270 research outputs found

    The paradox of grit: various dimensions in recruitment

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    The aim of this work project is to do research about the term called ‘grit’, and the important concepts connected with it (its origin, impact of overgrittiness, main features, and elements), to see if people working in recruitment are aware of its existence, and what impact it has on the work performance of the employees. Therefore, the target of this work project is recruiters. Although, the research was conducted in recruitment, the focus was not only on the recruiter himself, but also on the concept, if grit should be used as a determinant, which a candidate should be checked on while being interviewed by a recruiter. The goal was, also to find out if the work of a recruiter is more successful if the recruiter is gritty, and if it can be improved by gaining more grit, and if it is even possible to be grittier

    Bremsstrahlung of light through spontaneous emission of gravitational waves

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    Acknowledgements C.W. is indebted to John S. Reid for stimulating discussions and grateful to the Cruickshank Trust for financial support. M.M. would like to thank the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) for funding.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Managing E-Operations for Comptitive Advantage

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    This paper reports the initial stages of a research project investigating how UK-based organisations undertaking electronic commerce are seeking competitive advantage through the management of their e-operations. Success in e-business depends on the extent to which the dramatic increase in connectivity offered by the Internet can be harnessed to improve efficiency and effectiveness in managing business processes that produce and deliver goods and services. This requires the integration of operations management and information systems both within the organisation and with supply chain partners. Results from a cross-case analysis of seven companies (three manufacturers and four financial service companies) that have converted from bricks-and-mortar to clicks-andmortar are reported. These indicate that: (1) e-commerce investments are mainly driven by a fear of being left behind by competitors rather than a desire to improve business process performance; (2) e-commerce investments tend to automate rather than re-design existing processes; (3) e-operations are run as a discrete set of processes, with little or no integration between eoperations information systems and those of the bricksand-mortar operations; (4) there is a lack of formal performance measures for e-commerce investments; (5) legacy systems and a lack of industry standards are major encumbrances to information systems integration

    Zakaz prowadzenia pojazdów mechanicznych

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    This article presents a driving ban in the context of the amendments of the Criminal Code from 1997. The changes concerning the penal measure have tightened criminal responsibility by introducing, among other a driving ban imposed on forever (art. 42 § 3 and 4 k.k.) and which led to increase of the number of legal grounds for adjudication under a mandatory ban. Obligatory character of the penal measure adversily affects the freedom of decision of the court leading to automatic and schematic delivering judgement. Regulations of de facto lifelong driving ban is inconsistent with other provisions of the Criminal Code, including possibility of seizure of conviction (art. 107 § 6 k.k.)


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    Between March and August 2022, the NationalMuseum in Lublin mounted the first in Poland exhibition ofthe Polish painter Tamara Lempicka. The number of publicwho visited it reached 86,667, which made it an event of thehighest turn-out in Poland.An attempt to analyse the wonder of Lempicka’s communicationsuccess, the unwavering interest in her personalityand art, has been made by the Author. This effortwas helped through reaching the current carriers of herbrand, namely contemporary fashion designers, authorsof adverts, films, or literature pieces. The Author analysedthe results of the research conducted during the Exhibition,amounting to 1,544 surveys in total. The study’s purposewas to verify public’s satisfaction, locations visitors hadcome from, source of information on the Exhibition, efficiencyof the Museum’s communication endeavours,and the public’s profile. The visitors considered thefollowing to have been the Exhibition’s strongest points(by order of preference); exhibits, topic, layout, narrative,curator’s concept, and the design. Interestingly, when theExhibition was open to the public and the advertising andinforming campaign was being implemented, the administratorsof social media observed a significant increase inthe number of visitors, The Facebook profile witnessed theincrease by 54.8 per cent versus the previous five months,while the Instagram account’s visits grew by as many as202.6 per cent.Furthermore, also the campaign promoting the eventwas analysed; it was not limited either to the Internet orexternal advertising, but was also conducted at the venuewhere the Exhibition was held. The power of socialmedia was efficiently used and consciously managed by theExhibition organizers, which substantially contributed to popularizingthe project

    Wsparcie otrzymane przez pierworódki i wieloródki w okresie okołoporodowym

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    O b j e c t i v e s . The aim of the study was to establish if the social support received by primiparae in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and in the postpartum period differs significantly from the social support received by multiparae, and if there are any differences in the satisfaction with life among the women involved in the study.M e t h o d s . The Berlin Social Support Scales (BSSS) as well as the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were used in the study. A total of 199 women in the third trimester of pregnancy and after physiological birth or caesarean section (only 188) took part in the study.R e s u l t s . In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy the primiparae received significantly more emotional and instrumental support than the multiparae. In the postpartum period no difference was found between the social support received by the primiparae and the one received by the multiparae. There is no difference in life satisfaction between primiparae and multiparae in the gestation and postpartum period.C o n c l u s i o n s . Study of received social support and life satisfaction is necessary in order to define what assistance programmes should be created for women and their families while they are in the perinatal period.W s t ę p . Wsparcie społeczne otrzymane jest ważne w okresie ciąży, porodu i poporodowym, a głównym źródłem wsparcia jest partner życiowy. Wspierające relacje społeczne mogą odgrywać istotną rolę w zadowoleniu z życia.C e l e m  p r a c y  było ustalenie czy wsparcie społeczne otrzymane przez pierworódki w III trymestrze ciąży i okresie poporodowym różni się istotnie od wsparcia społecznego otrzymanego przez wieloródki oraz czy istnieje różnica w zadowoleniu z życia badanych kobiet.M e t o d y . W badaniu wykorzystano: Berlińskie Skale Wsparcia Społecznego (Berlin Social Support Scales - BSSS), Skalę Satysfakcji z Życia (The Satisfaction with Life Scale – SWLS). W badaniu uczestniczyło 199 kobiet w trzecim trymestrze ciąży i po porodzie, ale tylko 188. Kobiety były po porodach fizjologicznych lub cięciu cesarskim.Wy n i k i . W III trymestrze ciąży pierworódki otrzymywały istotnie więcej wsparcia emocjonalnego i instrumentalnego od wieloródek. W okresie poporodowym nie stwierdzono różnicy między otrzymanym wsparciem społecznym przez pierworódki i wieloródki. Nie istnieje różnica w zadowoleniu z życia między pierworódkami i wieloródkami w okresie ciąży i poporodowym.Wn i o s k i . Badanie otrzymanego wsparcia społecznego oraz zadowolenia z życia, są konieczne, aby określić, jakie programy pomocowe należy tworzyć dla kobiet i ich rodzin w okresie okołoporodowym.