17 research outputs found

    Big data for product innovation in manufacturing: evidence from a large-scale survey

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    The article analyses big data usage in the Croatian manufacturing sector. Big data usage is still low but present. We analysed the influence of six sources of big data and their influence on share of returns generated by new products using two step OLS regression analysis. The results are robust but they show that some sources have positive and some have negative effects on share of returns generated by new products. Based on the most recent research of scholarly papers we define big data and show a clear research gap by linking big data and innovation. That is, only six papers deal with big data and innovation. In five papers big data comes from social media data, and in the remaining one paper they use data from sensors but predominantly to reduce cost or support the product. Therefore, we contribute by closing this research gap of linking big data and innovation

    Metrijske karakteristike testa sunožni bočni preskoci preko konopca

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    Glavni predmet ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi metrijske karakteristike testa sunožni bočni preskoci preko konopca. Istraživanje je provedeno u dječjem vrtiću u Zagrebu na uzorku od 51 -oga djeteta, 29. djece iz srednje dobne skupine (od 4 do 6 godina) i 22. djece predškolske skupine (7 godina). Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali dobre metrijske karakteristike testa bočni preskoci preko konopca i postojanje razlika na temelju dobi u dobivenim rezultatima mjerenja. S obzirom na zadovoljavajuće metrijske karakteristike test se može koristiti za procjenu repetativne snage nogu kod djece predškolske dobi.The main object of this study was to determine the metric characteristics of jumping over the rope. The survey was conducted in a kindergarten in Zagrebon a sample 51 children, 29 children from the middle age group (from 4 to 6 years) and 22 children of preschool groups (7 years). The obtained results showed good metric characteristics of jumping over the ropeand existence of age-based deferences in the measurement results obtained. Considering the statisfactory metic characteristics the test can be used to estimate the reppetitive force of the leg in preschool children

    Comparative analysis of notes to financial statements of three small entrepreneurs

