211 research outputs found

    FT-MPI: Fault Tolerant MPI, Supporting Dynamic Applications in a Dynamic World

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    Saving energy in aggressive intrusion detection through dynamic latency sensitivity recognition

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    In an always connected world, cyber-attacks and computer security breaches can produce significant financial damages as well as introduce new risks and menaces in everyday's life. As a consequence, more and more sophisticated packet screening/filtering solutions are deployed everywhere, typically on network border devices, in order to sanitize Internet traffic. Despite the obvious benefits associated to the proactive detection of security threats, these devices, by performing deep packet inspection and inline analysis, may both affect latency-sensitive traffic introducing non-negligible delays, and increase the energy demand at the network element level. Starting from these considerations, we present a selective routing and intrusion detection technique based on dynamic statistical analysis. Our technique separates latency-sensitive traffic from latency-insensitive one and adaptively organizes the intrusion detection activities over multiple nodes. This allows suppressing directly at the network ingress, when possible, all the undesired components of latency-insensitive traffic and distributing on the innermost nodes the security check for latency sensitive flows, prioritizing routing activities over security scanning ones. Our final goal is demonstrating that selective intrusion detection can result in significant energy savings without adversely affecting latency-sensitive traffic by introducing unacceptable processing delays. \ua9 2017 Elsevier Ltd

    Lenalidomide normalizes tumor vessels in colorectal cancer improving chemotherapy activity

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    BACKGROUND: Angiogenesis inhibition is a promising approach for treating metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Recent evidences support the seemingly counterintuitive ability of certain antiangiogenic drugs to promote normalization of residual tumor vessels with important clinical implications. Lenalidomide is an oral drug with immune-modulatory and anti-angiogenic activity against selected hematologic malignancies but as yet little is known regarding its effectiveness for solid tumors. The aim of this study was to determine whether lenalidomide can normalize colorectal cancer neo-vessels in vivo, thus reducing tumor hypoxia and improving the benefit of chemotherapy. METHODS: We set up a tumorgraft model with NOD/SCID mice implanted with a patient-derived colorectal cancer liver metastasis. The mice were treated with oral lenalidomide (50 mg/Kg/day for 28 days), intraperitoneal 5-fluorouracil (5FU) (20 mg/Kg twice weekly for 3 weeks), combination (combo) of lenalidomide and 5FU or irrelevant vehicle. We assessed tumor vessel density (CD146), pericyte coverage (NG2; alphaSMA), in vivo perfusion capability of residual vessels (lectin distribution essay), hypoxic areas (HP2-100 Hypoxyprobe) and antitumor activity in vivo and in vitro. RESULTS: Treatment with lenalidomide reduced tumor vessel density (p = 0.0001) and enhanced mature pericyte coverage of residual vessels (p = 0.002). Perfusion capability of tumor vessels was enhanced in mice treated with lenalidomide compared to controls (p = 0.004). Accordingly, lenalidomide reduced hypoxic tumor areas (p = 0.002) and enhanced the antitumor activity of 5FU in vivo. The combo treatment delayed tumor growth (p = 0.01) and significantly reduced the Ki67 index (p = 0.0002). Lenalidomide alone did not demonstrate antitumor activity compared to untreated controls in vivo or against 4 different mCRC cell lines in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: We provide the first evidence of tumor vessel normalization and hypoxia reduction induced by lenalidomide in mCRC in vivo. This effect, seemingly counterintuitive for an antiangiogenic compound, translates into indirect antitumor activity thus enhancing the therapeutic index of chemotherapy. Our findings suggest that further research should be carried out on synergism between lenalidomide and conventional therapies for treating solid tumors that might benefit from tumor vasculature normalization

    Colorectal cancer residual disease at maximal response to EGFR blockade displays a druggable Paneth cell–like phenotype

