177 research outputs found

    Años sombríos. 40 Años de vida en Citroën. 40 Años de represión sindical

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    Through a journey of nearly 40 years, this paper reconstructs the development of anti-union policy set up in the French car factory CitroĂ«n, considering as milestones the insurrectionary strikes of the biennium 1947-1948, the strikes and occupations of May-June 1968 and the great strikes carried out by immigrants and foreign workers that shook the firm in 1982. We will expose how these anti-union politics were elaborated with sapient mastery, combining managerial paternalism with the illegal use of coercive measures, such as threats to trade unionists and the employment of internal militias. We will also give wide space to workers’ responses, whether organized or individual, and prioritize the activity of class unions within the company, along with the role of independent unions (a characteristic phenomenon of the union French between the sixties and eighties) and the function of the enormous mass of immigrant workers in those factories.   Keyboards: France, CitroĂ«n, Union repression, Industrial paternalism, Autonomous unions, Immigration.En un recorrido de casi 40 años, este artĂ­culo reconstruye la elaboraciĂłn de la polĂ­tica antisindical puesta en pie en la fábrica francesa de coches CitroĂ«n, teniendo como hitos las huelgas insurreccionales del bienio 1947-1948, las huelgas y ocupaciones del mayo-junio de 1968 y las grandes huelgas que agitaron la firma en 1982 y fueron protagonizadas por los trabajadores extranjeros inmigrados. Expondremos cĂłmo esta polĂ­tica antisindical fue elaborada con sapiente maestrĂ­a mezclando el paternalismo empresarial con la precarizaciĂłn de los puestos de trabajo sin denostar el empleo de medidas coercitivas ilegales cuales amenazas a los sindicalistas y las milicias internas. Se dará asimismo amplio espacio al examen de las respuestas obreras, sea las organizadas que las individuales, concediendo una atenciĂłn prioritaria a la actividad de los sindicatos reivindicativos de clase en el seno de la empresa, al rol de los sindicatos independientes (fenĂłmeno caracterĂ­stico del panorama sindical francĂ©s de las dĂ©cadas de los sesenta hasta los ochenta) y a la funciĂłn de la enorme masa de trabajadores inmigrados presentes en CitroĂ«n. &nbsp

    Evidencias psicométricas del cuestionario de tecnoestrés en universitarios de la ciudad de Chimbote

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las evidencias psicométricas que presenta el Cuestionario de Tecnoestrés en universitarios de la Ciudad de Chimbote. Una muestra conformada por 384 participantes de 18 a 25 años. Con una metodología de diseño instrumental. Los resultados evidencian en la validez por estructura interna del análisis factorial confirmatorio un X2 /gl=1.91, RMSEA=.050, SRMR=.052, CFI=.972, TLI=.970, con cargas >.50, en la propuesta unidimensional un X2 /gl=2.01, RMSEA=.051, SRMR=.052, CFI=.971, y un TLI=.969, con cargas de .59 a .79, asimismo, en la confiabilidad por el método de consistencia interna, se obtuvo un coeficiente omega en las dimensiones de .80 a .92, y para el modelo unidimensional de .92. Se concluyó con un aporte metodológico

    The Potential Impact of a Dog Training Program on the Animal Adoptions in an Italian Shelter

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Human–dog relationships are mainly focused on the physical and emotional wellbeing, and has much evolved in the last decades, becoming even more intense over time. Such a novel conception should also be applied to the life that takes place in kennels, which have been mistakenly regarded as a landfill or a burden on society for too many years. Here, we took into consideration an Italian shelter, and analyzed 555 adopted dogs who underwent a well-detailed behavioral training program, to assess the potential impact of the education upon the adoption of attitude. We documented a higher increase in the number of adoptions both for adult and senior animals when compared to the age-matched untrained dogs. Collectively, our data highlight the importance of a proper training, mainly accomplished with reward methods, to get a more suitable and balanced owner-dog attachment. ABSTRACT: One of the main concerns of the human–dog relationship is today associated with the quality life inside the kennels, which are very often regarded as animal dump where dogs are exiled, representing a burden on society. In the present study we sought to investigate the importance of performing an appropriate behavioral program on the adoption chances within an Italian shelter, near Naples (Ottaviano). In this respect, we enrolled 555 adopted dogs of different ages, who followed a tailored-4-month lasting training program between 2018 and 2020. Once entered there, they were carefully examined by the veterinary behaviorist, and directed towards a suited training program, to improve living conditions. We documented a higher number of both adult and senior dogs who left the kennel and were adopted, compared to the age-matched untrained animals (n = 479), housed in the same kennel from 2015 to 2017. Taken together, the present data highlight an important role for training in improving the natural attitudes of the companion dogs, thus pointing towards a better human–animal bond

    VEGAWES: variational segmentation on whole exome sequencing for copy number detection

