684 research outputs found

    Averaging of time-periodic dissipation potentials in rate-independent processes

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    We study the existence and well-posedness of rate-independent systems (or hysteresis operators) with a dissipation potential that oscillates in time with period ε. In particular, for the case of quadratic energies in a Hilbert space, we study the averaging limit ε → 0 and show that the effective dissipation potential is given by the minimum of all friction thresholds in one period, more precisely as the intersection of all the characteristic domains. We show that the rates of the process do not converge weakly, hence our analysis uses the notion of energetic solutions and relies on a detailed estimates to obtain a suitable equi-continuity of the solutions in the limit ε → 0

    Modelling of microstructure and its evolution in shape-memory-alloy single-crystals, in particular in CuAlNi

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    A continuum-mechanical description of the stored energy in shape-memory alloys is presented, with its multi-well character giving rise to a microstructure described, with a certain approximation, by special gradient Young measures. A rate-independent phenomenological dissipation is then considered to model a hysteretic response. Isothermal simulations with CuAlNi single crystal are presented

    Mapping spaces, configuration spaces and gauge theory

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    The present thesis considers the space of connections modulo based gauge equivalence on a principal SU(2) bundle over a closed simply-connected smooth four-dimensional manifold M. Up to homotopy equivalence, this is the space of basepoint-preserving maps from M to BSU('2), the classifying space of SU(2). It depends only on the homotopy type of M which is characterized by the intersection form. The Z/pZ-homology of the mapping space for p a prime not equal to 3 is computed and given in terms of the data associated to the intersection form. For the prime 3, partial results are obtained. The main method is to consider a fibration associated to a CW decomposition of M and to show that the corresponding Eilenberg- Moore spectral sequence collapses. These results generalize from manifolds to spaces homotopy equivalent to a bouquet of 2-spheres with a single 4-cell attached. For the possible homotopy types the space of connections modulo gauge equivalence ran attain, a classification is obtained in the following sense. The homotopy type of this space is uniquely determined by the rank, type and signature modulo eight of the intersection form. On the other hand, the homotopy type determines the rank, type and signature modulo four of the intersection form. Both results together give a complete classification for the case of spin manifolds. The homotopy types of the spaces of connections modulo gauge equivalence over two spin manifolds agree if and only if the intersection forms are of the same rank. These results use a classification of unimodular bilinear forms over the ring Z/4Z. In a final part, a map is constructed from the labelled configuration spaces of points in the manifold to the mapping space. This map is shown to be asymptotically surjective in homology with Z/2Z-coefficients. For homology with general coefficients, classes are constructed which are not approximated by this map

    Complete Nucleotide Sequence of a Citrobacter freundii Plasmid Carrying KPC-2 in a Unique Genetic Environment

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    The complete and annotated nucleotide sequence of a 54,036-bp plasmid harboring a blaKPC-2 gene that is clonally present in Citrobacter isolates from different species is presented. The plasmid belongs to incompatibility group N (IncN) and harbors the class A carbapenemase KPC-2 in a unique genetic environment

    Ferromagnetism and phase separation in one-dimensional d-p and periodic Anderson models

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    Using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group, we study metallic ferromagnetism in a one-dimensional copper-oxide model which contains one oxygen p-orbital and one copper d-orbital. The parameters for the d-p model can be chosen so that it is similar to the one-dimensional periodic Anderson model. For these parameters, we compare the ground-state phase diagram with that of the Anderson model and find a ferromagnetic region analogous to one found in the Anderson model, but which is pushed to somewhat higher densities and interaction strengths. In both models, we find a region within the ferromagnetic phase in which phase separation between a localized ferromagnetic domain and a weakly antiferromagnetic regime occurs. We then choose a set of parameter values appropriate for copper-oxide materials and explore the ground-state phase diagram as a function of the oxygen-oxygen hopping strength and the electron density. We find three disconnected regions of metallic ferromagnetism and give physical pictures of the three different mechanisms for ferromagnetism in these phases.Comment: 12 pages (RevTeX), 12 figures (EPS

    Bericht zum siebten Treffen der Moderatorinnen und Moderatoren der MRE-Netzwerke am RKI

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    Der sachgerechte Umgang mit multiresistenten Erregern (MRE) stellt eine Herausforderung inner-halb der Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens dar. Der Schlüssel zur Vermeidung der Weiterverbreitung und Prävention von Infek¬tionen durch MRE liegt in einer gemeinsamen Stra-tegie und einem regional abgestimmten Handeln zwischen den betroffenen Einrichtungen. In Deutschland gibt es mittlerweile über 100 regionale MRE-Netzwerke, die sich dieser Aufga¬be angenommen haben. Die Netzwerkmoderatorinnen und -moderatoren treffen sich alle zwei bis drei Jahre zu einem umfangreichen Erfah¬rungsaustausch. Das siebte MRE-Netzwerktreffen fand am 2.3.2023 als eintägige Online¬veranstaltung zum Thema „MRE und nosokomiale Infektionen während der COVID-19-Pandemie“ statt und erreichte über 200 aktive Mitglieder. Im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 41/2023 werden die Vorträge und Diskussionen aus den vier Veranstaltungsblöcken vorgestellt. Schwerpunkte waren u. a. die Infektionsprävention und -kontrolle in stationären Pflege- und Rehabilitationseinrichtungen sowie neue Methoden für die Arbeit in den MRE-Netzwerken

