151 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Study of Dyadic Adjustment in a Sample of Spanish Fathers

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the evolution of fathers’ long-term dyadic adjustment after the birth of a child and to analyze their evolution considering related factors. A total of 113 Spanish fathers with a mean age of 35.72 years (SD = 3.84 years) participated. In general, there was a decline in the dyadic adjustment of the fathers until 6–12 months after childbirth, after which their level of adjustment remained stable until 13–24 months. We observed different patterns when analyzing the evolution by subgroups formed based on these different variables, previous experience of paternity, and anxiety. The intrinsic differences between fathers should also be considered because these differences can influence the way in which men face the parental process as well as the evolution of the quality of their relationship with their partner.The present study was granted by the General Sub-Directorate for Evaluation and Promotion of Research (Institute of Health Carlos III, ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (No. PI14/01549)

    Validade de conteúdo de versão resumida da subescala do Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE)

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    The goal was to describe the content validity of a short version of the state subscale of Spielberger's "State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)", based on the original version adapted to Spanish, in Spanish patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). The sample consisted of 16 patients receiving IMV at the Alicante Hospital (Spain), who selected the items from the full Spanish version of the STAI-state that were most relevant to them. Items 1, 5, 9, 10, 12 and 20 from the original scale are the most relevant for the Spanish patients receiving IMV and 5 of these are included in the short version of the scale (83.3% agreement). The short scale has shown adequate content validity for Spanish patients receiving IMV.Se tuvo por objetivo describir la validez de contenido de una versión corta de la subescala Estado del State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) de Spielberger, a partir de la versión original adaptada al español, en pacientes españoles con ventilación mecánica invasora (VMI). La muestra fue integrada por 16 pacientes con VMI en el hospital de Alicante (España), que seleccionaron los ítems de la versión española completa del STAI-estado de mayor relevancia para ellos. Los ítems nº: 1,5,9,10,12 y 20 de la escala original son los más relevantes para los pacientes españoles con VMI; siendo que 5 de ellos están incluidos en la versión corta de la escala (83.3% de acuerdo). La escala corta ha demostrado una adecuada validez de contenido para pacientes españoles con VMI.Teve-se como objetivo descrever a validade de conteúdo de uma versão resumida da subescala estado do State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) de Spielberger, a partir da versão original adaptada ao espanhol, em pacientes espanhóis, sob ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI). A amostra foi composta por 16 pacientes, sob VMI, no hospital de Alicante, Espanha, que selecionaram os itens da versão espanhola completa do Idate-estado de maior relevância para eles. Os itens nº1, 5, 9, 10, 12 e 20 da escala original são os mais relevantes para os pacientes espanhóis sob VMI, e 5 deles estão incluídos na versão resumida da escala (83,3% de concordância). A escala resumida mostrou adequada validade de conteúdo para pacientes espanhóis sob VMI

    What Is Privacy? Perceptions of Older Adults in the South of Spain About the Concept of Privacy and in Terms of Video-Based AAL Technologies

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    Privacy is a very complex concept that concerns all areas of human activity. Even more so, it has acquired whole new importance and has become a hot-button topic in the era of ubiquitous computing. The emergence of Active and Assisted Living (AAL) technologies is offering the improvement of the quality of life and maintaining the independence of older adults in their preferred environment. Especially with the advancement of computer vision, video-based technological solutions are giving us promising results but bring along significant risks of privacy violation. With this qualitative study, we aim to explore older adults’ understanding of privacy as a construct and their privacy considerations for technology-based monitoring applications in eldercare, for video-based systems among them. Exploratory interview sessions were conducted with 12 older adults 66 and plus of age living in care homes and in private households. Findings indicate that the concept of privacy is indeed difficult to understand and define for older adults. However, the context of video monitoring elicits clear privacy concerns. The nudity aspect of privacy was proved to be the most important among the participants, yet, the attitudinal shift in the perception of nudity was observed in older adults living in care homes. Eight out of 12 interviewed older adults did not like the idea of having a camera-based assistive technology, however, some of their worries were alleviated after explaining to them the possible technology’s inherent privacy-preserving techniques.This work is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 861091 for the visuAAL project

