394 research outputs found

    Freedom from stigma in Fukushima

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    This is the version of the article before peer review or editing, as submitted by an author to Journal of Radiological Protection. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6498/ac5dd2

    Identification and expression of the lamprey Pax6 gene: evolutionary origin of the segmented brain of vertebrates

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    The Pax6 gene plays a developmental role in various metazoans as the master regulatory gene for eye patterning. Pax6 is also spatially regulated in particular regions of the neural tube. Because the amphioxus has no neuromeres, an understanding of Pax6 expression in the agnathans is crucial for an insight into the origin of neuromerism in the vertebrates. We have isolated a single cognate cDNA of the Pax6 gene, LjPax6, from a Lampetra japonica cDNA library and observed the pattern of its expression using in situ hybridization. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that LjPax6 occurs as an sister group of gnathostome Pax6. In lamprey embryos, LjPax6 is expressed in the eye, the nasohypophysial plate, the oral ectoderm and the brain. In the central nervous system, LjPax6 is expressed in clearly delineated domains in the hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain. We compared the pattern of LjPax6 expression with that of other brain-specific regulatory genes, including LjOtxA, LjPax2/5/8, LjDlx1/6, LjEmx and LjTTF1. Most of the gene expression domains showed conserved pattern, which reflects the situation in the gnathostomes, conforming partly to the neuromeric patterns proposed for the gnathostomes. We conclude that most of the segmented domains of the vertebrate brain were already established in the ancestor common to all vertebrates. Major evolutionary changes in the vertebrate brain may have involved local restriction of cell lineages, leading to the establishment of neuromeres.</p

    The relationship between geographical region and perceptions of radiation risk after the Fukushima accident: The mediational role of knowledge

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    Since the Fukushima accident, radiation risk perception has been of public concern. Factors related to regional differences in radiation risk perception and the role that knowledge of radiation effects plays are still not clearly understood. Here, we first assessed the validity of the Lindell radiation risk perception scale by comparing it with the mortality rate of traffic accidents. We then investigated the relationship between the perceptions and both the geographical regions and the knowledge of genetic effects and, further, verified the mediating role of knowledge in the perception. The sample comprised 832 participants who responded to an online questionnaire in August 2018, from Tokyo and Fukushima. There was a significant association between the Lindell scale and the perceived magnitude of genetic risk relative to traffic accident mortality. Knowledge of genetic effects after the atomic bombs was associated with perceptions of lower genetic risks. The relationship between geographical region and risk perception was mediated by knowledge. However, approximately 40% of those who had knowledge still perceived a high risk, indicating that perception is not governed by knowledge alone. In addition to efforts to share knowledge, it is important to interactively communicate regarding risk to alleviate the anxiety felt by individuals

    Estimation of Dietary Intake of Radionuclides and Effectiveness of Regulation after the Fukushima Accident and in Virtual Nuclear Power Plant Accident Scenarios

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    Evaluation of radiation exposure from diet is necessary under the assumption of a virtual accident as a part of emergency preparedness. Here, we developed a model with complete consideration of the regional food trade using deposition data simulated by a transport model, and estimated the dietary intake of radionuclides and the effectiveness of regulation (e.g., restrictions on the distribution of foods) after the Fukushima accident and in virtual accident scenarios. We also evaluated the dilution factors (i.e., ratios of contaminated foods to consumed foods) and cost-effectiveness of regulation as basic information for setting regulatory values. The doses estimated under actual emission conditions were generally consistent with those observed in food-duplicate and market-basket surveys within a factor of three. Regulation of restricted food distribution resulted in reductions in the doses of 54–65% in the nearest large city to the nuclear power plant. The dilution factors under actual emission conditions were 4.4% for radioiodine and 2.7% for radiocesium, which are ~20 times lower than those used in the Japanese provisional regulation values after the Fukushima accident. Strict regulation worsened the cost-effectiveness for both radionuclides. This study highlights the significance and utility of the developed model for a risk analysis of emergency preparedness and regulation

