125 research outputs found

    Efecto del ambiente educacional en el agotamiento profesional en médicos residentes postgradistas en Guayaquil, de diciembre del 2015 a noviembre del 2016 : adaptación local de la encuesta "Posgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure"(PHEEM).

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    Antecedentes: El Ambiente Educacional (AE) de la Residencia Médica (RM) puede influir en la presencia de Agotamiento Profesional (Burnout, BO) en médicos residentes postgradistas (MRP). La encuesta Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure" (PHEEM) mide la calidad de la Educación de Postgrado en Medicina, mediante el AE de la RM. El gobierno ecuatoriano regula la calidad de las RM, sin considerar directamente el AE de una RM. Un gran número de MRP desarrollan su RM en Guayaquil, la ciudad más grande de Ecuador. Ellos están expuestos a BO. La traducción chilena de la PHEEM al español (PHEEM-Spa) posee términos fuera del contexto ecuatoriano. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del bajo AE en la presencia de BO en MRP de Guayaquil, a través de una adaptación local de la PHEEM. Metodología: PHEEM-Spa fue adaptada al contexto local (PHEEM-Ecu). Mediante entrevistas con autoridades universitarias, se estableció el número aproximado de MRP con ≥6 meses en una RM. De Dic-2015 a Nov-2016, se ejecutó PHEEM-Ecu y Maslach (MBI) en MRP mediante muestreo de bola de nieve. BO: presencia de agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y falta de realización personal; sólo la presencia de 2/3 aspectos. Bajo AE: AE<80; AE<mediana. PHEEM-Ecu fue validada según la RM: hospitalaria (H) o Medicina Familiar (MF); mediante alfa de Cronbach(AC); y la relación AE vs BO, con Odds Ratio (OR) y regresión lineal(RL). Se empleó el programa SPSS-22. Resultados: Se estimó 739 MRP en 37 RM, en 11 hospitales docentes. 320 (43%) participaron en el estudio. Edad: 32,0±4. Mujeres: 134 (41%). MF: 81 (25%). AC.- MF: 0,93; H: 0,96. En RM-H y MF hay bajo AE (19-31, 29-57%), y BO (11-51, 13-36%). Bajo AE vs BO.- H: OR 3.9 (1.8-8.5; p <01); 4.7 (1.9-12.0, p <, 01), 4.0 (2.2-7.2, p <, 01), 6.4 (3.5-11.8, p < , 01). MF: FM: 7.8 (1.7-33.9, p <, 01), 8.9 (1.0-75.2, p = .02), 2.2 (0, 7-7.3, p = .17), 2.6 (1.1-6.4, p = .04). La RL mostró que el AE vs BO presentan relación estadísticamente significativa solo en RM-H. Conclusión: Los MRP-H en un AE bajo, están expuestos a sufrir BO. Al parecer esto no sucede en MF, que a pesar de presentar mejor AE, tiene mayor BO. Puede ser otra la causa de BO en los MRP de MF. Se recomienda individualizar PHEEM-Ecu en MF. PHEEM-Ecu es una herramienta útil para evaluar el AE de la RM ecuatoriana. En nuestro conocimiento, este estudio representa la muestra más amplia en la que se haya aplicado la encuesta PHEEM en el continente americano hasta el momento

    Las redes sociales como canales útiles en el acercamiento de jóvenes universitarios de pregrado de Lima al mundo científico : la experiencia en Facebook de “MASATO : más saber para todos”

