1,700 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa y por el VIH en los usuarios de un programa de reducción de riesgos para usuarios de drogas por vía parenteral (UDVP)

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    FUNDAMENTO: Determinar la prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa y por el VIH, así como los factores asociados, en la población de usuarios del programa de reducción de riesgos de la ciudad de Lleida. MÉTODOS: La muestra la formaron los nuevos usuarios del programa en el período abril-junio de 1996, entre los los cuales se realizó un cuestionario para la recogida de datos de las variables: edad, sexo, resultado de la prueba de la tuberculina, vacunación BCG, conocimiento de la serología frente al VIH, ingreso en prisión y años de consumo de heroína. Se calculó la prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa y por el VIH, con el intervalo de confianza (IC) del 95%. La asociación de ambas variables con el resto de variables del estudio se determinó mediante la odds ratio (OR) y su IC del 95% . RESULTADOS: Acudieron 150 pacientes diferentes, de los cuales 45 eran nuevos usuarios. De ellos, el 80,0% eran varones, con una edad media de 31,1 años. La prevalencia de la coinfección fue del 8,9% (IC 95% 2,8-22,1). La prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa fue de 27,3% (IC 95% 12,4-43,0), siendo superior en los que tenían antecedentes de ingreso en prisión (OR=3,4; IC 95% 0,5-27,4). La prevalencia de la infección por el VIH fue del 36,1% (IC 95% 21,3-53,8), siendo superior en los que tenían una antigüedad, en el consumo de heroína, superior a los 11 años ( OR = 7,3; IC 95% 1,0-65,9). CONCLUSIONES: El antecedente de ingreso en prisión es el principal factor de riesgo de la infección tuberculosa. Los años de consumo se asocian con la infección por el VIH, especialmente a partir de los 11 años. Los programas de reducción de riesgos de nuestro país deberían realizar actividades de control de la infección tuberculosa y por VIH.Background: To determine the prevalence of tuberculosis and HIV infection in addition to the related factors among a population of participants in the risk control program in the town of Lleida. Methods: The sample was comprised of the newly-enrolled participants in the program in April-June 1996, among whom a questionnaire was handed out for collecting the data conceming the variables involved: age, gender, results of the tuberculin test, BCG vaccination, knowledge of the serology regarding HIV, former imprisonment and number of years having used heroin. The prevalence of the tuberculosis and HIV infection was calculated to a 95% confídence interval (CI). The relating of these two variables to al1 other vanables in the study was determined by means of the odds ratio (OR) and its 95% CI. Results: One hundred and fifty (150) patients uere seen, 45 of whom were newly enrolled participants. Eighty percent (80%) were males, averaging 3 1.1 years of age. The prevalence of this dual infection was 8.9% (95% CI 2.8-22.1). The prevalence of the tuberculosis infection was 27.3% (95% CI 12.4-43.0), being higher among former prison inmates (OR=3.4; 95% CI 0.5-27.4). The prevalence of the HIV infec- tion was 36.1% (95% CI 2 1.3-53.8). being greater among those who had been usmg heroin for longer than Il years (OR = 7.3; 9506 CI 1.O-65.9). Conclusions: Former imprisonment is the main risk factor for tuberculosis infection. The number of years of heroin use are related to the HIV infection, especially when longer than ll years. The risk control programs in our country should cany out activities aimed at monitoring tuberculosis and HIV infection

    Game-related statistics that discriminated winning and losing teams from the spanish mens professional basketball teams

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    The purpose of the present study was to analyse men’s basketball competitions, trying to identify which game-related statistics allow to discriminate winning and losing teams. The sample used corresponded to 306 games from the 2004– 2005 Regular Season of the Spanish Men’s Professional League. The game-related statistics gathered were: 2 and 3 points field-goals (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), offensive and defensive rebounds, blocks, assists, fouls, turnovers and steals. The data were analysed in two groups: balanced games (final score differences equal or below 12 points) and unbalanced games (final score differences above 12 points). Discriminant analysis allowed to conclude the following: (i) in balanced games, the variable that best differentiate both groups were the defensive rebounds; (ii) in unbalanced games, the variables that discriminate between both groups were the successful 2 points field-goals, the defensive rebounds and the assists; and (iii) in all games, the statistical analysis identified two variables that discriminate winning and losing teams (defensive rebounds and assists). The defensive rebounds were the only game-related statistic that discriminates both groups in all performed analysis. Coaches and players should be aware of these different profiles in order to increase knowledge about game cognitive and motor solicitation and, therefore, to enhance specificity at the time of practice and game planning

