13 research outputs found

    Characterization of Ouémé River Quality in Upper Delta Using Water Evaluation Indices and Multivariate Analysis

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    Pollution represents a serious problem for the environment. The aim of this research was to assess the level of organic pollution of the Ouémé River and his physical quality. Nine physical and chemical parameters were measured in nine different stations between March and October 2016, during dry and rainy season. The methods used were those recommended by the French Association of Normalization (AFNOR). Data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis and multivariate statistical technics, including principal component analysis (PCA) and variance analysis. The Leclercq Organic pollution index was used to assess the level of organic pollution. The values of the measured parameters suggest an organic pollution on all stations. The pollution degree varies according to the study area with contents that sometimes pass those recommended by the WHO standards. More advanced information about water quality for this study area were obtained. Therefore, this study will help stakeholders to better manage Ouémé River’s water

    Flux des polluants liés aux activités anthropiques, risques sur les ressources en eau de surface et la chaine trophique à travers le monde : synthèse bibliographique

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    Cette synthèse bibliographique fait le point des différentes activités anthropiques et de leurs impacts sur la qualité des eaux de surface et la chaîne trophique. Elle a été faite à partir de la recherche bibliographique. Les activités anthropiques interfèrent sur les eaux de surface en créant des problèmes environnementaux et sanitaires. Les activités domestiques, agricoles, industrielles, hospitalières, et les activités de pêche artisanale et de tourisme, sont les plus incriminées. La pollution des eaux de surface par les métaux lourds, les pesticides, les engrais, les hydrocarbures et les organismes pathogènes, constitue un véritable problème environnemental et sanitaire. La présence des matières organiques polluantes rend difficile le traitement des eaux brutes destinées à la consommation humaine. L’utilisation accrue des pesticides en agriculture explique la présence des résidus de pesticides dans les eaux de surface en Afrique et dans le monde. Les industries et hôpitaux, de par leurs rejets d’effluents et de déchets solides dans l’environnement, sans traitement adéquat constituent une source de pollution des écosystèmes aquatiques. La présence des macropolluants et micropolluants dans les eaux de surface dégrade leur qualité, puis celle des ressources et compromet la santé de la population utilisatrice des eaux et produits halieutiques.Mots clés : Pollution, eaux de surface, écosystèmes aquatiques, espèces aquacoles, santé humaine

    "Chaîne de l'eau du réseau public dans quelques quartiers précaires du 6ème arrondissement de Cotonou-Bénin" par E.O. Hounsounou, M. Agassounon Djikpo Tchibozo, L. Fanou et E. Agbossou

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    Ce manuscrit est soumis au commentaire ouvert. La rédaction vous invite à proposer des modifications aux auteurs en utilisant la fonction de commentaire situé en bas de page et/ou en utilisant l’outil d’annotation hypothes.is. Vous pouvez également lancer hypothes.is en cliquant sur ce lien. Lucie AYI-FANOU, Laboratoire de Biochimie, Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Benin Micheline AGASSOUNON DJIKPO TCHIBOZO, Institut National de l’Eau et Laboratoire des Normes et de Contrôle de qualités Microbiol..

    Chaîne de l’eau du réseau public dans quelques quartiers précaires du sixième arrondissement de Cotonou-Bénin

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    La population des quartiers précaires de Cotonou aspire à l’eau potable de la Société Nationale des Eaux du Bénin (SONEB) à domicile ; mais les ressources nécessaires n’étant souvent pas disponibles pour y répondre, les opérations de collecte, de transport et de stockage de cette eau se multiplient dans les ménages. L’objectif de l’article est de mettre en évidence les risques de contamination de cette eau le long de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Une enquête domiciliaire a été faite dans 190 concessions (2 ménages par concession) sur les conditions de collecte, de transport et de stockage de l’eau dans les quartiers précaires du sixième arrondissement de Cotonou. La méthode d’entretien direct suivie des observations a été faite. Les résultats montrent que 91,6 % des enquêtés pratiquent le stockage de l’eau du réseau public ; 82,6 % a recours aux abonnés-revendeurs privés ou aux points publics de vente (kiosque à eau). L’eau est prise au robinet ou à partir des barils sans couverture. À propos des mesures de protection, 68,9 % des récipients de transport sont non couverts alors qu’au niveau des ménages, 89,5 % est couvert durant le stockage. Les sceaux plastiques (70,0 %) et les bassines (2,1 %) sont plus entretenus que les bidons (20,5 %) et les jarres (1,6 %). S’agissant des conditions d’usage, la durée de stockage varie de un jour à sept jours, et les gobelets de consommation sont exposés à toute contamination extérieure. In fine, ces diverses manipulations de l’eau constituent autant de potentiels facteurs de sa contamination et des maladies hydriques.The population of shantytowns of Cotonou aspires to the drinking water from the public distribution network of “Société Nationale des Eaux du Benin (SONEB)” at home ; but the necessary resources are often not available to meet it, the collection, transport and storage operations of this water multiply in households. The objective of the article is to underline the risks of contamination of this water along the supply chain. A housing survey was carried out in 190 concessions (2 households per concession) about the conditions of collection, transport and storage of water in shantytowns of the sixth district of Cotonou. The method of direct interview with observations has been done. The results show that 91.6 % of the respondents practice the storage of water of the public network ; 82.6 % use private subscribers or public points of sale (water kiosk). Water is taken to the faucet or to the barrels without coverage. 68.9 % of transport containers are not covered while 89.5 % of storage containers are covered at the level of households. About types of containers used, seals plastic (70.0 %) basins (2.1 %) are more cleaned than the cans (20.5 %) and jars (1.6 %). The storage duration varies from one day to one week. Goblets of consumption are exposed to any external contamination. This various handlings of water constitute as many potential factors of its contamination and waters diseases