    Preventive behaviors and information sources during COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study in Japan

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    BACKGROUND: individual preventive behaviors are one of the key measures needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This study sought to identify the factors associated with the adoption of COVID-19 preventive measures, focusing specifically on information sources. METHODS: we conducted a nationally representative cross-sectional survey of 30,053 Japanese adults in February 2021. The survey asked about socioeconomic, health-related, and psychological characteristics, attitudes toward immunization, and the use of information sources regarding COVID-19. We have constructed multivariable logistic regression to estimate the factors associated with the adoption of three preventive measures: 3Cs avoidance, hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. RESULTS: socioeconomic variables, psychological variables, and the use of information sources are significantly associated with the adoption of preventive measures. The more information sources one uses, the more likely one is to adopt preventive measures. Trust in healthcare professionals is positively associated with adopting preventive measures. On the other hand, negative correlations between trust in social media and preventive behaviors were observed. CONCLUSIONS: encouraging access to multiple information sources, utilizing communication channels, and modifying messaging according to target groups are essential to promote COVID-19 preventive measures


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    1. 温湯法による集団除精法を種々の作物に適用する際に, 供試花の成熟程度によつて花粉の熱に対する抵抗力に差がある様に思われる。此の点を明らかにする為に, 水稲品種「千本旭」を用いて幼穂並に花粉の成熟過程の観察と, その種々なる時期に於ける温湯処理が, 花粉及び雌蕊の機能に対し如何なる影響を及ぼすかを調査した。2. 処理条件は, 低温区40℃-8分, 標準区43℃-8分, 高温区46℃-8分の3区とし, 処理時期を, 通常処理期, 出穂期, 出穂前3&acd;5日, 7&acd;8日, 11&acd;13日の5期とし, 両者を組合せて15試験区を設けた。3. 出穂期以前の処理により, 供試穂の出穂期に変動を来さしめなかつたので, 出穂前日数の決定は, 処理がその穂の出穂期に先立つ日数を以つてした。4. 花粉の成熟状態は, 出穂前11&acd;13日では花粉母細胞のMeiosis, 7&acd;9日では花粉の外殻形成期, 3&acd;5日は花粉内容の充実期であり, 出穂期以降に於いては花粉粒はすべて完成していた。5. 温湯処理後直ちに袋掛けを行い, 自家結実の状態によつて花粉の機能を調査し, 一方Clipping methodによる結実率によつて雌蕊の機能を調査した。更に結実種子の発芽試験を行い, 之等に対する処理の影響を考察した。6. 花粉の熱に対する抵抗力は, 成熟過程にあるものは一般に強く, 出穂期に於いて著しく弱まり, 開花直前の成熟花粉が最も弱かつた。又出穂期以降に於ける雌蕊の熱に対する抵抗力は, 花粉のそれに比して著しく強いものと思われる。7. 結実種子の発芽は, 最適処理条件区のものが最も良好であつたが, 処理, 時期による差は認められなかつた。8. 以上の結果より, 温湯法により集団除精を行うに際しては, 処理に先つて開花直前の成熟程度均一なる頴花を選び, 未熟花はつとめて摘除する必要のあることが判明した。1. The present paper deals with the results of investigations on the observation of growing stages of immature panicle and pollen grain of rice variety "SENBON-ASAHI" and on the effect of hot water treatments in several times of these stages upon the function of pollen and ovule. 2. In this tests, 3 conditions of hot water treatment were adopted, that is low (40℃ for 8 minutes), standard (43℃ for 8 minutes) and high (46℃ for 8 minutes) temperatere section. These treatments were carried out on 5 different stages namely optimum time of treatment, heading date, 3 to 5 days before heading, 7 to 9 days before heading and 11 to 13 days before heading. 3. Heading date of treated panicle was unchanged owing to the treatment before heading, for this reason "days before heading" was determined by the number of days preceding the heading date of treated panicle. 4. The aspect of growing pollen was observed as follows : Meiosis of pollen mother cell was found in 11 to 13 days before heading, outer hull of pollen was formed in 7 to 9 days before heading, protoprasm of pollen was incresing in 3 to 5 days before heading and all pollen grains were complete after heading date. 5. Pollen function was tested by the fertility of treated panicles pollinated with treated pollen and ovule function was by the fertility of treated panicles pollinated with normal pollen by clipping method. 6. About the heat resistance of pollen, pollen in growing stages was generally stronger than complete pollen and especially the pollen just before the flowering was most inferor. It was considered that heat resistance of ovule was very strong as compared with the pollen after heading. 7. The germination of seeds which raised under the optimum time of treatment were best of all, but no evident tendency due to different conditions and stages of treatment was recognized in germination of seed. 8. According to these results, it was identified that we must select uniform florets on degree of maturity and must remove immature florets in treated panicle as much as possible

