161 research outputs found

    The Star Formation History of the Carina Dwarf Galaxy

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    We have analyzed deep B and V photometry of the Carina dwarf spheroidal reaching below the old main-sequence turnoff to about V = 25. Using simulated color-magnitude diagrams to model a range of star formation scenarios, we have extracted a detailed, global star formation history. Carina experienced three significant episodes of star formation at about 15 Gyr, 7 Gyr, and 3 Gyr. Contrary to the generic picture of galaxy evolution, however, the bulk of star formation, at least 50%, occured during the episode 7 Gyr ago, which may have lasted as long as 2 Gyr. For unknown reasons, Carina formed only 10-20% of its stars at an ancient epoch and then remained quiescent for more than 4 Gyr. The remainder (~30%) formed relatively recently, only 3 Gyr ago. Interest in the local population of dwarf galaxies has increased lately due to their potential importance in the understanding of faint galaxy counts. We surmise that objects like Carina, which exhibits the most extreme episodic behavior of any of the dwarf spheroidal companions to the Galaxy, are capable of contributing to the observed excess of blue galaxies at B = 24 only if the star formation occurred instantaneously.Comment: 23 pages of text, 20 figures, 8 tables. AJ, in pres

    The Star Formation History of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Leo I

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    We present a quantitative analysis of the star formation history (SFH) of the Local Group dSph galaxy Leo I, from the information in its HST [(V-I),I] color-magnitude diagram (CMD). The method we use is based in comparing, via synthetic CMDs, the expected distribution of stars in the CMD for different evolutionary scenarios, with the observed distribution. We consider the SFH to be composed by the SFR(t), the Z(t), the IMF, and a function ÎČ(f,q)\beta(f,q), controlling the fraction ff and mass ratio distribution qq of binary stars. The comparison between the observed CMD and the model CMDs is done through chi-square minimization of the differences in the number of stars in a set of regions of the CMD. Our solution for the SFH of Leo I defines a minimum of chi-square in a well defined position of the parameter space, and the derived SFR(t) is robust, in the sense that its main characteristics are unchanged for different combinations of the remaining parameters. However, only a narrow range of assumptions for Z(t), IMF and ÎČ(f,q)\beta(f,q) result in a good agreement between the data and the models, namely: Z=0.0004, a Kroupa et al. (1993) IMF or slightly steeper, and a relatively large fraction of binary stars. Most star formation activity (70% to 80%) occurred between 7 and 1 Gyr ago. At 1 Gyr ago, it abruptly dropped to a negligible value, but seems to have been active until at least ~ 300 Myr ago. Our results don't unambiguously answer the question of whether Leo I began forming stars around 15 Gyr ago, but it appears that the amount of this star formation, if existing at all, would be small.Comment: 25 pages + 14 figures. Accepted by The Astronomical Journa

    Dwarf Cepheids in the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We have discovered 20 dwarf Cepheids (DC) in the Carina dSph galaxy from the analysis of individual CCD images obtained for a deep photometric study of the system. These short-period pulsating variable stars are by far the most distant (~100 kpc) and faintest (V ~ 23.0) DCs known. The Carina DCs obey a well-defined period-luminosity relation, allowing us to readily distinguish between overtone and fundamental pulsators in nearly every case. Unlike RR Lyr stars, the pulsation mode turns out to be uncorrelated with light-curve shape, nor do the overtone pulsators tend towards shorter periods compared to the fundamental pulsators. Using the period-luminosity (PL) relations from Nemec et al. (1994 AJ, 108, 222) and McNamara (1995, AJ, 109, 1751), we derive (m-M)_0 = 20.06 +/- 0.12, for E(B-V) = 0.025 and [Fe/H] = -2.0, in good agreement with recent, independent estimates of the distance/reddening of Carina. The error reflects the uncertainties in the DC distance scale, and in the metallicity and reddening of Carina. The frequency of DCs among upper main sequence stars in Carina is approximately 3%. The ratio of dwarf Cepheids to RR Lyr stars in Carina is 0.13 +/- 0.10, though this result is highly sensitive to the star-formation history of Carina and the evolution of the Horizontal Branch. We discuss how DCs may be useful to search effectively for substructure in the Galactic halo out to Galactocentric distances of ~100 kpc.Comment: 20 pages of text, 7 figure

