157 research outputs found


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    Peer Reviewe

    Arts i matemĂ tiques visuals

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    L'art et les mathématiques: une seconde série de films

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    Une première série de films sur le thème “L'art et les mathématiques” fut complétée en 1980. Une présentation en fut faite dans un article précédent [1]. Puisque le concept général de la nouvelle série de films est exactement le même que celui de la précédente, nulle autre présentation n'est requise.A first series of movies on the theme "Art and Mathematics" was completed i n 1980. An introduction to this first series appeared in a previous article [1]. As the general idea of the new series of movies is exactly the same, this series needs no further introduction.Peer Reviewe

    Topology from Art and Math to contemporary cities

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    Mathematics is not a mere tool of kitchen recipes, but has contributed to, if not determined, our way of conceiving space on Earth and even in the Universe. A lack of awareness of mathematics as an essential tool of our culture has led to a major delay in the use of instruments that mathematicians have used for decades. A case in point is topology, the science of transformations, the science of invariants. Its relatively recent discovery by architects has led to a remarkable transformation of the art of conceiving and building space. A notorious cultural leap has led to construction using techniques and material that allow realizing transformation, rendering it almost continuous, a sort of contradiction between the finished construction and its deformation. The so called fluid topological architecture is the final result of a set of new ideas of space. New topological ideas are used in art, and has been materialized in recent buildings in towns all around the world, such as the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, the National Library in Astana, the Moebius Bridge in Bristol, the MAXXI museum in Rome, the Max Reinhardt Haus of Eisemann, the Moebius House of Van Berkel. I will illustrate this story using various examples from the topological gold jewels in pre-Colombian culture in South America to the new development in modern cities. I conclude with a reflection on the ethical and artistic aspects of this new topological public architecture

    Matematica e cinema

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    La matematica come fonte di ispirazione per raccontare, per visualizzare, immaginare altri mondi. E di cosa tratta il cinema sin dai suoi esordi ? L’idea è uella di mostrare quali sono i ruoli privilegiati dei matematici nel cinema, dalla storia alla investigazione e di serial killer a quelle di matematici realmente esistiti. Alle volte pieni di problemi che sconfinano nella pazzia alle volte introversi ed isolati, ma in ogni caso sempre geniali e imprevedibili

    accontarsi e ri-raccontarsi. : Infanzia a Venezia di Luciano Emmer

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    Infanzia a Venezia di Luciano Emmer è un libro senza un ordine manifesto in cui emergono remoti ricordi. Come nel suo cinema, questa memoria frammentata, nell’atto del narrare fa sì che continuità e discontinuità, scrittura e riscrittura siano il filo teso del racconto della sua vita. Nato a Milano nel 1918, si stabilisce con la famiglia a Venezia negli anni venti. Ci resterà sino ai diciotto anni. Si trasferisce a Milano e comincia a girare documentari d’arte. Nel dopoguerra inizia a realizzare anche lungometraggi. Realizza tre documentari su Venezia, e un famoso documentario con Picasso, vince un Leone al festival del cinema di Venezia. Molti anni dopo riflette sul suo lavoro e sulla sua vita a Venezia. Scrive due libri di ricordi e riflessioni su Venezia. Rilegge alcuni dei suoi documentari e ne riscrive il testo registrandolo con la sua voce. Ricostruisce e rivede la sua vita nel cinema sino agli ultimi giorni

    RĂŞves Images Bulles

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    Imagination, rêve, philosophie, art, créativité, beauté, esthétique. Ce sont des mots qui apparaissent souvent lorsque les mathématiciens réfléchissent à leur activité. Une de ces réflexions est celle de Newton sur le phénomène qu’il avait observé, connu sous le nom d’interférence, qui se produit lorsque l’épaisseur d’un film de savon est comparable à la longueur d’onde de la lumière visible. Dans un liquide savonneux, les différentes couleurs qui composent la lumière du soleil se déplacent à différentes vitesses. La relation des mathématiciens avec les rêves a donc une histoire intéressante, dont la présente contribution rappellera quelques exemples devenus classiques et d’autres plus récents, avant de se pencher sur mon expérience personnelle. Les bulles sont éphémères, légères et translucides, leurs dimensions extrêmement variables. L’un de mes rêves portait ainsi sur l’idée de faire une grande exposition sur le thème des bulles de savon. Le 16 mars 2019, cette exposition rêvée s’est enfin ouverte à Perugia

    Raccontare /raccontarsi : i matematici

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    Matematica significa teoremi, inventare teorie, metodi, algoritmi. E’ un’attività creatrice a tutti gli effetti. Poco comprensibile, però. Ecco allora il raccontare, raccontarsi, anche per chiarire a se stessi, che cosa avaviene nel momento in cui appare davanti agli occhi di un ricercatore la rivelazione della avvenuta dimostrazione di un risultato che nessuno ha mai ottenuto prima


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    Living in the age of scientific, technological and digital revolution changes our attitude towards information. It is inevitable to start approaching information not only as a product of fashionable digital media behavior, but also as a particular accumulation of facts and activities, transferable bits of matter, which influence our environment. Architecture not only exerts spatial influence on our environment, but also it structures its processes. Acting as such, architecture is involved into direct representation of informational flows via organizing spatial systems. Therefore, in the digital era, design gets more related to transforming different informational modes into spatial structures. Transformations of information provide rich possibilities for conceptualizing space; such transformations could be achieved by different methodologies. This paper uses the concept of space in contemporary physics, namely the self-organizational behavior of the spacetime framework, in order to explore various ways of coding information in design. Analyzing String theory and its follower M – theory, the research derives a method for spatial organization of cause-and-effect activities resulting in a unified approach towards design methodology. This paper explores the concept of movement in the space-time framework, namely the movement in various dimensions and in non-Euclidean geometry, in order to develop a system for achieving a particular design control over informational activities. Using the topology of spacetime in String heory and M-theory, a topology produced as an outcome from that particular movement behavior, the research proposes a way to handle an informational status in the environment spatially. Such a design approach, becoming more and more necessary in the age of the digital, opens room not only for mere spatial variations, but also for a direction towards new design morphology; a morphology in which architecture obtains new spatial value, reaching beyond the label of visionary desig
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