817 research outputs found

    Nonlinear dielectric response of Debye, alpha, and beta relaxation in 1-propanol

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    We present nonlinear dielectric measurements of glass-forming 1-propanol, a prototypical example for the monohydroxy alcohols that are known to exhibit unusual relaxation dynamics, namely an additional Debye relaxation, slower than the structural alpha relaxation. Applying high ac fields of 468 kV/cm allows for a detailed investigation of the nonlinear properties of all three relaxation processes occurring in 1-propanol, namely the Debye, alpha, and beta relaxation. Both the field-induced variations of dielectric constant and loss are reported. Polarization saturation and the absorption of field energy govern the findings in the Debye-relaxation regime, well consistent with the suggested cluster-like nature of the relaxing entities. The behavior of the alpha relaxation is in good accord with the expectations for a heterogeneous relaxation scenario. Finally, the Johari-Goldstein beta-relaxation in 1-propanol seems to exhibit no or only weak field dependence, in agreement with recent findings for the excess wing of canonical glass formers.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Cooperativity and Heterogeneity in Plastic Crystals Studied by Nonlinear Dielectric Spectroscopy

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    The glassy dynamics of plastic-crystalline cyclo-octanol and ortho-carborane, where only the molecular reorientational degrees of freedom freeze without long-range order, is investigated by nonlinear dielectric spectroscopy. Marked differences to canonical glass formers show up: While molecular cooperativity governs the glassy freezing, it leads to a much weaker slowing down of molecular dynamics than in supercooled liquids. Moreover, the observed nonlinear effects cannot be explained with the same heterogeneity scenario recently applied to canonical glass formers. This supports ideas that molecular relaxation in plastic crystals may be intrinsically non-exponential. Finally, no nonlinear effects were detected for the secondary processes in cyclo-octanol.Comment: Final version as accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. 6 pages, 5 figures (including 1 page and figure in Supplemental Material

    Fifth-order susceptibility unveils growth of thermodynamic amorphous order in glass-formers

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    Glasses are ubiquitous in daily life and technology. However the microscopic mechanisms generating this state of matter remain subject to debate: Glasses are considered either as merely hyper-viscous liquids or as resulting from a genuine thermodynamic phase transition towards a rigid state. We show that third- and fifth-order susceptibilities provide a definite answer to this longstanding controversy. Performing the corresponding high-precision nonlinear dielectric experiments for supercooled glycerol and propylene carbonate, we find strong support for theories based upon thermodynamic amorphous order. Moreover, when lowering temperature, we find that the growing transient domains are compact - that is their fractal dimension d_f = 3. The glass transition may thus represent a class of critical phenomena different from canonical second-order phase transitions for which d_f < 3.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The first record in Italy of Trichogramma cordubense Vargas & Cabello 1985 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) emerging from the eggs of Lobesia botrana (Denis & SchiffermΓΌller, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

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    This study investigated the egg parasitoids of Lobesia botrana (Denis &amp; SchiffermΓΌller, 1775) feeding on Daphne gnidium L. (Malvales, Thymelaeaceae) in the San Rossore-Migliarino-Massaciuccoli Nature Reserve (Tuscany, Italy). Four species of egg parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma spp. were obtained. The parasitization rate gradually increased over the season, reaching its maximum level in September 2015, with a percentage of parasitized eggs close to 55&nbsp;%. Three of the species obtained were already known as L.&nbsp;botrana parasitoids, whereas the finding of Trichogramma cordubense Vargas &amp; Cabello, 1985 represents the first recording in Italy, as well as the first report of this species among the natural enemies of L. botrana

    Development and application of the modelling system J2000-S for the EU-water framework directive

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    The scientific sound definition of measures to achieve the goals of the EU water framework directive (WFD) acquires spatially distributed analyses of the water and substance dynamics in meso- to macro-scale catchments. For this purpose, modelling tools or systems are needed which are robust and fast enough to be applied on such scales, but which are also able to simulate the impact of changes on single fields or small areas of a specific land use in the catchment. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; To face these challenges, we combined the fully-distributed hydrological model J2000 with the nitrogen transport routines of the Soil Water Assessment Tool SWAT model, which are normally applied in a semi-distributive approach. With this combination, we could extend the quantitative focus of J2000 with qualitative processes and could overcome the semi-distributed limitation of SWAT. For the implementation and combination of the components, we used the Jena Adaptable Modelling System JAMS (Kralisch and Krause, 2006) which helped tremendously in the relatively rapid and easy development of the new resultant model J2000-S (J2000-Substance). &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The modelling system was applied in the upper Gera watershed, located in Thuringia, Germany. The catchment has an area of 844 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; and includes three of the typical landscape forms of Thuringia. The application showed, that the new modelling system was able to reproduce the daily hydrological as well as the nitrogen dynamics with a sufficient quality. The paper will describe the results of the new model and compare them with the results obtained with the original semi-distributed application of SWAT

