181 research outputs found


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    Expensive imported energy products (liquid fuels and gas) and the need for energy independence, direct us towards a strategy of increased use of renewable energy sources. Energy independence of one country can be read in the percentage of renewable energy sources (geothermal water, wind, water, hydropower, biomass, solar energy), compared to the amount of energy that is imported (liquid fuels and gas). In developed European countries, renewable energy sources make up 10 - 12% of the total energy balance, with us - just 1%. Environmental awareness obliges us to think about living in harmony with nature, using technologies that do not threaten the planet. If you would like to save a life on earth, must change the way of life and the way of construction. Inadequate access to jobs, is one of the most important contributions to global warming of the planet. Neanderthal Man is an intuitive built in harmony with nature. Technical and technological advances of civilization has brought the design and construction of the exhaust of fossil fuels, accumulate un-recyclable materials, improve emissions and alienate man from nature. For designers and investors is to develop, design and build „green”

    Upgrading fuel potentials of waste biomass via hydrothermal carbonization

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    In recent decades, massive exploitation of fossil fuels caused a growing demand for the production of energies from renewable sources. Hydrochar obtained from waste biomass via hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) possesses good potentials as a biofuel. Therefore, we performed HTC of corn cob, paulownia leaves, and olive pomace at different temperatures (180, 220, and 260oC). The main goal of this study was to comparatively evaluate the influence of HTC conditions on the structure and fuel characteristics of the obtained solids. The results showed that the yields of hydrochar decrease significantly with increasing temperature in all samples. The carbon content and higher heating value increased and reached the highest values in hydrochars obtained at 260°C, while the content of volatile matter decreased. Furthermore, the Van Krevelen diagram reveals that the transformation of feedstock to lignite-like products upon HTC was achieved. In this study, the results showed that processes of dehydration and decarboxylation during HTC provoke intensive biomass transformation and that hydrochars obtained at higher temperatures have significantly enhanced fuel properties and fewer volatiles compared to the feedstock.Link to erratum: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10171

    Erratum to: Upgrading fuel potentials of waste biomass via hydrothermal carbonization (Hem. Ind. 75 (5) 297–305 (2021))

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    This article has been published under the category Technical paper instead of Original scientific paper by mistake made by the Editorial Office of the journal Hemijska industrija during the proofreading process. Apologies are offered to authors and readers of the journal Hemijska industrija.Related to published version: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10170

    Investigation of predictive and diagnostic significance of single and combined biomarkers of lipid status and inflammation in patients with colorectal cancer

