1,397 research outputs found

    A shared database of underground utility lines for 3D mapping and GIS applications

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    For the purpose of facility management it is very important to have detailed and up-to-date databases of underground utility lines, but such data are not always available with adequate accuracy. Hence, the need of collecting and organizing suitable information on underground services is a fundamental issue when dealing with urban data. Besides, by analyzing the process of designing and laying new underground infrastructures it is possible to implement an efficient and cost-effective approach to integrate and update existing maps by exploiting the surveying required for the installation of new facilities. It is also important to underline that collecting all the data in a unique integrated database (and GIS) gives the possibility to share (at least at a local level) the cartographic and thematic information for an optimal management of underground networks. In this paper, a database (DB) model for archiving the underground lines data is presented. The structure of the DB has been designed by following the standard methodology for the modelling of a relational DB, going through successive phases and originating the external, conceptual and logical model. Finally, preliminary tests have been carried on for parts of the DB to verify quality parameters

    Biosynthesis and oligosaccharide structure of human CD8 glycoprotein expressed in a rat epithelial cell line.

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    The biosynthesis, post-translational modifications, and oligosaccharide structure of human CD8 glycoprotein have been studied in transfected rat epithelial cells. These cells synthesized and expressed on the plasma membrane high amounts of CD8 in a homodimeric form stabilized by a disulfide bridge. Three different CD8 forms were detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis after metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation: a newly synthesized, unglycosylated 27-kDa (CD8u), a palmitylated and initially O-glycosylated 29-kDa (CD8i), and the mature, terminally glycosylated 32-34-kDa doublet (CD8m). CD8i is a transient intermediate form between CD8u and CD8m: characterization of carbohydrate moiety of [3H]glucosamine-labeled CD8i showed that it comprises for the vast majority non-elongated O-linked GalNAc closely spaced on the peptide backbone. Structural analysis of oligosaccharides released by mild alkaline borohydride treatment from the [3H]glucosamine-labeled CD8 34-kDa form showed that the neutral tetrasaccharide Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc beta 1,6(Gal beta 1,3)GalNAcOH, and an homologous monosialylated pentasaccharide, predominate; the disialylated NeuAc2,3Gal beta 1,3(NeuAc alpha 2,6) GalNAcOH tetrasaccharide appeared to be poorly present. In the CD8 32-kDa form the neutral tetrasaccharide was by far the prominent O-linked chain, and no disialyloligosaccharides were identified. These results indicate that the maturation of CD8 glycoprotein in transfected rat epithelial cells results in the formation of branched O-linked oligosaccharides and that a higher degree of sialylation is responsible for the production of the heavier 34-kDa form

    Numerical Study of the Optical Response of ITO-In2O3 Core-Shell Nanocrystals for Multispectral Electromagnetic Shielding

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    Nowadays materials to protect equipment from unwanted multispectral electromagnetic waves are needed in a broad range of applications including electronics, medical, military and aerospace. However, the shielding materials currently in use are bulky and work effectively only in a limited frequency range. Therefore, nanostructured materials are under investigation by the relevant scientific community. In this framework, the design of multispectral shielding nanomaterials must be supplemented with proper numerical models that allow dealing with non-linearities and being effective in predicting their absorption spectra. In this study, the electromagnetic response of metal-oxide nanocrystals with multispectral electromagnetic shielding capability has been investigated. A numerical framework was developed to predict energy bands and electron density profiles of a core-shell nanocrystal and to evaluate its optical response at different wavelengths. To this aim, a finite element method software is used to solve a non-linear Poisson's equation. The numerical simulations allowed to model the optical response of ITO-In2O3 core-shell nanocrystals and can be effectively applied to different nanotopologies to support an enhanced design of nanomaterials with multispectral shielding capabilities

    Characterization of estrogenic activity and site‐specific accumulation of bisphenol‐a in epididymal fat pad: Interfering effects on the endocannabinoid system and temporal progression of germ cells

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    The objective of this work has been to characterize the estrogenic activity of bisphenol‐A (BPA) and the adverse effects on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in modulating germ cell progression. Male offspring exposed to BPA during the foetal‐perinatal period at doses below the no‐observed‐adverse‐effect‐level were used to investigate the exposure effects in adulthood. Results showed that BPA accumulates specifically in epididymal fat rather than in abdominal fat and targets testicular expression of 3ÎČ‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and cytochrome P450 aromatase, thus promoting sustained increase of estrogens and a decrease of testosterone. The exposure to BPA affects the expression levels of some ECS components, namely type‐1 (CB1) and type‐2 cannabinoid (CB2) receptor and monoacylglycerol‐lipase (MAGL). Furthermore, it affects the temporal progression of germ cells reported to be responsive to ECS and promotes epithelial germ cell exfoliation. In particular, it increases the germ cell content (i.e., spermatogonia while reducing spermatocytes and spermatids), accelerates progression of spermatocytes and spermatids, promotes epithelial detachment of round and condensed spermatids and interferes with expression of cell–cell junction genes (i.e., zonula occcludens protein‐1, vimentin and ÎČ‐catenin). Altogether, our study provides evidence that early exposure to BPA produces in adulthood sustained and site‐specific BPA accumulation in epididymal fat, becoming a risk factor for the reproductive endocrine pathways associated to ECS