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    Mali poduzetnici uvelike doprinose razvoju gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske, što pokazuju i ukupni prihodi od 190 milijardi kuna u 2019. godini. Većina njih organizirana je kao društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću radi određenih prednosti koje takav oblik organiziranja donosi. Okvir računovodstvenog izvještavanja za male poduzetnike objedinjuje načela, standarde i zakonske propise koji pomažu u sastavljanju i prezentiranju financijskih izvještaja. S obzirom na to da su mali poduzetnici prema Zakonu o računovodstvu RH dužni predati tri vrste financijskih izvještaja, oni moraju biti upoznati sa određenim zakonima i direktivama. Jedna od bitnijih je Direktiva 2013/34/EU koja govori o godišnjim financijskim izvještajima za određene vrste poduzeća. Godišnji financijski izvještaji se dostavljaju financijskoj agenciji, u ovom slučaju to je FINA – vodeća tvrtka na području pružanja financijskih usluga. Izvještaji se mogu predati osobno u poslovnoj jedinici ili putem web aplikacije RGFI (Registar godišnjih financijskih izvješća). Upravo s te aplikacije preuzete su bilješke uz financijske izvještaje triju malih poduzetnika koje su obrađene u ovom radu. Izvještaji su objavljeni javno kako bi korisnici, bili oni investitori, zaposlenici, Vlada, agencije ili građani, dobili uvid o financijskom stanju poduzeća koje ih zanima. Uz bilancu i račun dobiti i gubitka, mali poduzetnici objavili su i bilješke koje dodatno pojašnjavaju strukturu i vrijednost određenih stavki iz prethodna dva izvještaja. Njihova forma nije strogo definirana, međutim postoje određene informacije koje poduzeće mora objaviti. Prethodno navedena direktiva odredila je koje su to informacije i prema tim odredbama odrađena je analiza bilješki u ovom radu. Točnije, napravljena je usporedna analiza koja može predočiti koliko mala poduzeća posvećuju pažnju bilješkama i rade li to u skladu sa Hrvatskim standardima financijskog izvještavanja i Direktivom EU. Načelo pouzdanosti govori o ispravnosti financijskih izvještaja, a bez obzira koristi li poduzeće interno ili eksterno računovodstvo, konačnu odgovornost preuzima menadžer. Navođenjem krivih podataka i manipuliranjem informacijama krši se prethodno navedeni zakon i gubi se povjerenje u poduzeće od strane eksternih korisnika izvještaja. Pregledavanjem navedenih bilješki, vidljivo je da su korištena programska rješenja koja omogućavaju automatsku izradu financijskih izvješća i tako olakšavaju proces izvještavanja.Small entrepreneurs greatly contribute to the development of the economy of the Republic of Croatia, as shown by the total revenues of HRK 190 billion in 2019. Most of them are organized as a limited liability company due to certain advantages that such form of organization brings. Some of the advantages are simpler accounting and tax regulations compared to joint-stock companies. The accounting reporting framework for small businesses brings together principles, standards and legal regulations that assist in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Considering that according to the Accounting Act of the Republic of Croatia, small entrepreneurs are required to submit three types of financial statements, they must familiarize themselves with certain laws and directives. One of the more important ones is Directive 2013/34/EU which talks about annual financial statements for certain types of companies. Annual financial reports are submitted to a financial agency, in this case it is FINA - a leading company in the field of providing financial services. The reports can be submitted in person at the business unit or through the web app RGFI (Register of Annual Financial Reports). It is from this app that the notes to the financial statements of three small entrepreneurs, which are processed in this paper, were taken. The reports are published so that the users, be they investors, employees, the Government, agencies or citizens, get an insight into the financial condition of the companies they are interested in. In addition to the balance sheet and profit and loss account, small entrepreneurs also published notes that further clarify the structure and value of certain items from the previous two reports. Their form is not strictly defined, however there is certain information that the company must publish. The already mentioned directive determined what this information is, and according to these provisions, the analysis of the notes in this paper was carried out. More precisely, a comparative analysis was made that can show how much attention small companies pay to notes and whether they do so in accordance with Croatian financial reporting standards and the EU Directive. The principle of reliability speaks about the correctness of financial statements, and regardless of whether the company uses internal or external accounting, the manager assumes the final responsibility. Stating wrong data and manipulating information violates the mentioned law and loses trust in the company on the part of external users of the report. All three processed companies are from the area of the city of Split, are organized as a limited liability company and belong to code 79.11. according to the National Classification of Activities. A comparative analysis of their notes shows that companies take care of their content. Using graphics and tables, the reader gets a better idea of the financial indicators of these companies. Although they contain some unnecessary or insufficient information, it can be said that they are well written and meet HSFI. By reviewing the mentioned notes, it is evident that software solutions were used that enable the automatic creation of financial reports and thus facilitate the reporting process

    Comparative analysis of notes to financial statements of three small entrepreneurs