    Resistencia de la habichuela a la pudrición carbonosa del tallo

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    Experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness of two inoculation methods in the field evaluation of beans for resistance to ashy stem blight. Seed inoculation resulted in lower germination and greater infection by Macrophomina phaseolina than that in nontreated plots. Stem inoculation did not significantly differ from the control in percentage disease. Least significant differences among genotypes were smaller toward the end of the growing season. Therefore, bean genotypes should be evaluated for ashy stem blight infection near senescence. Spearman rank correlations between percentage germination and percentage infection near senescence were significant in 2 years. Seed inoculation combined with germination tests may be useful in the preliminary screening of bean genotypes for resistance to ashy stem blight.Se realizaron experimentos de campo para determinar la efectividad de dos métodos de inoculación para evaluar la resistencia de la habichuela a la pudrición carbonosa del tallo. Al comparar las parcelas tratados con las sin tratar, el método de inocular la semilla resultó en una germinación más baja y una infección de Macrophomina phaseolina más alta. No hubo diferencias significativas para el porcentaje de infección al inocular el tallo en parcelas tratados en relación con las sin tratar. La diferencia mínima significativa entre los genotipos de habichuela podrían evaluarse para la pudrición carbonosa del tallo cerca de la senescencia de las plantas. Las correlaciones de rango de Spearman entre el porcentaje de germinación y el porcentaje de infección cerca de la senescencia fueron significativas en ambos años. La inoculación de la semilla combinada con las pruebas de germinación debe ser útil en selecciones preliminares de genotipos de habichuela resistentes a la pudrición carbonosa del tallo

    Game location influences basketball players performance across playing positions.

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    Home advantage in sport has been the subject of much empirical work, although the 3 causes underlying this effect are still unclear. In team sports such as Basketball, available 4 literature has analyzed home versus away performances at a team level. The present study 5 investigated the presence of home advantage at the level of the individual player’s position. It 6 also attempted to identify a subset of game-related statistics that could discriminate home and 7 away performances according to each player’s position. To achieve these aims, archival data 8 were obtained from 225 games for the 2004-2005 Euroleague. Players were subdivided so 9 that the “point guards” and “offguards” were pooled as guards (n=493), the “small forwards” 10 and “power forwards” were grouped as forwards (n=485) and the centres (n=233). A 2x3 11 (game location: home and away; playing position: guards, forwards and centres) factorial 12 MANOVA followed by a discriminant analysis was performed. For the guards, the 13 discriminant function was significant and the game-related statistics that differentiated most 14 home and away performances were the successful two point field-goals, defensive rebounds, 15 assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The forwards’ home and away performances were 16 discriminated by successful free-throws, assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The 17 function for centres was non significant. Results suggested a differential effect of home 18 advantage in basketball players by role in the team, with guards from home teams playing 19 more assertively, whereas in away teams forwards played more assertively. These results 20 provide initial evidence to support a position specific approach when preparing for home and 21 away games in team sports


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    Este trabalho busca fazer uma análise normativa, empírica e crítica sobre a forma como o Supremo Tribunal Federal tem se aberto à sociedade por meio da admissão de amici curiae e da realização de audiências públicas. Importa aqui investigar os passos dados e os instrumentos utilizados pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal para abrir-se ao diálogo com os demais Poderes, instituições e com o próprio povo (análise normativa), verificar se a utilização desses instrumentos realmente influenciam as decisões dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal (análise empírica) e, por fim, avaliar criticamente os resultados obtidos (análise crítica).This paper seeks to make a normative, empirical and critical analysis on how the Brazilian Supreme Court has been opening to society through amici curiae and public hearings. The goal here is to investigate the steps taken and the tools used by the Brazilian Supreme Court to be open to a dialogue with other branches, institutions and people (normative analysis); verify if the use of these tools have an effect on Justices’ decisions (empirical analysis) and, finally, evaluate critically the results obtained (critical analysis)