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    Nedostatak pouzdanih serumskih biomarkera je jedan od osnovnih problema u dijagnostici i proceni rizika za razvoj kolorektalnog karcinoma (colorectal cancer, CRC). Imajući u vidu da se razvoj malignih bolesti odlikuje kako promenama ćelijskog metabolizma, tako i izmenama imunog, oksidativnog i inflamatornog okruženja malignih ćelija, integrativni pristup, koji bi obuhvatio istovremeno određivanje više biomarkera tipičnih za navedena stanja, predstavlja obećavajuću strategiju u proceni rizika, skriningu i ranoj dijagnostici CRC. U ovoj studiji je ispitivan potencijal pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera za dijagnostiku i predviđanje rizika za nastanak CRC. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo četiri aspekta preko kojih se stekao uvid u promene inflamatornog statusa, energetskog metabolizma i imune homeostaze pacijenata sa CRC. U te svrhe smo određivali plazmatske koncentracije insulinu sličnog faktora rasta 1 (IGF1) i holesterola sadržanog u lipoproteinima visoke gustine (HDL-h) kao indikatora metaboličkih promena, te rezistina i E-kadherina kao parametara inflamacije. Drugi aspekt je obuhvatio ispitivanje funkcionalnosti enzima uključenih u remodelovanje (lecitin-holesterol aciltransferaze, LCAT, holesterol-estar transfernog proteina, CETP) i antioksidativnu funkciju (paraoksonaze 1, PON-1) HDL čestica kao zajedničkog imenitelja energetskog metabolizma, redoks, imune i inflamatorne ravnoteže. Treći aspekt je činilo određivanje nivoa ekspresije gena uključenih u kontrolu inflamatornog procesa (gena rezistina i njegovog receptora, proteina udruženog sa adenilat ciklazom 1, CAP-1), imunog odgovora (gena faktora nekroze tumora α, TNF-α) i metaboličke homeostaze (gena adiponektinskih receptora, Adipor1 i Adipor2) u mononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi (PBMC). Konačno, četvrti aspekt predstavljala je procena genetske predispozicije pojedinca za razvoj karcinoma bazirana na ispitivanju prisustva polimorfizama pojedinačnih nukleotida gena od interesa (IG1 rs2946834, ADIPOQ rs266729, ADIPOR1 rs7539542, ADIPOR1 rs1342387, TNF-α rs1800629, RETN rs1862513). Istraživanje je dopunjeno bioinformatičkom analizom online dostupnih transkriptomskih baza podataka. U istraživanje je uključeno 126 pacijenata sa CRC sa Klinike za opštu hirurgiju Vojnomedicinske akademije u Beogradu, kao i 101 zdrava osoba koja je pristupila redovnom godišnjem lekarskom pregledu u Opštoj bolnici Medigroup u Beogradu. Ispitanici su anketirani, te su na taj način prikupljeni podaci o uzrastu, osnovnim antropometrijskim merama i životnim navikama. Rutinski biohemijski parametri su određeni na analizatoru ILAB 300+, korišćenjem standardnih enzimskih i kolorimetrijskih procedura. Aktivnosti LCAT i CETP su procenjene merenjem brzine stvaranja i prenosa holesterol estara. Paraoksonazna aktivnost PON-1 je određena spektrofotometrijski uz paraokson kao supstrat, dok je arilesterazna aktivnost određena metodom sa fenilacetatom. Lančana reakcija polimerizacije (polymerase chain reaction, PCR) je korišćena u svrhe genotipizacije ispitanika i procene nivoa ekspresije gena. Komercijalni ELISA testovi su korišćeni za određivanje plazmatskih koncentracija IGF1, E-kadherina, rezistina, kao i CETP. ..The lack of reliable serum biomarkers is among major problems linked to the diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) and the risk assessment for the disease development. Given that the development of malignant diseases is characterized by changes in cellular metabolism and immune, oxidative and inflammatory environment of malignant cells, an integrative approach, which includes simultaneous determination of multiple biomarkers, represents a promising strategy for the risk evaluation, screening and early diagnosis of CRC. In this study, capacities of single and combined biomarkers for diagnosing and predicting the risk of developing CRC were examined. The research included four approaches for the assesment of alterations of inflammatory status, energy metabolism and immune homeostasis in CRC patients. For these purposes, plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) as indicators of metabolic changes were determined, while resistin and E-cadherin concentrations were used as indicators of inflammatory status. The second approach included testing the functionality of enzymes involved in remodeling (lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase, LCAT, cholesterol ester transfer protein, CETP) and antioxidative function (paraoxonase 1, PON-1) of HDL particle, which was appreciated as a common denominator of energy metabolism, redox, immune and inflammatory homeostasis. The third approach was to determine the levels of gene expressions involved in the control of the inflammatory processes (resistin and its receptor, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1, CAP-1), immune response (tumor necrosis factor α, TNF-α) and metabolic homeostasis (adiponectin receptors, Adipor1 and Adipor2) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Finally, the fourth approach was the assessment of an individual's genetic predisposition to develop CRC, which was based on the exploration of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): IGF1 rs2946834, ADIPOQ rs266729, ADIPOR1 rs7539542, ADIPOR1 rs1342387, TNF-α rs1800629, RETN rs1862513. The research was further supplemented by a bioinformatics analysis of online available transcriptome databases. The study included 126 patients with CRC from the Clinic for General Surgery of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade, as well as 101 healthy individuals who attended the regular annual medical examination at the General Hospital Medigroup in Belgrade. The participants were interviewed, and data on age, basic anthropometric measurments and life habits were collected. Routine biochemical parameters were determined on ILAB 300+ analyzer, using standard enzymatic and colorimetric procedures. LCAT and CETP activities were assessed by measuring the rate of formation and transfer of cholesteryl esters. Paraoxonase activity of PON-1 was determined spectrophotometrically with paraoxone as a substrate, while arylesterase activity was determined by the phenylacetate method. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for genotyping and the assessment of gene expression levels. Commercial ELISA assays were used to determine plasma concentrations of IGF1, E-cadherin, resistin, and CETP. .