    The Effect of Star Formation History on the Inferred Initial Stellar Mass Function

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    Peaks and lulls in the star formation rate (SFR) over the history of the Galaxy produce plateaux and declines in the present day mass function (PDMF) where the main-sequence lifetime overlaps the age and duration of the SFR variation. These PDMF features can be misinterpreted as the form of the intrinsic stellar initial mass function (IMF) if the star formation rate is assumed to be constant or slowly varying with time. This effect applies to all regions that have formed stars for longer than the age of the most massive stars, including OB associations, star complexes, and especially galactic field stars. Related problems may apply to embedded clusters. Evidence is summarized for temporal SFR variations from parsec scales to entire galaxies, all of which should contribute to inferred IMF distortions. We give examples of various star formation histories to demonstrate the types of false IMF structures that might be seen. These include short-duration bursts, stochastic histories with log-normal amplitude distributions, and oscillating histories with various periods and phases. The inferred IMF should appear steeper than the intrinsic IMF over mass ranges where the stellar lifetimes correspond to times of decreasing SFRs; shallow portions of the inferred IMF correspond to times of increasing SFRs. If field regions are populated by dispersed clusters and defined by their low current SFRs, then they should have steeper inferred IMFs than the clusters. The SFRs required to give the steep field IMFs in the LMC and SMC are determined. Structure observed in several determinations of the Milky Way field star IMF can be accounted for by a stochastic and bursty star formation history.Comment: accepted by ApJ for 1 Jan 2006, Vol 636, 12 pages + 6 figure

    The Chemical Enrichment History of the Small Magellanic Cloud and Its Gradients

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    We present stellar metallicities derived from Ca II triplet spectroscopy in over 350 red giant branch stars in 13 fields distributed in different positions in the SMC, ranging from ∌\sim1\arcdeg\@ to ∌\sim4\arcdeg\@ from its center. In the innermost fields the average metallicity is [Fe/H] ∌−1\sim -1. This value decreases when we move away towards outermost regions. This is the first detection of a metallicity gradient in this galaxy. We show that the metallicity gradient is related to an age gradient, in the sense that more metal-rich stars, which are also younger, are concentrated in the central regions of the galaxy.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Deep Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of IC 1613 II. The Star Formation History

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    We present deep HST WFPC2 imaging of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613. The photometry is the deepest to date for an isolated dwarf irregular galaxy. The resulting color-magnitude diagram (CMD) is analyzed using three different methods to derive a star formation history (SFH). All three find an enhanced star formation rate (SFR), from 3 to 6 Gyr ago, and similar age-metallicity relationships (AMR). A comparison of the newly observed outer field with an earlier studied central field of IC 1613 shows that the SFR in the outer field has been significantly depressed during the last Gyr. This implies that the optical scale length of the galaxy has been decreasing with time and that comparison of galaxies at intermediate redshift with present day galaxies should take this effect into account. We find strong similarities between IC 1613 and the more distant Milky Way dSph companions in that all are dominated by star formation at intermediate ages. In particular, the SFH and AMR for IC 1613 and Leo I are indistinguishable. This implies that dIrr galaxies cannot be distinguished from dSphs by their intermediate age stellar populations. This type of a SFH may also be evidence for slower or suppressed early star formation in dwarf galaxies due to photoionization after the reionization of the universe by background radiation. Assuming that IC 1613 is typical of a dIrr evolving in isolation, since most of the star formation occurs at intermediate ages, these dwarf systems cannot be responsible for the fast chemical enrichment of the IGM which is seen at high redshift. There is no evidence for any large amplitude bursts of star formation in IC 1613, and we find it highly unlikely that analogs of IC 1613 have contributed to the excess of faint blue galaxies in existing galaxy redshift surveys.Comment: 32 pages, including 1 table and 17 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal October 10, 2003 issu

