno u blizini naselja Mariškići. Sakupljeni su ulomci keramike, među kojima se ističe gnathia olpe, staklene perle i ulomci brončanog nakita, koji se mogu datirati u razdoblje 3. i 2. st. pr. n. e. Analizom skromnih spaljenih koštanih ostataka utvrđeno je da se radi o ukopu odrasle osobe i djeteta.This paper presents a group of artefacts that comprise the remains of a damaged grave context found below Stari Lupoglav castle, near the settlement of Mariškići. Notable among the recovered finds are a Gnathian olpe vessel, glass beads, and fragments of bronze jewellery that can be assigned to the period of the third to second century BCE. An analysis of the modest burned bone remains points to the burial of an adult and a child

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