417 research outputs found

    El Political Business Cycle subnacional y sus determinantes: las provincias argentinas entre 1994 y 2015

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    Este trabajo analiza las decisiones macroeconómicas tomadas por los gobernadores argentinos en el período previo a una elección ejecutiva en la provincia en relación al gasto público, el déficit, la deuda pública, el PBG y el empleo público. Específicamente, se estudia cómo estas variables son afectadas por el grado interés personal del gobernador en garantizar la reelección de su partido; una variable -inédita en la literatura- que definimos como cuánto de su plan político individual se concreta con el triunfo de su partido en las elecciones a gobernador. Partiendo de la literatura del Political Business Cycle, y asumiendo que tal manipulación fiscal electoral existe en las provincias argentinas, esta investigación espera que el tamaño del ciclo económico generado en la etapa previa a la elección sea mayor cuanto mayor sea el interés personal de los gobernadores en cada elección en particular

    Evaluating Posts on the Steemit Blockchain: Analysis on Topics Based on Textual Cues

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    Online Social Networking platforms (OSNs) are part of the people's everyday life answering the deep-rooted need for communication among humans. During recent years, a new generation of social media based on blockchain became very popular, bringing the power of the technology to the service of social networks. Steemit is one such and employs the blockchain to implement a rewarding mechanism, adding a new, economic, layer to the social media service. The reward mechanism grants virtual tokens to the users capable of engaging other users on the platform, which can be either vested in the platform for increased influence or exchanged for fiat currency. The introduction of an economic layer on a social networking platform can seriously influence how people socialize. In this work, we tackle the problem of understanding how this new business model conditions the way people create contents. We performed term frequency and topic modelling analyses over the written contents published on the platforms between 2017 and 2019. This analysis lets us understand the most common topics of the contents that appear in the platform. While personal mundane information still appears, along with contents related to arts, food, travels, and sport, we also see emerging a very strong presence of contents about blockchain, cryptocurrency and, more specifically, on Steemit itself and its users


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    El carácter multidimensional de la fidelidad traductora es protagonista incondicional del debate traductológico desde tiempos antiguos. De hecho, históricamente y con cierta constancia la noción ha sido adaptada para describir procesos de transposición interlingüística literal o libre, según diferentes y opuestas vertientes de análisis, y el término ha sido adaptado a las más diferentes situaciones hasta asumir connotaciones opuestas. Este trabajo propone un recorrido a través de aquellos discursos teóricos que, si por un lado defienden con fuerza una obstinada adherencia al original, por el otro proclaman una necesaria y supuestamente justificable autonomía del traductor. El artículo propone una interpretación del ‘desorden’ epistemológico que se detecta a partir del análisis de prefacios o comentarios que abundan y se difunden en el siglo XIX con el intento de plantear y resolver cuestiones metodológicas.The multidimensional aspect of translation fidelity has been the unconditional protagonist of the debate about translation theory and its practice, since ancient times. Indeed, historically and with some regularity the notion has been adapted to describe processes of literal or free interlinguistic transposition according to different and opposite aspects of analysis and the term has been adapted to the most different situations, up to mean almost its opposite. This work proposes a reflection through those theoretical discourses that, if on the one hand, forcefully defend a stubborn adherence to the original, on the other, proclaim a necessary and supposedly justifiable autonomy of the translator. The article proposes an interpretation of the epistemological ‘disorder’ that is detected from the analysis of prefaces or commentaries that abound and spread in the Nineteenth Century trying to pose and solve methodological questions