    Estado de Exceção e Refugo Humano: o Campo e as Vidas Desperdiçadas

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    Nowadays, the State of Exception has become a rule, a government paradigm, thus assuming the function of securing and ensuring the capitalist production method, globalized and exclusive, that generates and eliminates human waste. If the State of Exception became a rule, consequently the Concentration Camp is its place. In the Camp, the State of Exception is understood as a temporary suspension of Law due to the existence of danger becomes a permanent state and, therefore, the Camp also acquires a real stability outside the legal system. In this sense, the Camps are not limited to the Nazi experience in World War II. Quite the contrary, they continue to be created all over the globe as waste deposits of the human waste produced by the globalized neo-liberal economy that can no longer recycle or send this population surplus to other areas. This way, the human waste - people facing constant socio-economic changes that have not found another place within the current society, work and consumption environments, and hence were considered excessive, superfluous, disposable – is routinely removed without its death constituting a crime, just as it  happened to the homo sacer in ancient Rome or Jews in Nazi camps.Na contemporaneidade, o Estado de Exceção tornou-se regra, paradigma de governo, assumindo, assim, a função de garantir e assegurar o modo de produção capitalista, globalizado e excludente, que gera, produz e elimina o refugo humano. Se o Estado de Exceção tornou-se regra, o Campo de Concentração é espaço que se abre como sua conseqüência. No Campo, o Estado de Exceção compreendido como a suspensão temporal do Direito ante a existência de um perigo, torna-se um estado permanente e, assim, o Campo também adquire uma real estabilidade fora do ordenamento jurídico. Nesse sentido, os Campos não se resumem à experiência nazista da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ao contrário, não param de surgir em todos os cantos e rincões do globo como depósitos do lixo, do refugo humano produzido pela economia neoliberal globalizada que já não consegue reciclar ou enviar esse excedente populacional para outras áreas. Dessa forma, o refugo humano - as pessoas que diante das constantes transformações socioeconômicas não encontraram mais um lugar dentro da atual sociedade de mercado, trabalho e consumo e, assim, foram consideradas excessivas, supérfluas, descartáveis - são eliminadas cotidianamente sem que a sua morte se constitua em crime, tal qual acontecia com o homo sacer na Roma antiga ou com os judeus nos campos nazistas

    Link Between Immunoexpression Of Hmlh1 And Hmsh2 Proteins And Clinical-epidemiological Aspects Of Actinic Cheilitis

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    The studies found in the literature associate the immunoexpression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 proteins with histologic aspects, but do not correlate it with clinical and epidemiological data. Objective: To evaluate the immunoexpression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 in actinic cheilitis, correlating it with clinical characteristics. Methods: We analyzed 40 cases. Histological and immunohistochemical analyses were performed. The following clinical variables were evaluated: gender, age range, ethnicity, clinical aspect and occupational sunlight exposure. Statistical evaluation included the Student t-test, while the significance level was set at 5%. Results: Greater immunoexpression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 was observed in females, individuals aged over 40, and mixedrace/ black patients. Furthermore, the immunoexpression of these proteins was greater in actinic cheilitis with a white-colored appearance and in patients without occupational sunlight exposure. No statistical differences were observed for the variables studied. Conclusion: This study uncovered variations of hMLH1 and hMSH2 protein expression upon evaluation of clinical aspects in actinic cheilitis. © 2016 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.91446346