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    Mali poduzetnici uvelike doprinose razvoju gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske, što pokazuju i ukupni prihodi od 190 milijardi kuna u 2019. godini. Većina njih organizirana je kao društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću radi određenih prednosti koje takav oblik organiziranja donosi. Okvir računovodstvenog izvještavanja za male poduzetnike objedinjuje načela, standarde i zakonske propise koji pomažu u sastavljanju i prezentiranju financijskih izvještaja. S obzirom na to da su mali poduzetnici prema Zakonu o računovodstvu RH dužni predati tri vrste financijskih izvještaja, oni moraju biti upoznati sa određenim zakonima i direktivama. Jedna od bitnijih je Direktiva 2013/34/EU koja govori o godišnjim financijskim izvještajima za određene vrste poduzeća. Godišnji financijski izvještaji se dostavljaju financijskoj agenciji, u ovom slučaju to je FINA – vodeća tvrtka na području pružanja financijskih usluga. Izvještaji se mogu predati osobno u poslovnoj jedinici ili putem web aplikacije RGFI (Registar godišnjih financijskih izvješća). Upravo s te aplikacije preuzete su bilješke uz financijske izvještaje triju malih poduzetnika koje su obrađene u ovom radu. Izvještaji su objavljeni javno kako bi korisnici, bili oni investitori, zaposlenici, Vlada, agencije ili građani, dobili uvid o financijskom stanju poduzeća koje ih zanima. Uz bilancu i račun dobiti i gubitka, mali poduzetnici objavili su i bilješke koje dodatno pojašnjavaju strukturu i vrijednost određenih stavki iz prethodna dva izvještaja. Njihova forma nije strogo definirana, međutim postoje određene informacije koje poduzeće mora objaviti. Prethodno navedena direktiva odredila je koje su to informacije i prema tim odredbama odrađena je analiza bilješki u ovom radu. Točnije, napravljena je usporedna analiza koja može predočiti koliko mala poduzeća posvećuju pažnju bilješkama i rade li to u skladu sa Hrvatskim standardima financijskog izvještavanja i Direktivom EU. Načelo pouzdanosti govori o ispravnosti financijskih izvještaja, a bez obzira koristi li poduzeće interno ili eksterno računovodstvo, konačnu odgovornost preuzima menadžer. Navođenjem krivih podataka i manipuliranjem informacijama krši se prethodno navedeni zakon i gubi se povjerenje u poduzeće od strane eksternih korisnika izvještaja. Pregledavanjem navedenih bilješki, vidljivo je da su korištena programska rješenja koja omogućavaju automatsku izradu financijskih izvješća i tako olakšavaju proces izvještavanja.Small entrepreneurs greatly contribute to the development of the economy of the Republic of Croatia, as shown by the total revenues of HRK 190 billion in 2019. Most of them are organized as a limited liability company due to certain advantages that such form of organization brings. Some of the advantages are simpler accounting and tax regulations compared to joint-stock companies. The accounting reporting framework for small businesses brings together principles, standards and legal regulations that assist in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Considering that according to the Accounting Act of the Republic of Croatia, small entrepreneurs are required to submit three types of financial statements, they must familiarize themselves with certain laws and directives. One of the more important ones is Directive 2013/34/EU which talks about annual financial statements for certain types of companies. Annual financial reports are submitted to a financial agency, in this case it is FINA - a leading company in the field of providing financial services. The reports can be submitted in person at the business unit or through the web app RGFI (Register of Annual Financial Reports). It is from this app that the notes to the financial statements of three small entrepreneurs, which are processed in this paper, were taken. The reports are published so that the users, be they investors, employees, the Government, agencies or citizens, get an insight into the financial condition of the companies they are interested in. In addition to the balance sheet and profit and loss account, small entrepreneurs also published notes that further clarify the structure and value of certain items from the previous two reports. Their form is not strictly defined, however there is certain information that the company must publish. The already mentioned directive determined what this information is, and according to these provisions, the analysis of the notes in this paper was carried out. More precisely, a comparative analysis was made that can show how much attention small companies pay to notes and whether they do so in accordance with Croatian financial reporting standards and the EU Directive. The principle of reliability speaks about the correctness of financial statements, and regardless of whether the company uses internal or external accounting, the manager assumes the final responsibility. Stating wrong data and manipulating information violates the mentioned law and loses trust in the company on the part of external users of the report. All three processed companies are from the area of the city of Split, are organized as a limited liability company and belong to code 79.11. according to the National Classification of Activities. A comparative analysis of their notes shows that companies take care of their content. Using graphics and tables, the reader gets a better idea of the financial indicators of these companies. Although they contain some unnecessary or insufficient information, it can be said that they are well written and meet HSFI. By reviewing the mentioned notes, it is evident that software solutions were used that enable the automatic creation of financial reports and thus facilitate the reporting process

    Comparative analysis of notes to financial statements of three small entrepreneurs