    Pengaruh Kandungan Lemak Dan Energi Yang Berbeda Dalam Pakan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Pakan Dan Pertumbuhan Patin (Pangasius Pangasius)

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    Pakan merupakan faktor terpenting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan, didalam pakan harus mengandung nutrisi yang lengkap. Penggunaan lemak dalam pakan sangat penting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan, karena lemak merupakan sumber energi yang memiliki nilai cukup tinggi dibanding protein dan karbohidrat. Pengunaan lemak sebagai “Protein sparing effect” yaitu pengganti protein sebagai sumber energi, sehingga penggunaan energi yang berasal dari protein dapat digunakan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan terhadap pemanfaatan pakan dan pertumbuhan patin (P. pangasius).Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah perbedaan kandungan lemak dan energi antara lain pada perlakuan A (8%, 281,98 kkal); B (9%, 286,74 kkal); C (10%, 289,45 kkal); dan D (11%, 296,21 kkal). Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah patin (Pangasius pangasius) yang berasal dari Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah. Ikan uji yang digunakan dengan bobot rata-rata 6,48±0,68 g/ekor, dengan padat tebar 1 ekor/liter. Pakan diberikan 3 kali dalam sehari yaitu pada sekitar pukul 08.00 WIB, pukul 12.00 WIB, dan pukul 16.00 WIB. Pemberian pakan diberikan secara at satiation.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan buatan, memberikan pengaruh nyata (P&lt;0,05) terhadap EPP, PER, dan RGR pada patin (P. pangasius), sedangkan pada variabel TKP dan SR tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata (P&gt;0,05). Perlakuan D diperoleh hasil tertinggi dengan nilai TKP (25,27±0,06g), EPP (54,62±0,93%), PER (1,82±0,03%), RGR (0,75±0,02%/hari), dan SR (95,83%).Kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan, memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap EPP, PER, dan RGR; tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap TKP dan SR patin (P. pangasius). Feed played an important role in fish farming and therefor, it should contain complete nutrition. The use of fat in fish diet was required for energy supply and producing of growth. The fat was used to subtitute energy source from protein, so the use of protein for fish growth can be optimaled. This study was aimed to observe the influence of different fat and energy on the feed utilization and growth of P. pangasius.The experimental method used was completely randomized design, which consisted of 4 treatments and 3 replicats, that were trial diets with ratio of treatment A (8%, 281.98 kkal); B (9%, 286.74 kkal); C (10%, 289.45 kkal); dan D (11%, 296.21 kkal) respectively. The ratio of vegetable oil : animal oil was equal. The fish used was P. pangasius, which was quired from Banjarnegara, Central Java. It\u27s average body weight of 6.48±0.68 g. The fish was maintenance in 8 l-tanks for 35 days. with a stocking density of 1 fish/l. The fish were feed 3 times a day, at 08.00, 12.00, and 16.00 by appliying at satiation method.The fish fed on resulted on dietary of different fat and energy on the feed on values significantly different (P&lt;0.05) on the EPP, PER and RGR. But for feed in TKP and SR values (P&gt;0.05). TKP value (25.27±0.06g) EPP (54.62±0.93%) , PER (1.82±0.03%) , RGR (0.75±0.02%/day), and SR (95.83%).It was concluded that the influence of different fat and energy on the feed utilization and growth of pangasius in feed significantly effect on, EPP, PER, and RGR while for TKP and SR where not significantly different