    Chaîne de l’eau du réseau public dans quelques quartiers précaires du sixième arrondissement de Cotonou-Bénin

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    La population des quartiers précaires de Cotonou aspire à l’eau potable de la Société Nationale des Eaux du Bénin (SONEB) à domicile ; mais les ressources nécessaires n’étant souvent pas disponibles pour y répondre, les opérations de collecte, de transport et de stockage de cette eau se multiplient dans les ménages. L’objectif de l’article est de mettre en évidence les risques de contamination de cette eau le long de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Une enquête domiciliaire a été faite dans 190 concessions (2 ménages par concession) sur les conditions de collecte, de transport et de stockage de l’eau dans les quartiers précaires du sixième arrondissement de Cotonou. La méthode d’entretien direct suivie des observations a été faite. Les résultats montrent que 91,6 % des enquêtés pratiquent le stockage de l’eau du réseau public ; 82,6 % a recours aux abonnés-revendeurs privés ou aux points publics de vente (kiosque à eau). L’eau est prise au robinet ou à partir des barils sans couverture. À propos des mesures de protection, 68,9 % des récipients de transport sont non couverts alors qu’au niveau des ménages, 89,5 % est couvert durant le stockage. Les sceaux plastiques (70,0 %) et les bassines (2,1 %) sont plus entretenus que les bidons (20,5 %) et les jarres (1,6 %). S’agissant des conditions d’usage, la durée de stockage varie de un jour à sept jours, et les gobelets de consommation sont exposés à toute contamination extérieure. In fine, ces diverses manipulations de l’eau constituent autant de potentiels facteurs de sa contamination et des maladies hydriques.The population of shantytowns of Cotonou aspires to the drinking water from the public distribution network of “Société Nationale des Eaux du Benin (SONEB)” at home ; but the necessary resources are often not available to meet it, the collection, transport and storage operations of this water multiply in households. The objective of the article is to underline the risks of contamination of this water along the supply chain. A housing survey was carried out in 190 concessions (2 households per concession) about the conditions of collection, transport and storage of water in shantytowns of the sixth district of Cotonou. The method of direct interview with observations has been done. The results show that 91.6 % of the respondents practice the storage of water of the public network ; 82.6 % use private subscribers or public points of sale (water kiosk). Water is taken to the faucet or to the barrels without coverage. 68.9 % of transport containers are not covered while 89.5 % of storage containers are covered at the level of households. About types of containers used, seals plastic (70.0 %) basins (2.1 %) are more cleaned than the cans (20.5 %) and jars (1.6 %). The storage duration varies from one day to one week. Goblets of consumption are exposed to any external contamination. This various handlings of water constitute as many potential factors of its contamination and waters diseases

    Chaîne de l’eau du réseau public dans quelques quartiers précaires du sixième arrondissement de Cotonou-Bénin

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    The population of shantytowns of Cotonou aspires to the drinking water from the public distribution network of “Société Nationale des Eaux du Benin (SONEB)” at home ; but the necessary resources are often not available to meet it, the collection, transport and storage operations of this water multiply in households. The objective of the article is to underline the risks of contamination of this water along the supply chain. A housing survey was carried out in 190 concessions (2 households per concession) about the conditions of collection, transport and storage of water in shantytowns of the sixth district of Cotonou. The method of direct interview with observations has been done. The results show that 91.6 % of the respondents practice the storage of water of the public network ; 82.6 % use private subscribers or public points of sale (water kiosk). Water is taken to the faucet or to the barrels without coverage. 68.9 % of transport containers are not covered while 89.5 % of storage containers are covered at the level of households. About types of containers used, seals plastic (70.0 %) basins (2.1 %) are more cleaned than the cans (20.5 %) and jars (1.6 %). The storage duration varies from one day to one week. Goblets of consumption are exposed to any external contamination. This various handlings of water constitute as many potential factors of its contamination and waters diseases

