33 research outputs found

    Extreme mutation bias and high AT content in Plasmodium falciparum.

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    For reasons that remain unknown, the Plasmodium falciparum genome has an exceptionally high AT content compared to other Plasmodium species and eukaryotes in general - nearly 80% in coding regions and approaching 90% in non-coding regions. Here, we examine how this phenomenon relates to genome-wide patterns of de novo mutation. Mutation accumulation experiments were performed by sequential cloning of six P. falciparum isolates growing in human erythrocytes in vitro for 4 years, with 279 clones sampled for whole genome sequencing at different time points. Genome sequence analysis of these samples revealed a significant excess of G:C to A:T transitions compared to other types of nucleotide substitution, which would naturally cause AT content to equilibrate close to the level seen across the P. falciparum reference genome (80.6% AT). These data also uncover an extremely high rate of small indel mutation relative to other species, primarily associated with repetitive AT-rich sequences, in addition to larger-scale structural rearrangements focused in antigen-coding var genes. In conclusion, high AT content in P. falciparum is driven by a systematic mutational bias and ultimately leads to an unusual level of microstructural plasticity, raising the question of whether this contributes to adaptive evolution

    Whole genome sequencing of Plasmodium falciparum from dried blood spots using selective whole genome amplification

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    BACKGROUND: Translating genomic technologies into healthcare applications for the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum has been limited by the technical and logistical difficulties of obtaining high quality clinical samples from the field. Sampling by dried blood spot (DBS) finger-pricks can be performed safely and efficiently with minimal resource and storage requirements compared with venous blood (VB). Here, the use of selective whole genome amplification (sWGA) to sequence the P. falciparum genome from clinical DBS samples was evaluated, and the results compared with current methods that use leucodepleted VB. METHODS: Parasite DNA with high (>95%) human DNA contamination was selectively amplified by Phi29 polymerase using short oligonucleotide probes of 8-12 mers as primers. These primers were selected on the basis of their differential frequency of binding the desired (P. falciparum DNA) and contaminating (human) genomes. RESULTS: Using sWGA method, clinical samples from 156 malaria patients, including 120 paired samples for head-to-head comparison of DBS and leucodepleted VB were sequenced. Greater than 18-fold enrichment of P. falciparum DNA was achieved from DBS extracts. The parasitaemia threshold to achieve >5× coverage for 50% of the genome was 0.03% (40 parasites per 200 white blood cells). Over 99% SNP concordance between VB and DBS samples was achieved after excluding missing calls. CONCLUSION: The sWGA methods described here provide a reliable and scalable way of generating P. falciparum genome sequence data from DBS samples. The current data indicate that it will be possible to get good quality sequence on most if not all drug resistance loci from the majority of symptomatic malaria patients. This technique overcomes a major limiting factor in P. falciparum genome sequencing from field samples, and paves the way for large-scale epidemiological applications

    Detection of simple and complex de novo mutations with multiple reference sequences.

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    The characterization of de novo mutations in regions of high sequence and structural diversity from whole-genome sequencing data remains highly challenging. Complex structural variants tend to arise in regions of high repetitiveness and low complexity, challenging both de novo assembly, in which short reads do not capture the long-range context required for resolution, and mapping approaches, in which improper alignment of reads to a reference genome that is highly diverged from that of the sample can lead to false or partial calls. Long-read technologies can potentially solve such problems but are currently unfeasible to use at scale. Here we present Corticall, a graph-based method that combines the advantages of multiple technologies and prior data sources to detect arbitrary classes of genetic variant. We construct multisample, colored de Bruijn graphs from short-read data for all samples, align long-read-derived haplotypes and multiple reference data sources to restore graph connectivity information, and call variants using graph path-finding algorithms and a model for simultaneous alignment and recombination. We validate and evaluate the approach using extensive simulations and use it to characterize the rate and spectrum of de novo mutation events in 119 progeny from four Plasmodium falciparum experimental crosses, using long-read data on the parents to inform reconstructions of the progeny and to detect several known and novel nonallelic homologous recombination events

    Rapid Genomic Characterization and Global Surveillance of Klebsiella Using Pathogenwatch.

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    BACKGROUND: Klebsiella species, including the notable pathogen K. pneumoniae, are increasingly associated with antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Genome-based surveillance can inform interventions aimed at controlling AMR. However, its widespread implementation requires tools to streamline bioinformatic analyses and public health reporting. METHODS: We developed the web application Pathogenwatch, which implements analytics tailored to Klebsiella species for integration and visualization of genomic and epidemiological data. We populated Pathogenwatch with 16 537 public Klebsiella genomes to enable contextualization of user genomes. We demonstrated its features with 1636 genomes from 4 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) participating in the NIHR Global Health Research Unit (GHRU) on AMR. RESULTS: Using Pathogenwatch, we found that GHRU genomes were dominated by a small number of epidemic drug-resistant clones of K. pneumoniae. However, differences in their distribution were observed (eg, ST258/512 dominated in Colombia, ST231 in India, ST307 in Nigeria, ST147 in the Philippines). Phylogenetic analyses including public genomes for contextualization enabled retrospective monitoring of their spread. In particular, we identified hospital outbreaks, detected introductions from abroad, and uncovered clonal expansions associated with resistance and virulence genes. Assessment of loci encoding O-antigens and capsule in K. pneumoniae, which represent possible vaccine candidates, showed that 3 O-types (O1-O3) represented 88.9% of all genomes, whereas capsule types were much more diverse. CONCLUSIONS: Pathogenwatch provides a free, accessible platform for real-time analysis of Klebsiella genomes to aid surveillance at local, national, and global levels. We have improved representation of genomes from GHRU participant countries, further facilitating ongoing surveillance

    An open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 7,000 worldwide samples.