    An Up-to-Date Anti-Cancer Treatment Strategy Focusing on HIF-1α Suppression: Its Application for Refractory Ovarian Cancer

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    Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) predominantly determines the transcriptional activity of HIF-1, which induces the certain genetic expressions to participate in the proliferation and progression of the tumor. It is supposed that HIF-1α is also an extremely important factor in cancer treatment. Based on the results of our recent analyses using ovarian tumors, which indicated the close association of HIF-1α expression with the acquisition of malignancy and the characterization of histology, we further investigated the possibility of a new strategy of cancer therapy that targeted HIF-1α inhibition in the ovarian carcinoma. The cell line HUOCA-II, which originates from the refractory ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma, was treated with rapamycin. The inhibitory effect of HIF-1α was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and western blotting. It was demonstrated that inhibition of HIF-1α and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expressions would lead to the down-regulation of tumor cell proliferation. Interestingly, there was little or no change in GLUT-1 expression by rapamycin administration. Thus, the inhibition of GLUT-1 may also be a key for the new strategy of cancer therapy as well as HIF-1α and VEGF

    A Study of Correlation between Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI Using the 3T MRI System and Tc-99m-GSA Hepatic Scintigraphy / Hepatic Function Tests in Prehepatectomy Cases

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    This study compared results from Gd-EOB-DTPA on two different phases of 3T MRI with those from Tc-99m-GSA hepatic scintigraphy and hepatic function tests. Twenty-four patients with liver tumor were included in this study. All patients underwent Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced-MRI and Tc-99m-GSA hepatic scintigraphy. Clearance index (HH15) and receptor index (LHL15) were calculated for the Tc-99m-GSA, while signal intensities (SI) of liver at pre-injection and at 4/20min post-injection, and of spleen at 4 min/20min were measured (SIpre, SI4min, SI20min, SIsp4min, SIsp20min, respectively) for the Gd-EOB-DTPA-MRI. Liver activity at 15min by Tc-99m-GSA scintigraphy or biochemical liver function values were compared with liver spleen contrast at 4min (LSC4min = SI4min/SIsp4min) or 20min post-injection (LSC20min = SI4min/SIsp20min), and the increase in ratio at 4min (IR4min=SI4min/SIsp4min) or 20min (IR20min= SI20min/SIpre). Total bilirubin levels (T-bil), serum albumin levels (Alb), prothrombin activity, and the indocyanine green clearance test (ICG) results were also analyzed. There were statistically significant correlations in all comparisons between Gd-EOB-DTPA and Tc-99m-GSA. The highest coefficient of correlation was obtained in IR4min (LHL15: r = 0.795, P<0.001; HH15: r = -0.782, P<0.001), with IR20min (LHL15: r = 0.690, P<0.01; HH15: r = -0.528, P<0.05), LSC4min (LHL15: r = 0.458, P<0.05; HH15: r = -0.626, P<0.05), and LSC20min (LHL15: r = 0.443, P<0.05, HH15: r = -0.609, P<0.05) also significantly correlated. Correlations in hepatic function data were observed between IR4min and T-bil/Alb, and IR20min and Alb. In 3T-MRI using Gd-EOB-DTPA, the SI of liver at pre- to post-injection (especially at 4 min) significantly correlated with the corresponding Tc-99m-DTPA scintigraphy results, and with some biochemical liver function data