200 research outputs found

    Sustained magneto-shear instabilities in the solar tachocline

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    We present nonlinear three-dimensional simulations of the stably-stratified portion of the solar tachocline in which the rotational shear is maintained by mechanical forcing. When a broad toroidal field profile is specified as an initial condition, a clam-shell instability ensues which is similar to the freely-evolving cases studied previously. After the initial nonlinear saturation, the residual mean fields are apparently too weak to sustain the instability indefinitely. However, when a mean poloidal field is imposed in addition to the rotational shear, a statistically-steady state is achieved in which the clam-shell instability is operating continually. This state is characterized by a quasi-periodic exchange of energy between the mean toroidal field and the instability mode with a longitudinal wavenumber m=1. This quasi-periodic behavior has a timescale of several years and may have implications for tachocline dynamics and field emergence patterns throughout the solar activity cycle.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (eps format). Fig. 3 also in jpg format. Submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Solar Dynamics, Rotation, Convection and Overshoot

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    We discuss recent observational, theoretical and modeling progress made in understanding the Sun's internal dynamics, including its rotation, meridional flow, convection and overshoot. Over the past few decades, substantial theoretical and observational effort has gone into appreciating these aspects of solar dynamics. A review of these observations, related helioseismic methodology and inference and computational results in relation to these problems is undertaken here.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, Space Science Review

    Three-Dimensional Simulations of Solar and Stellar Dynamos: The Influence of a Tachocline

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    We review recent advances in modeling global-scale convection and dynamo processes with the Anelastic Spherical Harmonic (ASH) code. In particular, we have recently achieved the first global-scale solar convection simulations that exhibit turbulent pumping of magnetic flux into a simulated tachocline and the subsequent organization and amplification of toroidal field structures by rotational shear. The presence of a tachocline not only promotes the generation of mean toroidal flux, but it also enhances and stabilizes the mean poloidal field throughout the convection zone, promoting dipolar structure with less frequent polarity reversals. The magnetic field generated by a convective dynamo with a tachocline and overshoot region is also more helical overall, with a sign reversal in the northern and southern hemispheres. Toroidal tachocline fields exhibit little indication of magnetic buoyancy instabilities but may be undergoing magneto-shear instabilities.Comment: 14 pages, 5 color figures, to appear in Proc. GONG 2008/SOHO XXI Meeting on Solar-Stellar Dynamos as Revealed by Helio and Asteroseismology, held August 15-18, 2008, Boulder, CO, Astronomical Soc. Pac. Conf. Series, volume TB

    New insights about meridional circulation dynamics from 3D MHD global simulations of solar convection and dynamo action

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    The solar meridional circulation is a "slow", large scale flow that transports magnetic field and plasma throughout the convection zone in the (r, theta) plane and plays a crucial role in controlling the magnetic cycle solutions presented by flux transport dynamo models. Observations indicate that this flow speed varies in anti-phase with the solar cycle at the solar surface. A possible explanation for the source of this variation is based on the fact that inflows into active regions alter the global surface pattern of the meridional circulation. In this work we examine the meridional circulation profile that emerges from a 3D global simulation of the solar convection zone, and its associated dynamics. We find that at the bottom of the convection zone, in the region where the toroidal magnetic field accumulates, the meridional circulation is highly modulated through the action of a magnetic torques and thus provides evidence for a new mechanism to explain the observed cyclic variations

    Dynamo Action in the Solar Convection Zone and Tachocline: Pumping and Organization of Toroidal Fields

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    We present the first results from three-dimensional spherical shell simulations of magnetic dynamo action realized by turbulent convection penetrating downward into a tachocline of rotational shear. This permits us to assess several dynamical elements believed to be crucial to the operation of the solar global dynamo, variously involving differential rotation resulting from convection, magnetic pumping, and amplification of fields by stretching within the tachocline. The simulations reveal that strong axisymmetric toroidal magnetic fields (about 3000 G in strength) are realized within the lower stable layer, unlike in the convection zone where fluctuating fields are predominant. The toroidal fields in the stable layer possess a striking persistent antisymmetric parity, with fields in the northern hemisphere largely of opposite polarity to those in the southern hemisphere. The associated mean poloidal magnetic fields there have a clear dipolar geometry, but we have not yet observed any distinctive reversals or latitudinal propagation. The presence of these deep magnetic fields appears to stabilize the sense of mean fields produced by vigorous dynamo action in the bulk of the convection zone.Comment: 4 pages, 3 color figures (compressed), in press at ApJ

    Is the solar convection zone in strict thermal wind balance?

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    Context: The solar rotation profile is conical rather than cylindrical as one could expect from classical rotating fluid dynamics (e.g. Taylor-Proudman theorem). Thermal coupling to the tachocline, baroclinic effects and latitudinal transport of heat have been advocated to explain this peculiar state of rotation. Aims: To test the validity of thermal wind balance in the solar convection zone using helioseismic inversions for both the angular velocity and fluctuations in entropy and temperature. Methods: Entropy and temperature fluctuations obtained from 3-D hydrodynamical numerical simulations of the solar convection zone are compared with solar profiles obtained from helioseismic inversions. Results: The temperature and entropy fluctuations in 3-D numerical simulations have smaller amplitude in the bulk of the solar convection zone than those found from seismic inversions. Seismic inversion find variations of temperature from about 1 K at the surface up to 100 K at the base of the convection zone while in 3-D simulations they are of order 10 K throughout the convection zone up to 0.96 RR_{\odot}. In 3-D simulations, baroclinic effects are found to be important to tilt the isocontours of Ω\Omega away from a cylindrical profile in most of the convection zone helped by Reynolds and viscous stresses at some locations. By contrast the baroclinic effect inverted by helioseismology are much larger than what is required to yield the observed angular velocity profile. Conclusion: The solar convection does not appear to be in strict thermal wind balance, Reynolds stresses must play a dominant role in setting not only the equatorial acceleration but also the observed conical angular velocity profile.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures (low resolution), Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics - Affiliation: (1) AIM, CEA/DSM-CNRS-Univ. Paris Diderot, IRFU/SAp, France & (2) LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS-Univ. Paris Diderot, France ; (3) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India; (4) Centre for Basic Sciences, University of Mumbai, Indi