    Relationships between parent–infant bonding, dyadic adjustment and quality of life, in an intra-partner sample

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    The transition to parenthood represents a moment of change and adaptation in which the dyadic marital relationship becomes a triadic relationship. Facilitating a positive transition requires a thorough understanding of the explanatory model of the relationship between parental–infant bonding, dyadic adjustment and quality of life (QoL) from an integrative perspective of the family unit. The aim of this work was to analyse the relationships between parent–infant bonding, dyadic adjustment and QoL from an intra-partner perspective, 6–12 months after the birth of a child. A cross-sectional observational study was performed in a convenience sample of 222 couples 6–12 months postpartum, enrolled from October 2013 to March 2016. The mean age of the mothers was 34.07 years (SD = 3.67), and for the fathers, it was 35.75 years (SD = 4.02). Mothers perceived better QoL and greater mother–infant bonding compared to fathers. The perception of an adequate dyadic adjustment, together with positive parent–infant bonding, had positively influenced the individual QoL of both members of the couple 6–12 months after birth. From an intra-partner perspective, the positive transition was influenced by the relationship between parent–infant bonding, dyadic adjustment and QoL. Positive parent–infant bonding in mothers and fathers, as well as promotion of the quality of the relationships between couples, can help promote a better QoL. Positive health results can be achieved in terms of individual and family well-being by designing healthcare interventions that encourage the presence and participation of the family unit.The present study was granted by the General Sub-Directorate for Evaluation and Promotion of Research (Institute of Health Carlos III, ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (No. PI14/01549)

    Crohn’s disease: The experience of living with a chronic illness

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    Objetivo. Explorar las experiencias de personas con enfermedad de Crohn (EC), aquellos acontecimientos que modificaron sus vidas, el impacto y las estrategias utilizadas para sobrellevar la enfermedad. Material y métodos. Estudio cualitativo. Se realizaron 10 entrevistas a profundidad a afectados de la provincia de Alicante (España). La recolección de datos, procesamiento y análisis de los mismos se realizó a través de algunos elementos que recoge la fenomenología. Resultados. Las experiencias de los afectados se pueden clasificar en cuatro grandes temas: reconocimiento de enfermar, consecuencias percibidas por los afectados por EC de la propia enfermedad, gestión de la enfermedad y búsqueda de apoyo. Conclusiones. El conocimiento de la experiencia de vida de las personas afectadas por EC parece una herramienta indispensable para conseguir una gestión eficaz del proceso de cronicidad al momento de planificar programas sanitarios específicos de tratamiento.Objective. To explore the experiences of people with Crohn disease (CD), their life-changing events, the impact on their lives and the strategies used to cope with it. Materials and Methods. Qualitative study. In-depth interviews were carried out on 10 people affected by the disease in the province of Alicante (Spain). The collection, processing and analysis of data was performed using some phenomenological elements. Results. The experiences of those affected can be classified into four main areas: recognition of the illness; perceived consequences of the disease itself by CD affected patients; disease management, and the search for support. Conclusions. Knowledge of the life experience of people affected by CD appears to be essential for the effective management of chronic illnesses when planning specific health treatment programs.Esta investigación es apoyada por la Beca Vali+D (ACIF/2013/141García-SanjuánSofía), Consellería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Generalitat. Valenciana. España

    Satisfaction with life and its predictive factors in a cohort of fathers 24-months postpartum

