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    Chile has not yet ratified the U.N. 1995 Agreement on straddling/ highly migratory fish stocks. This paper discusses key economic issues at stake from the viewpoint of a coastal state with important stakes in a straddling stock. The Chilean jack mackerel stock, one of Chile's most important fish resources, is in this category. This stock is currently caught on adjacent high-seas only by a Chilean-flag fleet, and currently there is no evidence of imminent competition from distant water fishing nations (DWFNs). We argue that ratification of the Agreement could imply negative effects on: (i) coastal states' sovereignty upon management measures within its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and (ii) national fishing companies' competitiveness. Despite this, the net cost/benefit balance depends on how binding the threat of DWFNs' fishing competition is expected to be. If the Agreement does go into force, coastal states with important stakes in straddling fish stocks will feel increased pressure to ratify as well. For the case of states that become parties to the Agreement, we discuss pending obstacles for achieving effective fishery management in the adjacent high-seas. We speculate about possible solutions to the 'New Member' and 'Interloper' problems. Regarding the former, enforceable closed access would seem to be legally feasible under the Agreement. In terms of effective enforcement against fishing by illegal interlopers, innovation in enforcement tools would be needed. In some cases, the latter may require further adjustments to the Law of the Sea Convention.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Geotechnical stability analysis using student versions of FLAC, PLAXIS and SLOPE/W

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    Slope stability analysis is of particular importance to Geotechnical Engineers as slope failures can have devastating social and economic impacts. There are several software packages developed for stability analysis which utilise the Limit Equilibrium (LE) Method, Finite Element (FE) method and Finite Difference (FD) method. The majority of published information is in regards to the slope stability analysis methods of Limit Equilibrium, Finite Element and Finite Difference and not the software packages themselves. Several studies have suggested that the FE and FD methods provide greater benefits than the LE method; however other studies have suggested that the simplicity of the LE method outweighs the complexity of the FE and FD methods. The purpose of this research project is to compare the student versions of FLAC, PLAXIS and SLOPE/W and their use in Geotechnical stability analysis. FLAC is a software package using the FD method; PLAXIS the FE method and SLOPE/W the LE method. From this report it can be concluded that for software packages using the FE or FD method the type of ‘mesh’ generated and utilised in calculating the FOS value has a significant effect on accuracy of the results. Due to the limit in the amount of zones allowed within the FLAC student version and in general only allowing a coarse mesh analysis it can be considered that the FOS values calculated are less accurate compared to the student versions of PLAXIS and SLOPE/W. Each package has its own benefits and limitations and it is recommended that the users choose the package that best suits the models requirements and its complexity. The student versions should be used as an indication only and any detailed analysis requires the use of a full licensed version of the chosen software package

    Lower Bounds on the Redundancy of Huffman Codes with Known and Unknown Probabilities

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    In this paper we provide a method to obtain tight lower bounds on the minimum redundancy achievable by a Huffman code when the probability distribution underlying an alphabet is only partially known. In particular, we address the case where the occurrence probabilities are unknown for some of the symbols in an alphabet. Bounds can be obtained for alphabets of a given size, for alphabets of up to a given size, and for alphabets of arbitrary size. The method operates on a Computer Algebra System, yielding closed-form numbers for all results. Finally, we show the potential of the proposed method to shed some light on the structure of the minimum redundancy achievable by the Huffman code

    El desajuste financiero y la elección de régimen cambiario

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    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) El desajuste financiero se está convirtiendo en algo corriente en América Latina. Los años 90 se caracterizaron por una gran inestabilidad en la magnitud y el costo de los flujos de capitales. La correlación de los vaivenes de los capitales entre países distintos sugiere que la calidad de las políticas de los mercados emergentes, además de los factores mundiales, han sido los factores principales de esta situación. Por lo tanto, la responsabilidad del desajuste financiero se ha alejado de las políticas internas inadecuadas. En vez de ello, el paradigma se ha desplazado hacia uno de determinar cuáles políticas internas o internacionales son las más eficaces para atemperar las repercusiones desestabilizadoras de los flujos de capitales inherentemente inestables.

    Public relations for the next generation: Middle East Public Relations Association (MEPRA)\u27s engagement with students