    Rapid magma ascent beneath La Palma revealed by seismic tomography

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    Data availability The seismic catalogue of IGN is publicly available at: https:// www. ign. es/ web/ ign/ portal/ sis- catal ogo- terre motos. The seismic catalogue of INVOLCAN is available under request to Dr. Luca D’Auria ([email protected]). The LOTOS code is publicly available at: www. ivan- art. com/ scien ce/ LOTOS. An online version of the code with the La Palma dataset is available in: Koulakov Ivan. (2022). Data and program codes to reproduce the results of seismic tomography for La Palma Island [Data set]. Zenodo. https:// doi. org/ 10. 5281/ zenodo. 65893 67. The digital elevation model used in all figures and historical lava flows of Figs. 1 and 3 were downloaded from the public graphic repository of GrafCan (www. grafc an. es). The 2021 lava flow was downloaded from the European agency Copernicus Emergency Management Service (httts://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/list-of-components/ EMSR546). The software used to generate Fig. 1, Figs. S1, S2 and S3 was QGIS 3.22 (https:// www. qgis. org). The software used to generate Figs. 3, 4 and 6, Figs. S4, S5 and S6 is the LOTOS code.Acknowledgements JP and JMI were partially supported by the FEMALE project of the Spanish Government (Grant No. PID2019-106260GB-I00). IK was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 20-17-00075). The INVOLCAN team was supported by the projects VOLRISKMAC II (MAC2/3.5b/328), co-financed by the EC Cooperation Transnational Program MAC 2014-2020, and “Cumbre Vieja Emergencia”, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. English language editing was performed by Tornillo Scientific, UK.Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-21818-9.For the first time, we obtained high-resolution images of Earth's interior of the La Palma volcanic eruption that occurred in 2021 derived during the eruptive process. We present evidence of a rapid magmatic rise from the base of the oceanic crust under the island to produce an eruption that was active for 85 days. This eruption is interpreted as a very accelerated and energetic process. We used data from 11,349 earthquakes to perform travel-time seismic tomography. We present high-precision earthquake relocations and 3D distributions of P and S-wave velocities highlighting the geometry of magma sources. We identified three distinct structures: (1) a shallow localised region (< 3 km) of hydrothermal alteration; (2) spatially extensive, consolidated, oceanic crust extending to 10 km depth and; (3) a large sub-crustal magma-filled rock volume intrusion extending from 7 to 25 km depth. Our results suggest that this large magma reservoir feeds the La Palma eruption continuously. Prior to eruption onset, magma ascended from 10 km depth to the surface in less than 7 days. In the upper 3 km, melt migration is along the western contact between consolidated oceanic crust and altered hydrothermal material.FEMALE project of the Spanish Government (Grant No. PID2019-106260GB-I00)Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 20-17-00075)INVOLCAN team was supported by the projects VOLRISKMAC II (MAC2/3.5b/328)EC Cooperation Transnational Program MAC 2014-2020Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    Perceived Confidence of DPT Students with Telehealth to Examine Neurologic Patients during COVID 19 Pandemic

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    Purpose/Hypothesis: Within the neuromuscular courses (NM1, NM2) in the DPT program at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS), some form of patient integration is offered to prepare students for different aspects of patientcare, including examination and treatment. The utilization of telehealth provided an opportunity to continue patient integration experiences while maintaining a safe and socially distant environment. Patients with neurological conditions were integrated into both courses as a form of patient integration. The purpose was to investigate student perceived confidence in using telehealth to examine and treat neurological patients. For this study, the data was based on the primary questions: (1) is there a difference in confidence in the examination, assessment and treatment of patients with a neurological condition as a result of using telehealth? and (2) if so, what specific components differentiate confidence as a result of the telehealth experience? Number of Subjects: Ninety students were included in the final analysis (48.7% male). Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional IRB approved study enrolled DPT students from the Miami Campus in theNM1and NM2course. Students answered the Physiotherapy Self-Efficacy (PSE) survey and a focused questionnaire at baseline and after the second experience to assess their confidence in utilizing telehealth as a form of patient integration. Analysis included descriptive statistics, averages, and trends. Paired T-test and Cohen’s d estimated effect size was used to compare student perceived confidence. Results: Two telehealth sessions were completed (one in each course). The mean total score of the PSE increased 59% (28.2 + 10.6 to 44.9 + 9.0). Significantly higher total means cores in the PSE at the end of telehealth experience were noted. Conclusions: The results suggest that student’s level of confidence was significantly lower before the first-time participation in telehealth. However, they showed significantly greater perceived confidence in their ability to complete a neurological examination and treatment using telehealth as a result of the two experiences. Clinical Relevance: The use of telehealth is novel within DPT programs and may provide educators with additional opportunities to facilitate patient integration. In addition, telehealth may increase students’ self-confidence in completing a neurological examination and treatment which is linked to a positive effect on student’s success