58 research outputs found

    Enhancing writing skill through writing process approach

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    The study is aimed at developing the implementation of Writing Process Approach (WPA) to enhance the students’ skill in writing essay. The study employed Classroom Action Research. The subjects of the study were 15 university students enrolled in the writing class. The data were gained from writing task, observation and field notes. The findings show that the implementation of WPA with the proper model procedures developed can enhance the students’ skill in writing essay. Before the strategy was implemented, the percentage of the students achieving the score greater than or equal to C (56-70) was 40.00% (6 students of the class). However, after the strategy was implemented in Cycle I, it enhanced enough to 60.00% (9 students of the class), but this result did not meet the criteria of success set up in the study. Next, in Cycle II it increased slightly to 86.67% (13 students of the class). Thus, the enhancement of the students’ skill in writing essay can be reached but it should follow the proper model procedures of the implementation of WPA developed

    EFL Students’ Performance and Expectation Towards Peer Response in Writing Classroom

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    ABSTRACT This study investigates the EFL students’ performance and expectation towards peer response in writing classroom. A survey research method was applied. Data were collected through a questionnaire containing 20 items. The questionnaire was distributed to 12 Indonesian EFL students enrolling in a writing course at the English Department of IAIN (State Islamic Institute) Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The findings of the study showed that the tendencies of the tasks performed by the student reviewers are asking about peers’ ideas and meanings of their essays, of the student-writers responses to peer response are paying attention to clear correction and correcting mechanical errors, and of the student-writers expectations from the peer response are commenting on ideas and meanings, providing clear corrections, and correcting mechanical errors. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengkaji performa dan harapan mahasiswa dalam konteks EFL terhadap respon teman sejawatnya dalam kelas menulis. Metode penelitian survey diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dengan 20 pertanyaan. Kuesioner ini diberikan kepada 12 mahasiswa EFL di Indonesia pada kelas menulis Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IAIN (Institut Agama Islam Negeri) Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian, terlihat bahwa kecenderungan tugas yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa sebagai penyunting adalah bertanya tentang ide-ide dan makna dari esai teman sejawatnya, kecenderungan tanggapan dari mahasiswa sebagai penulis terhadap respon teman sejawat adalah memperhatikan koreksi yang jelas dan mengoreksi kesalahan mekanik, dan kecenderungan harapan mahasiswa sebagai penulis terhadap respon teman sejawat yaitu mengomentari ide dan makna, memberikan koreksi yang jelas, dan juga mengoreksi kesalahan mekanik dari esai teman sejawatnya. How to Cite: Miftah, M., Z. (2016). EFL Students’ Performance and Expectation Towards Peer Response in Writing Classroom. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 3(2), 208-223 doi:10.15408/ijee.v3i2.5513. Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/ijee.v3i2.5513

    Utilization of Edmodo as an Online Tool in EFL Writing Class to Increase Students’ Writing Ability

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    This article reports the results of investigation on the utilization of Edmodo as an online tool in EFL writing class to increase the students’ ability in producing an argumentative essay. Classroom Action Research was applied in the study. 15 Indonesian EFL students who enrolled in the course of Argumentative Writing became the participants of the study. Observation, writing task, questionnaire, and field notes were used for the data collection. The data obtained were categorized into qualitative and quantitative data. The collected data were then analyzed for the conclusion drawn. The results show that the utilization of Edmodo in EFL writing class could significantly increase the students’ ability in producing an argumentative essay in the Cycle 2. The Appropriate teaching procedures are; prepare the teaching materials, introduce Edmodo, guide students to get ready to use Edmodo, give an opportunity to students to get in the Edmodo group, train students to use Edmodo group, group students in the small group via Edmodo, give students writing tasks through Edmodo, provide a guideline and tell students to follow the guideline to access their small group, ask students to post their first drafts of an argumentative essay on their small groups, ask students to give feedback on their peers’ works, ask students to revise their drafts of the argumentative essay based on the their peers’ feedback and teacher, and ask students to post their final products of an argumentative essay on their Edmodo account.Keywords: Edmodo; Online tool, EFL writing class, Writing ability, Argumentative essa

    Implementation of intensive-extensive reading strategy to improve reading comprehension

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    The study is aimed at developing the Intensive-Extensive Reading Strategy (IERS) to improve the students’ reading comprehension. The study employed Collaborative Classroom Action Research. The subjects of the study were 32 students of the second semester of English Education Study Program of STAIN Palangka Raya in the 2010/2011 academic year. The data were gained from reading comprehension test, observation, field notes and questionnaire. The findings show that the implementation of IERS with the appropriate procedures developed can improve the students’ reading comprehension. It is indicated by the improvements of the percentage of the students achieving the score greater than or equal to C (60-69), and of the percentage of their involvement in the reading activities during the implementation of IERS in Cycles I and II. Consequently, the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension can be reached but it should follow the appropriate procedures of the implementation of IERS having been developed.