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    MalariaGEN is a data-sharing network that enables groups around the world to work together on the genomic epidemiology of malaria. Here we describe a new release of curated genome variation data on 7,000 Plasmodium falciparum samples from MalariaGEN partner studies in 28 malaria-endemic countries. High-quality genotype calls on 3 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short indels were produced using a standardised analysis pipeline. Copy number variants associated with drug resistance and structural variants that cause failure of rapid diagnostic tests were also analysed.  Almost all samples showed genetic evidence of resistance to at least one antimalarial drug, and some samples from Southeast Asia carried markers of resistance to six commonly-used drugs. Genes expressed during the mosquito stage of the parasite life-cycle are prominent among loci that show strong geographic differentiation. By continuing to enlarge this open data resource we aim to facilitate research into the evolutionary processes affecting malaria control and to accelerate development of the surveillance toolkit required for malaria elimination

    Generation of Antigenic Diversity in Plasmodium falciparum by Structured Rearrangement of Var Genes During Mitosis

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    International audienceThe most polymorphic gene family in P. falciparum is the ,60 var genes distributed across parasite chromosomes, both in the subtelomeres and in internal regions. They encode hypervariable surface proteins known as P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) that are critical for pathogenesis and immune evasion in Plasmodium falciparum. How var gene sequence diversity is generated is not currently completely understood. To address this, we constructed large clone trees and performed whole genome sequence analysis to study the generation of novel var gene sequences in asexually replicating parasites. While single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were scattered across the genome, structural variants (deletions, duplications, translocations) were focused in and around var genes, with considerable variation in frequency between strains. Analysis of more than 100 recombination events involving var exon 1 revealed that the average nucleotide sequence identity of two recombining exons was only 63% (range: 52.7-72.4%) yet the crossovers were error-free and occurred in such a way that the resulting sequence was in frame and domain architecture was preserved. Var exon 1, which encodes the immunologically exposed part of the protein, recombined in up to 0.2% of infected erythrocytes in vitro per life cycle. The high rate of var exon 1 recombination indicates that millions of new antigenic structures could potentially be generated each day in a single infected individual. We propose a model whereby var gene sequence polymorphism is mainly generated during the asexual part of the life cycle

    Silicon Carbide Formation Enhanced by In-Situ-Formed Silicon Nitride: An Approach to Capture Thermal Energy of CO-Rich Off-Gas Combustion

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    Carbothermic smelting of ores to produce metals or alloys in alternating current open/semiclosed and closed submerged arc furnaces, or in closed direct current furnaces, results in large volumes of CO-rich off-gas being generated. Most of the CO-rich off-gas is cleaned and flared on stacks, since the storing of large volumes is problematic due to the associated toxic and explosive risks. Flaring of CO-rich off-gas results in significant wastage of energy. In this study, an alternative method to partially capture the thermal energy associated with off-gas combustion, in the form of silicon carbide (SiC) generated from waste materials (quartz and anthracite fines), is proposed. SiC can partially replace conventional carbonaceous reductants used to produce alloys such as ferrochromium. The influences of quartz and anthracite particle size, treatment temperature, and gaseous atmosphere (nitrogen or air) on SiC formation were investigated. A quartz-anthracite mixture with 90 pct of the particles < 350.9 µm carbothermically treated at 1873.15 K (1600 °C) resulted in almost complete conversion of quartz to SiC in both nitrogen and air atmospheres. The study indicated significant potential for industrial application of the process

    <i>Var</i> gene recombination occurs within domain classes and between domain subclasses.

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    <p>Each <i>var</i> gene typically comprises 4 to 7 DBL and CIDR domains, each domain being subdivided in various classes (α, β,…) and subclasses (α0.1, α0.2,…). In all but one of the recombining <i>var</i> pairs, the crossover breakpoint was predicted between domains of the same class in both genes. In contrast, recombination was indiscriminate of subclass within each domain class (outside wheels). Subclassification data are not available for 7G8 and GB4 strains. For clarity only recombining domain subclasses are shown here. Inter  =  Interdomain region. Numbers in the central wheel indicate the relative frequency of that domain class in group B and C <i>var</i> genes. DBLα domains showed the highest number of recombinations (<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004812#pgen.1004812.s013" target="_blank">S13 Fig</a>.) but within that domain we found no evidence for a hotspot (<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004812#pgen.1004812.s014" target="_blank">S14 Fig</a>.).</p