159 research outputs found

    A fuzzy-based prediction approach for blood delivery using machine learning and genetic algorithm

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    Multiple diseases require a blood transfusion on daily basis. The process of a blood transfusion is successful when the type and amount of blood is available and when the blood is transported at the right time from the blood bank to the operating room. Blood distribution has a large portion of the cost in hospital logistics. The blood bank can serve various hospitals; however, amount of blood is limited due to donor shortage. The transportation must handle several requirements such as timely delivery, vibration avoidance, temperature maintenance, to keep the blood usable. In this paper, we discuss in first section the issues with blood delivery and constraint. The second section present routing and scheduling system based on artificial intelligence to deliver blood from the blood-banks to hospitals based on single blood bank and multiple blood banks with respect of the vehicle capacity used to deliver the blood and creating the shortest path. The third section consist on solution for predicting the blood needs for each hospital based on transfusion history using machine learning and fuzzy logic. The last section we compare the results of well-known solution with our solution in several cases such as shortage and sudden changes

    Modélisation hydraulique du système Sebou-Fouarat, ville de Kenitra, Maroc - Cas des inondations de 2010

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    The city of Kenitra, located in the extreme downstream of the Sebou basin, is threatened by floods caused by the overflowing of the Oued Sebou and the rise of Oued Fouarat. The hydraulic modeling study of the Sebou Fouarat system in transient mode is carried out by the HEC-RAS software and has implicated the two rivers. Two geometric models were constructed on the basis of a digital terrain model (DTM) using the Arc-GIS and HECGeoRAS softwares after processing the collected topographic data. The first model, of which the areas of Merja Fouarat and Al Assam have been represented by cross-section, is one-dimensional. The second one is also onedimensional in which the two areas of Merja Fouarat and Al Assam are introduced as water storage zones. The components of these models are the stream sections, lateral links, storage areas and junctions between the branches of each model. The flood hydrographs of the Sebou and Fouarat rivers are introduced as conditions at the upstream limits of the models while the tidal is introduced as a downstream condition. After the stability and calibration of the models, the results of the consulted hydraulic simulations are the variations of the water levels as well as the temporal variations of the flow rates for each section, the maximum flow velocities and the propagation times of the flood waves. The analysis and comparisons of these results strongly suggest using the second model for the treatment of the flood issues as a decision-making tool helping to manage floods during times of crisis

    Geographical queries reformulation using a parallel association rules generator to build spatial taxonomies

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    Geographical queries need a special process of reformulation by information retrieval systems (IRS) due to their specificities and hierarchical structure. This fact is ignored by most of web search engines. In this paper, we propose an automatic approach for building a spatial taxonomy, that models’ the notion of adjacency that will be used in the reformulation of the spatial part of a geographical query. This approach exploits the documents that are in top of the retrieved list when submitting a spatial entity, which is composed of a spatial relation and a noun of a city. Then, a transactional database is constructed, considering each document extracted as a transaction that contains the nouns of the cities sharing the country of the submitted query’s city. The algorithm frequent pattern growth (FP-growth) is applied to this database in his parallel version (parallel FP-growth: PFP) in order to generate association rules, that will form the country’s taxonomy in a Big Data context. Experiments has been conducted on Spark and their results show that query reformulation using the taxonomy constructed based on our proposed approach improves the precision and the effectiveness of the IRS


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    Le stress professionnel est considéré comme l’un des principaux problèmes de santé au travail du XXIème siècle. En effet, le stress a un impact à la fois sur le bien-être général de l'individu mais également sur sa productivité. Le stress constitue une thématique de recherche qui mérite l’intérêt d’être étudiée et que nous nous proposons approfondir dans cet article. Ainsi, nous souhaitons présenter les résultats d’une étude qualitative exploratoire réalisée auprès d’un échantillon de six banquiers marocains, visant à appréhender les liens entre le stress professionnel, l’implication organisationnelle et l’intention de quitter


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    In recent years, hydrological hazards continue to worsen due to climate changes affecting the whole world. In Morocco, after a long period of severe drought that has ravaged the country since the eighties, the last years were exceptionally rainy. Records have been exceeded in terms of rainfall and flooding that affected many parts of the country. The Ouergha River, contributing with 50% of total water yield of the Sebou basin which is one of the most important watersheds in Northern Morocco, broke all records in 2009/2010 providing an exceptional amount of water of 7,4 109 m3. In this study, one-dimensional hydraulic modeling with HEC-RAS®, allowed to calculate the water flow profiles for some flood events that occurred downstream of Al Wahda dam. The exploitation of obtained results led to establish flood extension maps for each calculated profile, which made it possible to evaluate the management of the dam by the Sebou hydraulic Basin Agency. This type of results acquired from the hydraulic simulation and geographic information system, can significantly contribute in flood management interventions against overflows that persist despite the existence of a large dam (Al Wahda), because of extreme climatic and hydrologic events observed in recent years