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    This paper discusses the importance and benefits for students of an outside the classroom learning experience, attending an event presentation and workshop organized as part of a class assignment with the Middle East Public Relations Association (MEPRA) and industry guest speakers. This study showcases MEPRA\u27s outreach attempts to students of public relations and communications, which turned into a learning process for the students where not only was the learning outcome of the course achieved, but also the engagement with the MEPRA empowered the students. Data was obtained from an exploratory questionnaire sent to all students who attended the event. The sample included 75 surveys, of which 57 were deemed usable. The results of the survey indicate that the greatest gain for the students was related to awareness and knowledge (information and cognition) about the subject matter gained from the presentation by industry guest speakers at the event. This paper provides insights into the importance of fostering collaborations between a professional association and students of a federal government university in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). The study suggests that future activities driven by students, the professional association and faculty can contribute to developing professionalism in a growing profession in the UAE, ultimately leading to an effective learning environment. This study also emphasizes the importance of experiential learning in an environment where students come from conservative, close-knit families. نستعرض من خلال هذه الدراسة الÙوائد التي حصدها الطلبة من الأنشطة اللاصÙية كحضور ورش العمل والÙعاليات التي نظمت كجزء من المشاريع الجامعية بالتعاون مع جمعية العلاقات العامة ÙÙŠ الشرق الأوسط (ميبرا) وبحضور متحدثين من مجال الصناعة. كما تستعرض الدراسة مبادرات التوعية التي استهدÙت من خلالها (ميبرا) طلبة العلاقات العامة والاتصالات والÙوائد العلمية التي اكتسبها الطلبة خلال الدورة التي نجحت ÙÙŠ تمكينهم من ذلك. كما قمنا بالاطلاع وقياس الÙائدة المكتسبة من الدورة عبر اسبتيان وزع عل كاÙØ© الطلبة الحضور الذين بلغ عددهم 75 طالب حصلنا من خلالهم على 75 عينة استبيان صالحة للاستعمال. من خلال الاستبيان، تبين أن الÙائدة الكبرى التي حصدها الطلبة كانت مرتبطة بالوعي ÙˆÙهمهم للمواضيع التي ناقشها الضيو٠المتحدثون من مجال الصناعة. وتلقي هذه الدراسة الضوء كذلك على أهمية تعزيز التعاون بين المؤسسات المهنية والمؤسسات الأكاديمية الحكومية ÙÙŠ الدولة ÙˆÙÙŠ دبي بالتحديد وإلى أهمية تظاÙر الجهود ÙÙŠ مجال التعليم من خلال تنÙيذ المزيد من الأنشطة التي يشر٠عليها الطلبة والجمعيات المهنية وأعضاء هيئة التدريس لأنها تسهم ÙÙŠ تطوير الحرÙية ÙÙŠ المهن المتنامية ÙÙŠ الدولة وتخلق بيئة تعليمية Ùعالة. وتركز هذه الدراسة أيضا على أهمية التعلم التجريبي ÙÙŠ بيئة يتأتى Ùيها الطلاب من أسر متحÙظة وثابتة

    Punctured combinatorial Nullstellensätze

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    In this article we present a punctured version of Alon's Nullstellensatz which states that if ff vanishes at nearly all, but not all, of the common zeros of some polynomials g1(X1),,gn(Xn)g_1(X_1),\ldots,g_n(X_n) then every II-residue of ff, where the ideal I=g1,,gnI=\langle g_1,\ldots,g_n\rangle, has a large degree. Furthermore, we extend Alon's Nullstellensatz to functions which have multiple zeros at the common zeros of g1,g2,,gng_1,g_2,\ldots,g_n and prove a punctured version of this generalised version. Some applications of these punctured Nullstellens\"atze to projective and affine geometries over an arbitrary field are considered which, in the case that the field is finite, will lead to some bounds related to linear codes containing the all one vector

    A Virialized Filamentary Infrared Dark Cloud

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    The initial conditions of massive star and star cluster formation are expected to be cold, dense and high column density regions of the interstellar medium, which can reveal themselves via near, mid and even far-infrared absorption as Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs). Elucidating the dynamical state of IRDCs thus constrains theoretical models of these complex processes. In particular, it is important to assess whether IRDCs have reached virial equilibrium, where the internal pressure balances that due to the self-gravitating weight of the cloud plus the pressure of the external environmental. We study this question for the filamentary IRDC G035.39-00.33 by deriving mass from combined NIR & MIR extinction maps and velocity dispersion from C18O (1-0) & (2-1) line emission. In contrast to our previous moderately super-virial results based on 13CO emission and MIR-only extinction mapping, with improved mass measurements we now find that the filament is consistent with being in virial equilibrium, at least in its central parsec-wide region where ~1000 M_Sun snakes along several parsecs. This equilibrium state does not require large-scale net support or confinement by magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to ApJ

    International Graduate Students: How Do They Choose Academic Majors?

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    International graduate students are a sizeable segment of the student body in the U.S. higher educational system, but remain an understudied population in the educational literature. As a result, this student population is not adequately understood by higher education administrators and faculty. The current study explored 16 factors associated with international graduate students’ choice of academic majors for their American degrees and how factors affected this population’s academic choice among four academic categories. Based on the findings, this study suggests recruitment and admission policies and support services and programs to attract and retain international graduate students, in order to understand and direct this population of students during their study in the United States, and to increase international graduate students’ contributions in economy, innovation, and diversity