    In Vitro Antiplasmodial Properties Of Flacourtia Flavescens Willd. (Flacourtiaceae) And Rytigynia Canthioides (Benth.) Robyns (Rubiaceae)

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    Topical hemostatic agents are applied locally to areas of injured vascular endothelium to control local bleeding. Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS) has gained approval in Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina as a topical haemostatic agent for external post-surgical and post-dental surgery bleeding. The safety of topical use of ABS has been demonstrated in numerous in vitro and in vivo animal models, as well as in a clinical Phase I trial in humans. ABS, besides its haemostatic activity, also has in vitro anti-infectious and anti-neoplastic effects. To assess potential detrimental effects of intravenous administration of ABS into intact systemic circulation in a rabbit experimental model, one milliliter of ABS was administered intravenously into the systemic circulation of twelve rabbits which were included in the study via the marginal ear vein. Animals were observed for 1 hr before euthanasia was performed by administering 40 mg of intracardiac suxamethonium chloride. In the event of death (cardiopulmonary arrest) before the end of the planned observation period of 60 minutes, time of death was recorded and histopathological examination of the liver and spleen was commenced. Ten rabbits were alive by the end of the planned observation period, without showing any clear signs of discomfort, whereas two animals died within five minutes after systemic administration of intravenous ABS. Postmortem histopathological examination of the livers and spleens of all animals’ revealed findings consistent with hepatic venous outflow obstruction. Systemic intravascular administration of ABS into intact vascular endothelium should never be performed in any setting. Further experimental and clinical studies on this liquid hemostatic agent should proceed by accepting ABS as purely a topical haemostatic agent, to be applied solely to areas of injured vascular endothelium

    Impact of osmotic dehydration on the encapsulated apices survival of two yams (Dioscorea spp.) genotypes from Benin

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    Objective: Cryopreservation is one of the biotechnological methods currently used for long term conservation of plant genetic resources. It requires many steps such as a pretreatment, which involves cells dehydration in order to make them tolerant to desiccation and freezing in nitrogen liquid using high sucrose concentration. The present study aims to establish a protocol for long term conservation of yam germplasm in Benin using encapsulation/dehydration technique. Methodology and Results: The effects of different sucrose concentrations and immersion durations on encapsulated apices of two yams genotypes (Da93G1 from Dioscorea alata and Dcr164 from complex Dioscorea cayenensis/ D. rotundata) were tested. The apices were excised from six months old vitroplants on stereoscope and transferred in M1 medium (MS+2g.L-1 activated charcoal) prior to encapsulation in alginate (3%) beads with calcium chloride (1.32M). Then, the apices were exposed to osmotic dehydration with two concentrations of sucrose (0.75M and 1.25M) at two durations (24h and 40h) before their culture in M2 medium (MS + 2mg.L-1 BAP, 100?g.L-1 d’ANA and 2g.L-1 activated charcoal). Conclusion and application: The results showed that 0.75M sucrose increased high survival rate (80%) and high rate of regenerated plant (70%) at 24h of immersion duration. Furthermore, significant difference was observed between the two genotypes response. This work has allowed adopting in further experiments 0.75M sucrose and 24hours of immersion duration in pretreatment of yam apices for the development of cryopreservation techniques for yam conservation in Benin. Keywords: Dioscorea spp., sucrose, osmotic dehydration, regeneration, immersion duration, cryopreservation, Benin J. Appl. Biosci. 201

    In Vitro Antiplasmodial Properties of Flacourtia Flavescens Willd. (Flacourtiaceae) and Rytigynia Canthioides (Benth.) Robyns (Rubiaceae)

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    The present study was conducted to investigate the in vitro antimalarial activity of Flacourtia flavescens Willd. (Flacourtiaceae) and Rytigynia canthioides (Benth.) Robyns (Rubiaceae). These two plants are used in Benin folk medicine to treat malaria and fever. Antimalarial activity was assayed on fresh clinical isolates of chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum using the in vitro semi-microtest. The results revealed that the IC50 varied from 1.55 to 22.36µg/ml. F. flavescens hydro methanol extract was more active than R. canthioides. The study demonstrated scientific rationale behind the traditional usage of these plants, however further bioactivity guided phytochemical analyses are necessary to identify the active principles