    Apport de la géophysique à la détermination du remplissage sédimentaire et de la position des niveaux aquifères du Bassin côtier Dradere Soueire (Maroc Nord Occidental)

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    The Drader Souiere basin is a part of the hydrological basin of Sebou that is known by a high agricultural activity. The work aims to establish the relationship between sedimentary filling and aquifer facies distribution as well as to provide a new approach to interpretation, interpolation and identification. In this paper, a methodology that combines, a geological field and boreholes data with geophysical data (tomography, logging and seismic), is adopted and integrated, in a Geographic Information System (GIS), in order to establish isobaths map of Tortonian-Messinian marls bedrock, to determine the sequential position of Pliocene-Quaternary aquifers and to highlight the roles of deep structures in these aquifers arrangement. Tortonian-Messinian marls constitute the basin substrate; deposited on the Pre-Rif layers, from where he inherits his structuration, in the form of NW-SE ripples (an anticlinal-synclinal succession). The Pliocene-Quaternary sedimentary filling by paleo-channels, sea level oscillations and Miocene syn-sedimentary tectonics, give to the basin a «piano keys» geometry with various sedimentary environments. The most important aquifers of the basin match the regressive sea level periods of Zanclean and middle-upper Pleistocene. These new data provide other perspectives to quantitative research by hydrodynamic modeling of the water resources basin.La cuenca Dradere Soueire pertenece a la gran cuenca del río Sebou, conocida por una actividad agrícola muy importante. El objetivo del trabajo es establecer la relación entre el relleno  de sedimentos y la distribución  de facies sedimentarios de los  acuíferos y también aportar un nuevo enfoque a la interpretación, interpolación e identificación. En el presente estudio, los métodos utilizados combinan datos geológicos de terreno y de sondeos, así como datos geofísicos (tomografía, diagrafía y sísmica), integrados en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG),con un fin de establecer el mapa de isobaras del sustrato de margas Torto-Mesinienses, y determinar la posición secuencial de los acuíferos del Plio-Cuaternario además de poner en relieve el papel de las estructuras profundas en la disposición de estos acuíferos. El sustrato  a nivel de la cuenca es de edad Torto-Mesiniense, depositado sobre los mantos pre-rifeños, de donde hereda su estructura, en forma de ondulaciónes NO-SE (una sucesión  pliegues anticlinal-sinclinal). Se debe destacar que el relleno sedimentario pliocuaternario por paleocanales antiguos, las oscilaciones del nivel del mar y la presencia de movimientos tectónicos  sinsedimentarios del Mioceno, confieren a la cuenca una geometría «en teclas de piano» con contextos sedimentarios que varían. Así mismo los acuíferos más importantes de la cuenca coinciden con los períodos regresivos de los niveles de Zancliense y Pleistoceno medio y superior.Estos nuevos datos abren nuevas perspectivas para estudios cuantitativos por modelización hidrodinámica.Le bassin Dradere Soueire fait partie du bassin hydrologique du Sebou qui est connu par une activité agricole très importante. Le travail vise à établir la relation entre le remplissage sédimentaire et la distribution des faciès aquifères ainsi que d’apporter une nouvelle approche d’interprétation, d’interpolation et d’identification. Dans la présente étude, une méthodologie où sont combinées, les données géologiques de terrain et de forages, ainsi que des données géophysiques (tomographie, diagraphie et sismique), est adoptée et intégrée dans un Système d’Information Géographique (SIG), afin d’établir la carte des isobathes du substratum marneux torto-messenien, de déterminer la position séquentielle des aquifères plio-quaternaires et de mettre en évidence le rôle des structures profondes dans l’agencement de ces aquifères. Le substratum au niveau du bassin est marneux d’âge torto-messenien, déposé sur des nappes pré rifaines, d’où il hérite sa structuration, sous forme d’ondulations NW-SE (une succession anticlinal-synclinal). Le remplissage sédimentaire plio-quaternaire par des anciens paléo-chenaux, les oscillations du niveau marin et la présence de mouvements tectoniques syn-sédimentaires miocènes, confèrent au bassin une géométrie « en touches de piano » avec des contextes sédimentaires variant. Les aquifères les plus importants du bassin coïncident avec les périodes régressives du niveau marin d’âge zancléen et pléistocène moyen et supérieur. Ces nouvelles données ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives aux études quantitatives par modélisation hydrodynamique

    Cartographie De L’erosion Qualitative Des Sols Du Bassin Versant De L’aoudour (Rif-Maroc)