    HST observations of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Leo I

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    We present deep HST F555W (V) and F814W (I) observations of a central field in the Local Group dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy Leo I. The resulting color-magnitude diagram (CMD) reaches I \simeq 26 and reveals the oldest ~10-15 Gyr old turnoffs. Nevertheless, a horizontal branch is not obvious in the CMD. Given the low metallicity of the galaxy, this likely indicates that the first substantial star formation in the galaxy may have been somehow delayed in Leo I in comparison with the other dSph satellites of the Milky Way. The subgiant region is well and uniformly populated from the oldest turnoffs up to the 1 Gyr old turnoff, indicating that star formation has proceeded in a continuous way, with possible variations in intensity but no big gaps between successive bursts, over the galaxy's lifetime. The structure of the red-clump of core He-burning stars is consistent with the large amount of intermediate-age population inferred from the main sequence and the subgiant region. In spite of the lack of gas in Leo I, the CMD clearly shows star formation continuing until 1 Gyr ago and possibly until a few hundred Myrs ago in the central part of the galaxy.Comment: 26 pages with 8 figures (fig 2 not available electronically). To be published in ApJ, April 1 1999 (vol.514, #2

    Basic parameters of three star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Kron 11, Kron 63 and NGC 121

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    We present observations for three star clusters, Kron 11, Kron 63 and NGC 121, in the Small Magellanic Cloud. We have studied their structure and derived their fundamental parameters by means of their luminosity functions, their color magnitude diagrams and the Padova suite of isochrones. NGC 121 is a well studied object, for which we confirm previous evidence about its old age and low metal content, and have found that it is undergoing mass segregation. Kron 11 and Kron 63 are poorly populated clusters which had never been studied so far. Kron 11 is several gigayears younger than NGC 121, while Kron 63 is basically a very young star aggregate. Both clusters are immersed in dense stellar fields which share the same population properties, suggesting that in their cases, cluster ages are consistent with typical ages of field stars.Comment: 9 pages; 7 figures, MNRAS pape

    Multi-Element Abundance Measurements from Medium-Resolution Spectra. III. Metallicity Distributions of Milky Way Dwarf Satellite Galaxies

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    We present metallicity distribution functions (MDFs) for the central regions of eight dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way: Fornax, Leo I and II, Sculptor, Sextans, Draco, Canes Venatici I, and Ursa Minor. We use the published catalog of abundance measurements from the previous paper in this series. The measurements are based on spectral synthesis of iron absorption lines. For each MDF, we determine maximum likelihood fits for Leaky Box, Pre-Enriched, and Extra Gas (wherein the gas supply available for star formation increases before it decreases to zero) analytic models of chemical evolution. Although the models are too simplistic to describe any MDF in detail, a Leaky Box starting from zero metallicity gas fits none of the galaxies except Canes Venatici I well. The MDFs of some galaxies, particularly the more luminous ones, strongly prefer the Extra Gas Model to the other models. Only for Canes Venatici I does the Pre-Enriched Model fit significantly better than the Extra Gas Model. The best-fit effective yields of the less luminous half of our galaxy sample do not exceed 0.02 Z_sun, indicating that gas outflow is important in the chemical evolution of the less luminous galaxies. We surmise that the ratio of the importance of gas infall to gas outflow increases with galaxy luminosity. Strong correlations of average [Fe/H] and metallicity spread with luminosity support this hypothesis.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ; minor corrections in v3; corrected typographical errors in Tables 1 and 3 in v

    A Prescription for Building the Milky Way's Halo from Disrupted Satellites

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    We develop a semi-analytic method for determining the phase-space population of tidal debris along the orbit of a disrupting satellite galaxy and illustrate its use with a number of applications. We use this method to analyze Zhao's proposal that the microlensing events towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) might be explained by an appropriately placed tidal streamer, and find that his scenarios lead either to unacceptably high overdensities (10 -- 100%) in faint star counts (apparent magnitudes 17.5 -- 20.5) away from the Galactic plane or short timescales for the debris to disperse (10^8 years). We predict that the tidal streamers from the LMC and the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy currently extend over more than 2π2\pi in azimuth along their orbits. Assuming that each satellite has lost half of its primordial mass, we find that the streamers will have overdensities in faint star counts of 10 -- 100% and < 1% respectively, and conclude that this mass loss rate is unlikely for the LMC, but possible for Sagittarius. If the Galaxy has accreted one hundred 105−106M⊙10^5-10^6 M_{\odot} objects (comparable to its current population of globular clusters) at distances of 20 -- 100 kpc during its lifetime then 10% of the sky will now be covered by tidal streamers.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX, 12 postscript figures included. Submitted to Ap
