12 research outputs found

    Proposal of enriching activities for students with indicative of high skills/giftedness in mathematics

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    The subject high abilities/giftedness has received little attention from the academic community in general and in brazil. Thus, the potential and special educational needs of a significant part of the school population are ignored. In this work, we present some results of a research developed in a public institution of education in Brazil, aimed at high school students with high skills/gifted in mathematics. The research, developed as part of a project that had a multi-professional team, had the purpose of elaborating, applying and evaluating an enrichment program to complement regular education through enriching activities and experiences. With theoretical support in Renzulli, it starts from the conception of giftedness according to theory of the three rings and elaborates a program based on the triadic model of enrichment to attend to the public of students. The elaborate enrichment program, entitled kaleidoscopes and geometric constructions, aimed to offer students a wide variety of educational experiences with different methodologies to develop specific skills and to work on mathematical concepts involved in the construction of kaleidoscopes. During the workshops developed in the enrichment program, it was possible to observe the involvement and the interest that the students demonstrated with the accomplishment of the tasks


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    Este trabalho trata de uma pesquisa realizada no Instituto Federal do Tocantins (IFTO) que teve como tema a área das Altas Habilidades/Superdotação (AH/SD) em Matemática. Para realizar o estudo, elaborou-se e aplicou-se um programa de enriquecimento para alunos do Ensino Médio com indicativo de AH/SD em Matemática. A concepção de superdotação adotada apoiou-se na Teoria dos Três Anéis de Renzulli e o programa de enriquecimento, intitulado Caleidoscópios e construções geométricas, foi elaborado com base no Modelo Triádico de Enriquecimento do mesmo autor. Este programa visa oferecer ampla variedade de experiências educacionais para desenvolver habilidades específicas e trabalhar alguns conceitos matemáticos envolvidos na construção de caleidoscópios. A pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar se os comportamentos e características observados nos alunos relacionavam-se aos anéis de Renzulli. Os resultados apontaram comportamentos de superdotação em determinados momentos, no decorrer do programa, e reforçaram a ideia de Renzulli, que compreende a superdotação como um conceito que não é estático, mas que sofre influência de estímulos externos que podem levar o indivíduo a desenvolver esse tipo de comportamento em alguma fase da vida

    Estudo de Análise Termogravimétrica de Diferentes Biomassas Lignocelulósicas Utilizando a A análise por Componentes Principais

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    O comportamento térmico de biomassas lignocelulósicas utilizando a termogravimetria e a termogravimetria derivada são importantes, pois relatam a presença de constituintes químicos, tais como hemicelulose, celulose e lignina. E a utilização de uma análise exploratória multivariada, como a análise por componentes principais (PCA) é útil no sentido de agrupar termogramas com perfis semelhantes. Assim biomassas de capim, café, engaço de banana e açaí com comportamentos semelhantes apresentaram maior degradação térmica atribuída à decomposição da hemicelulose, enquanto que para a decomposição da celulose as amostras de arroz, serragem e soja. Observa-se que todas as dez amostras de biomassa exibem tendência semelhante de perda de peso associada à decomposição da lignina

    Predição por calibração multivariada dos parâmetros de qualidade de biomassas de café

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X17124The real time prediction of the quality of the coffee biomass parameters allow greater efficiency in the energy industry and its production process, allowing the determination of multiple chemical components, while avoiding the extensive sample preparation. Multivariate calibration models using spectra obtained by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) have been developed to predict the following properties of coffee: moisture, ash, fixed carbon and volatile content. Satisfactory results were obtained demonstrating the importance of methodology from the economic point of view, but also environmental, since residues from the coffee industry (husks) were evaluated and demonstrated use of potential.A previsão em tempo real dos parâmetros de qualidade das biomassas de café permite uma maior eficácia nas indústrias e no seu processo de produção de energia, permitindo a determinação de múltiplos constituintes químicos e evitando simultaneamente a extensa preparação da amostra. Modelos de calibração multivariada utilizando espectros obtidos pelo infravermelho próximo (NIR) foram desenvolvidos para prever as seguintes propriedades do café: umidade, cinzas, carbono fixo e teor de voláteis. Resultados satisfatórios foram obtidos demonstrando a importância da metodologia sob o ponto de vista econômico, mas também ambiental, já que resíduos da indústria de café (cascas) foram avaliados e demonstraram potencial de aproveitamento.