    Positive Connection of Extensive Reading and Writing Fluency in EFL Learning

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    Extensive reading and writing fluency in language learning get connected to each other. The benefits include gains in reading and writing competence and skills. However, how far they get connected in EFL learning has not been discussed so far. This study examined the connection of extensive reading and writing fluency of the thirty-two students of the English Education Department at a university in Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia. The correlational design was applied in this study. The online Extensive Reading Test (ERT) developed by Extensive Reading Foundation was used to get the students' extensive reading scores. To gain the students' writing fluency scores, a Writing Fluency Test (WFT) was applied. For the data analysis, it used Pearson product-moment correlation. Results show that there is a moderate positive correlation between the students' extensive reading and writing fluency. It is indicated with rxy = 0.408 > rtable = 0.340 at 5%. In short, the extensive reading activities have a positive connection to the writing fluency of the students in language learning. Therefore, extensive reading activities should always be integrated with writing activities in the context of Indonesian EFL learning


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa masalah psikologis yang dihadapi oleh tokoh utama dalam novel Pintu karya Fira Basuki dari sudut pandang psikologi eksistensial. Desain deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis isi diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masalah psikologis yang dihadapi oleh tokoh utama dalam novel tersebut dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam tema-tema eksistensialisme seperti (1) kebersamaan, cinta, dan konflik, (2) kesepian, keterasingan, dan kecemasan, dan (3) kematian. Terlihat bahwa tokoh utama Bowo belum memiliki mental dewasa. Hal ini ditunjukkan dalam peristiwa yang menekan kehidupan batinnya. Jiwanya belum begitu kuat. Konsekwensinya, banyak hal menyentuh hidupnya dalam hal eksistensial. Hubungan cinta antara dia dan orang-orang di sekitarnya telah dibangun, tetapi tidak otentik. Mereka semuanya berposisi sebagai subyek. Akibatnya, konflik yang terjadi dalam hidupnya sangat kuat. Bowo sebagai individu juga merasakan kekosongan dan kesepian yang begitu kuat. Dalam menyikapi kondisi tersebut, yang sebenarnya diciptakan oleh dirinya sendiri, ia menerapkan konsep yang tidak otentik. Jadi, hal tersebut telah mengantarkannya ke dalam keterasingan. Selanjutnya, Bowo menghadapi masalah kematian dari kerabat dekatnya, tapi dia masih sepenuhnya melanjutkan perjuangan hidupnya.  ”بابلا “ ةياورلا في ةياورلا لطب اههجاوي تيلا ةيجولوكيسلا لئاسلما ليلتح لىإ ثحبلا اذه فدهي :صخلم .نومضلما ليلحتب يفصولا ثحبلا ميمصت ثحبلا اذه عبتا .يدوجولا يجولوكيسلا بنالجا نم يكوساب ايرف اهتبتك ةيدوجو تاعوضوم لىإ اهفينصت نكيم ةياورلا لطب اههجاوي تيلا ةيجولوكيسلا لئاسلما نأ ىلع ثحبلا جئاتن تلد ةياورلا هذه في ترهظ .تولما )3 ،لجلخاو ،لازتعلااو ،وللخاو نوكسلا )2 ،عازنلاو ،بلحاو ،ةيعلما )1: لثم تناكو ،ةيحورلا هتايح ددهتو بيصت تيلا عئاقولا نم هذه ترهظ .غلاب لجر ةيصخش هل نكت لم ”وووب“ نأ هلوح ينطيلمحا ينبو هنيب بلحا قلعت دقو .ةيدوجولا في هتايح ستم روملأا نم ايرثك نأ ثيح ةفيعض هسفن رعش يناسنلإا درفلاكو . ّ يوق هتايح في يلخادلا عازنلا نإف اذل ،نولعاف اعيجم ءلاؤه حبصأو .يعيبط يرغ هنكل موهفلما وه قبط – ةلالحا هذله ئشنلما هسفن وه ةقيقلحا فيو – لئاسلما هذه ةلباقم فيو .ّ وللخاو لازتعلااب ”وووب“ رداق هنكل ،هئابرقأ ةافو ةاسأم ”وووب“ هجاوي كلذ دعبو .وللخاو لازتعلااب روعشلا لىإ هلميح اذهو .يلصلأا يرغ.هتايح خيرات ةلصاوم ىلعKeywords: Psikologi eksistensial, tokoh utama, karya sastra