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    Cultura científica y comunicación científica son conceptos que guardan relación entre sí. El modo de difundir los contenidos de esta área es determinante para la comprensión, retención y replicación de la información a un público no científico. Por otro lado, los jóvenes estudiantes de Lima Metropolitana tienen participación total en medios sociales, especialmente en Facebook, y crear una fanpage en donde se realiza comunicación científica puede contribuir a generar interés en contenidos de esa índole y crear más cultura científica. Diversas teorías socioculturales de la comunicación comulgan con las características de la Web 2.0 (caracterizada por los softwares sociales) y los internautas jóvenes. Además, las potencialidades de los medios sociales borran la distinción entre espacios de aprendizaje, espacios sociales y de ocio, sugiriendo la utilidad de juntar estos tipos de actividades. Por ello, la comunicación científica debe adaptarse a los cambios en los medios de comunicación y en la forma de interactuar con sus audiencias. Se desarrolla, ejecuta y administra por 2 años una fanpage en Facebook dedicada a la divulgación científica, previo estudio de factibilidad (entrevistas y focus group). En dicho periodo se evalúa su rendimiento en 3 ocasiones y, finalmente, indaga la respuesta y percepción (entrevistas) hacia la fanpage por parte del público objetivo. Se observa que, emplear el entretenimiento, identificar e incluir aspectos científicos en situaciones de la vida cotidiana constituyen los métodos más efectivos para realizar comunicación científica, Así también, las promociones off line son más ventajosas: tanto para conseguir más seguidores como potenciales colaboradores. Se concluye que la comunicación científica fortalece su implementación a través de la Web 2.0, ya que ésta permite saciar necesidades como la comunicación, la socialización y la participación en los intereses compartidos de los internautas. Todo ello propicia una comunicación científica afín a los intereses de los jóvenes universitarios.Scientific culture and scientific communication are concepts related to each other. The way of disseminating the contents of this area is determinant for the understanding, retention and replication of the information to a non-scientific public. On the other hand, Lima Metropolitana university students have full participation in social media, especially in Facebook. Thus, creating a fanpage where run scientific communication can contribute to generate interest in such content and create more scientific culture. Several socio-cultural theories of communication commune with the characteristics of Web 2.0 (characterized by social softwares) and young internet users. In addition, the potentialities of social media erase the distinction between learning spaces, social and leisure spaces, suggesting the usefulness of bringing together these types of activities. For this reason, scientific communication must adapt to the changes in the media and in the way of interacting with its audiences. After a feasibility study (interviews and focus group), it develops, executes and manages for 2 years a fanpage on Facebook dedicated to scientific dissemination. During this period, its performance is evaluated three times and, finally, it investigates the response and perception (interviews) towards the fanpage by the target audience. It is observed that, using entertainment, identifying and including scientific aspects in everyday situations are the most effective methods for scientific communication. Also, offline promotions are more advantageous: both to get more followers and potential collaborators. It is concluded that scientific communication strengthens its implementation through Web 2.0, since it allows satisfying needs such as communication, socialization and participation in the shared interests of Internet users. All this fosters a scientific communication related to the interests of university students.Tesi

    Observaciones excepcionales de especies de Gymnetis (Coleoptera. Cetoniidae) en colmenas de abejas meliferas (Hymenoptera: Apiidae) en Perú

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    During March, 2013 large numbers of specimens of Gymnetis pudibunda Burmeister and G. chevrolat Gory et Percheron were attracted to honey bee hives in localities of Virú and Lurín, Peru. Around 150-200 cetonid beetles were observed around each beehive, and some of them invaded honey reservoirs. Brief comments to explain the increase of cetonid populations are included

    Structuring Pt/CeO2/Al2O3 WGS catalyst: Introduction of buffer layer

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    This work is devoted to the development of novel structured catalytic system for WGS reaction. The new concept is related to the presence of a pre-catalytic “buffer” layer formed by WGS-inert oxide, i.e. not involved in CO conversion, but able to increase the number of participating sites in water dissociation step during the reaction. The performance of the proposed systems appears to depend strongly on the stream composition, being its effect beneficial in highly reducing atmospheres making it ideal for clean-up application. An increment of the partial kinetic order for water species is observed and reveals the key role of the water activation for superior catalytic behavior.Junta de Andalucía TEP-819

    Implementación de la seguridad industrial para disminuir los riesgos de accidentes laborales en la fábrica Supralive S.A.

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    En la fábrica Supralive S.A. se han producido una serie de accidentes laborales porque no cuenta con una adecuada implementación de la seguridad industrial por tal motivo este estudio se basa en realizar una evaluación de todos los riesgos existentes con los métodos FINE y AST, además evaluaciones de iluminación y ruido con los respectivos instrumentos de medición para después dar soluciones Técnicas y Administrativas, que contribuyan al mejoramiento continuo del proceso de producción en la empresa. Este estudio se justifica ya que la empresa ha tenido un alto índice de ausentismo laboral desde su creación hasta ahora, y porque se plantea soluciones utilizando la legislación Nacional Vigente. Analizando su rentabilidad, para finalmente realizar las conclusiones y recomendaciones

    Au/CeO2 metallic monolith catalysts: Influence of the metallic substrate

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    Ceria-based gold catalysts were successfully deposited on ferritic stainless steel (Fecralloy) and aluminium monoliths. The prepared monolithic and reference powder catalysts were characterized by means of S BET, X-ray diffraction, glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis techniques and tested in the CO oxidation reaction. Characterization results put in evidence the diffusion of cations from the catalytic layer on the surface of the monoliths to the metallic oxide scale and inversely, from the oxide scale to the catalysts, thus altering the catalytic formulation and affecting the CO oxidation properties of the catalytic device. The extension and nature of the modifications produced depend on the nature of the catalysts and the metallic substrate, as well as the reaction conditions applied. These facts must be considered when gold catalysts are supported on metallic-structured devices. © 2013 The Author(s).Peer Reviewe

    Synthesis and characterization of Rh/MnO2-CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts for CO-PrOx reaction