    Comportamento Sedentário

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    Desde o início dos anos 2000 se observou um crescente número de trabalhos científicos voltados à compreensão do comportamento sedentário. Adotando uma linha cautelosa, visto que o conjunto de evidências existentes ainda deixa mais dúvidas do que certezas, e realista, uma vez que muitas destas atividades fazem parte do cotidiano das pessoas e não podem ser extintas a qualquer custo, o presente ensaio oferece um panorama das pesquisas voltadas ao comportamento sedentário, desde a delimitação do termo, perpassando pelos seus impactos na saúde e questões fisiológicas correlatas, até a proposição de sugestões às futuras pesquisas

    Cosmic Ray particle production

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    The status of some popular models to simulate hadronic and nuclear interactions at Cosmic Ray energies is reviewed. The models predict the rise of all the hadronic and nuclear cross sections with energy and a smooth (logarithmic) rise of average multiplicities, rapidity plateaus and average transverse momenta with the energy. The importance is stressed to put more effort into the models and especially a better understanding of the minijet component at the highest energies. Likewise, experimental data on particle production are needed at the highest possible energies, to guide the models.Comment: 13 pages, LATEX, espcrc2.sty, 21 figures included as ps file

    Self-reported medication in community-dwelling older adults in Germany: results from the Berlin Initiative Study

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    Background: Older adults have the highest drug utilization due to multimorbidity. Although the number of people over age 70 is expected to double within the next decades, population-based data on their medication patterns are scarce especially in combination with polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medication (PIM). Our objective was to analyse the frequency of polypharmacy, pattern of prescription (PD) and over-the-counter (OTC) drug usage, and PIMs according to age and gender in a population-based cohort of very old adults in Germany. Methods: Cross-sectional baseline data of the Berlin Initiative Study, a prospective cohort study of community-dwelling adults aged ≥70 years with a standardized interview including demographics, lifestyle variables, co-morbidities, and medication assessment were analysed. Medication data were coded using the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification. Age- and sex-standardized descriptive analysis of polypharmacy (≥5 drugs, PD and OTC vs. PD only and regular and on demand drugs vs regular only), medication frequency and distribution, including PIMs, was performed by age (</≥80) and gender. Results: Of 2069 participants with an average age of 79.5 years, 97% (95%CI [96%;98%]) took at least one drug and on average 6.2 drugs (SD = 3.5) with about 40 to 66% fulfilling the criteria of polypharmacy depending on the definition. Regarding drug type more female participants took a combination of PD and OTC (male: 68%, 95%CI [65%;72%]); female: 78%, 95%CI [76%;80%]). Most frequently used were drugs for cardiovascular diseases (85%, 95%CI [83%;86%]). Medication frequency increased among participants aged ≥80 years, especially for cardiovascular drugs, antithrombotics, psychoanaleptics and dietary supplements. Among the top ten prescription drugs were mainly cardiovascular drugs including lipid-lowering agents (simvastatin), beta-blockers (metoprolol, bisoprolol) and ACE inhibitors (ramipril). The most common OTC drug was acetylsalicylic acid (35%; 95%CI [33%;37%])). Dose-independent PIM were identified for 15% of the participants. Conclusions: Polypharmacy was excessive in older adults, with not only PD but also OTC drugs contributing to the high point prevalence. The medication patterns reflected the treatment of chronic diseases in this age group. There was even an increase in medication frequency between below and above 80 years especially for drugs of cardiovascular diseases, antithrombotic medication, psychoanaleptics, and dietary supplements

    SARS and hospital priority setting: a qualitative case study and evaluation

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    BACKGROUND: Priority setting is one of the most difficult issues facing hospitals because of funding restrictions and changing patient need. A deadly communicable disease outbreak, such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Toronto in 2003, amplifies the difficulties of hospital priority setting. The purpose of this study is to describe and evaluate priority setting in a hospital in response to SARS using the ethical framework 'accountability for reasonableness'. METHODS: This study was conducted at a large tertiary hospital in Toronto, Canada. There were two data sources: 1) over 200 key documents (e.g. emails, bulletins), and 2) 35 interviews with key informants. Analysis used a modified thematic technique in three phases: open coding, axial coding, and evaluation. RESULTS: Participants described the types of priority setting decisions, the decision making process and the reasoning used. Although the hospital leadership made an effort to meet the conditions of 'accountability for reasonableness', they acknowledged that the decision making was not ideal. We described good practices and opportunities for improvement. CONCLUSIONS: 'Accountability for reasonableness' is a framework that can be used to guide fair priority setting in health care organizations, such as hospitals. In the midst of a crisis such as SARS where guidance is incomplete, consequences uncertain, and information constantly changing, where hour-by-hour decisions involve life and death, fairness is more important rather than less