124 research outputs found

    Steel structure of airport hangar

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    Obsahom práce je návrh nosnej oceľovej konštrukcie jednoloďového halového objektu letiskového hangáru, určeného pre parkovanie športových lietadiel v okolí mesta Zlín. Pôdorysné rozmery objektu sú 36 x 78 m. Hlavná nosná konštrukcia je tvorená rovinnou priečnou väzbou. Priečna väzba je tvorená priehradovými väzníkmi, ktoré sú na jednej strane kĺbovo uložené na votknutých stĺpoch a na opačnej strane kĺbovo uložené na základovú konštrukciu. Hlavný nosník je tvorený z priehradových väzníkov oblúkového tvaru s konštrukčnou výškou 1,5 m, zloženého z oblúkov o 2 rôznych polomeroch. Vzdialenosť priečnych väzieb je 6 m. Priestorová tuhosť je zaistená systémom pozdĺžnych a priečnych stužidiel. Konštrukcia je navrhnutá ako bezväznicová. Všetky prúty oceľovej konštrukcie sú z valcovaných profilov, ktorých návrh je prevedený podľa platných noriem ČSN EN. Použitý materiál nosných prvkov je oceľ triedy S 355 prípadne S 460 (bežná oceľ).The aim of this work is design and assessment of the steel roof structure of a airport hangar for sports aircrafts in Zlín. Ground plan dimensions are 36 x 78 m. The main supporting system is composed of truss girders. On the one side the truss girders are pinned on column, on the other side they are pinned into foundation. The truss girders are arc-shaped, with structural height 1,5 m. Distance between main structures are 6 m. Construction is designed as system without purlins. Bars of the steel structure are from rolled profiles and are designed according to current standards. Supporting elements are designed from steel of class S 355 and S 460.

    Department study of human movement, OSU

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je řešení budoucího využití bývalého hobbymarketu Bauhaus, který se nachází na jedné z pomyslných městských bran na střetu ulic Českobratrská a Porážková v Moravské Ostravě. Budova je od roku 2013 prázdná a město Ostrava zvažuje její další využití. Katedra studií lidského pohybu Ostravské univerzity v dnešní době disponuje nejstarším a ekologicky nejnáročnějším zázemím ze všech ostatních kateder, a proto hledá nové prostory, které by odpovídaly univerzitním standardům. Diplomová práce řeší možnost využití bývalého hobbymarketu Bauhaus pro tento účel.The subject of this diploma thesis is the solution of the future use of the former Hobbymarket Bauhaus, which is located on one of the imaginary city gates on the clash of the streets Českobratrská and Porážková in Moravian Ostrava. The building is empty since 2013 and the city of Ostrava is considering its further use. Department of Human Movement Studies University of Ostrava nowadays has the oldest and most environmentally energy intensive department background from all other departments and is therefore looking for new ones spaces that would meet university standards. Diploma thesis solve to the possibility of using the former Hobbymarket for this purpose.226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    Reputation Based Trust Management System Supporting Collaboration in a Medical Application

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    In a small group of people it is quite easy to start a collaboration based on shared trust, because people quickly recognize quality of each other. But this is not true when we move to the highly distributed environment with hundreds of users, not only from one institution or town, but even from different countries. It becomes very complicated task to distinguish experienced an trusted people from malicious users. In the paper a reputation system proposed particularly for a medical environment supporting collaboration among physicians is presented. The system provides tools for sharing knowledge and expertize in form of modules which can be seamlessly connected to each other provided more advanced functionality. The reputation system is designed to help physicians selecting the right (the most reliable) module from set of all modules within the system. The selection is made on trust being managed by the proposed reputation system

    Numerical Estimation of Spectral Properties of Laser Based on Rate Equations

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    Laser spectral properties are essential to evaluate the performance of optical communication systems. In general, the power spectral density of the phase noise has a crucial impact on spectral properties of the unmodulated laser signal. Here the white Gaussian noise and 1/f-noise are taken into the consideration. By utilizing the time-dependent realizations of the instantaneous optical power and the phase simultaneously, it is possible to estimate the power spectral density or alternatively the power spectrum of an unmodulated laser signal shifted to the baseband and thus estimate the laser linewidth. In this work, we report on the theoretical approach to analyse unmodulated real-valued high-frequency stationary random passband signal of laser, followed by presenting the numerical model of the distributed feedback laser to emulate the time-dependent optical power and the instantaneous phase, as two important time domain laser attributes. The laser model is based on numerical solving the rate equations using fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. This way, we show the direct estimation of the power spectral density and the laser linewidth, when time-dependent laser characteristics are known

