39 research outputs found


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    In the last century, Europe has seen a strong migration from rural to urban areas. Urban mobility is key to the economic and social development of cities, but at the same time it generates a significant number of negative effects such as congestion or air pollution. Understanding urban mobility patterns is essential to evaluate which are the most appropriate policies and measures to achieve sustainable urban development. Most of the empirical studies on urban mobility are based on surveys, since they provide detailed information about population mobility patterns and a large amount of socio-demographic information. However, surveys have several practical limitations (Ort煤zar & Willumsen, 2011) such as their high costs and long lead times. The pervasive used of mobile devices opens the opportunity of gather large amounts of anonymised, passively-collected geolocation data overcoming some of the limitations of traditional surveys. Mobile phone data are probably one of the best data sources from which extract population mobility patterns at city scale because of their advantages (large samples, wide spatial coverage, low data collection costs, etc.). The main objective of this research is to contribute to the recent advances in the analysis of mobile phone data by developing and validating a new methodology to extract population activity and mobility patterns in urban areas. The methodology developed present several improvements with respect to previous studies, such as the identification of frequent locations different from home and work, better trip time estimations, sample selection and expansion procedures and improvements on population density estimations. The methodology developed has been tested in three different case studies: (1) estimation of mobility statistics and origin-destination matrices, (2) analysis of the relationship between social network and travel behaviour and (3) evaluation of population exposure to air pollution taking into account population activity and mobility patterns. The results show the potential of mobile phone data to extract information about mobility patterns in urban areas, to better understand the relationship between social network and travel behaviour and to improve population exposure assessment to air pollutants. Despite the potential of mobile phone data to provide rich information about activity and mobility patterns, a number of drawbacks and limitations shall be taken into account. Limitations are mainly related to the spatio-temporal resolution of the data and the limited socio-demographic information available. The results of this research are of great interest for transport planning studies, social network and transport modelling, and population exposure assessments.En el 煤ltimo siglo, Europa ha vivido una fuerte migraci贸n del 谩mbito rural al urbano. La movilidad urbana es fundamental para el desarrollo econ贸mico y social de las ciudades pero al mismo tiempo conlleva a una serie de importantes efectos negativos, tales como la congesti贸n o la contaminaci贸n del aire. El entendimiento de los patrones de movilidad urbana de los ciudadanos es esencial para que los gestores puedan evaluar cu谩les son las pol铆ticas y medidas m谩s adecuadas para conseguir un desarrollo urbano sostenible. La mayor铆a de los estudios emp铆ricos sobre movilidad urbana se apoyan en encuestas. Sin embargo, las encuestas presentan una serie de limitaciones pr谩cticas importantes (Ort煤zar & Willumsen, 2011) tales como sus elevados costes econ贸micos o sus largos plazos de ejecuci贸n. El uso generalizado de dispositivos m贸viles por parte de la poblaci贸n proporciona la posibilidad de recoger de manera an贸nima y pasiva una gran cantidad de informaci贸n espacio-temporal de una gran muestra de usuarios, superando algunas de las limitaciones de los actuales m茅todos de recogida de informaci贸n. En concreto, los datos de la red de telefon铆a m贸vil presentan una serie de ventajas que los posicionan como una de las mejores fuentes de datos para el estudio de la movilidad general de grandes n煤cleos de poblaci贸n (bajos costes de extracci贸n de los datos, gran tama帽o de muestra, ampl铆a cobertura espacial, etc.). El objetivo principal de esta investigaci贸n es contribuir a los recientes avances en el campo del an谩lisis de los datos de telefon铆a m贸vil mediante el desarrollo y validaci贸n de una metodolog铆a que permita extraer informaci贸n de patrones de actividad y movilidad de la poblaci贸n en 谩mbitos urbanos. La metodolog铆a desarrollada presenta una serie de mejoras relevantes con respecto a estudios previos, como la estimaci贸n de localizaciones frecuentes distintas de casa y trabajo, la mejora en la estimaci贸n de la hora del viaje, procedimientos para la selecci贸n y expansi贸n de la muestra o la mejora en la estimaci贸n del n煤mero de personas en un 谩rea espec铆fica a partir de los patrones de actividad y movilidad de las mismas. Esta metodolog铆a ha sido aplicada en tres casos de uso para: (1) la obtenci贸n de estad铆sticas b谩sicas de movilidad y matrices origen-destino en 谩mbitos urbanos, (2) el an谩lisis de la influencia de la red social en la movilidad y (3) el estudio de la exposici贸n de la poblaci贸n a la contaminaci贸n. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran el potencial de los datos de telefon铆a m贸vil para extraer informaci贸n sobre patrones de movilidad en 谩mbitos urbanos, entender mejor la influencia de la red social en la movilidad y mejorar las estimaciones de exposici贸n de la poblaci贸n a la contaminaci贸n. A pesar de las ventajas que proporcionan los datos de telefon铆a m贸vil, tambi茅n se han observado limitaciones relevantes en los distintos estudios realizados, derivadas principalmente de la resoluci贸n espacio-temporal de los datos y de la limitada informaci贸n socio-demogr谩fica disponible. Los resultados de esta investigaci贸n son de gran relevancia para estudios de planificaci贸n y gesti贸n del transporte, para el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de transporte que tengan en consideraci贸n la influencia de la red social en la movilidad y en estudios de evaluaci贸n de la exposici贸n de la poblaci贸n a la contaminaci贸n.En l'煤ltim segle, Europa ha viscut una forta migraci贸 de l'脿mbit rural a l'urb脿. La mobilitat urbana 茅s fonamental per al desenvolupament econ貌mic i social de les ciutats per貌 al mateix temps comporta a una s猫rie d'importants efectes negatius, com ara la congesti贸 o la contaminaci贸 de l'aire. L'entesa dels patrons de mobilitat urbana dels ciutadans 茅s essencial perqu猫 els gestors puguin avaluar quines s贸n les pol铆tiques i mesures m茅s adequades per aconseguir un desenvolupament urb脿 sostenible. La majoria dels estudis emp铆rics sobre mobilitat urbana es recolzen en enquestes. No obstant aix貌, les enquestes presenten una s猫rie de limitacions pr脿ctiques importants (Ort煤zar & Willumsen, 2011) com ara els seus elevats costos econ貌mics o els seus llargs terminis d'execuci贸. L'煤s generalitzat de dispositius m貌bils per part de la poblaci贸 proporciona la possibilitat de recollir de manera an貌nima i passiva una gran quantitat d'informaci贸 espai-temporal d'una gran mostra d'usuaris, superant algunes de les limitacions dels actuals m猫todes de recollida d'informaci贸. En concret, les dades de la xarxa de telefonia m貌bil presenten una s猫rie d'avantatges que els posicionen com una de les millors fonts de dades per a l'estudi de la mobilitat general de grans nuclis de poblaci贸 (baixos costos d'extracci贸 de les dades, grans dimensions de mostra, amplia cobertura espacial, etc.). L'objectiu principal d'aquesta investigaci贸 茅s contribuir als recents aven莽os en el camp de l'an脿lisi de les dades de telefonia m貌bil mitjan莽ant el desenvolupament i validaci贸 d'una metodologia que permeti extreure informaci贸 de patrons d'activitat i mobilitat de la poblaci贸 en 脿mbits urbans. La metodologia desenvolupada presenta una s猫rie de millores rellevants pel que fa a estudis previs, com l'estimaci贸 de localitzacions freq眉ents diferents de casa i treball, la millora en l'estimaci贸 de l'hora del viatge, procediments per a la selecci贸 i expansi贸 de la mostra o la millora en l'estimaci贸 del nombre de persones en una 脿rea espec铆fica a partir dels patrons d'activitat i mobilitat de les mateixes. Aquesta metodologia ha estat aplicada en tres casos d'煤s per a: (1) l'obtenci贸 d'estad铆stiques b脿siques de mobilitat i matrius origen-destinaci贸 en 脿mbits urbans, (2) l'an脿lisi de la influ猫ncia de la xarxa social en la mobilitat i (3) l'estudi de l'exposici贸 de la poblaci贸 a la contaminaci贸. Els resultats obtinguts demostren el potencial de les dades de telefonia m貌bil per extreure informaci贸 sobre patrons de mobilitat en 脿mbits urbans, entendre millor la influ猫ncia de la xarxa social en la mobilitat i millorar les estimacions d'exposici贸 de la poblaci贸 a la contaminaci贸. Tot i els avantatges que proporcionen les dades de telefonia m貌bil, tamb茅 s'han observat limitacions rellevants en els diferents estudis realitzats, derivades principalment de la resoluci贸 espai-temporal de les dades i de la limitada informaci贸 sociodemogr脿fica disponible. Els resultats d'aquesta investigaci贸 s贸n de gran rellev脿ncia per a estudis de planificaci贸 i gesti贸 del transport, per al desenvolupament de nous models de transport que tinguin en consideraci贸 la influ猫ncia de la xarxa social en la mobilitat i en estudis d'avaluaci贸 de l'exposici贸 de la poblaci贸 a la contaminaci贸.Picornell Tronch, M. (2017). METODOLOG脥A PARA LA EXTRACCI脫N DE PATRONES DE MOVILIDAD URBANA MEDIANTE EL AN脕LISIS DE REGISTROS DE ACTIVIDAD TELEF脫NICA (CALL DETAIL RECORD) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/88397TESI