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    Background Copy number variations are important in the detection and progression of significant tumors and diseases. Recently, Whole Exome Sequencing is gaining popularity with copy number variations detection due to low cost and better efficiency. In this work, we developed VEGAWES for accurate and robust detection of copy number variations on WES data. VEGAWES is an extension to a variational based segmentation algorithm, VEGA: Variational estimator for genomic aberrations, which has previously outperformed several algorithms on segmenting array comparative genomic hybridization data. Results We tested this algorithm on synthetic data and 100 Glioblastoma Multiforme primary tumor samples. The results on the real data were analyzed with segmentation obtained from Single-nucleotide polymorphism data as ground truth. We compared our results with two other segmentation algorithms and assessed the performance based on accuracy and time. Conclusions In terms of both accuracy and time, VEGAWES provided better results on the synthetic data and tumor samples demonstrating its potential in robust detection of aberrant regions in the genome

    CXCR1/2 pathways in paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain

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    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a type of neuropathic pain that represents a frequent and serious consequence of chemotherapy agents. Over the last years, significant progress has been achieved in elucidating the underlying pathogenesis of CIPN. The interference of taxanes with microtubule has been proposed as a mechanism that leads to altered axonal transport and to permanent neurological damages. The inflammatory process activated by chemotherapeutic agents has been considered as a potential trigger of nociceptive process in CIPN.In this study we investigated the effect of reparixin, an inhibitor of CXCR1/CXCR2, in suppressing the development of paclitaxel-induced nociception in rats. Moreover, reparixin activity in reversing the neurotoxic effects induced by paclitaxel or GRO/KC in F11 cells was also analyzed.Reparixin administered by continuous infusion ameliorated paclitaxel-induced mechanical and cold allodynia in rats. In F11 cells, reparixin was able to inhibit the increase of acetyladed α-tubulin induced both by paclitaxel and GRO/KC. The subsequent experiments were performed in order to dissect the signal transduction pathways under GRO/KC control, eventually modulated by paclitaxel and/or reparixin. To this aim we found that reparixin significantly counteracted p-FAK, p-JAK2/p-STAT3, and PI3K-p-cortactin activation induced either by paclitaxel or GRO/KC.Overall the present results have identified IL-8/CXCR1/2 pathway as a mechanism involved in paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy. In particular, the obtained data suggest that the inhibition of CXCR1/2 combined with standard taxane therapy, in addition to potentiating the taxane anti-tumor activity can reduce chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity, thus giving some insight for the development of novel treatments

    Spectral CT Imaging of Prosthetic Valve Embolization after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

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    Transcatheter heart valve (THV) embolization is a rare complication of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) generally caused by malpositioning, sizing inaccuracies and pacing failures. The consequences are related to the site of embolization, ranging from a silent clinical picture when the device is stably anchored in the descending aorta to potentially fatal outcomes (e.g., obstruction of flow to vital organs, aortic dissection, thrombosis, etc.). Here, we present the case of a 65-year-old severely obese woman affected by severe aortic valve stenosis who underwent TAVI complicated by embolization of the device. The patient underwent spectral CT angiography that allowed for improved image quality by means of virtual monoenergetic reconstructions, permitting optimal pre-procedural planning. She was successfully re-treated with implantation of a second prosthetic valve a few weeks later.</p

    Neuronal Cells Rearrangement During Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease: Metabolism, Oxidative Stress and Organelles Dynamic

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    Brain cells normally respond adaptively to oxidative stress or bioenergetic challenges, resulting from ongoing activity in neuronal circuits. During aging and in neurodegenerative disorders, these mechanisms are compromised. In fact, neurons show unique age-related changes in functions and metabolism, resulting in greater susceptibility to insults and disease. Aging affects the nervous system as well as other organs. More precisely, as the nervous system ages, neuron metabolism may change, inducing glucose hypometabolism, impaired transport of critical substrates underlying metabolism, alterations in calcium signaling, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Moreover, in neuronal aging, an accumulation of impaired and aggregated proteins in the cytoplasm and in mitochondria is observed, as the result of oxidative stress: reduced antioxidant defenses and/or increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These changes lead to greater vulnerability of neurons in various regions of the brain and increased susceptibility to several diseases. Specifically, the first part of the review article will focus on the major neuronal cells’ rearrangements during aging in response to changes in metabolism and oxidative stress, while the second part will cover the neurodegenerative disease areas in detail

    The activity of Sac1 across ER-TGN contact sites requires the four-phosphate-adaptor-protein-1

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    Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P), a phosphoinositide with key roles in the Golgi complex, is made by Golgi-associated phosphatidylinositol-4 kinases and consumed by the 4-phosphatase Sac1 that, instead, is an ER membrane protein. Here, we show that the contact sites between the ER and the TGN (ERTGoCS) provide a spatial setting suitable for Sac1 to dephosphorylate PI4P at the TGN. The ERTGoCS, though necessary, are not sufficient for the phosphatase activity of Sac1 on TGN PI4P, since this needs the phosphatidyl-four-phosphate-adaptor-protein-1 (FAPP1). FAPP1 localizes at ERTGoCS, interacts with Sac1, and promotes its in-trans phosphatase activity in vitro. We envision that FAPP1, acting as a PI4P detector and adaptor, positions Sac1 close to TGN domains with elevated PI4P concentrations allowing PI4P consumption. Indeed, FAPP1 depletion induces an increase in TGN PI4P that leads to increased secretion of selected cargoes (e.g., ApoB100), indicating that FAPP1, by controlling PI4P levels, acts as a gatekeeper of Golgi exit.Peer reviewe
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