    Spared cognitive processing of visual oddballs despite delayed visual evoked potentials in patient with partial recovery of vision after 53years of blindness

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    AbstractWe examined the visual and cognitive functions of a 72-year-old subject, KP, who recovered his sight after 53years of visual deprivation. We used visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to pattern-reversal and motion-onset stimuli and cognitive responses (ERPs) during the oddball paradigm to assess the effect of long-term deprivation on a mature visual system. KP lost his sight at the age of 17years, and light projection onto his right retina was restored at 71years by a corneal implant. Nine months after sight recovery we recorded reproducible responses to all examined stimuli. The response to pattern reversal contained two P100-like peaks with the later peak being dominant and significantly delayed (260ms) when compared to the P100s of two control subjects, to whom the stimuli were adjusted in size and contrast to mimic KP’s vision. KP’s motion-onset VEPs to full-field and peripheral stimuli had a characteristic shape with a well-defined N2 peak; however, both peaks were significantly delayed (262 and 272ms) compared to control responses. Unlike the P100 and N2 peaks, which represent sensory detection, the P3b/P300 component of the ERP to a target event in the oddball paradigm was not further delayed. In spite of degraded vision and sensory deprivation lasting 53years, KP displayed reproducible responses to all reported stimuli. Long-term visual deprivation and retinal detachment degraded KP’s visual sensory processing, assessed by pattern-reversal and motion-onset VEPs, whereas the cognitive processing of appropriate visual stimuli was not compromised

    Common ELIXIR Service for Researcher Authentication and Authorisation

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    Linden M, Prochazka M, Lappalainen I, et al. Common ELIXIR Service for Researcher Authentication and Authorisation. F1000Research. 2018;7: 1199.A common Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) that would allow single sign-on to services has been identified as a key enabler for European bioinformatics. ELIXIR AAI is an ELIXIR service portfolio for authenticating researchers to ELIXIR services and assisting these services on user privileges during research usage. It relieves the scientific service providers from managing the user identities and authorisation themselves, enables the researcher to have a single set of credentials to all ELIXIR services and supports meeting the requirements imposed by the data protection laws. ELIXIR AAI was launched in late 2016 and is part of the ELIXIR Compute platform portfolio. By the end of 2017 the number of users reached 1000, while the number of relying scientific services was 36. This paper presents the requirements and design of the ELIXIR AAI and the policies related to its use, and how it can be used for serving some example services, such as document management, social media, data discovery, human data access, cloud compute and training services

    Glutamate, Glutamine and GABA Levels in Rat Brain Measured Using MRS, HPLC and NMR Methods in Study of Two Models of Autism

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    The disorders of the glutamatergic neurotransmission have been associated with pathogenesis of autism. In this study we evaluated the impact of the in vivo and ex vivo test methodology on measurements of levels of neurotransmitter amino acids in hippocampus of rats for valproic acid- (VPA) and thalidomide- (THAL) induced models of autism. The main goal was to compare the changes in concentrations of glutamate (Glu), glutamine (Gln) and GABA between both autistic groups and the control, measured in vivo and ex vivo in homogenates. The rat pups underwent three in vivo tests: ultrasonic vocalization (USV), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and unilateral microdialysis of the hippocampus. Analyses of homogenates of rat hippocampus were performed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. For the statistical analysis, we performed univariate and multivariate tests. USV test, which is considered in rodents as an indicator of pathology similar to autism, showed decreased USV in VPA and THAL groups. In vivo MRS studies demonstrated increases of Glu content in male rat’s hippocampus in VPA and THAL groups, while the microdialysis, which allows examination of the contents in the extracellular space, detected decreases in the basal level of Gln concentrations in VPA and THAL groups. Ex vivo HPLC studies showed that levels of Glu, Gln and GABA significantly increased in male rat’s hippocampus in the VPA and THAL groups, while NMR studies showed increased levels of Gln and GABA in the VPA group. Collectively, these results are consistent with the hypothesis suggesting the role of the glutamatergic disturbances on the pathogenesis of autism. For all methods used, the values of measured changes were in the same direction. The orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis confirmed that both animal models of autism tested here can be used to trace neurochemical changes in the brain