    Izazovi u oblasti rane intervencije dece sa razvojnim smetnjama i teškoćama- strategije i taktike

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    Програм ране интервенције усмерен је на побољшање функционисања детета, његово осамостаљивање и интеграцију у социјалну средину. Како би се остварио континуиран програм подстицања развоја за дете које се укључује у рану интервенцију, неопходно је учешће родитеља, као члана тима, и то у познатом, природном окружењу. Укључивање у процес ране интервенције подразумева пружање помоћи деци и њиховим родитељима у савладавању различитих стратегија и тактика које ће применити, у циљу постизања бољег функционисања и искоришћавања постојаћих потенцијала детета. У овом раду говоримо о изазовима који се јављају током спровођења програма ране интервенције и о начинима њиховог решавања. Нагласак је на тактикама и стратегијама које се користе од стране особа најближих детету, а у циљу савладавања вештина свакодневног живота, веће самосталности и функционаности детета која ће помоћи и у интеграцији у социјалну средину.The early intervention program is aimed at encouraging the functioning of the child, his independence and integration into the social environment. In order to achieve a continuous developmental incentive program for the developing child, instead of this environment. Involvement in the early intervention process means helping children and their parents to master the various strategies and tactics that will be applied, in order to achieve better functioning and use of potential. In this paper, we talk about the challenges that arise in the implementation of early intervention programs and ways to address them. The emphasis is on tactics and strategies used by the person closest to the child, and in the cycle of mastering the news of everyday life, but the independence and functionality of the child, which is also used in integrations into the social environment

    Investigation of predictive and diagnostic significance of single and combined biomarkers of lipid status and inflammation in patients with colorectal cancer