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    Rh/MnO2-CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts with different manganese-to-ceria ratios have been synthesized, characterized and tested in CO-PrOx reaction. The physicochemical properties of the solids were studied by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, BET surface area, H2-TPR, TGA-DTG and TEM. The differences observed in the textural, structural and redox properties were related to the Mn-to-ceria ratio of the samples. The segregation of Mn species was observed at high Mn-to-Ce ratios. In opposite way, MnO2-CeO2 solid solutions were obtained at low Mn to Ce ones. In this last case, the physicochemical properties of the solids were favored by the intimate Rh-Ce-Mn contact. The effect of the Mn-Ce presence on Rh catalysts which promotes the catalytic behavior towards selective CO oxidation was observed to be better at low temperatures. At higher temperatures, Mn species promote the Reverse Water Gas Shift reaction, whilst ceria promotes the H2 oxidation in the whole range of working temperatures.España Mineco (ENE2012- 37431-C03-03FEDER Junta de Andalucía TEP-819

    Au/CeO2 metallic monolith catalysts: Influence of the metallic substrate

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    Ceria-based gold catalysts were successfully deposited on ferritic stainless steel (Fecralloy) and aluminium monoliths. The prepared monolithic and reference powder catalysts were characterized by means of S BET, X-ray diffraction, glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis techniques and tested in the CO oxidation reaction. Characterization results put in evidence the diffusion of cations from the catalytic layer on the surface of the monoliths to the metallic oxide scale and inversely, from the oxide scale to the catalysts, thus altering the catalytic formulation and affecting the CO oxidation properties of the catalytic device. The extension and nature of the modifications produced depend on the nature of the catalysts and the metallic substrate, as well as the reaction conditions applied. These facts must be considered when gold catalysts are supported on metallic-structured devices.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2012- 37431-C03-03Junta de Andalucía TEP-819

    Enfermedad renal en pacientes diabéticos que consultan en UCSF La Fosa, Gualache y Guayapa abajo de abril a agosto del 2018.

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    Esta investigación fue realizada con el objetivo de identificar a los pacientes con enfermedad renal diabética que consultan en UCSF La Fosa, Gualache y Guayapa Abajo. La investigación es de tipo observacional, alcance descriptivo, de corte prospectivo, el periodo de estudio fue abril a agosto de 2018. Con una muestra de 60 personas diagnosticadas con Diabetes Mellitus, elegidos a conveniencia de los investigadores, que consultaron en los establecimientos de salud de La Fosa, Gualache y Guayapa Abajo, en el periodo antes citado

    Unmixing-Based Fusion of Hyperspatial and Hyperspectral Airborne Imagery for Early Detection of Vegetation Stress

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    "© 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.” Upon publication, authors are asked to include either a link to the abstract of the published article in IEEE Xplore®, or the article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI).Many applications require a timely acquisition of high spatial and spectral resolution remote sensing data. This is often not achievable since spaceborne remote sensing instruments face a tradeoff between spatial and spectral resolution, while airborne sensors mounted on a manned aircraft are too expensive to acquire a high temporal resolution. This gap between information needs and data availability inspires research on using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) to capture the desired high spectral and spatial information, furthermore providing temporal flexibility. Present hyperspectral imagers on board lightweight RPAS are still rare, due to the operational complexity, sensor weight, and instability. This paper looks into the use of a hyperspectral-hyperspatial fusion technique for an improved biophysical parameter retrieval and physiological assessment in agricultural crops. First, a biophysical parameter extraction study is performed on a simulated citrus orchard. Subsequently, the unmixing-based fusion is applied on a real test case in commercial citrus orchards with discontinuous canopies, in which a more efficient and accurate estimation of water stress is achieved by fusing thermal hyperspatial and hyperspectral (APEX) imagery. Narrowband reflectance indices that have proven their effectiveness as previsual indicators of water stress, such as the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), show a significant increase in tree water-stress detection when applied on the fused dataset compared to the original hyperspectral APEX dataset (R-2 = 0.62, p 0.1). Maximal R-2 values of 0.93 and 0.86 are obtained by a linear relationship between the vegetation index and the resp., water and chlorophyll, parameter content maps.This work was supported in part by the Belgian Science Policy Office in the frame of the Stereo II program (Hypermix project-SR/00/141), in part by the project Chameleon of the Flemish Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT), and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MEC) for the projects AGL2012-40053-C03-01 and CONSOLIDER RIDECO (CSD2006-67). The European Facility for Airborne Research EUFAR (www.eufar.net) funded the flight campaign (Transnational Access Project 'Hyper-Stress'). The work of D. S. Intrigliolo was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness program "Ramon y Cajal."Delalieux, S.; Zarco-Tejada, PJ.; Tits, L.; Jiménez Bello, MÁ.; Intrigliolo Molina, DS.; Somers, B. (2014). Unmixing-Based Fusion of Hyperspatial and Hyperspectral Airborne Imagery for Early Detection of Vegetation Stress. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 7(6):2571-2582. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2330352S257125827