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    Satisfaction with life is considered an essential indicator of quality of life and has implications not only for parents but also for the general health of society. It is relevant to know the factors that could explain differences in parents’ satisfaction with life. The objectives of this study were to analyse the degree of satisfaction with life of a cohort of fathers 13–24 months after the birth of their child and to analyse the predictive capacity of sociodemographic, physical, psychological, and social factors on their long-term life satisfaction. This was a longitudinal study with follow-up at 6–12 months and at 13–24 months (n = 152 fathers). The Fatigue Assessment Scale, Athens Insomnia Scale, Parental Stress Scale and short version of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale were completed online at 6–12 months. Finally, Satisfaction with Life Scale was assessed between 13 and 24 months after birth. The mean score of life satisfaction of the participants 13–24 months after the birth of their child was 18.72 (SD = 3.71) and was negatively correlated with fatigue, insomnia, and stress (p < 0.01), and positively correlated with dyadic adjustment (p < 0.01). The final hierarchical regression model showed that educational levels and insomnia were the main predictive variables for life satisfaction during the second-year postpartum. This work has important implications for clinical practice because it allows health professionals to understand the factors influencing satisfaction with life and health among fathers and to plan more effective antenatal and postnatal care.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The present study was granted by Institute of Health Carlos III, ISCIII and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (No. PI14/01549

    Ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho com material biológico potencialmente contaminado em enfermeiros

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    Objective: To investigate the occurrence and characteristics of accidents involving potentially contaminated biological material in nurses. Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 121 nurses. The research instrument was a self-applied questionnaire with sociodemographic and occupational accident-related variables. Results: Sixty-five (53.8) nurses were victims of occupational accidents involving exposure to potentially contaminated biological material. Sixty-three (52.1%) were related to piercing-cutting materials and 22 (18.2%) to exposure of the mucosa and/or non-intact skin. No statistically significant difference between the groups was found in terms of accident events and reporting (p=0.791 and p=0.427); knowledge of the immune response (p=0.379); change of piercing-cutting material collector (p=0.372) and training on standard precautions (p=0.158). A statistically significant different in the training was found (p=0.014), as nurses working at smaller establishments indicated greater desire to participate. Conclusion: Accidents are frequent among the nurses and training is positively related with adherence to standard precautions.Objetivo: Investigar ocorrência e características dos acidentes com material biológico potencialmente contaminado em enfermeiros. Métodos: Estudo transversal que incluiu 121 enfermeiros. O instrumento de pesquisa foi um questionário autoaplicável com variáveis sociodemográficas e relacionadas a acidentes de trabalho. Resultados: Em relação à ocorrência de acidente do trabalho com exposição a material biológico potencialmente contaminado entre enfermeiros, 65 (53,8%) foram vítimas. Destes, 63 (52,1%) por perfurocortantes e 22 (18,2%) por exposição à mucosa e/ou pele não íntegra. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos quanto à ocorrência e notificação do acidente (p=0,791 e p=0,427); conhecimento da resposta vacinal (p=0,379); troca de recipiente de perfurocortantes (p=0,372) e treinamento sobre precauções padrão (p=0,158). Com relação ao treinamento foi verificada diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,014) uma vez que enfermeiros nos estabelecimentos menores relataram maior desejo de participação. Conclusão: Os acidentes são frequentes entre os enfermeiros e o treinamento relaciona-se positivamente à adesão às precauções-padrão

    Spanish reference values for the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form BSES-SF