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    Nedostatak pouzdanih serumskih biomarkera je jedan od osnovnih problema u dijagnostici iproceni rizika za razvoj kolorektalnog karcinoma (colorectal cancer, CRC). Imajući u vidu da se razvojmalignih bolesti odlikuje kako promenama ćelijskog metabolizma, tako i izmenama imunog,oksidativnog i inflamatornog okruženja malignih ćelija, integrativni pristup, koji bi obuhvatioistovremeno određivanje više biomarkera tipičnih za navedena stanja, predstavlja obećavajuću strategijuu proceni rizika, skriningu i ranoj dijagnostici CRC.U ovoj studiji je ispitivan potencijal pojedinačnih i kombinovanih biomarkera za dijagnostiku ipredviđanje rizika za nastanak CRC. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo četiri aspekta preko kojih se stekao uvidu promene inflamatornog statusa, energetskog metabolizma i imune homeostaze pacijenata sa CRC. Ute svrhe smo određivali plazmatske koncentracije insulinu sličnog faktora rasta 1 (IGF1) i holesterolasadržanog u lipoproteinima visoke gustine (HDL-h) kao indikatora metaboličkih promena, te rezistina iE-kadherina kao parametara inflamacije. Drugi aspekt je obuhvatio ispitivanje funkcionalnosti enzimauključenih u remodelovanje (lecitin-holesterol aciltransferaze, LCAT, holesterol-estar transfernogproteina, CETP) i antioksidativnu funkciju (paraoksonaze 1, PON-1) HDL čestica kao zajedničkogimenitelja energetskog metabolizma, redoks, imune i inflamatorne ravnoteže. Treći aspekt je činiloodređivanje nivoa ekspresije gena uključenih u kontrolu inflamatornog procesa (gena rezistina i njegovogreceptora, proteina udruženog sa adenilat ciklazom 1, CAP-1), imunog odgovora (gena faktora nekrozetumora α, TNF-α) i metaboličke homeostaze (gena adiponektinskih receptora, Adipor1 i Adipor2) umononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi (PBMC). Konačno, četvrti aspekt predstavljala je procenagenetske predispozicije pojedinca za razvoj karcinoma bazirana na ispitivanju prisustva polimorfizamapojedinačnih nukleotida gena od interesa (IG1 rs2946834, ADIPOQ rs266729, ADIPOR1 rs7539542,ADIPOR1 rs1342387, TNF-α rs1800629, RETN rs1862513). Istraživanje je dopunjeno bioinformatičkomanalizom online dostupnih transkriptomskih baza podataka.U istraživanje je uključeno 126 pacijenata sa CRC sa Klinike za opštu hirurgiju Vojnomedicinskeakademije u Beogradu, kao i 101 zdrava osoba koja je pristupila redovnom godišnjem lekarskompregledu u Opštoj bolnici Medigroup u Beogradu. Ispitanici su anketirani, te su na taj način prikupljenipodaci o uzrastu, osnovnim antropometrijskim merama i životnim navikama. Rutinski biohemijskiparametri su određeni na analizatoru ILAB 300+, korišćenjem standardnih enzimskih i kolorimetrijskihprocedura. Aktivnosti LCAT i CETP su procenjene merenjem brzine stvaranja i prenosa holesterol estara.Paraoksonazna aktivnost PON-1 je određena spektrofotometrijski uz paraokson kao supstrat, dok jearilesterazna aktivnost određena metodom sa fenilacetatom. Lančana reakcija polimerizacije(polymerase chain reaction, PCR) je korišćena u svrhe genotipizacije ispitanika i procene nivoaekspresije gena. Komercijalni ELISA testovi su korišćeni za određivanje plazmatskih koncentracijaIGF1, E-kadherina, rezistina, kao i CETP. ..The lack of reliable serum biomarkers is among major problems linked to the diagnosis ofcolorectal cancer (CRC) and the risk assessment for the disease development. Given that the developmentof malignant diseases is characterized by changes in cellular metabolism and immune, oxidative andinflammatory environment of malignant cells, an integrative approach, which includes simultaneousdetermination of multiple biomarkers, represents a promising strategy for the risk evaluation, screeningand early diagnosis of CRC.In this study, capacities of single and combined biomarkers for diagnosing and predicting the riskof developing CRC were examined. The research included four approaches for the assesment ofalterations of inflammatory status, energy metabolism and immune homeostasis in CRC patients. Forthese purposes, plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) and high-density lipoproteincholesterol (HDL-c) as indicators of metabolic changes were determined, while resistin and E-cadherinconcentrations were used as indicators of inflammatory status. The second approach included testing thefunctionality of enzymes involved in remodeling (lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase, LCAT, cholesterolester transfer protein, CETP) and antioxidative function (paraoxonase 1, PON-1) of HDL particle, whichwas appreciated as a common denominator of energy metabolism, redox, immune and inflammatoryhomeostasis. The third approach was to determine the levels of gene expressions involved in the controlof the inflammatory processes (resistin and its receptor, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1, CAP-1),immune response (tumor necrosis factor α, TNF-α) and metabolic homeostasis (adiponectin receptors,Adipor1 and Adipor2) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Finally, the fourth approach wasthe assessment of an individual's genetic predisposition to develop CRC, which was based on theexploration of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): IGF1 rs2946834, ADIPOQ rs266729,ADIPOR1 rs7539542, ADIPOR1 rs1342387, TNF-α rs1800629, RETN rs1862513. The research wasfurther supplemented by a bioinformatics analysis of online available transcriptome databases.The study included 126 patients with CRC from the Clinic for General Surgery of the MilitaryMedical Academy in Belgrade, as well as 101 healthy individuals who attended the regular annualmedical examination at the General Hospital Medigroup in Belgrade. The participants were interviewed,and data on age, basic anthropometric measurments and life habits were collected. Routine biochemicalparameters were determined on ILAB 300+ analyzer, using standard enzymatic and colorimetricprocedures. LCAT and CETP activities were assessed by measuring the rate of formation and transfer ofcholesteryl esters. Paraoxonase activity of PON-1 was determined spectrophotometrically withparaoxone as a substrate, while arylesterase activity was determined by the phenylacetate method.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for genotyping and the assessment of gene expression levels.Commercial ELISA assays were used to determine plasma concentrations of IGF1, E-cadherin, resistin,and CETP. .


