379 research outputs found

    A case study of Caribbean chartered airline services for possible application in the Eastern Cape

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    Tourism is becoming a vital component of economic development in South Africa. In the light of South Africa having hosted the 2010Football World Cup, it is important to identify sustainable tourism that continues to benefit the economy long after the event is over.The Eastern Cape is identified as a region that has not been entirely successful in attracting large number of tourists, despite its variedtourist attractions. One of the constraints to tourism development is the lack of direct flight connections with northern Europe. As aresult, research into the development of charter services between Port Elizabeth, the largest city in the Eastern Cape, and selectednorthern European destinations is considered. The research looked at the successful tourism development policy in the Caribbeanand aimed to identify how similar policies could work in the Eastern Cape. A comparative case study of the connection between thecharter airline operations and tourism development in the Caribbean, with the focus on the Dominican Republic, was analysed toprovide motivation for such research. Its findings can be related to the Port Elizabeth-based charter airline operation being consideredin this study. A second objective was to identify constraints on the project or market failures which would prevent the implementationof charter services. The comparative case study was followed up by an actual cost benefit analysis of establishing a charterKeywords: airlines, Caribbean, case study, charter, constraints, development, market failures, South Africa, tourism

    Lumps and P-branes in Open String Field Theory

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    We describe numerical methods for constructing lump solutions in open string field theory. According to Sen, these lumps represent lower dimensional Dp-Branes and numerical evaluation of their energy can be compared with the expected value for the tension. We take particular care of all higher derivative terms inherent in Witten's version of open string field theory. The importance of these terms for off shell phenomena is argued in the text. Detailed numerical calculations done for the case of general pp brane show very good agreement with Sen's conjectured value. This gives credence to the conjecture itself and establishes further the usefulness of Witten's version of SFT .Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; v2: small typos correcte

    Construction methods and quality control for concrete shell roofs

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    p. 177-187Concrete shells are moldable to any shape and can be made aesthetically beautiful. This paper discusses the suitability of various methods of concrete shell roof construction, necessary precautions and quality guidelines. Good construction practice for concrete shell roofs is also highlighted.Mihailescu, M.; Sundaram, R. (2009). Construction methods and quality control for concrete shell roofs. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/648

    Worldsheet correlators in AdS(3)/CFT(2)

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    The AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence is checked beyond the supergravity approximation by comparing correlation functions. To this end we calculate 2- and 3-point functions on the sphere of certain chiral primary operators for strings on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4. These results are then compared with the corresponding amplitudes in the dual 2-dimensional conformal field theory. In the limit of small string coupling, where the sphere diagrams dominate the string perturbation series, beautiful agreement is found.Comment: 23 page

    Elliptic supertube and a Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield D2-brane--anti-D2-brane Pair

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    An exact solution, in which a D2-brane and an anti-D2-brane are connected by an elliptically tubular D2-brane, is obtained without any junction condition. The solution is shown to preserve one quarter of the supersymmetries of the type-IIA Minkowski vacuum. We show that the configuration cannot be obtained by "blowing-up" from some inhomogeneously D0-charged superstrings. The BPS bound tells us that it is rather composed of D0-charged D2-brane-anti-D2-brane pair and a strip of superstrings connecting them. We obtain the correction to the charges of the string end points in the constant magnetic background.Comment: v3. 12 pages, journal version; title changed, length trimmed to fit for Rapid Communication forma

    Coded Aperture and Compton Imaging for the Development of 225^{225}Ac-based Radiopharmaceuticals

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    Targeted alpha-particle therapy (TAT) has great promise as a cancer treatment. Arguably the most promising TAT radionuclide that has been proposed is 225^{225}Ac. The development of 225^{225}Ac-based radiopharmaceuticals has been hampered due to the lack of effective means to study the daughter redistribution of these agents in small animals at the preclinical stage. The ability to directly image the daughters, namely 221^{221}Fr and 213^{213}Bi, via their gamma-ray emissions would be a boon for preclinical studies. That said, conventional medical imaging modalities, including single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) based on pinhole collimation, cannot be employed due to sensitivity limitations. As an alternative, we propose the use of both coded aperture and Compton imaging with the former modality suited to the 218-keV gamma-ray emission of 221^{221}Fr and the latter suited to the 440-keV gamma-ray emission of 213^{213}Bi. This work includes coded aperture images of 221^{221}Fr and Compton images of 213^{213}Bi in tumor-bearing mice injected with 225^{225}Ac-based radiopharmaceuticals. These results are the first demonstration of visualizing and quantifying the 225^{225}Ac daughters in small animals via coded aperture and Compton imaging and serve as a stepping stone for future radiopharmaceutical studies

    Can Quantum de Sitter Space Have Finite Entropy?

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    If one tries to view de Sitter as a true (as opposed to a meta-stable) vacuum, there is a tension between the finiteness of its entropy and the infinite-dimensionality of its Hilbert space. We invetsigate the viability of one proposal to reconcile this tension using qq-deformation. After defining a differential geometry on the quantum de Sitter space, we try to constrain the value of the deformation parameter by imposing the condition that in the undeformed limit, we want the real form of the (inherently complex) quantum group to reduce to the usual SO(4,1) of de Sitter. We find that this forces qq to be a real number. Since it is known that quantum groups have finite-dimensional representations only for q=q= root of unity, this suggests that standard qq-deformations cannot give rise to finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, ruling out finite entropy for q-deformed de Sitter.Comment: 10 pages, v2: references added, v3: minor corrections, abstract and title made more in-line with the result, v4: published versio

    Spectral Flow in AdS(3)/CFT(2)

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    We study the spectral flowed sectors of the H3 WZW model in the context of the holographic duality between type IIB string theory in AdS(3)x S^3 x T^4 with NSNS flux and the symmetric product orbifold of T^4. We construct explicitly the physical vertex operators in the flowed sectors that belong to short representations of the superalgebra, thus completing the bulk-to-boundary dictionary for 1/2 BPS states. We perform a partial calculation of the string three-point functions of these operators. A complete calculation would require the three-point couplings of non-extremal flowed operators in the H3 WZW model, which are at present unavailable. In the unflowed sector, perfect agreement has recently been found between the bulk and boundary three-point functions of 1/2 BPS operators. Assuming that this agreement persists in the flowed sectors, we determine certain unknown three-point couplings in the H3 WZW model in terms of three-point couplings of affine descendants in the SU(2) WZW model.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure
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