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    Mali poduzetnici uvelike doprinose razvoju gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske, što pokazuju i ukupni prihodi od 190 milijardi kuna u 2019. godini. Većina njih organizirana je kao društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću radi određenih prednosti koje takav oblik organiziranja donosi. Okvir računovodstvenog izvještavanja za male poduzetnike objedinjuje načela, standarde i zakonske propise koji pomažu u sastavljanju i prezentiranju financijskih izvještaja. S obzirom na to da su mali poduzetnici prema Zakonu o računovodstvu RH dužni predati tri vrste financijskih izvještaja, oni moraju biti upoznati sa određenim zakonima i direktivama. Jedna od bitnijih je Direktiva 2013/34/EU koja govori o godišnjim financijskim izvještajima za određene vrste poduzeća. Godišnji financijski izvještaji se dostavljaju financijskoj agenciji, u ovom slučaju to je FINA – vodeća tvrtka na području pružanja financijskih usluga. Izvještaji se mogu predati osobno u poslovnoj jedinici ili putem web aplikacije RGFI (Registar godišnjih financijskih izvješća). Upravo s te aplikacije preuzete su bilješke uz financijske izvještaje triju malih poduzetnika koje su obrađene u ovom radu. Izvještaji su objavljeni javno kako bi korisnici, bili oni investitori, zaposlenici, Vlada, agencije ili građani, dobili uvid o financijskom stanju poduzeća koje ih zanima. Uz bilancu i račun dobiti i gubitka, mali poduzetnici objavili su i bilješke koje dodatno pojašnjavaju strukturu i vrijednost određenih stavki iz prethodna dva izvještaja. Njihova forma nije strogo definirana, međutim postoje određene informacije koje poduzeće mora objaviti. Prethodno navedena direktiva odredila je koje su to informacije i prema tim odredbama odrađena je analiza bilješki u ovom radu. Točnije, napravljena je usporedna analiza koja može predočiti koliko mala poduzeća posvećuju pažnju bilješkama i rade li to u skladu sa Hrvatskim standardima financijskog izvještavanja i Direktivom EU. Načelo pouzdanosti govori o ispravnosti financijskih izvještaja, a bez obzira koristi li poduzeće interno ili eksterno računovodstvo, konačnu odgovornost preuzima menadžer. Navođenjem krivih podataka i manipuliranjem informacijama krši se prethodno navedeni zakon i gubi se povjerenje u poduzeće od strane eksternih korisnika izvještaja. Pregledavanjem navedenih bilješki, vidljivo je da su korištena programska rješenja koja omogućavaju automatsku izradu financijskih izvješća i tako olakšavaju proces izvještavanja.Small entrepreneurs greatly contribute to the development of the economy of the Republic of Croatia, as shown by the total revenues of HRK 190 billion in 2019. Most of them are organized as a limited liability company due to certain advantages that such form of organization brings. Some of the advantages are simpler accounting and tax regulations compared to joint-stock companies. The accounting reporting framework for small businesses brings together principles, standards and legal regulations that assist in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Considering that according to the Accounting Act of the Republic of Croatia, small entrepreneurs are required to submit three types of financial statements, they must familiarize themselves with certain laws and directives. One of the more important ones is Directive 2013/34/EU which talks about annual financial statements for certain types of companies. Annual financial reports are submitted to a financial agency, in this case it is FINA - a leading company in the field of providing financial services. The reports can be submitted in person at the business unit or through the web app RGFI (Register of Annual Financial Reports). It is from this app that the notes to the financial statements of three small entrepreneurs, which are processed in this paper, were taken. The reports are published so that the users, be they investors, employees, the Government, agencies or citizens, get an insight into the financial condition of the companies they are interested in. In addition to the balance sheet and profit and loss account, small entrepreneurs also published notes that further clarify the structure and value of certain items from the previous two reports. Their form is not strictly defined, however there is certain information that the company must publish. The already mentioned directive determined what this information is, and according to these provisions, the analysis of the notes in this paper was carried out. More precisely, a comparative analysis was made that can show how much attention small companies pay to notes and whether they do so in accordance with Croatian financial reporting standards and the EU Directive. The principle of reliability speaks about the correctness of financial statements, and regardless of whether the company uses internal or external accounting, the manager assumes the final responsibility. Stating wrong data and manipulating information violates the mentioned law and loses trust in the company on the part of external users of the report. All three processed companies are from the area of the city of Split, are organized as a limited liability company and belong to code 79.11. according to the National Classification of Activities. A comparative analysis of their notes shows that companies take care of their content. Using graphics and tables, the reader gets a better idea of the financial indicators of these companies. Although they contain some unnecessary or insufficient information, it can be said that they are well written and meet HSFI. By reviewing the mentioned notes, it is evident that software solutions were used that enable the automatic creation of financial reports and thus facilitate the reporting process