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    Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) has great energy potential for the production of bioproducts from the pericarp and mesocarp. The objective of this work was to characterize baru residual biomass (endocarp and mesocarp) to obtain bioproducts in biorefineries processes. Each sample was analyzed in duplicate and the average spectrum was used. Approximate analyzes of humidity, ash, VMC, FC and organic matter were performed. The biomasses were pretreated with peroxidatives and alkaline solution submitted to acid hydrolysis for sugar production. The physicochemical characterization showed that, in general, the endocarp and mesocarp biomass of baru can provide a range of value added products, as their parameters fit the biorefinery requirements, such as: high carbohydrate content, low carbon content. moisture, extractives and ashes. Higher lignin contents contribute to the obtaining of aromatic inputs and coal, which were obtained for the raw epicarp.O baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) possui grande potencial energético para a produção de bioprodutos, a partir do pericarpo e mesocarpo. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar a biomassa residual (endocarpo e mesocarpo) de baru para a obtenção de bioprodutos em processos de biorrefinarias. Cada amostra foi analisada em duplicata e o espectro médio foi utilizado. Foram realizadas análises aproximadas de umidade, cinzas, VMC, FC e matéria orgânica. As biomassas foram pré-tratadas com peroxidativos e solução alcalina submetidos à hidrólise ácida para produção de açúcares. As caracterizações físico-químicas mostraram que, em geral, as biomassas do endocarpo e mesocarpo de baru podem fornecer uma gama de produtos de valor agregado, pois seus parâmetros se encaixam nas exigências da biorrefinaria, tais como: alto teor de carboidratos, baixo teor de umidade, extrativos e cinzas. Maiores teores de lignina contribuem para a obtenção de insumos aromáticos e carvão, do qual foram obtidos para o epicarpo bruto

    A Proposal of Enriching Activities for Students with Indicative of High Skills/Giftedness in Mathematics

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    The subject High Abilities/Giftedness has received little attention from the academic community in general and in Brazil. Thus, the potential and special educational needs of a significant part of the school population are ignored. In this work, we present some results of a research developed in a public institution of education in Brazil, aimed at high school students with high skills/gifted in Mathematics. The research, developed as part of a project that had a multi-professional team, had the purpose of elaborating, applying and evaluating an enrichment program to complement regular education through enriching activities and experiences. With theoretical support in Renzulli, it starts from the conception of giftedness according to Theory of the Three Rings and elaborates a program based on the Triadic Model of Enrichment to attend to the public of students. The elaborate enrichment program, entitled Kaleidoscopes and Geometric Constructions, aimed to offer students a wide variety of educational experiences with different methodologies to develop specific skills and to work on mathematical concepts involved in the construction of kaleidoscopes. During the workshops developed in the enrichment program, it was possible to observe the involvement and the interest that the students demonstrated with the accomplishment of the tasks

    Characterization of biomasses from the north and northeast regions of Brazil for processes in biorefineries

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    AbstractIn search for renewable energy sources, the Brazilian residual biomasses stand out due to their favorable physical and chemical properties, low cost, and their being less pollutant. Therefore, they are likely to be used in biorefineries in the production of chemical inputs to substitute fossil fuels. This substitution is possible due to the high contents of carbohydrates (>40%), low contents of extractives (<20%), ashes (<8%) and moisture (<8%) found in these residual biomasses. High calorific values of all residues also offer them the chance to be used in combustion. A principal components analysis (PCA) was performed for better understanding of the samples and their hysic-chemical properties. Thus, this study aimed to characterize biomasses from the north (babassu residues, such as mesocarp and endocarp; pequi and Brazil nut) and northeast (agave and coconut) regions of Brazil, in order to contribute to the preservation of the environment and strengthen the economy of the region