    Emerging concepts in pancreatic cancer medicine: targeting the tumor stroma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is a stroma-rich and highly challenging cancer to treat. Over recent years, it has become increasingly evident that the complex network of soluble cytokines, growth factors, proteases, and components of the extracellular matrix collaboratively interact within the tumor microenvironment, sustaining and driving cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and early metastasis. More recently, the tumor microenvironment has also been appreciated to mediate therapeutic resistance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, thus opening numerous avenues for novel therapeutic explorations. Inert and soluble components of the tumor stroma have been targeted in order to break down the extracellular matrix scaffold, relieve vessel compression, and increase drug delivery to hypovascular tumors. Moreover, targeting of antiapoptotic, immunosuppressive, and pro-proliferative effects of the tumor stroma provides novel vantage points of attack. This review focuses on current and future developments in pancreatic cancer medicine, with a particular emphasis on biophysical and biochemical approaches that target the tumor microenvironment

    Multiscale investigations in a mesoscale catchment ? hydrological modelling in the Gera catchment

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    International audienceThe application of the hydrological process-oriented model J2000 (J2K) is part of a cooperation project between the Thuringian Environmental Agency (ThΓΌringer Landesanstalt fΓΌr Umwelt und Geologie ? TLUG) and the Department of Geoinformatics of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena focussing on the implementation of the EU water framework directive (WFD). In the first project phase J2K was parametrised and calibrated for a mesoscale catchment to quantify if it can be used as hydrological part of a multi-objective tool-box needed for the implementation of the WFD. The main objectives for that pilot study were: The development and application of a suitable distribution concept which provide the spatial data basis for various tasks and which reflects the specific physiogeographical variability and heterogeneity of river basins adequately. This distribution concept should consider the following constraints: The absolute number of spatial entities, which forms the basis for any distributive modelling should be as small as possible, but the spatial distributed factors, which controls quantitative and qualitative hydrological processes should not be generalised to much. The distribution concept of hydrological response units HRUs (FlΓΌgel, 1995) was selected and enhanced by a topological routing scheme (Staudenrausch, 2001) for the simulation of lateral flow processes. J2K should be calibrated for one subbasin of the pilot watershed only. Then the parameter set should be used on the other subbasins (referred as transfer basins) to investigate and quantify the transferability of a calibrated model and potential spatial dependencies of its parameter set. In addition, potential structural problems in the process description should be identified by the transfer to basins which show a different process dominance as the one which was used for calibration does. Model calibration and selection of efficiency criteria for the quantification of the model quality should be based on a comprehensive sensitivity and uncertainty analysis (BΓ€se, 2005) and multi-response validations with independent data sets (Krause and FlΓΌgel, 2005) carried out in advance in the headwater part of the calibration basin. To obtain good results in the transfer basins the calibrated parameter set could be adjusted slightly. This step was considered as necessary because of specific constraints which were not of significant importance in the calibration basin. This readjustment should be carried out on parameters which show a sensitive reaction on the identified differences in the environmental setup. Potential scaling problems of the process description, distribution concept or model structure should be identified by the comparison of the modelling results obtained in a small headwater region of the calibration basin with observed streamflow to find out if the selected efficiency measures show a significant change

    Measuring the defect structure orientation of a single NV- centre in diamond

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    The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centre in diamond has many exciting applications in quantum nano-metrology, including magnetometry, electrometry, thermometry and piezometry. Indeed, it is possible for a single NV- centre to measure the complete three-dimensional vector of the local electric field or the position of a single fundamental charge in ambient conditions. However, in order to achieve such vector measurements, near complete knowledge of the orientation of the centres defect structure is required. Here, we demonstrate an optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) technique employing rotations of static electric and magnetic fields that precisely determines the orientation of the centres major and minor trigonal symmetry axes. Thus, our technique is an enabler of the centres existing vector sensing applications and also motivates new applications in multi-axis rotation sensing, NV growth characterization and diamond crystallography
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