    Motor skills of students of Early and Preschool Education

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    Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi motoričke sposobnosti studenata Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te razlike između skupina. Provedeno je uz pomoć anonimnog anketnog upitnika. Ukupni uzorak je činilo 55 studenata od kojih je 29 sa 1. godine preddiplomskog studija i 26 sa 1. godine diplomskog studija. Uzorak varijababli sastojao se od 5 testova za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti (podizanje trupa, leđnjaci i jumping jacks u 60 sekundi, skok u dalj s mjesta, pretklon trupa raznožno i stajanje na jednoj nozi u usponu na prstima) i jednog pitanja otvorenog tipa za procjenu zadovoljstva riješenih testova. Izračunata je deskriptivna statistika na temelju prikupljenih podataka, te je korišten t-test za utvrđivanje razlika između dviju skupina studenata. Dobiveni podaci pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku samo u testu ravnoteže, stajanje na jednoj nozi u usponu na prstima. Studenti sa diplomskog studija ostvaruju 3 puta veći maksimalni rezultat. Važno je naglasiti kako su studenti ocjenjujući zadovoljstvo odrađenim testovima dali do znanja kako su svijesni potrebe za poboljšanjem svojih motoričkih sposobnosti. Rezultati pokazuju kako je velika raspršenost podataka u svim mjerenjima što dokazuje na velike razlike između motoričkih sposobnosti studenata u svim testovima. Tjelesno vježbanje ima pozitivan učinak na psihičko i fizičko zdravlje čovjeka te smanjenje stresa koje je izraženo već u studentskoj dobi. Važno je poticati ih još u visokoškolskom obrazovanju kako bi usvojili zdrave navike i održali razinu motoričke sposobnosti.The main goal of this research was to determine the motor skills of students of Early and Preschool Education at the Univercity of Zagreb and the differences between groups. The research was conducted with the help of an anonymus survey questionnaire. The total sample consisted of 55 students, of which 29 from the 1st year of undergraduate students and 26 of graduate students. The sample of variables consisted of 5 tests to assess motor skills (sit-ups, superman and jumping jacks in 60 seconds, standing long jump, sit and reach with open legs and single leg stance on the toes) and one open-ended question to assess satisfaction of their solved tests. Descriptive statistics were calculated based on the collected data, and t-test was used to determine the differences between the two groups of students. The obtained data showed a statistically significant difference only in the one, leg standing balance test on the toes. Graduate students achieve 3 times higher maximum score. It is important to emphasize that the students, assessing their own satisfaction with the tests performed, made it clear that they are aware of the need to improve their motor skills. The results show that there is large dispersion of data in all measurements, which proves that large differences between the motor abilities of students in all tests. Physical exercise has a positive effect on the mental and physical health of a person and reduces stress, which is already expressed in students age. It is important to encourage them back in higher education in order to adopt healthy habits and maintain a level of motor ability