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    This paper presents the results of attempt to perform modeling of SO2concentration in urban area in vicinity of copper smelter in Bor (Serbia), using ANFIS methodological approach. The aim of obtained model was to develop a prediction tool that will be used to calculate potential SO2 concentration, above prescribed limitation, based on input parameters. As predictors, both technogenic and meteorological input parameters were considered. Accordingly, the dependence of SO2concentration was modeled as the function of wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, humidity and amount sulfur emitted from the pyrometallurgical process of sulfidic copper concentration treatment

    Positive synergistic effect of the reuse and the treatment of hazardous waste on pyrometallurgical process of lead recovery from waste lead-acid batteries

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    Modification and optimization of the pyrometallurgical process of lead recovering from the waste lead-acid batteries have been studied in this paper. The aim of this research is to develop a cleaner production in the field of the secondary lead metallurgy. Lead smelting process with the addition of flux (sodium(I)-carbonate) and reducing agents (coke, iron) has been followed. The modified smelting process with the addition of hazardous waste (activated carbon) as alternative reducing agents has shown positive results on the quality of the secondary lead, the generated slag and the process gases. Filtration efficiency of the gases, the return of baghouse dust to the process and use of oxygen burners have positive effect on the environment protection and energy efficiency. Optimization of the recycling process has been based on the properties of the slag. Stabilization of slag is proposed in the furnace with addition of waste dust from the recycling of cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors. Phosphorus compounds from dust reduce leachability of toxic elements from the generated slag. Reduction the slag amount and its hazardous character through the elimination of migratory heavy metals and valorization of useful components have been proposed in the patented innovative device - cylindrical rotating washer/separator.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/metmateng1403171


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    Poliklinički informacijski sustav kardiološke poliklinike omogućava kvalitetno upravljanje poslovnim procesima poliklinike. Medicinska sestra provodi zdravstvenu skrb za pacijenta uz podršku informacijskog sustava koji podržava identifikaciju i prijam pacijenata, naplatu participacije, fakturiranje obavljenih usluga, narudžbe pacijenata za neinvazivnu dijagnostiku te provođenje dijagnostike. Sestra na svakom pojedinom radilištu unosi osobne podatke pacijenta, nadopunjuje postojeće, a ima mogućnost stavljanja zabilješki kao i uvida u rezultate dijagnostičkih pretraga pacijenata i mišljenja liječnika za pacijente u poliklinici. Uz navedeno sestra evidentira pružene usluge i korišteni materijal te na temelju toga provodi fakturiranje i naplatu usluga. Podatci su dostupni na svim radilištima isključivo ovlaštenim osobama. Uvođenjem informacijskog sustava medicinske sestre na prijamnom šalteru i sestrinskoj ordinaciji evidentiraju administrativne podatke i podatke vezane za dijagnostičku obradu u trenutku kada oni nastaju i na mjestima gdje nastaju. Pristup podatcima je dozvoljen samo uz osobnu lozinku. Olakšava se evidencija dolazaka pacijenata na radilište, omogućava bolja komunikacija s pacijentom u slučaju da pacijenta treba kontaktirati, te je olakšana izrada izvješća kao i analiza podataka. Osim prednosti javljaju se i problemi poput nedovoljne edukacije osoblja i nedovoljne pouzdanosti informatičke infrastrukture koja u slučaju preopterećenosti može usporiti sustav, što oduzima vrijeme i zdravstvenim djelatnicima i pacijentima.The cardiologic polyclinic information system ensures effective management of business processes in the polyclinic. Medical nurse provides health care to a patient with the support of the information system, which enables recording the patient’s identity, admission, participation fee charges, billing for the services provided, patients’ orders for noninvasive diagnostic methods, and implementation of diagnostic methods. The nurse enters patient’s personal information at every work station, updates the existing records, and has an opportunity to add notes and insights to the results of patient’s diagnostic tests and doctors’ opinions for patients in the polyclinic. Additionally, the nurse records the services and supplies provided, and these entries are used for billing and service charges. This information is accessible at every work station to authorized persons exclusively. The implementation of the information system enables medical nurses working at the reception desk and in nurses’ consulting room to record administrative data and data related to diagnostic analysis at the moment and at the place they happen. A personal password is required to access these data. In this way, the patient admission recording is facilitated, and in case the patient needs to be contacted, communication with him/her is improved, and finally, writing reports and data analysis are simplified. Apart from the advantages, there also are problems such as inadequate staff education and insufficient reliability of the information infrastructure, which if overloaded, can slow down the system, and this is time consuming for both health workers and patients

