5,756 research outputs found

    Strategy Implementation for the CTA Atmospheric Monitoring Program

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation facility of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. It will reach unprecedented sensitivity and energy resolution in very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. CTA will detect Cherenkov light emitted within an atmospheric shower of particles initiated by cosmic-gamma rays or cosmic rays entering the Earth's atmosphere. From the combination of images the Cherenkov light produces in the telescopes, one is able to infer the primary particle energy and direction. A correct energy estimation can be thus performed only if the local atmosphere is well characterized. The atmosphere not only affects the shower development itself, but also the Cherenkov photon transmission from the emission point in the particle shower, at about 10-20 km above the ground, to the detector. Cherenkov light on the ground is peaked in the UV-blue region, and therefore molecular and aerosol extinction phenomena are important. The goal of CTA is to control systematics in energy reconstruction to better than 10%. For this reason, a careful and continuous monitoring and characterization of the atmosphere is required. In addition, CTA will be operated as an observatory, with data made public along with appropriate analysis tools. High-level data quality can only be ensured if the atmospheric properties are consistently and continuously taken into account. In this contribution, we concentrate on discussing the implementation strategy for the various atmospheric monitoring instruments currently under discussion in CTA. These includes Raman lidars and ceilometers, stellar photometers and others available both from commercial providers and public research centres.Comment: (6 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the 2nd AtmoHEAD Conference, Padova, Italy May 19-21, 2014

    FARO: FAce Recognition against Occlusions and Expression Variations

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    FARO: FAce Recognition Against Occlusions and Expression Variations Maria De Marsico, Member, IEEE, Michele Nappi, and Daniel Riccio Abstract—Face recognition is widely considered as one of the most promising biometric techniques, allowing high recognition rates without being too intrusive. Many approaches have been presented to solve this special pattern recognition problem, also addressing the challenging cases of face changes, mainly occurring in expression, illumination, or pose. On the other hand, less work can be found in literature that deals with partial occlusions (i.e., sunglasses and scarves). This paper presents FAce Recognition against Occlusions and Expression Variations (FARO) as a new method based on partitioned iterated function systems (PIFSs), which is quite robust with respect to expression changes and partial occlusions. In general, algorithms based on PIFSs compute a map of self-similarities inside the whole input image, searching for correspondences among small square regions. However, traditional algorithms of this kind suffer from local distortions such as occlusions. To overcome such limitation, information extracted by PIFS is made local by working independently on each face component (eyes, nose, and mouth). Distortions introduced by likely occlusions or expression changes are further reduced by means of an ad hoc distance measure. In order to experimentally confirm the robustness of the proposed method to both lighting and expression variations, as well as to occlusions, FARO has been tested using AR-Faces database, one of the main benchmarks for the scientific community in this context. A further validation of FARO performances is provided by the experimental results produced on Face Recognition Grand Challenge database

    CABALA: Collaborative Architectures based on Biometric Adaptable Layers and Activities

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    The lack of communication and of dynamic adaptation to working settings often hinder stable performances of subsystems of present multibiometric architectures. The calibration phase often uses a specific training set, so that (sub)systems are tuned with respect to well determined conditions. In this work we investigate the modular construction of systems according to CABALA (Collaborative Architectures based on Biometric Adaptable Layers and Activities) approach. Different levels of flexibility and collaboration are supported. The computation of system reliability (SRR), for each single response of each single subsystem, allows to address temporary decrease of accuracy due to adverse conditions (light, dirty sensors, etc.), by possibly refusing a poorly reliable response or by asking for a new recognition operation. Subsystems can collaborate at a twofold level, both in returning a jointly determined answer, and in co-evolving to tune to changing conditions. At the first level, single-biometric subsystems implement the N-Cross Testing Protocol: they work in parallel, but exchange information to reach the final response. At an higher level of interdependency, parameters of each subsystem can be dynamically optimized according to the behavior of their companions. To this aim, an additional Supervisor Module analyzes the single results and, in our present implementation, modifies the degree of reliability required from each subsystem to accept its future responses. The paper explores different combinations of these novel strategies. We demonstrate that as component collaboration increases, the same happens to both the overall system accuracy and to the ability to identify unstable subsystems. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Surface displacement of the Mw 7 Machaze earthquake (Mozambique): Complementary use of multiband InSAR and radar amplitude image correlation with elastic modelling.

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    International audienceIn this paper we investigate the surface displacement related to the 2006 Machaze earthquake using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and sub-pixel correlation (SPC) of radar amplitude images. We focus on surface displacement measurement during three stages of the seismic cycle. First, we examined the co-seismic stage, using an Advanced SAR (ASAR) sensor onboard the Envisat satellite. Then we investigated the post-seismic stage using the Phase Array L-band SAR sensor (PALSAR) onboard the ALOS satellite. Lastly, we focussed on the inter-seismic stage, prior to the earthquake by analysing the L20 and JERS-1 SAR data. The high degree of signal decorrelation in the C-band co-seismic interferogram hinders a correct positioning of the surface rupture and correct phase unwrapping. The post-seismic L-band interferograms reveal a time-constant surface displacement, causing subsidence of the surface at a ~ 5 cm/yr rate. This phenomenon continued to affect the close rupture field for at least two years following the earthquake and intrinsically reveals a candidate seismogenic fault trace that we use as a proxy for an inversion against an elastic dislocation model. Prior to the earthquake, the JERS interferograms do not indicate any traces of pre-seismic slip on the sismogenic fault. Therefore, slip after the earthquake is post seismic, and it was triggered by the Machaze earthquake. This feature represents a prominent post-seismic slip event rarely observed in such a geodynamic context