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    Blockade of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) causes tumor regression in some patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). However, residual disease reservoirs typically remain even after maximal response to therapy, leading to relapse. Using patient-derived xenografts (PDXs), we observed that mCRC cells surviving EGFR inhibition exhibited gene expression patterns similar to those of a quiescent subpopulation of normal intestinal secretory precursors with Paneth cell characteristics. Compared with untreated tumors, these pseudodifferentiated tumor remnants had reduced expression of genes encoding EGFR-activating ligands, enhanced activity of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and HER3, and persistent signaling along the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway. Clinically, properties of residual disease cells from the PDX models were detected in lingering tumors of responsive patients and in tumors of individuals who had experienced early recurrence. Mechanistically, residual tumor reprogramming after EGFR neutralization was mediated by inactivation of Yes-associated protein (YAP), a master regulator of intestinal epithelium recovery from injury. In preclinical trials, Pan-HER antibodies minimized residual disease, blunted PI3K signaling, and induced long-term tumor control after treatment discontinuation. We found that tolerance to EGFR inhibition is characterized by inactivation of an intrinsic lineage program that drives both regenerative signaling during intestinal repair and EGFR-dependent tumorigenesis. Thus, our results shed light on CRC lineage plasticity as an adaptive escape mechanism from EGFR-targeted therapy and suggest opportunities to preemptively target residual disease


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana sistem pengendalian intern penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas yang dilakukan PT. Asuransi Bringin Sejahtera Artamamakmur Cabang Medan dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya guna mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Mulyadi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Kualitatif, dengan teknik analisis data Deskriptif, yaitu dengan terlebih dahulu mengumpulkan data, mengklasifikasikan serta menafsirkan data sehingga dapat memberikan gambaran yang jelas mengenai masalah yang diteliti. Dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi, dimana data yang diambil merupakan data primer yang berupa bukti catatan atau laporan historis yang telah tersusun dalam arsip yang dipublikasi maupun yang tidak dipublikasikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengendalian intern penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas PT. Asuransi Bringin Sejahtera Artamakmur Cabang Medan belum sepenuhnya memenuhi unsur-unsur pengendalian intern, karena masih adanya beberapa hal yang tidak sesuai dengan teori yang ada. Diantaranya, masih ada perangkapan tugas yang dilakukan bagian kasir dengan bagian akuntansi. Demikian juga dalam hal pembagian tugas, dimana bagian kasir diberi tanggung jawab dalam hal penagihan premi, yang sebaiknya tugas ini bukan dipegang unit tersebut. Praktik-praktik ini ditakutkan akan mengurangi keakuratan pencatatan dan juga akan membuka peluang terjadinya penyelewengan terhadap kas yang mengakibatkan kerugian perusahaan. Hal ini juga akan mengurangi keefektifan dalam praktik kerja bagian kasir, karena terlalu banyak memegang fungsi

    Systematic Identification of Combinatorial Drivers and Targets in Cancer Cell Lines

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    There is an urgent need to elicit and validate highly efficacious targets for combinatorial intervention from large scale ongoing molecular characterization efforts of tumors. We established an in silico bioinformatic platform in concert with a high throughput screening platform evaluating 37 novel targeted agents in 669 extensively characterized cancer cell lines reflecting the genomic and tissue-type diversity of human cancers, to systematically identify combinatorial biomarkers of response and co-actionable targets in cancer. Genomic biomarkers discovered in a 141 cell line training set were validated in an independent 359 cell line test set. We identified co-occurring and mutually exclusive genomic events that represent potential drivers and combinatorial targets in cancer. We demonstrate multiple cooperating genomic events that predict sensitivity to drug intervention independent of tumor lineage. The coupling of scalable in silico and biologic high throughput cancer cell line platforms for the identification of co-events in cancer delivers rational combinatorial targets for synthetic lethal approaches with a high potential to pre-empt the emergence of resistance

    Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) mutation analysis, gene expression profiling and EGFR protein expression in primary prostate cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Activating mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor (<it>EGFR</it>) confer sensitivity to the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKi), gefitinib and erlotinib. We analysed EGFR expression, EGFR mutation status and gene expression profiles of prostate cancer (PC) to supply a rationale for EGFR targeted therapies in this disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mutational analysis of EGFR TK domain (exons from 18 to 21) and immunohistochemistry for EGFR were performed on tumour tissues derived from radical prostatectomy from 100 PC patients. Gene expression profiling using oligo-microarrays was also carried out in 51 of the PC samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>EGFR protein overexpression (EGFR<sub>high</sub>) was found in 36% of the tumour samples, and mutations were found in 13% of samples. Patients with EGFR<sub>high </sub>tumours experienced a significantly increased risk of biochemical relapse (hazard ratio-HR 2.52, p=0.02) compared with patients with tumours expressing low levels of EGFR (EGFR<sub>low</sub>). Microarray analysis did not reveal any differences in gene expression between EGFR<sub>high </sub>and EGFR<sub>low </sub>tumours. Conversely, in EGFR<sub>high </sub>tumours, we were able to identify a 79 gene signature distinguishing mutated from non-mutated tumours. Additionally, 29 genes were found to be differentially expressed between mutated/EGFR<sub>high </sub>(n=3) and mutated/EGFR<sub>low </sub>tumours (n=5). Four of the down-regulated genes, U19/EAF2, ABCC4, KLK3 and ANXA3 and one of the up-regulated genes, FOXC1, are involved in PC progression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on our findings, we hypothesize that accurate definition of the EGFR status could improve prognostic stratification and we suggest a possible role for EGFR-directed therapies in PC patients. Having been generated in a relatively small sample of patients, our results warrant confirmation in larger series.</p