    Profiti gospodarenja srnećom divljači u lovištima središnje Srbije

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    SummaryThe aim of this paper is to analyze the total breeding stock market in 2021/2022, an estimate of the value of the stock of this type of game, the culling value and income per 100 ha of total hunting areas of all hunting grounds in Central Serbia. This research covered the roe deer breeding stock in the hunting grounds of central Serbia. Based on the analysis, the directions and possibilities for increasing the income in all hunting areas of Serbia has been considered. The assessment of the value of the roe deer breeding stock was determined according to the Rulebook (Official Gazette, No. 18/19), while the income from roe deer culling was calculated using the market price list given by the Hunting Association of Serbia for 2021/2022. It was determined that the value of the male roe deer stock is 6.506.000 €, while the value of the female and offspring stock is approximately 3.615.000€. Total income of culled game in 2017/2018 was 480.626 €, while the income per 100 ha of the total area of all hunting areas is 9€. The highest total income is generated by the Central Hunting ground and it amounts to 191.785 €. In order to achieve a higher profit from the management of roe deer at the hunting grounds of central Serbia, it is necessary to completely fulfill the planned culling with an increased inclusion of roebucks that have higher trophy mass.SažetakIstraživanjem je obuhvaćen fond srneće divljači, u lovištima središnje Srbije. Cilj rada je analiziranje ukupnog matičnog fonda u 2021/2022. godini, procijena vrijedosti fonda ove vrste divljači, vrijednost odstrela i prihoda na 100 hektara ukupne površine lovišta u svim lovnim područjima središnje Srbije. Na osnovi analize razmotrit će se smjernice i mogućnosti za uvećanje prihoda u svim lovnim područjima Srbije. Procjena vrijednosti matičnog fonda srneće divljači utvrđena je prema Pravilniku (Službeni glasnik, br. 18/19), dok je prihod od odstrela srna izračunat je po tržišnom cjeniku koji propisuje Lovački savez Srbije za lovnu 2021/2022. godinu. Utvrđeno je da vrijednost fonda mužjaka koji iznosi 6.506.000 eura, te vrijednosti fonda ženki i podmladka oko 3.615.000 eura. Ukupan prihod odstrijeljene divljači u 2017/2018. iznosi 480.626 eura, dok je prihod na 100 hektara ukupne površine svih lovnih područja 9 eura. Najveći ukupan prihod ostvaruje Središnjo lovno područje i iznosi 191.785 eura. Prihodi po jedinici površine se razlikuju između različitih lovnih područja Srbije i dosta ovisi od intenziteta gospodarenje populacijama srneće divljači. Kako bi se ostvario veći profit od gospodarenja srnom običnom u lovištima središnje Srbije, potrebno je u potpunosti ostvariti planirani odstrel s povećanim učešćem srndaća veće trofejne mase