    Interactive museum of world war II, Hlucin – Darkovicky

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    Import 23/07/2015KUBA, M.: Interaktivní muzeum II. světové války, Hlučín-Darkovičky: Bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra architektury, 2015, s. 37. Vedoucí práce: Ing. Arch. Tomáš Bindr Předmětem bakalářské práce je zpracování realizační dokumentace na novostavbu interaktivního muzea II. světové války v Hlučíně – Darkovičkách. Bakalářská práce vychází z urbanistické studie (Ateliérová tvorba III), architektonické studie (Ateliérová tvorba IV) a projektu pro stavební povolení (Ateliérová tvorba Va). Řešený objekt se nachází v areálu československého opevnění v Hlučíně – Darkovičkách, v blízkosti pěchotního srubu MO-S 20 Orel. Z důvodu symetričnosti a objemnému rozsahu řešené stavby je práce zaměřena na pravé křídlo objektu. Cíl projektu spočívá v podpoření válečnou historií svázané lokality reprezentativní, architektonicky nevšední a naučnou záležitostí.KUBA, M.: Interactive museum of world war II – Hlučín Darkovičky: Bachelor thesis Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture, 2015, p. 37, Supervisor: Ing. Arch. Tomáš Bindr. The subject of the thesis is the development project for new building of Interactive museum of world war II in Hlučín – Darkovičky. Bachelor thesis is based of urban studies (Ateliérová tvorba III), architectural studies (Ateliérová tvorba IV) and documentation for building permit (Ateliérová tvorba IV). Object is located in the area of Czechoslovakia border fortifications in Hlučín – Darkovičky close to casemate MO-S 20 Orel. Due to the symmetry and tretch size of the object work is focused on the right wing of the building. The aim of the project is to support the war history tied site representative, architecturally remarkable and educational affairs.226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    Design of steel-concrete composite structure of road box girder bridge on by-road of Bludov

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    Obsahem práce je variantní návrh nosné konstrukce komorového silničního mostu na obchvatu města Bludov. Most je navržený jako spřažený ocelobetonový o 5 polích s rozpětím 31,25 m; 40,0 m; 60,0 m; 60,0 m; 40,35 m. Hlavní nosná konstrukce je tvořená ocelovou komorou, uzavřenou železobetonovou deskou mostovky, vyztuženou podélnými a příčnými výztuhami. Nosná konstrukce pro každý dopravní směr je řešená samostatně. Překračovanou překážkou je řeka Morava a železniční trať v 2, respektive 3 poli. Návrhová kategorie převáděné komunikace I/44 je S 21,5/100, komunikace je vedena v směrovém oblouku. Výška ocelové komory je závislá od limitované stavební výšky mostu a je navržená na 2,5 m. Most bude vysouván, betonován na montážních podpěrách. Návrh jednotlivých části konstrukce ocelové komory a betonové desky je převáděn podle platných norem ČSN EN. Použitý materiál nosných prvků je ocel třídy S 355 a beton C 35/45.The aim of this work is design and assessment of the box-girder road bridge on by-road of Bludov. Bridge is designed as composite steel concrete bridge with 5 spans with distances between supports of 31,25 m; 40,0 m; 60,0 m; 60,0 m and 40,35 m. Main bearing structure is designed as open steel box-girder with reinforced concrete deck. Box girder is braced with longitudinal and transversal bracings. Main structure is separated for each traffic direction. The bridge crosses river Morava and railway in 2nd and 3rd span, respectively. The category of road I/44 is S 21,5/100. The height of steel box girder is designed as 2,5 m. Bridge will be built by incremental launching method, with in-situ casted concrete deck afterwards. The bridge is designed according to current standards. Supporting elements are designed from steel of class S 355 and concrete of class C35/45.