    Entropy Based Template Analysis in Face Biometric Identification Systems

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    The accuracy of a biometric matching algorithm relies on its ability to better separate score distributions for genuine and impostor subjects. However, capture conditions (e.g. illumination or acquisition devices) as well as factors related to the subject at hand (e.g. pose or occlusions) may even take a generally accurate algorithm to provide incorrect answers. Techniques for face classification are still too sensitive to image distortion, and this limit hinders their use in large-scale commercial applications, which are typically run in uncontrolled settings. This paper will join the notion of quality with the further interesting concept of representativeness of a biometric sample, taking into account the case of more samples per subject. Though being of excellent quality, the gallery samples belonging to a certain subject might be very (too much) similar among them, so that even a moderately different sample of the same subject in input will cause an error. This seems to indicate that quality measures alone are not able to guarantee good performances. In practice, a subject gallery should include a sufficient amount of possible variations, in order to allow correct recognition in different situations. We call this gallery feature representativeness. A significant feature to consider together with quality is the sufficient representativeness of (each) subject’s gallery. A strategy to address this problem is to investigate the role of the entropy, which is computed over a set of samples of a same subject. The paper will present a number of applications of such a measure in handling the galleries of the different users who are registered in a system. The resulting criteria might also guide template updating, to assure gallery representativeness over time

    Time-variable 3D ground displacements from High-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Application to La Valette landslide (South French Alps).

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    International audienceWe apply an image correlation technique to multi-orbit and multi-temporal High-Resolution (HR) SAR data. Image correlation technique has the advantage of providing displacement maps in two directions; e.g. the Line of Sight direction (LoS) and the Azimuth direction. This information, derived from the two modes of data acquisition (ascending and descending), can be combined routinely to infer the three dimensional surface displacement field at different epochs. In this study, a methodology is developed to characterize the displacement pattern of the large La Valette landslide (South French Alps) using TerraSAR-X images acquired in 2010. The results allow mapping the dynamics of different units of the La Valette landslide at high spatial resolution. The study demonstrates the potential of this new application of High Resolution SAR image correlation technique for landslide ground surface deformation monitoring


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    Las políticas públicas actuales para el sector de educación Superior están dirigidas hacia la implementación de Ciclos Generales de Conocimientos Básicos, los cuales se han constituido en un desafío para las instituciones universitarias. La Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos ha tomado como propio dicho desafío, ya que constituye una estrategia dirigida a la flexibilización de las estructuras académicas, dado que la rigidez detectada en la currícula de las carreras, y la cristalización de las mismas genera un desfasaje entre la formación recibida y la requerida en los contextos actuales donde la generación, transferencia y distribución del conocimiento y formas de pensamiento resultan centrales. La comunidad educativa de nuestra institución ha venido trabajando desde hace un año en el diseño y la implementación de un Ciclo de Formación Básica Común a las cinco carreras lo que implicó los cambios curriculares de las mismas. En esta ponencia se relata el camino recorrido, algunas tensiones detectadas en el proceso de implementación del Ciclo

    Three-dimensional surface displacement of the 2008 May 12 Sichuan earthquake (China) derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar: evidence for rupture on a blind thrust

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    International audienceThe Sichuan earthquake,Mw7.9, struck the Longmen Shan (LMS) range front,China, on 2008 May 12, affecting an area of moderate historical seismicity where little active shortening has been previously reported. Recent studies based on space geodesy have succeeded in retrieving the far field surface displacements caused by the earthquake, but the near field (±25 km from the faults) coseismic surface displacement is still poorly constrained. Thus, shallow fault geometry and shallow coseismic slip are still poorly resolved. Here, for the first time for this earthquake, we combine C and L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar offsets data from ascending and descending tracks to invert for the 3-D surface displacement in the near coseismic field of the Sichuan earthquake. Our data, coupled with a simple elastic dislocation model, provide new results strongly suggesting the presence of a blind thrust striking along the range front and being active at depth during the earthquake. The presence of a rupture on a blind thrust brings new evidence for an out-of-sequence thrusting event and new elements for interpreting the tectonic strain partitioning in the LMS, which has important implications both for seismic hazard assessment and long-term evolution of the mountain belt

    Calibration of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The construction of the Cherenkov Telescope Array is expected to start soon. We will present the baseline methods and their extensions currently foreseen to calibrate the observatory. These are bound to achieve the strong requirements on allowed systematic uncertainties for the reconstructed gamma-ray energy and flux scales, as well as on the pointing resolution, and on the overall duty cycle of the observatory. Onsite calibration activities are designed to include a robust and efficient calibration of the telescope cameras, and various methods and instruments to achieve calibration of the overall optical throughput of each telescope, leading to both inter-telescope calibration and an absolute calibration of the entire observatory. One important aspect of the onsite calibration is a correct understanding of the atmosphere above the telescopes, which constitutes the calorimeter of this detection technique. It is planned to be constantly monitored with state-of-the-art instruments to obtain a full molecular and aerosol profile up to the stratosphere. In order to guarantee the best use of the observation time, in terms of usable data, an intelligent scheduling system is required, which gives preference to those sources and observation programs that can cope with the given atmospheric conditions, especially if the sky is partially covered by clouds, or slightly contaminated by dust. Ceilometers in combination with all-sky-cameras are plannned to provide the observatory with a fast, online and full-sky knowledge of the expected conditions for each pointing direction. For a precise characterization of the adopted observing direction, wide-field optical telescopes and Raman Lidars are planned to provide information about the height-resolved and wavelength-dependent atmospheric extinction, throughout the field-of-view of the cameras