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    Fundamento. Describir los valores de referencia para la versión española de la Escala de Autoeficacia para la Lactancia Materna en su versión reducida (BSES-SF), considerando las diferencias según la experiencia previa en lactancia y la paridad. Metodología. Estudio transversal realizado en cinco hospitales de Alicante y uno de la Región de Murcia, con una muestra accidental de 949 mujeres que ofrecieron lactancia materna en el posparto, sin problemas médicos, propios o del recién nacido, que dificultaran la lactancia. Se obtuvieron datos sociodemográficos, obstétricos y sobre autoeficacia materna para la lactancia mediante la escala BSES-SF. Se calcularon datos de tendencia central, dispersión y percentiles de las puntuaciones de la escala BSES-SF para generar valores de referencia para toda la muestra y según la paridad y experiencia previa. Resultados. El nivel de autoeficacia fue significativamente menor (p<0,001) entre las mujeres primíparas (media =47,67±11,03) o sin experiencia previa (media =47,30±11,18) que entre las multíparas (media =52,87±10,66) o con experiencia anterior (media =53,93±9,93). La puntuación de los percentiles P25 y P75 de la escala BSES-SF fue, respectivamente, para toda la muestra de 42 y 59; para las mujeres sin hijos o sin experiencia previos de 39 y 56; para madres con hijos de 46 y 61; y para las madres con experiencia previa de 47 y 62. Conclusión. Los percentiles específicos obtenidos, según la paridad o la experiencia previa, pueden considerarse como valores de referencia para comparar el nivel de autoeficacia de un caso dado, evaluar intervenciones educativas y planificar intervenciones de apoyo durante el posparto.Background. To describe the reference values for the Spanish version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF), considering the differences according to parity and previous breastfeeding experience. Methods. Cross-sectional study in five hospitals in Alicante and one in Murcia, Spain, in a convenience sample of 949 in-hospital breastfeeding women, with no medical problems in the mothers or newborns hindering breastfeeding. Data on sociodemographic and obstetric variables, and on breastfeeding self-efficacy, using the BSES-SF, were collected. Central tendency, dispersion and percentile data were calculated to generate reference values for the entire sample, and by parity and previous experience. Results. The level of self-efficacy was significantly lower (p<0.001) among primiparous women (mean =47.67±11.03) or those without previous experience (mean =47.30±11.18) than among multiparas (mean =52.87±10.66) or women with previous experience (mean =53.93±9.93). The P25 and P75 percentiles for the BSES-SF were, respectively, 42 and 59 for the entire sample; 39 and 56 for women without children or without previous experience; 46 and 61 for mothers with children; and 47 and 62 for mothers with previous experience. Conclusions. The specific percentiles obtained by parity or previous experience should be considered the reference values for comparing the level of self-efficacy of a given case, and for evaluating educational interventions and planning postpartum support interventions.Este estudio recibió financiación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (nº de expediente PI09/90899)

    Crohn’s disease, chronic and nurse role: literature review and state of affairs

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    Objetivo: Conocer las experiencias de vida y la percepción del apoyo social en las personas afectadas por la Enfermedad de Crohn (EC), así como el rol que desempeñan las enfermeras/os en dicho proceso. Método: La búsqueda se realizó en PUBMED, CUIDEN, CINHAL, CSIC, SCIELO, TESEO. También se utilizó la búsqueda sensible, REDICS (Red de investigación cualitativa en salud) y RUA (Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante). Resultados: Tras aplicar los criterios de exclusión, se identificaron 20 artículos que por su título y resumen se consideraron pertinentes para un examen más detallado (texto completo). Las posibles discrepancias se resolvieron por consenso entre el investigador principal y dos investigadores más del estudio. La revisión se llevó a cabo entre enero de 2011 y diciembre de 2011. Conclusiones: Son pocos los estudios que se ocupan de conocer la experiencia de vivir con la EC. La poca literatura recuperada que se encarga de estos temas muestra las luchas y afrontamientos que realizan los afectados. La enfermera/o suele ser la persona de referencia como único apoyo para manejar el afrontamiento de dicha enfermedad. Las funciones de la enfermera/o como apoyo de los afectados, muestran un rol amplio que puede cubrir todas las necesidades de las personas con EC.Objective: to know the experiences of life and perception of social support for people affected by Crohn's disease (CD), and the role played by nurses in the process. Methods: The PubMed search was conducted, CUIDEN, CINAHL, CSIC, SCIELO, Theseus. Also used sensitive search, REDICS (Red qualitative health research) and RUA (Institutional Repository of the University of Alicante). Results: After applying the exclusion criteria, 20 articles were identified by title and summary were considered relevant for further scrutiny (full text). The discrepancies were resolved by consensus between the principal investigator and two researchers of the study. The review was carried out between January 2011 and December 2011. Conclusions: there are few studies that deal with knowing the experience of living with the EC. The recovered little literature that deals with these issues shows the struggles and confrontations that perform those affected. The nurse / or the person is often referred to as sole support to handle coping with the disease. The functions of the nurse / or support of those affected, showing a role can I expand to cover all the needs of people with CD.Esta investigación es apoyada por la Beca VALI + D (ACIF/2013/141García-SanjuánSofía). Consellería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Generalitat Valenciana. España
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