    Long Noncoding RNAs and Cancer Stem Cells: Dangerous Liaisons Managing Cancer

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    Decades of research have investigated the mechanisms that lead to the origin of cancer, striving to identify tumor-initiating cells. These cells, also known as cancer stem cells, are characterized by the ability to self-renew, to give rise to differentiated tumor populations, and on a larger scale, are deemed responsible not only for tumor initiation but also for recurrent tumors, often resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Long noncoding RNAs are RNA molecules longer than 200 nt, lacking the ability to code for proteins, with recognized roles as fine regulators of gene expression. They can exert these functions through a variety of mechanisms, acting at almost all steps of gene expression, from modulation of the epigenetic state of chromatin to modulation of protein stability. In all cases, lncRNAs do not work alone, but they always interact with other RNA molecules, either coding or non-coding, or with protein factors. In this review, we summarize the latest results obtained about the involvement of lncRNAs in the initiating cells of several types of tumors, and highlight the different mechanisms through which they work, while discussing how the modulation of a lncRNA can affect several aspects of tumor onset and progression

    Translating the White Side of Letters: Memory Semantics and their Quali-Quantitative Evidence

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    Going through the relation between Translation and Memory Studies, and inspired by the notions of ideology and power as proposed by Foucault (1975), Lefevere (1992) and Carbonell (1999), this contribution aims to set out a theoretical and empirical digression regarding representability of traumatic eventsthrough language (considering it as something that is never neutral). To this end, the case of the enforced disappearances in Argentina is studied, trying to demonstrate at least two things: 1. Translation represents a fundamental space for the negotiation of meanings, memories or oblivions; 2. oblivion can be avoided only by listening to the noises produced by traumatic events. This article focuses on the heteroglossia of these terms that widened their connotations during the last military dictatorship. Finally, through the analysis of empirical data extracted with the concordance software AntConc 3.5.3, this study provides quantitative evidences of such mutations, illustrating the frequency of use of these terms in the conadep commission’s full report, Nunca Más (1984).Profundizando la relación entre Translation y Memory Studies e inspirándose en los conceptos de ideología y poder propuestos por Foucault (1975), Lefevere (1992) y Carbonell (1999), el artículo problematiza la representabilidad de eventos traumáticos a través del lenguaje. Para ello se considera el caso de los desaparecidos argentinos, intentando demonstrar por lo menos dos cosas: 1. La traducción representa un espacio fundamental para la negociación de significados, memorias u olvidos; 2. el olvido puede evitarse sólo escuchando el ruido producido por los traumas. El trabajo se centra en la heteroglosia de términos que durante la última dictadura han ampliado sus connotaciones. Finalmente, a través del análisis de datos empíricos extraídos con el software de concordancias AntConc 3.5.3, se proporcionan evidencias cuantitativas de dichas mutaciones, ilustrando la frecuencia de uso de esos términos en el Nunca Más (1984)

    Reconstruire des réseaux d’affaires à partir de sources comptables : des exemples toscans (xive-xvie siècles)

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    Le fonds Datini des archives de Prato et le fonds Salviati de la Scuola Normale Superiore de Pise, tous deux en Toscane, comptent parmi les plus riches fonds d’entreprises de la première modernité européenne. Ils permettent d’identifier et de caractériser d’importants réseaux d’affaires parcourant les espaces européen et méditerranéen de la fin du xive siècle au xvie siècle. Les modus operandi apparaissent en effet très clairement dans les livres comptables, consentant la reconstruction des interactions entre compagnies d’affaires florentines et la mise en lumière des opérateurs des places commerciales où les marchands florentins étaient implantés. À travers des exemples concrets d’opérations commerciales réalisées par la compagnie Datini de Majorque et la compagnie Salviati de Constantinople, l’article permet de prendre la mesure du lien étroit entre reconstruction de réseaux et comptabilités d’entreprise

