113 research outputs found

    Task development for an inclusive art class - a tension between re- and decategorization

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    Aufgaben in einem inklusiven Kunstunterricht werden mehrheitlich als eine Praxis verstanden, die auf Lern- und Leistungsunterschiede reagiert und diese zu bearbeiten sucht - liegt diesen doch die Vorstellung einer möglichst optimalen Lern- und Leistungsentwicklung zugrunde. Im Rahmen des Beitrags werden entwicklungsorientierte Bildungsziele des Kunstunterrichts nach­gezeichnet und unter Rückgriff auf praxeologische und performative Theorienbestände wird aufgezeigt, dass die Konstruktion entwicklungsorientierter Aufgaben im Kunstunterricht nicht allein als Reaktion auf Differenz und als Bearbeitung von Differenzverhältnissen, sondern auch als an der Erzeugung von Differenzen und damit als an der (Re-)Produktion von Normen und Hierarchisierungen aktiv beteiligt verstanden werden kann. Diese Perspektivierung eröffnet den Blick auf die ambivalenten Effekte des oft konstitutiven Bezugs auf Lern- und Leistungs­differenzen in der Konstruktion kunstunterrichtlicher Aufgaben. In einem abschließenden Schritt werden Anfragen an eine dekonstruktive Lesart kunstunterrichtlicher Aufgaben gestellt. (DIPF/Orig.)Tasks in an inclusive arts classroom are widely understood as a practice that responds to and seeks to address differences in learning and performance - this is based on the notion of optimal learning and performance development. In the context of this article, development-oriented educational goals of art class are traced and, with recourse to praxeological and performative theories, it is shown that the construction of development-oriented tasks in art class cannot be understood solely as a reaction to difference and as a processing of relations of difference, but also as actively involved in the production of differences and thus in the (re)production of norms and hierarchizations. This perspectivization provides a view of the ambivalent effects of the often constitutive reference to learning and performance differences in the construction of tasks in art class. In a concluding step, questions are raised about a deconstructive reading of art instructional tasks. (DIPF/Orig.

    Mythos Eignungsprüfung. Kunst – Leistung – hochschulische Prüfungspraxis

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    Die Autorin versteht ihren Beitrag zu den Routinen und ungestellten Fragen zur kunstpraktischen Eignungsprüfung im Studium des künstlerischen Lehramts in Deutschland als Problemaufriss. Bestehend aus Mappenprüfung, praktischer Prüfung und Gespräch bleibt es doch tendenziell unklar, wie die Feststellung der künstlerischen Eignung zustande kommt oder kommen soll. Auf Basis eines Fachgesprächs und auf der Grundlage der Sichtung exemplarisch ausgewählter Studienordnungen gibt sie detaillierte Einblicke in dieses Prüfungsformat und die mit ihm einhergehenden offenen Fragen. (DIPF/Orig.

    On the development of diversity-sensitive teaching cultures in the subject of art

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    Vergleicht man die Kunstdidaktik mit anderen Fachdidaktiken, ist eine vergleichsweise zähe Transformation inklusiver Wissensbestände in die Unterrichtspraxis zu verzeichnen. Das Projekt \u27(Re)Konstruktion kunstunterrichtlicher Leitbilder\u27 zielt deshalb u. a. darauf, einen inklusiven Kunstunterricht auf Basis konstruktivistischen und ko-konstruktivistischen Lernens vor dem Hintergrund didaktischer Rekonstruktionen zu etablieren. Im Begleitforschungsprojekt werden die hier anschließenden Professionalisierungsprozesse von Kunstlehrkräften mittels einer Verbindung von Grounded Theory und dokumentarisch-gesprächsanalytischem Vorgehen auf der Folie der Kontingenzwahrnehmung untersucht, wobei der Analysefokus der hier präsentierten Ergebnisse auf der Rekonstruktion handlungsleitender Orientierungen mittels dokumentarisch-gesprächsanalytischem Zugang liegt. Im Beitrag wird ein Modell zur Kontingenzwahrnehmung herausgearbeitet, das auf zwei Pfeilern beruht: der Irritation und der Reflexion. Damit liefern die Ergebnisse Hinweise für die Professionalisierung von Kunstlehrkräften für einen an Diversität und Differenz orientierten Kunstunterricht. (DIPF/Orig.)The comparison of art didactics and other didactics points to a slow transformation of inclusive expertise into teaching practice. The project therefore aims to implement inclusive art education based on constructivist and co-constructivist learning in practice that refers to the concept of didactic reconstruction. The accompanying research examines the processes of professionalization of art teachers. To this end, grounded theory and discourse analytic approaches are combined. The focus of the analysis is on the reconstruction of orientations by means of a documentary-method approach. The results are transferred into the contingent perception model. This is based on two pillars: irritation and reflection. Thus, the results provide information for the professionalization of art teachers for an art education oriented towards diversity and difference. (DIPF/Orig.

