5,467 research outputs found

    Extending Translating Solitons in Semi-Riemannian Manifolds

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    In this paper, we recall some general properties and theorems about Translating Solitons in Semi Riemannian Manifolds. Moreover, we investigate those which are invariant by the action of a Lie group of isometries of the ambient space, by paying attention to the behaviour close to the singular orbit (if any) and at infinity. Then, we provide some related examples

    Freed from Illiteracy? A Closer Look at Venezuela’s Robinson Literacy Campaign

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    We evaluate the success of the Venezuelan government’s latest nationwide literacy program, Misión Robinson, using official Venezuelan government survey data. Controlling for existing trends in literacy rates by age groups over the period 1975 to 2005, we find at most a small positive effect of Robinson on literacy rates, and in many specifications the program impact is statistically indistinguishable from zero. This main result is robust to time series analysis by birth cohort, and to state-level difference-in-differences estimation. The results appear to be inconsistent with recent official claims of the complete eradication of illiteracy in Venezuela, but resonate with existing research on other adult literacy programs, which have usually been expensive failures.

    The Nature of Pilgrimage: Similarities and Differences Between El Camino de Santiago de Compostela and El Santuario de Chimayo

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    This project looks at two holy sites in the Christian world and their respective pilgrimages: El Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain and El Santuario de Chiamyó in New Mexico, USA. The project first discusses the general background of pilgrimage, specifically in the Christian tradition, laying some theological and historical foundations. It then looks at the history of El Camino de Santiago de Compostela up through the modern day, tracing the importance of the pilgrimage and the associated saint, Santiago Mayor (The Apostle James the Greater). The project then continues to El Santuario de Chimayó and discusses its development through pre-Christian native beliefs in the area, the associated saints Nuestro Señor de Esquípulas and El Santo Niño de Atocha, and its birth and growth as a holy site. The project concludes by tying El Santuario de Chimayó back to Santiago de Compostela, looking at the medieval hagiography, presence of Santiago, and transformations similar between the two but also the unique development of identity at each location. This comparison between these two unique sites connected by heritage hopes to provide perspective on the evolution of Christian pilgrimage throughout time and history by illustrating El Santuario de Chimayó as a continuation of evolution of the spirit of El Camino de Santiago de Compostela

    Arms tracing: perspectives on control, traffic and use of illegal weapons in Colombia

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    The publication reports on an extensive research endeavour to screen small arms stockpiles that were seized from illicit non-state actors in Colombia in the course of the past 5 years. It determines the proportion of these arms that are of European Union origin and reconstructs these arms flows 'upstream', so as to assess whether and to what extent these arms have been subject to unauthorized re-exports by states that obtained the arms legally from European Union member states

    Repercusiones jurídico-políticas de la interdicción lingüística: tabú, censura y corrección política

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    El objeto del presente estudio se centra en realizar un acercamiento analítico a los tres principales mecanismos de interdicción sobre el lenguaje: el tabú, la censura y la corrección política, así como proporcionar un adecuado marco crítico. Para ello, se adopta una perspectiva histórica y lingüística en orden a establecer una explicación del origen y características de cada noción. Seguidamente, se analizan las consecuencias normativas de su dinámica social contemporánea, tratándose de establecer la relevancia jurídica y política de nociones normalmente relegadas al plano sociolingüístico. Se advierte de la necesidad de una mayor alerta académica y jurídico-política en tomo a esta compleja red interdictiva, habida cuenta de su relevancia en la praxis del espacio público

    John Rawls y la religión en el espacio público: promesas y realidades de un mito teórico

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    El presente trabajo supone un cuestionamiento del modelo rawlsiano de acomodación de la argumentación religiosa en el espacio público mediante el instrumento de la razón pública. Se analiza, en concreto, la invocación de doctrinas comprehensivas de apoyo en aplicación de la estipulación defendiéndose un carácter modesto basado en: la lógica consideración de secularidad de la razón pública; las exigencias de razonabilidad como límite al argumento religioso; la ausencia de rol dirimente para los argumentos religiosos y el ámbito de aplicación institucional y funcionalmente restringido para tal argumentación. La tesis de fondo sostiene que autores liberales como Rawls o el último Dworkin parecen verse contextualmente compelidos a proporcionar un cauce para la argumentación religiosa, pero, al tratar de mantener la coherencia teórica del racionalismo y la modernidad, están lejos de constituir alternativas post-seculares, manteniéndose en la lógica de la libertad de expresión.This paper attempts to provide a critica! analysis of the accommodation of religious arguments in the public sphere by means of John Rawls' public reason. The invocation of religious supportive comprehensive doctrines within the proviso is specifically studied, resulting in a "modest" tool due to: the logical characterisation of public reason in secular terms; the limits imposed by reasonableness; the absence of a decisive role for religious arguments and their institutionally and functionally constrained domain. The core thesis defends that liberal scholars like Rawls (or even Dworkin in his last years) seem to be contextually compelled to accommodate religious argumentation in the public domain, yet, since they also try to be theoretically consistent with rationalism and modernity, they fail to construct post-secular alternatives and barely remain within the logic of freedom of speech