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    The Aoudour watershed located in the northwest of Morocco and spreads over an area of approximately 1000 km2, and occupying the northeastern part of the Ouergha basin contently experiencing the effects of severe water erosion caused by the interaction of several natural factors such as the amount and aggressiveness of rainfall, plenty of steep slopes, low vegetation density and also the dominance of friable land. The Aoudour watershed also undergoes a human action that makes it very vulnerable to environment erosion, the degradation of the vegetation cover in recent decades and also by poor farming techniques. PAP / RAC is a method of qualitative study of water erosion that can prioritize the surface of a watershed in separate units according to its vulnerability to erosion. The method consists of a descriptive and predictive mapping in relation to the identification; evaluation and integration of basic physical factors such as slope, lithology and / or soils and vegetation cover, with the aim of establish initial assumptions about the risk of erosion. The use of remote sensing and GIS tools enabled us creating and overlying of thematic maps, executing speedily the cartographic works and, processing of databases

    Étude des performances épuratoires de la technique du lagunage aéré appliquée à la station d’épuration de la ville d’Errachidia - Maroc

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    Dans le but d’évaluer le rendement de la nouvelle station d’épuration de la ville d’Errachidia type lagunage aéré, nous avons étudié les paramètres physico-chimiques et bactériologiques des eaux brutes et épurées de la station. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé un ensemble de mesures tels que : la température, le pH et la conductivité (paramètres sur places), la demande biochimique en oxygène DBO5, la demande chimique en oxygène DCO et les matières en suspension MES (paramètres physico-chimiques), les coliformes fécaux (CF) et les coliformes totaux (CT) (paramètres bactériologiques). Les résultats d’analyses ont montré une évolution des rendements épuratoires de la nouvelle station par rapport à l’ancienne de type lagunage naturel. Ces rendements mesurés à partir de la DBO5, DCO et MES donnent des valeurs respectivement de 82%, 83% et 88%. D’autre part la qualité bactériologique des eaux épurées est conforme à une réutilisation agricole.Mots-clés : station d’épuration, MES, DCO, DBO5, paramètres bactériologiques

    Anorexie mentale et myelinolyse centropontine et extrapontine

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    Introduction La myélinolyse centropontine et extrapontine est une complication connue mais rare des hyponatrémies et de leur correction. Elle représente une entité pathologique définie par des arguments cliniques et radiologiques survenant dans un contexte étiologique susceptible d’orienter le diagnostic. L’anorexie mentale est rarement décrite comme responsable d’une hyponatrémie compliquée de myélinolyse centro et extrapontine.Observation Nous rapportons l’observation d’une patiente de 19 ans ayant une histoire d’anorexie mentale depuis 4 ans admise pour trouble de conscience associée à une hyponatrémie. Malgré la correction adéquate des troubles hydro-électrolytiques, la patiente a présenté des crises convulsives tonico-cloniques généralisées et une tétraplégie. L’IRM cérébrale a confirmé le diagnostic de la myélinolyse centro et extrapontine. Malgré l’installation d’un tableau clinique particulièrement spectaculaire, l’évolution était marquée par l’amélioration progressive des troubles neurologiques.Discussion La myélinolyse centropontine est une complication neurologique rattachée le plus souvent à la correction trop rapide d’une hyponatrémie. Dans le cas rapporté, la correction de l’hyponatrémie ne semble pas être l’agent déclenchant du syndrome, l’hypokaliémie et la dénutrition, en induisant une vulnérabilité particulière des cellules gliales aux variations osmotiques, ont probablement joué un rôle favorisant. Le pronostic de la myélinolyse est diversement apprécié mais dans le cadre de l’anorexie mentale, il semble être moins grave. Toutefois aucune corrélation n’existe entre la gravité du tableau clinique, l’aspect radiologique et l’évolution d’où l’importance d’une surveillance clinique et radiologique étroite surtout durant le premier mois


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    Abstract One of the challenges related to the reform of Moroccan higher education is the improvement of the quality of teaching. In fact, the introduction of the principle of quality assurance is materialized by measures cited in the 01-00 law; such as the setting up of assessing systems regarding the variation of training offered by the Higher Teaching in addition to the role played by the evaluation in promoting the present coaching and research. Up to now, the assessment by tutors of Higher education training, is not a practice at national level, hence the interest of this article discusses, for the first time in Morocco, this form of assessment. ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online) www.ijern.com 2 The present study proposes to answer the following problematic: How to put in place some quality evaluation procedures of teaching by teachers? The objective of this work is to propose a model of a questionnaire to assessing the quality related to teaching via teachers themselves. ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) A literature review to the topic at hand has been done. It concerns the evaluation of higher teaching and the requirements of reform in matter namely the 'National Education Charter' and the Law 01-00 on the organization of the higher education. After searching relevant information to the needs of this work, a qualitative study was conducted through a semi-directive interview with a group of tutors and researchers, in order to determine the dimensions of evaluation of the quality of Higher Teaching by the means of teachers. Following this interview, questions are formulated and ordered in a questionnaire following the proposed method by Finally, the questionnaire has been addressed, by the electronic way, to teachers as part of a field study
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