    Metrijske karakteristike testa sunožni bočni preskoci preko konopca

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    Glavni predmet ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi metrijske karakteristike testa sunožni bočni preskoci preko konopca. Istraživanje je provedeno u dječjem vrtiću u Zagrebu na uzorku od 51 -oga djeteta, 29. djece iz srednje dobne skupine (od 4 do 6 godina) i 22. djece predškolske skupine (7 godina). Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali dobre metrijske karakteristike testa bočni preskoci preko konopca i postojanje razlika na temelju dobi u dobivenim rezultatima mjerenja. S obzirom na zadovoljavajuće metrijske karakteristike test se može koristiti za procjenu repetativne snage nogu kod djece predškolske dobi.The main object of this study was to determine the metric characteristics of jumping over the rope. The survey was conducted in a kindergarten in Zagrebon a sample 51 children, 29 children from the middle age group (from 4 to 6 years) and 22 children of preschool groups (7 years). The obtained results showed good metric characteristics of jumping over the ropeand existence of age-based deferences in the measurement results obtained. Considering the statisfactory metic characteristics the test can be used to estimate the reppetitive force of the leg in preschool children

    Motor skills of students of Early and Preschool Education

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    Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi motoričke sposobnosti studenata Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te razlike između skupina. Provedeno je uz pomoć anonimnog anketnog upitnika. Ukupni uzorak je činilo 55 studenata od kojih je 29 sa 1. godine preddiplomskog studija i 26 sa 1. godine diplomskog studija. Uzorak varijababli sastojao se od 5 testova za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti (podizanje trupa, leđnjaci i jumping jacks u 60 sekundi, skok u dalj s mjesta, pretklon trupa raznožno i stajanje na jednoj nozi u usponu na prstima) i jednog pitanja otvorenog tipa za procjenu zadovoljstva riješenih testova. Izračunata je deskriptivna statistika na temelju prikupljenih podataka, te je korišten t-test za utvrđivanje razlika između dviju skupina studenata. Dobiveni podaci pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku samo u testu ravnoteže, stajanje na jednoj nozi u usponu na prstima. Studenti sa diplomskog studija ostvaruju 3 puta veći maksimalni rezultat. Važno je naglasiti kako su studenti ocjenjujući zadovoljstvo odrađenim testovima dali do znanja kako su svijesni potrebe za poboljšanjem svojih motoričkih sposobnosti. Rezultati pokazuju kako je velika raspršenost podataka u svim mjerenjima što dokazuje na velike razlike između motoričkih sposobnosti studenata u svim testovima. Tjelesno vježbanje ima pozitivan učinak na psihičko i fizičko zdravlje čovjeka te smanjenje stresa koje je izraženo već u studentskoj dobi. Važno je poticati ih još u visokoškolskom obrazovanju kako bi usvojili zdrave navike i održali razinu motoričke sposobnosti.The main goal of this research was to determine the motor skills of students of Early and Preschool Education at the Univercity of Zagreb and the differences between groups. The research was conducted with the help of an anonymus survey questionnaire. The total sample consisted of 55 students, of which 29 from the 1st year of undergraduate students and 26 of graduate students. The sample of variables consisted of 5 tests to assess motor skills (sit-ups, superman and jumping jacks in 60 seconds, standing long jump, sit and reach with open legs and single leg stance on the toes) and one open-ended question to assess satisfaction of their solved tests. Descriptive statistics were calculated based on the collected data, and t-test was used to determine the differences between the two groups of students. The obtained data showed a statistically significant difference only in the one, leg standing balance test on the toes. Graduate students achieve 3 times higher maximum score. It is important to emphasize that the students, assessing their own satisfaction with the tests performed, made it clear that they are aware of the need to improve their motor skills. The results show that there is large dispersion of data in all measurements, which proves that large differences between the motor abilities of students in all tests. Physical exercise has a positive effect on the mental and physical health of a person and reduces stress, which is already expressed in students age. It is important to encourage them back in higher education in order to adopt healthy habits and maintain a level of motor ability

