31 research outputs found

    Design considerations for variable power split hydraulic drives for industrial applications

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    Continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) offer some advantages over conventional transmissions in industrial applications. During discrete shifts, conventional transmissions suffer from momentary power transmission lapses, which may produce undesirable effects in the system. Currently, the types of CVTs utilized in industry are hydrostatic drives and hydrodynamic couplings. However, these drives are heavy, presenting an obstacle in applications where weight is a concern. In a power split continuously variable transmission (PS-CVT) the power that flows through the hydraulic element is reduced. This allows the overall size and weight of the transmission to be reduced.;The objective of this thesis is to develop a conceptual design procedure for development of a power split hydraulic variable transmission to be used in industrial applications. The procedure consists of a 15 step process which is outlined by means of a flow chart. The results of the procedure can be used to estimate the overall size and efficiencies of the conceptual transmission and to produce 2D and 3D scale drawings of the design. This procedure offers a means to improve the efficiency of the conceptual design stage of a PS-CVT.;An industrial pump was used as an example application to illustrate the conceptual design procedure. Two conceptual designs were completed utilizing different hydraulic variable elements. The two variable elements considered were a hydrostatic drive and a hydrodynamic coupling. The two examples illustrated the procedure that can be used to determine whether a PS-CVT is a viable alternative for an industrial pumping system

    Team-based learning in pharmacy: The faculty experience

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    yesAim To assess faculty perceptions and experiences when implementing team-based learning (TBL) across a pharmacy curriculum. Study design A total of 19 faculty members participated in a series of individual semi-structured interviews that allowed freedom of discussion within a structured framework of inquiry. Data were transcribed, coded using NVivo, and analyzed to establish common themes. Participant quotations were chosen to reinforce the themes and give a voice to the participants. Findings and discussion The benefits of TBL were perceived to be enhanced student engagement, peer learning, increased faculty enjoyment of teaching, and student development of transferable skills. Challenges included increased initial workload, writing effective application exercises, and facilitating learner-centered classes. TBL may be useful in optimizing course content to ensure outcomes and activities focus on important concepts. Peer learning appears to benefit student learning. TBL may help equip students with valuable transferable skills. TBL requires an initial upfront investment in faculty development and time to prepare resources. A student-centered approach to learning may be daunting for faculty and require new skill sets. Conclusions Faculty described their support for TBL concluding that the pedagogical benefits of engaging students in active learning, the development of transferable skills for the workplace, and the personal satisfaction felt after a TBL class, outweigh the initial challenges of transitioning to TBL

    L’industrie nucléaire doit changer - ou disparaître

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    Suite aux difficultés de Toshiba, Michael Shellenberger plaide pour un « Airbus du nucléaire ». Cet ancien membre de l’ONG environnementale Sierra Club, aujourd’hui à la tête du Breakthrough Institute, est convaincu que la filière « occidentale » est handicapée par une diversité technologique trop importante. Pour l’auteur, l’essor régulier de nouveaux concepts empêche les acteurs d’acquérir l’expérience nécessaire pour générer des effets de série et des gains de compétitivité. S’appuyant sur le modèle de l’aéronautique, il appelle les industriels et les pouvoirs publics à mutualiser leurs efforts et connaissances, standardiser les modèles de réacteurs, réorganiser la filière, et mettre en œuvre une stratégie pour redimensionner les centrales tout en diminuant les coûts

    A new politics for a new century

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    Adelaide Festival of Ideas session, Elder Hall, 1.15pm, Sunday 9th October, 2011.Michael Shellenberger & Ted Nordhaushttp://adelaidefestivalofideas.com.au

    Can a Carbon Price Save Us from Catastrophic Global Warming?

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    Adelaide Festival of Ideas session, Adelaide Town Hall, 12:00pm, Saturday 8th October, 2011. Chaired by Peter Mares. Scientists say significant climate change is already locked in and urgent action is needed to limit global temperature rises to 2°C – the target set by world leaders at Cancun. From next July, big emitters in Australia will pay $23 for every tonne of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere, but this still leaves coal-fired electricity far cheaper than gas, let alone renewable energy. Is it too little, too late? The task of cutting emissions poses a far bigger technical challenge than flying to the moon, so why don’t we have programs of Apollo-like proportions to further develop and deploy alternative energy? And why would we rule out an existing technology, like nuclear power?http://adelaidefestivalofideas.com.a