    Reboxetine for acute treatment of major depression: systematic review and meta-analysis of published and unpublished placebo and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor controlled trials

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    Objectives To assess the benefits and harms of reboxetine versus placebo or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the acute treatment of depression, and to measure the impact of potential publication bias in trials of reboxetine

    Sunflower Plants as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Lead (II) Ions

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    In this study, the influence of lead (II) ions on sunflower growth and biochemistry was investigated from various points of view. Sunflower plants were treated with 0, 10, 50, 100 and/or 500 ÎĽM Pb-EDTA for eight days. We observed alterations in growth in all experimental groups compared with non-treated control plants. Further we determined total content of proteins by a Bradford protein assay. By the eighth day of the experiment, total protein contents in all treated plants were much lower compared to control. Particularly noticeable was the loss of approx. 8 ÎĽg/mL or 15 ÎĽg/mL in shoots or roots of plants treated with 100 mM Pb-EDTA. We also focused our attention on the activity of alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST) and urease. Activity of the enzymes increased with increasing length of the treatment and applied concentration of lead (II) ions. This increase corresponds well with a higher metabolic activity of treated plants. Contents of cysteine, reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and phytochelatin 2 (PC2) were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Cysteine content declined in roots of plants with the increasing time of treatment of plants with Pb-EDTA and the concentration of toxic substance. Moreover, we observed ten times higher content of cysteine in roots in comparison with shoots. The observed reduction of cysteine content probably relates with its utilization for biosynthesis of GSH and phytochelatins, because the content of GSH and PC2 was similar in roots and shoots and increased with increased treatment time and concentration of Pb-EDTA. Moreover, we observed oxidative stress caused by Pb-EDTA in roots where the GSSG/GSH ratio was about 0.66. In shoots, the oxidative stress was less distinctive, with a GSSG/GSH ratio 0.14. We also estimated the rate of phytochelatin biosynthesis from the slope of linear equations plotted with data measured in the particular experimental group. The highest rate was detected in roots treated with 100 ÎĽM of Pb-EDTA. To determine heavy metal ions many analytical instruments can be used, however, most of them are only able to quantify total content of the metals. This problem can be overcome using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, because it is able to provide a high spatial-distribution of metal ions in different types of materials, including plant tissues. Data obtained were used to assemble 3D maps of Pb and Mg distribution. Distribution of these elements is concentrated around main vascular bundle of leaf, which means around midrib

    Contrast enhanced X-ray computed tomography imaging of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer disease rat model on lab based micro CT system

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    Amyloid plaques are small (similar to 50 mu m), highly-dense aggregates of amyloid beta (A beta) protein in brain tissue, supposed to play a key role in pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Plaques' in vivo detection, spatial distribution and quantitative characterization could be an essential marker in diagnostics and evaluation of AD progress. However, current imaging methods in clinics possess substantial limits in sensitivity towards A beta plaques to play a considerable role in AD screening. Contrast enhanced X-ray micro computed tomography (micro CT) is an emerging highly sensitive imaging technique capable of high resolution visualization of rodent brain. In this study we show the absorption based contrast enhanced X-ray micro CT imaging is viable method for detection and 3D analysis of A beta plaques in transgenic rodent models of Alzheimer's disease. Using iodine contrasted brain tissue isolated from the Tg-F344-AD rat model we show the micro CT imaging is capable of precise imaging of A beta plaques, making possible to further analyze various aspects of their 3D spatial distribution and other properties

    High-resolution observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea: The REP14-MED experiment

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    The observational part of the REP14-MED experiment was conducted in June 2014 in the Sardo-Balearic Sea west of Sardinia Island (Western Mediterranean Sea). Two research vessels collected high-resolution oceanographic data by means of hydrographic casts, towed systems, and underway measurements. In addition, a vast amount of data was provided by a fleet of 11 gliders, time series were available from moored instruments, and information on Lagrangian flow patterns were obtained from surface drifters and one profiling float. The spatial resolution of the observations encompasses a spectrum over four orders of magnitude from O(101 m) to O(105 m), and the time series from the moored instruments cover a spectral range of five orders from O(101 s) to O(106 s). The objective of this article is to provide an overview of the huge data set which is utilized by various ongoing studies, focusing on (i) sub-mesoscale and mesoscale pattern analyses, (ii) operational forecasting in terms of the development and assessment of sampling strategies, assimilation methods, and model validation, (iii) modeling the variability of the ocean, and (iv) testing of new payloads for gliders
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