944 research outputs found

    Building Blocks For Sustainable Enterprises

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    This research paper can be segmented into three parts. The first segment aims to understand the concept of sustainability by looking at the evolution of the definition over time, as well as relevant scientifically founded frameworks that explain the root causes that have generated our current unsustainable state of society. e second segment looks at stories of enterprises that have managed to successfully integrate sustainability into their business model to develop sustainable on-going operations that have bene ted all stakeholders involved equitably. The third segment is an initial assessment of the Peruvian alpaca wool sector to demonstrate some of the challenges entrepreneurs face to develop a sustainable enterprise, as well as probe applicability of the tools we developed from our work in the previous two segments. Findings from the first and second segments of this paper served as fundamental basis for the development of our output: The Bottom-up pyramid model, and the Sustainability guiding principles. The Bottom-up pyramid model visually represents our understanding of the required components to develop a sustainable enterprise from the ground up. The main takeaway of this representation is that a sustainable enterprise should be founded on knowledge from the incumbent community home to a natural resource, and that business development and growth should be bottom-up, taking into account community concerns and points of view. e Sustainability guiding principles are a list of guidelines entrepre- neurs can use to get a better understanding of some of the challenges they may face when attempting to develop a sustainable enterprise in a rural community. Ultimately, these instruments are aimed at providing guidance to leaders and entrepreneurs who want to establish business models with sustainable operations that do not compromise the long- term welfare of a natural resource and the community reliant on it. e last segment of this paper aims to probe the tools we developed to iterate their practicality and relevance with a contemporary real-world situation. We chose the alpaca wool sector in Peru because it is representative of the types of hurdles leaders could face when attempting to initiate a sustainable enterprise. Additionally, one of the team’s researchers had access to stakeholders in this sector, which provided primary research to complement and corroborate our literary review. is assessment is an initial step that needs further validation with more pragmatic information and on-site data for a more detailed analysis of the issues hindering specific communities in the Andes

    Neuroimaging Outcomes of Brain Training Trials

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    O grande arco de Teach For America: A análise textual da obra de Wendy Kopp usando a teoria racial crítica

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    We read and analyzed 165,000 words and uncover a series of counter-stories buried within a textual corpus, authored by Teach For America (TFA) founder Wendy Kopp (Kopp, 1989, 2001; Kopp Farr, 2011), that offers insight into the forms of racism endemic to Teach For America. All three counter-stories align with a critical race theory (CRT) framework.  Specifically, we answer the following questions:  What evidence of institutional and epistemological racism is exposed by a CRT textual analysis of TFA’s founding document and later works by Wendy Kopp?  To what extent has TFA appropriated the language of culturally relevant pedagogy, while advancing an uninterrogated neoliberal ideology? And, to what extent does TFA’s contribution to a “culture of achievement” (Kopp Farr, 2011) constitute an actual “poverty of culture” (Ladson-Billings, 2006a) that enacts real harms on communities of color? Leímos y analizamos 165.000 palabras escritas por Wendy Kopp (Kopp, 1989, 2001; Kopp y Farr, 2011) la fundadora de Teach For America (TFA) y descubrimos una serie de contra-historias enterradas dentro de un corpus textual, que ofrecen información sobre formas de racismo endémicas en Teach For America. Tres contra-relatos se alinean con el marco de la teoría crítica de la raza (CRT). Específicamente, respondemos a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué evidencia de racismo institucional y epistemológico se exponen por un análisis textual CRT del documento fundacional de TFA y obras de Wendy Kopp? ¿Hasta qué punto TFA se ha apropiado del lenguaje de la pedagogía culturalmente relevante, mientras se avanza una ideología neoliberal sin interrogarla? Y, ¿en qué medida la contribución de TFA a una "cultura del logro" (Kopp y Farr, 2011) constituyen un "empobrecimiento cultural" (Ladson-Billings, 2006a), que permite daños reales en comunidades de color?Lemos e analisamos 165.000 palavras escritas por Wendy Kopp (Kopp, 1989, 2001; Kopp e Farr, 2011) a fundadora do Teach For America (TFA) e descobrimos uma série de contra-narrativas enterradas dentro de um corpus, que oferece informações sobre as formas de racismo endêmico em Teach For America. Três contra-narrativas se alinham com o marco conceitual da teoria racial crítica (CRT). Especificamente, respondemos às seguintes perguntas: Que evidência do racismo institucional e epistemológico é exposta por uma análise textual usando CRT do documento de fundação do TFA e obras posteriores de Wendy Kopp? Até que ponto TFA se apropriou da linguagem da pedagogia culturalmente relevante, promovendo ao mesmo tempo uma ideologia neoliberal? E, em que medida a contribuição de TFA a uma "cultura do logro" (Kopp e Farr, 2011) constitue um "empobrecimento cultural" (Ladson-Billings, 2006a), que resulta em danos reais nas comunidades de cor

    Propuesta para el diseño de un sistema de gestión de la calidad bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015 para la empresa Autopartes 3 en 1 S.A.S.