    ADAR1 restricts LINE-1 retrotransposition

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    Abstract Adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) are involved in RNA editing that converts adenosines to inosines in double-stranded RNAs. ADAR1 was demonstrated to be functional on different viruses exerting either antiviral or proviral effects. Concerning HIV-1, several studies showed that ADAR1 favors viral replication. The aim of this study was to investigate the composition of the ADAR1 ribonucleoprotein complex during HIV-1 expression. By using a dual-tag affinity purification procedure in cells expressing HIV-1 followed by mass spectrometry analysis, we identified 14 non-ribosomal ADAR1-interacting proteins, most of which are novel. A significant fraction of these proteins were previously demonstrated to be associated to the Long INterspersed Element 1 (LINE1 or L1) ribonucleoparticles and to regulate the life cycle of L1 retrotransposons that continuously re-enter host-genome.Hence, we investigated the function of ADAR1 in the regulation of L1 activity.By using different cell-culture based retrotransposition assays in HeLa cells, we demonstrated a novel function of ADAR1 as suppressor of L1 retrotransposition. Apparently, this inhibitory mechanism does not occur through ADAR1 editing activity. Furthermore, we showed that ADAR1 binds the basal L1 RNP complex. Overall, these data support the role of ADAR1 as regulator of L1 life cycle

    Incremental communication patterns in online social groups

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    In the last decades, temporal networks played a key role in modelling, understanding, and analysing the properties of dynamic systems where individuals and events vary in time. Of paramount importance is the representation and the analysis of Social Media, in particular Social Networks and Online Communities, through temporal networks, due to their intrinsic dynamism (social ties, online/offline status, users’ interactions, etc.). The identification of recurrent patterns in Online Communities, and in detail in Online Social Groups, is an important challenge which can reveal information concerning the structure of the social network, but also patterns of interactions, trending topics, and so on. Different works have already investigated the pattern detection in several scenarios by focusing mainly on identifying the occurrences of fixed and well known motifs (mostly, triads) or more flexible subgraphs. In this paper, we present the concept on the Incremental Communication Patterns, which is something in-between motifs, from which they inherit the meaningfulness of the identified structure, and subgraph, from which they inherit the possibility to be extended as needed. We formally define the Incremental Communication Patterns and exploit them to investigate the interaction patterns occurring in a real dataset consisting of 17 Online Social Groups taken from the list of Facebook groups. The results regarding our experimental analysis uncover interesting aspects of interactions patterns occurring in social groups and reveal that Incremental Communication Patterns are able to capture roles of the users within the groups

    HIV-1 Infection Causes a Down-Regulation of Genes Involved in Ribosome Biogenesis

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    HIV-1 preferentially infects CD4+ T cells, causing fundamental changes that eventually lead to the release of new viral particles and cell death. To investigate in detail alterations in the transcriptome of the CD4+ T cells upon viral infection, we sequenced polyadenylated RNA isolated from Jurkat cells infected or not with HIV-1. We found a marked global alteration of gene expression following infection, with an overall trend toward induction of genes, indicating widespread modification of the host biology. Annotation and pathway analysis of the most deregulated genes showed that viral infection produces a down-regulation of genes associated with the nucleolus, in particular those implicated in regulating the different steps of ribosome biogenesis, such as ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transcription, pre-rRNA processing, and ribosome maturation. The impact of HIV-1 infection on genes involved in ribosome biogenesis was further validated in primary CD4+ T cells. Moreover, we provided evidence by Northern Blot experiments, that host pre-rRNA processing in Jurkat cells might be perturbed during HIV-1 infection, thus strengthening the hypothesis of a crosstalk between nucleolar functions and viral pathogenesis

    CPEB1 restrains proliferation of Glioblastoma cells through the regulation of p27(Kip1) mRNA translation

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    The cytoplasmic element binding protein 1 (CPEB1) regulates many important biological processes ranging from cell cycle control to learning and memory formation, by controlling mRNA translation efficiency via 3' untranslated regions (3'UTR). In the present study, we show that CPEB1 is significantly downregulated in human Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) tissues and that the restoration of its expression impairs glioma cell lines growth. We demonstrate that CPEB1 promotes the expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p27(Kip1) by specifically targeting its 3'UTR, and competes with miR-221/222 binding at an overlapping site in the 3'UTR, thus impairing miR-221/222 inhibitory activity. Upon binding to p27(Kip1) 3'UTR, CPEB1 promotes elongation of poly-A tail and the subsequent translation of p27(Kip1) mRNA. This leads to higher levels of p27(Kip1) in the cell, in turn significantly inhibiting cell proliferation, and confers to CPEB1 a potential value as a tumor suppressor in Glioblastoma