924 research outputs found

    Investigation of BOLD using CARR-PURCELL T2 Weighting with SPIRAL Readout

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    It is demonstrated that a Carr-Purcell (CP) technique based on the fully adiabatic pulse sequence (CP-LASER) with SPIRAL readout can be used to generate zoomed images with relatively short acquisition window (at) for the investigation of the mechanisms of the BOLD effect. Based on the capability of the developed technique to refocus the dynamic dephasing, it is demonstrated that the BOLD effect is suppressed as the pulse interval cp of CP-LASER sequence decreased

    Passive devices for terahertz frequencies

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    Terahertz technology is a relatively new field of electromagnetic study and interest is rapidly growing in the wake of dramatic imaging demonstrations. Other applications are expected to follow, and they will need passive devices with functionality already found in more familiar microwave and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, but presently missing in the terahertz region. Two fundamental devices in particular are variable polarisation compensators, and tunable frequency-selective filters. This work represents the first demonstration of a variable polarisation compensator using subwavelength patterned features (artificial dielectrics). Following on from the original proposal, this work contains a complete and thorough investigation including the development of a bulk silicon micromachining fabrication process, full characterisation of the device performance in the W-band (70 – 110GHz) and comprehensive simulations of the device, including detailed simulation of three distinct new designs with improved performance (continuously-variable retardance with maximum in excess of quarter- and half wave). The third of the three designs is capable of extremely low insertion loss (<0.6 dB) and overcomes a difficulty of the original design that prevented zero retardance in a practical device. Secondly, a new tunable photonic crystal filter is proposed and demonstrated. Easily accessible external control surfaces integrated into the interlocking plates of a layer-by-layer photonic crystal allow unprecedented contol over the number and type of defects within the structure, all of which may be tuned "on-the-fly". Devices are initially investigated with a full-vector electromagnetic finite-difference time-domain technique, to reveal the influence of the design dimensions on the band gap as well as the effect of the defects. A two-plate metal device having four layers of rods is constructed and measured in the W-band. In good agreement with the simulations, it is experimentally determined that a moveable passband is centered at 81 GHz, with a quality factor of 11, and a tuning shift of 1.7 GHz for a plate movement of 450 µm

    Разработка иммуноферментной тест-системы для анализа иммуногенности вакцины против вирусного гепатита А

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    Разработка качественного непрямого метода иммуноферментного анализа для выявления титра антител, специфичных к вирусу гепатита А, у вакцинированных мышейDevelopment of a qualitative indirect method of enzyme immunoassay for detecting the titer of antibodies specific to the hepatitis a virus in vaccinated mic

    Методика локализации изображения лица для систем видеоконтроля на основе нейронной сети

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    Предлагается метод и алгоритм локализации лица человека для автоматизированных систем распознавания и видеоконтроля на базе сверточных нейронных сетей. Преимущество использования свёрточных нейронных сетей в том, что они обеспечивают устойчивость к изменениям масштаба, смещениям, поворотам, смене ракурса и другим искажениям входного изображения. Обосновывается топология используемой нейронной сети и методика ее обучения

    Überinfusion von Verbrennungsopfern: häufig und schädlich

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Schwerbrandverletzte (mehr als 20% verbrannter Körperoberfläche bei Erwachsenen) weisen in der ersten Phase (8-48h) einen durch das massive Kapillarleck bedingten Verbrennungsschock auf, der einer Infusionstherapie bedarf, um die Hämodynamik wieder herzustellen. Bis in die 80erJahre stellte eine unzureichende Flüssigkeitstherapie (Unterinfusion) die Haupttodesursache von Verbrennungspatienten dar. Seither ist die übermäßige Flüssigkeitstherapie (Überinfusion) zu einer beachtenswerten Quelle von Komplikationen geworden: abdominales Kompartmentsyndrom, Entlastungsschnitte (Escharotomie), Verschlechterung des Gasaustauschs, Verlängerung der künstlichen Beatmung und des Spitalaufenthalts. Die Überinfusion hat Ende der 90erJahre begonnen, wo innerhalb der ersten 24h Flüssigkeitsmengen zugeführt wurden, die weit über den 4ml/kg/%BSA ("burn surface area") der Parkland-Formel lagen. Ziel: Dieser Beitrag analysiert die Faktoren, welche zu einer Überinfusion führen können und zeigt Möglichkeiten, dem durch eine strikte Kontrolle der präklinischen Infusionstherapie sowie durch eine permissive Hypovolämie vorzubeuge

    Quantum kinetic approach to the calculation of the Nernst effect

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    We show that the strong Nernst effect observed recently in amorphous superconducting films far above the critical temperature is caused by the fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter. We employ the quantum kinetic approach for the derivation of the Nernst coefficient. We present here the main steps of the calculation and discuss some subtle issues that we encountered while calculating the Nernst coefficient. In particular, we demonstrate that in the limit T=0 the contribution of the magnetization ensures the vanishing of the Nernst signal in accordance with the third law of thermodynamics. We obtained a striking agreement between our theoretical calculations and the experimental data in a broad region of temperatures and magnetic fields.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Французский колониализм во Вьетнаме: становление и особенности

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    Актуальность исследовательской работы связана с тем, что французский колониальный период является важным периодом национальной истории Вьетнамцев.Кроме того, эта проблема также является одной из центральных тем исторического дискурса, описывающая мировую политическую стратификацию за предыдущие пять столетий, и, одновременно, имеющая прецеденты в современности. Работа представляет собой комплексный анализ характеристики французского колониализма во Вьетнаме и основных воздействий французского колониализма на развитие современного Вьетнама.The importance of research work relates to the fact that French colonial period is an important period in the national history of Vietnameses. Moreover, this issue is also considered as the central themes of historical discourse, describing the world political stratification in the five previous centuries and, simultaneously with precedents in modern times. The research work is a comprehensive analysis of French colonialism’s characteristics in Vietnam and some major influences of this colonial regime on the development of modern Vietnam