    Targeting EGFR/HER2 pathways enhances the antiproliferative effect of gemcitabine in biliary tract and gallbladder carcinomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advanced biliary tract carcinomas (BTCs) have poor prognosis and limited therapeutic options. Therefore, it is crucial to combine standard therapies with molecular targeting. In this study EGFR, HER2, and their molecular transducers were analysed in terms of mutations, amplifications and over-expression in a BTC case series. Furthermore, we tested the efficacy of drugs targeting these molecules, as single agents or in combination with gemcitabine, the standard therapeutic agent against BTC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistochemistry, FISH and mutational analysis were performed on 49 BTC samples of intrahepatic (ICCs), extrahepatic (ECCs), and gallbladder (GBCs) origin. The effect on cell proliferation of different EGFR/HER2 pathway inhibitors as single agents or in combination with gemcitabine was investigated on BTC cell lines. Western blot analyses were performed to investigate molecular mechanisms of targeted drugs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>EGFR is expressed in 100% of ICCs, 52.6% of ECCs, and in 38.5% of GBCs. P-MAPK and p-Akt are highly expressed in ICCs (>58% of samples), and to a lower extent in ECCs and GBCs (<46%), indicating EGFR pathway activation. HER2 is overexpressed in 10% of GBCs (with genomic amplification), and 26.3% of ECCs (half of which has genomic amplification). EGFR or its signal transducers are mutated in 26.5% of cases: 4 samples bear mutations of PI3K (8.2%), 3 cases (6.1%) in K-RAS, 4 (8.2%) in B-RAF, and 2 cases (4.1%) in PTEN, but no loss of PTEN expression is detected. EGI-1 cell line is highly sensitive to gemcitabine, TFK1 and TGBC1-TKB cell lines are responsive and HuH28 cell line is resistant. In EGI-1 cells, combination with gefitinib further increases the antiproliferative effect of gemcitabine. In TFK1 and TGBC1-TKB cells, the efficacy of gemcitabine is increased with addiction of sorafenib and everolimus. In TGBC1-TKB cells, lapatinib also has a synergic effect with gemcitabine. HuH28 becomes responsive if treated in combination with erlotinib. Moreover, HuH28 cells are sensitive to lapatinib as a single agent. Molecular mechanisms were confirmed by western blot analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data demonstrate that EGFR and HER2 pathways are suitable therapeutic targets for BTCs. The combination of gemcitabine with drugs targeting these pathways gives encouraging results and further clinical studies could be warranted.</p

    Self-medication of migraine and tension-type headache: summary of the evidence-based recommendations of the Deutsche Migräne und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft (DMKG), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie (DGN), the Österreichische Kopfschmerzgesellschaft (ÖKSG) and the Schweizerische Kopfwehgesellschaft (SKG)

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    The current evidence-based guideline on self-medication in migraine and tension-type headache of the German, Austrian and Swiss headache societies and the German Society of Neurology is addressed to physicians engaged in primary care as well as pharmacists and patients. The guideline is especially concerned with the description of the methodology used, the selection process of the literature used and which evidence the recommendations are based upon. The following recommendations about self-medication in migraine attacks can be made: The efficacy of the fixed-dose combination of acetaminophen, acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine and the monotherapies with ibuprofen or naratriptan or acetaminophen or phenazone are scientifically proven and recommended as first-line therapy. None of the substances used in self-medication in migraine prophylaxis can be seen as effective. Concerning the self-medication in tension-type headache, the following therapies can be recommended as first-line therapy: the fixed-dose combination of acetaminophen, acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine as well as the fixed combination of acetaminophen and caffeine as well as the monotherapies with ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid or diclofenac. The four scientific societies hope that this guideline will help to improve the treatment of headaches which largely is initiated by the patients themselves without any consultation with their physicians