87 research outputs found

    Sustained Elongation of Sperm Tail Promoted by Local Remodeling of Giant Mitochondria in Drosophila

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    SummaryBackgroundSperm length in Drosophilidae varies from a few hundred microns to 6 cm as a result of evolutionary selection. In postcopulatory competition, longer sperm have an advantage in positioning their head closer to the egg. Sperm cell elongation can proceed in the absence of an axoneme, suggesting that a mechanism besides intraflagellar transport emerged to sustain it.ResultsHere we report that sperm elongation in Drosophila melanogaster is driven by the interdependent extension of giant mitochondria and microtubule array that is formed around the mitochondrial surface. In primary cultures of elongating spermatids, we demonstrated that the mitochondrial integrity and local dynamics of microtubules at the tail tip region are essential for uniaxial elongation of the sperm tail. Mitochondria-microtubule linker protein Milton accumulated on mitochondria near the tail tip and is required for the sliding movement of microtubules. Disruption of Milton and its associated protein dMiro, and of potential microtubule crosslinkers Nebbish and Fascetto, caused strong elongation defects, indicating that mitochondria-microtubule association and microtubule crosslinking are required for spermatid tail elongation.ConclusionsMitochondria play unexpected roles in sperm tail elongation in Drosophila by providing a structural platform for microtubule reorganization to support the robust elongation taking place at the tip of the very long sperm tail. The identification of mitochondria as an organizer of cytoskeletal dynamics extends our understanding of mechanisms of cell morphogenesis

    Production of domoic acid by laboratory culture of the red alga Chondria armata

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    To clarify the production mechanisms and biologic functions of domoic acid (DA) by the red alga Chondria armata, we established a laboratory culture of C. armata. The alga grew better in modified PES medium (mPES) without trace metals or manganese than in unmodified mPES (seawater + nitrate, phosphate, iron, trace metals, vitamins, and 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethanesulfonic acid), suggesting that C. armata is especially hypersensitive to the toxicity of excessive manganese. C. armata cultured in N・P・Fe medium (seawater + nitrate, phosphate, and iron) grew best (mean growth rate 828.4%) at a relative nutrient concentration of 50%. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the algal extracts revealed that the DA content of the cultured explants (2273-3308 ppm) was 4-5 fold higher than that of wild specimens. The extract of pooled explants (60 g) was purified by activated charcoal treatment and several types of column chromatography to afford ca. 10 mg DA. The 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the preparation was indistinguishable from the previously reported spectrum of DA, indicating that C. armata itself has an ability to produce DA

    Pathogenic mutations identified by a multimodality approach in 117 Japanese Fanconi anemia patients

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    Fanconi anemia is a rare recessive disease characterized by multiple congenital abnormalities, progressive bone marrow failure, and a predisposition to malignancies. It results from mutations in one of the 22 known FANC genes. The number of Japanese Fanconi anemia patients with a defined genetic diagnosis was relatively limited. In this study, we reveal the genetic subtyping and the characteristics of mutated FANC genes in Japan and clarify the genotype-phenotype correlations. We studied 117 Japanese patients and successfully subtyped 97% of the cases. FANCA and FANCG pathogenic variants accounted for the disease in 58% and 25% of Fanconi anemia patients, respectively. We identified one FANCA and two FANCG hot spot mutations, which are found at low percentages (0.04-0.1%) in the whole-genome reference panel of 3,554 Japanese individuals (Tohoku Medical Megabank). FANCB was the third most common complementation group and only one FANCC case was identified in our series. Based on the data from the Tohoku Medical Megabank, we estimate that approximately 2.6% of Japanese are carriers of disease-causing FANC gene variants, excluding missense mutations. This is the largest series of subtyped Japanese Fanconi anemia patients to date and the results will be useful for future clinical management

    Establishment of Corpus-based Cancer Specific Term Set and its Characteristics

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