    Metrijske karakteristike testa sunožni bočni preskoci preko konopca

    No full text
    Glavni predmet ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi metrijske karakteristike testa sunožni bočni preskoci preko konopca. Istraživanje je provedeno u dječjem vrtiću u Zagrebu na uzorku od 51 -oga djeteta, 29. djece iz srednje dobne skupine (od 4 do 6 godina) i 22. djece predškolske skupine (7 godina). Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali dobre metrijske karakteristike testa bočni preskoci preko konopca i postojanje razlika na temelju dobi u dobivenim rezultatima mjerenja. S obzirom na zadovoljavajuće metrijske karakteristike test se može koristiti za procjenu repetativne snage nogu kod djece predškolske dobi.The main object of this study was to determine the metric characteristics of jumping over the rope. The survey was conducted in a kindergarten in Zagrebon a sample 51 children, 29 children from the middle age group (from 4 to 6 years) and 22 children of preschool groups (7 years). The obtained results showed good metric characteristics of jumping over the ropeand existence of age-based deferences in the measurement results obtained. Considering the statisfactory metic characteristics the test can be used to estimate the reppetitive force of the leg in preschool children

    Motor skills of students of Early and Preschool Education

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    Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi motoričke sposobnosti studenata Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te razlike između skupina. Provedeno je uz pomoć anonimnog anketnog upitnika. Ukupni uzorak je činilo 55 studenata od kojih je 29 sa 1. godine preddiplomskog studija i 26 sa 1. godine diplomskog studija. Uzorak varijababli sastojao se od 5 testova za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti (podizanje trupa, leđnjaci i jumping jacks u 60 sekundi, skok u dalj s mjesta, pretklon trupa raznožno i stajanje na jednoj nozi u usponu na prstima) i jednog pitanja otvorenog tipa za procjenu zadovoljstva riješenih testova. Izračunata je deskriptivna statistika na temelju prikupljenih podataka, te je korišten t-test za utvrđivanje razlika između dviju skupina studenata. Dobiveni podaci pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku samo u testu ravnoteže, stajanje na jednoj nozi u usponu na prstima. Studenti sa diplomskog studija ostvaruju 3 puta veći maksimalni rezultat. Važno je naglasiti kako su studenti ocjenjujući zadovoljstvo odrađenim testovima dali do znanja kako su svijesni potrebe za poboljšanjem svojih motoričkih sposobnosti. Rezultati pokazuju kako je velika raspršenost podataka u svim mjerenjima što dokazuje na velike razlike između motoričkih sposobnosti studenata u svim testovima. Tjelesno vježbanje ima pozitivan učinak na psihičko i fizičko zdravlje čovjeka te smanjenje stresa koje je izraženo već u studentskoj dobi. Važno je poticati ih još u visokoškolskom obrazovanju kako bi usvojili zdrave navike i održali razinu motoričke sposobnosti.The main goal of this research was to determine the motor skills of students of Early and Preschool Education at the Univercity of Zagreb and the differences between groups. The research was conducted with the help of an anonymus survey questionnaire. The total sample consisted of 55 students, of which 29 from the 1st year of undergraduate students and 26 of graduate students. The sample of variables consisted of 5 tests to assess motor skills (sit-ups, superman and jumping jacks in 60 seconds, standing long jump, sit and reach with open legs and single leg stance on the toes) and one open-ended question to assess satisfaction of their solved tests. Descriptive statistics were calculated based on the collected data, and t-test was used to determine the differences between the two groups of students. The obtained data showed a statistically significant difference only in the one, leg standing balance test on the toes. Graduate students achieve 3 times higher maximum score. It is important to emphasize that the students, assessing their own satisfaction with the tests performed, made it clear that they are aware of the need to improve their motor skills. The results show that there is large dispersion of data in all measurements, which proves that large differences between the motor abilities of students in all tests. Physical exercise has a positive effect on the mental and physical health of a person and reduces stress, which is already expressed in students age. It is important to encourage them back in higher education in order to adopt healthy habits and maintain a level of motor ability