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    Trabajo de investigaciónLa implementación de Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad en empresas de autopartes se establece como una decisión estratégica a fin de satisfacer las necesidades propias y de las partes interesadas en el mercado local de autopartes. Partiendo de la visión de la compañía, se documentaron los procesos productivos que representan riesgos para la empresa AUTOPARTES 3 EN 1 S.A.S, los cuales no se encuentran estandarizados y potencializan la generación de diversas no conformidades que afectan tanto a la economía de la organización como a la reputación del producto. La generación de políticas, mapas de proceso y otra documentación obligatoria teniendo en cuenta los requerimientos de la norma ISO 9001:2015 permitirá estandarizar y controlar los procesos, para así garantizar la capacidad de la organización de suministrar productos de calidad que satisfagan las necesidades del mercadoINTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. DIAGNOSTICO DE LA ORGANIZACIÓN ISO 9001:2015 3. LA ORGANIZACIÓN Y SU CONTEXTO EXTERNO 4. ANALISIS DEL CONTEXTO INTERNO Y EXTERNO 5. PROPUESTA6. CONCLUSIONES 7. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Industria

    Trabajo en equipo y satisfacción laboral del personal de la municipalidad provincial de Barranca

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general establecer de qué manera el trabajo en equipo influye en la satisfacción laboral del personal en la Municipalidad Provincial de Barranca. La metodología fue de tipo básico, nivel explicativo, diseño no experimental, enfoque cuantitativo. La población fue 307 trabajadores, muestra de 171 trabajadores. Se utilizó la encuesta. Los resultados en cuanto a si existe un clima de respaldo en la municipalidad el 45.6% mencionó que está totalmente en desacuerdo y en desacuerdo; en cuanto a si se corrigen los malos entendidos que surgen en tu grupo de trabajo el 47.4% mencionó que está totalmente en desacuerdo y en desacuerdo; en cuanto a siente confianza y responsabilidad por parte de su grupo de trabajo el 45.6% mencionó que está totalmente en desacuerdo y en desacuerdo; en cuanto a existe una atmosfera de confianza en tu centro laboral el 45.6% mencionó que está totalmente en desacuerdo y en desacuerdo; en cuanto a si coordina y mantiene buenas relaciones interpersonales con su grupo de trabajo el 47.4% mencionó que está totalmente en desacuerdo y en desacuerdo. La investigación concluyó que el trabajo en equipo influye significativamente en la satisfacción laboral del personal en la Municipalidad Provincial de Barranca; donde de los resultados obtenidos mediante la Prueba de Rho de Spearman es un valor de 0.700 ubicándolo en una posición de positivo alto, asimismo un nivel de significancia de 0.00 siendo menor al 0.0

    Reconstruction of the diapsid ancestral genome permits chromosome evolution tracing in avian and non-avian dinosaurs

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    The file attached is the Published/publisher’s pdf version of the article.Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.NHM Repositor

    Active Cognitive Lifestyle Associates with Cognitive Recovery and a Reduced Risk of Cognitive Decline

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    Education and lifestyle factors linked with complex mental activity are thought to affect the progression of cognitive decline. Collectively, these factors can be combined to create a cognitive reserve or cognitive lifestyle score. This study tested the association between cognitive lifestyle score and cognitive change in a population-based cohort of older persons from five sites across England and Wales. Data came from 13,004 participants of the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study who were aged 65 years and over. Cognition was assessed at multiple waves over 16 years using the Mini-Mental State Examination. Subjects were grouped into four cognitive states (no impairment, slight impairment, moderate impairment, severe impairment) and cognitive lifestyle score was assessed as a composite measure of education, mid-life occupation, and current social engagement. A multi-state model was used to test the effect of cognitive lifestyle score on cognitive transitions. Hazard ratios for cognitive lifestyle score showed significant differences between those in the upper compared to the lower tertile with a more active cognitive lifestyle associating with: a decreased risk of moving from no to slight impairment (0.58, 95% CI (0.45, 0.74)); recovery from a slightly impaired state back to a non-impaired state (2.93 (1.35, 6.38)); but an increased mortality risk from a severely impaired state (1.28 (1.12, 1.45)). An active cognitive lifestyle is associated with a more favorable cognitive trajectory in older persons. Future studies would ideally incorporate neuroradiological and neuropathological data to determine if there is causal evidence for these associations

    Performance and reference data in the jump squat at different relative loads in elite sprinters, rugby players, and soccer players

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    The aims of this study were to compare the outcomes and provide reference data for a set of barbell mechanical parameters collected via a linear velocity transducer in 126 male sprinters (n = 62), rugby players (n = 32), and soccer players (n = 32). Bar-velocity, bar-force, and bar-power outputs were assessed in the jump-squat exercise with jump-squat height determined from bar-peak velocity. The test started at a load of 40% of the athletes\u27 body mass (BM), and a load of 10% of BM was gradually added until a clear decrement in the bar power was observed. Comparisons of bar variables among the three sports were performed using a one-way analysis of variance. Relative measures of bar velocity, force, and power, and jump-squat height were significantly higher in sprinters than in rugby (difference ranging between 5 and 35%) and soccer (difference ranging between 5 and 60%) players across all loads (40-110% of BM). Rugby players exhibited higher absolute bar-power (mean difference = 22%) and bar-force (mean difference = 16%) values than soccer players, but these differences no longer existed when the data were adjusted for BM (mean difference = 2.5%). Sprinters optimized their bar-power production at significantly greater relative loads (%BM) than rugby (mean difference = 22%) and soccer players (mean difference = 25%); nonetheless, all groups generated their maximum bar-power outputs at similar bar velocities. For the first time, we provided reference values for the jump-squat exercise for three different bar-velocity measures (i.e., mean, mean propulsive, and peak velocity) for sprinters, rugby players, and soccer players, over a wide range of relative loads. Practitioners can use these reference values to monitor their athletes and compare them with top-level sprinters and team-sport players