    Hydrogen-based hybrid power unit for light vehicles: Assessment of energy performance and radiated electromagnetic emissions

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    ElectriïŹcation of transport (electro-mobility) is considered an essential strategy to meet Europe’s climate and energy challenges. Nonetheless, within the future perspective of living in smart cities, the interaction between electromobility devices and the surrounding environment, including humans, needs to be further investigated. In this study, a new hybrid power unit is developed and equipped on a commercial electric bike. The energy performance of this prototype are analyzed together with its contribution to radiated electromagnetic emissions. The former analysis demonstrated the remarkable fuel eïŹƒciency shown by the new power unit, i.e., a 140km long distance can be covered at mean power, while the latter tests, undertaken within the reverberating chamber of the Universit`a degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, demonstrated that the hydrogen bike prototype is compliant with the actual European Union regulations in terms of electromagnetic radiations, and that long-term eïŹ€ects of its radiations on humans are negligible

    Comparative Assessment of the Structural Features of Originator Recombinant Human Follitropin Alfa Versus Recombinant Human Follitropin Alfa Biosimilar Preparations Approved in Non-European Regions

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    Although the full primary structures of the alfa and beta subunits of reference r-hFSH-alfa and its biosimilars are identical, cell context-dependent differences in the expressing cell lines and manufacturing process can lead to variations in glycosylation profiles. In the present study, we compared the structural features of reference r-hFSH-alfa with those of five biosimilar preparations approved in different global regions outside Europe (PrimapurÂź, Jin Sai HengÂź, FollitropeÂź, FolisurgeÂź, and CorneumonÂź) with respect to glycosylation, macro- and microheterogeneity, and other post-translational modifications and higher order structure. The mean proportion of N-glycosylation-site occupancy was highest in reference r-hFSH-alfa, decreasing sequentially in Primapur, Jin Sai Heng, Corneumon, Follisurge and Follitrope, respectively. The level of antennarity showed slightly higher complexity in Corneumon, Primapur and Follitrope versus reference r-hFSH-alfa, whereas Jin Sai Heng and Folisurge were aligned with reference r-hFSH-alfa across all N-glycosylation sites. Sialylation level was higher in Corneumon and Follitrope, but small differences were detected in other biosimilar preparations compared with reference r-hFSH-alfa. Jin Sai Heng showed higher levels of N-glyconeuramic acid than the other preparations. Minor differences in oxidation levels were seen among the different products. Therefore, in summary, we identified var ious differences in N-glycosylation occupancy, antennarity, sialylation and oxidation between reference r-hFSH-alfa and the biosimilar preparations analyzed

    Raf kinases mediate the phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A and regulate its stability in eukaryotic cells

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    We identified eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) Raf-mediated phosphorylation sites and defined their role in the regulation of eEF1A half-life and of apoptosis of human cancer cells. Mass spectrometry identified in vitro S21 and T88 as phosphorylation sites mediated by B-Raf but not C-Raf on eEF1A1 whereas S21 was phosphorylated on eEF1A2 by both B- and C-Raf. Interestingly, S21 belongs to the first eEF1A GTP/GDP-binding consensus sequence. Phosphorylation of S21 was strongly enhanced when both eEF1A isoforms were preincubated prior the assay with C-Raf, suggesting that the eEF1A isoforms can heterodimerize thus increasing the accessibility of S21 to the phosphate. Overexpression of eEF1A1 in COS 7 cells confirmed the phosphorylation of T88 also in vivo. Compared with wt, in COS 7 cells overexpressed phosphodeficient (A) and phospho-mimicking (D) mutants of eEF1A1 (S21A/D and T88A/D) and of eEF1A2 (S21A/D), resulted less stable and more rapidly proteasome degraded. Transfection of S21 A/D eEF1A mutants in H1355 cells increased apoptosis in comparison with the wt isoforms. It indicates that the blockage of S21 interferes with or even supports C-Raf induced apoptosis rather than cell survival. Raf-mediated regulation of this site could be a crucial mechanism involved in the functional switching of eEF1A between its role in protein biosynthesis and its participation in other cellular processes