    Implementation of Earned Value Management in Unit-Price Payment Contracts

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    [EN] The earned value management (EVM) method is internationally considered a standard tool in the project management field, enabling professionals to plan and control cost and schedule in an integrated manner. However, evidence indicates that EVM is not typically implemented by contractors when the payment agreement is based on unit-prices. In this payment approach, the owner pays the quantities actually executed according to the preagreed rate established in the contract for each unit or task; the income received by the contractor from the owner (generally named production) is neither proportional to costs nor fixed a priori, as in cost-reimbursable and lump sum contracts, respectively. Therefore, contractors have to control not only cost but also production. The current formulation of EVM does not allow controlling production; an additional baseline is needed. In response, this paper presents a proposal for adapting EVM to contractors when using the unit-prices payment agreement. Using a case study to illustrate, an additional baseline to account for production and profitability, as well as new indicators, is applied to allow contractors using EVM with this payment approach; this is the contribution of this paper to the body of knowledge. The proposed EVM formulation provides information not only in terms of cost (as in the traditional EVM approach) but also in terms of production.This research was supported by the Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia, which funded a visiting scholarship for Dr. Monty Sutrisna (Action 19701344)Picornell, M.; Pellicer, E.; Torres-Mach铆, C.; Sutrisna, M. (2017). Implementation of Earned Value Management in Unit-Price Payment Contracts. Journal of Management in Engineering. 33(3):06016001-1-06016001-7. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000500S06016001-106016001-733

    Comparing and modeling land use organization in cities

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    The advent of geolocated ICT technologies opens the possibility of exploring how people use space in cities, bringing an important new tool for urban scientists and planners, especially for regions where data is scarce or not available. Here we apply a functional network approach to determine land use patterns from mobile phone records. The versatility of the method allows us to run a systematic comparison between Spanish cities of various sizes. The method detects four major land use types that correspond to different temporal patterns. The proportion of these types, their spatial organization and scaling show a strong similarity between all cities that breaks down at a very local scale, where land use mixing is specific to each urban area. Finally, we introduce a model inspired by Schelling's segregation, able to explain and reproduce these results with simple interaction rules between different land uses.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures + Supplementary informatio

    Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks

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    The extraction of a clear and simple footprint of the structure of large, weighted and directed networks is a general problem that has many applications. An important example is given by origin-destination matrices which contain the complete information on commuting flows, but are difficult to analyze and compare. We propose here a versatile method which extracts a coarse-grained signature of mobility networks, under the form of a 222\times 2 matrix that separates the flows into four categories. We apply this method to origin-destination matrices extracted from mobile phone data recorded in thirty-one Spanish cities. We show that these cities essentially differ by their proportion of two types of flows: integrated (between residential and employment hotspots) and random flows, whose importance increases with city size. Finally the method allows to determine categories of networks, and in the mobility case to classify cities according to their commuting structure.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures +Supplementary informatio

    From mobile phone data to the spatial structure of cities

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    Pervasive infrastructures, such as cell phone networks, enable to capture large amounts of human behavioral data but also provide information about the structure of cities and their dynamical properties. In this article, we focus on these last aspects by studying phone data recorded during 55 days in 31 Spanish metropolitan areas. We first define an urban dilatation index which measures how the average distance between individuals evolves during the day, allowing us to highlight different types of city structure. We then focus on hotspots, the most crowded places in the city. We propose a parameter free method to detect them and to test the robustness of our results. The number of these hotspots scales sublinearly with the population size, a result in agreement with previous theoretical arguments and measures on employment datasets. We study the lifetime of these hotspots and show in particular that the hierarchy of permanent ones, which constitute the "heart" of the city, is very stable whatever the size of the city. The spatial structure of these hotspots is also of interest and allows us to distinguish different categories of cities, from monocentric and "segregated" where the spatial distribution is very dependent on land use, to polycentric where the spatial mixing between land uses is much more important. These results point towards the possibility of a new, quantitative classification of cities using high resolution spatio-temporal data.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Convection-induced severe winds over Menorca Island 28th October 2018. Under the watch of a forecaster

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    P贸ster presentado en: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019

    Genetic Variation in the Population of Ibiza (Spain): Genetic Structure, Geography, and Language

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41465529

    The germplasm bank of the Botanical Garden of the University of Malaga.

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    The collection of the Germplasm Bank of the University of Malaga began recently associated with its Botanical Garden, in October 2021. The collection is made up of diaspores (fruits/seeds) of plant species belonging to the botanical garden itself and other native species of the vegetation of different areas of the province of Malaga. After the identification of the plants and the collection of the samples, standardized procedures are applied for their adequate conservation in the short and medium term in refrigerators at 4潞C, since the objective is to maintain a dynamic collection. Additionally, the database allows international exchanges and research activities such as viability studies or the elaboration of a photo atlas supported by morphometric studies of the preserved structures. The biodiversity conserved in this germplasm bank will be also very useful in a scenario of global change in which many species are being threatened, or even disappearing, since it constitutes a reservoir that guarantees the possible recovery of the different species whose diasporas have been preserved. Currently, the germplasm bank contains a total of 155 samples belonging to 115 taxa subject to strict protocols that guarantees the maintenance of their viability and genetic integrity, the sanitary conditions of the germplasm, its availability and the physical security of the collections.Universidad de M谩laga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andaluc铆a Tech

    Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on human mobility

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    Human mobility has been traditionally studied using surveys that deliver snapshots of population displacement patterns. The growing accessibility to ICT information from portable digital media has recently opened the possibility of exploring human behavior at high spatio-temporal resolutions. Mobile phone records, geolocated tweets, check-ins from Foursquare or geotagged photos, have contributed to this purpose at different scales, from cities to countries, in different world areas. Many previous works lacked, however, details on the individuals' attributes such as age or gender. In this work, we analyze credit-card records from Barcelona and Madrid and by examining the geolocated credit-card transactions of individuals living in the two provinces, we find that the mobility patterns vary according to gender, age and occupation. Differences in distance traveled and travel purpose are observed between younger and older people, but, curiously, either between males and females of similar age. While mobility displays some generic features, here we show that sociodemographic characteristics play a relevant role and must be taken into account for mobility and epidemiological modelization.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures + Supplementary informatio

    Ses Fontanelles Shipwreck (Mallorca, Balearic Islands): An Exceptional Late Roman Vessel and Its Cargo

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    This article summarises the results of the underwater rescue excavation of the shipwreck of Ses Fontanelles (Mallorca, Balearic Islands). The excavation documented the remains of a vessel, 12 m long and 5 m beam, loaded with two tiers of amphorae, which had set sail from the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. The cargo includes numerous amphorae which were still sealed and bearing tituli picti, allowing for the analysis of their content. There is little doubt that the shipwreck of Ses Fontanelles is a key site for our understanding of third鈥揻ourth-century trade in the Western Mediterranean