98 research outputs found

    From Print to Digital: Implications for Dictionary Policy and Lexicographic Conventions

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    Editorial policies and lexicographic conventions have evolved over hundreds of years. They developed at a time when dictionaries were printed books of finite dimensions — as they have been for almost the whole of their history. In many cases, styles which we take for granted as "natural" features of dictionaries are in reality expedients designed to compress maximum information into the limited space available. A simple example is the kind of "recursive" definition found in many English dictionaries where a nominalization (such as assimilation) is defined in terms of the related verb ("the act of assimilating or state of being assimilated"), and the user is required to make a second look-up (to the base word). Is this an ideal solution, or was it favoured simply as a less space-intensive alternative to a self-sufficient explanation?As dictionaries gradually migrate from print to digital media, space constraints disappear. Some problems simply evaporate. To give a trivial example, the need for abbreviations, tildes and the like no longer exists (though a surprising number of dictionaries maintain these conventions even in their digital versions). So the question arises whether we need to revisit, and re-evaluate, the entire range of editorial policies and conventions in the light of changed circumstances. This paper looks at some familiar editorial and presentational conventions, and considers which are no longer appropriate in the digital medium — and what new policies might replace them.Keywords:  Definitions, example sentences, digital media, exclusion Criteria, gatekeeper, lexicographic conventions, online dictionary, user profil

    Macmillan English Dictionary: The End of Print?

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    Prispevek predstavlja prehod slovarja Macmillan English Dictionary (MED) iz tiskanega v spletni medij s poudarkom na odločitvi, da bo slovar na voljo zgolj v spletni obliki. Pojasnjeno je ozadje odločitve, ki je povezana s tehnološkimi spremembami ter spremembami v navadah in potrebah slovarskih uporabnikov. Ali je bila takšna poteza neizogibna? Bodo podobno pot (prej ali slej) ubrali tudi ostali izdajatelji slovarjev? Predstavljen je razmislek o slabih plateh opustitve tiskane različice slovarja in prednostih digitalnih medijev. Splet sicer ponuja mnoge čudovite priložnosti (od katerih so številne še neraziskane), vendar pa prinaša tudi nove zahteve. Slovarski uporabniki imajo danes na voljo mnogo prostodostopnih strani referenčnih virov in s tem veliko izbire pri iskanju leksikalnih informacij. Ravno zato so založniki pod pritiskom, da morajo nenehno dodajati nove vrste vsebin, izboljševati kakovost oblikovanja slovarskih vmesnikov ter s tem uporabniško izkušnjo in – kar je najpomembneje – ohranjati vsebino aktualno, tj. čim hitreje ponuditi informacije o spremembah v jeziku. Kot je prikazano v prispevku, je posodabljanje slovarja precej več kot le dodajanje novih besed. Med izdajatelji slovarjev, zlasti med komercialnimi založbami, ki si ne morejo privoščiti izgub, je selitev v digitalni medij povzročila nemir; trenutno vlada precejšnja negotovost o dolgoročnem preživetju slovarja kot avtonomnega vira, kakšnega vsi poznamo. Kljub temu je zaključek prispevka optimističen: komunikacijske potrebe ljudi bodo tudi v prihodnosti zagotavljale potrebo po kvalitetnih leksikalnih podatkih – razlika bo le v tem, da bodo ti podatki ponujeni in se bo do njih dostopalo povsem drugače, kot smo bili vajeni doslej

    Model-Based Analysis for Qualitative Data: An Application in Drosophila Germline Stem Cell Regulation.

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    Discovery in developmental biology is often driven by intuition that relies on the integration of multiple types of data such as fluorescent images, phenotypes, and the outcomes of biochemical assays. Mathematical modeling helps elucidate the biological mechanisms at play as the networks become increasingly large and complex. However, the available data is frequently under-utilized due to incompatibility with quantitative model tuning techniques. This is the case for stem cell regulation mechanisms explored in the Drosophila germarium through fluorescent immunohistochemistry. To enable better integration of biological data with modeling in this and similar situations, we have developed a general parameter estimation process to quantitatively optimize models with qualitative data. The process employs a modified version of the Optimal Scaling method from social and behavioral sciences, and multi-objective optimization to evaluate the trade-off between fitting different datasets (e.g. wild type vs. mutant). Using only published imaging data in the germarium, we first evaluated support for a published intracellular regulatory network by considering alternative connections of the same regulatory players. Simply screening networks against wild type data identified hundreds of feasible alternatives. Of these, five parsimonious variants were found and compared by multi-objective analysis including mutant data and dynamic constraints. With these data, the current model is supported over the alternatives, but support for a biochemically observed feedback element is weak (i.e. these data do not measure the feedback effect well). When also comparing new hypothetical models, the available data do not discriminate. To begin addressing the limitations in data, we performed a model-based experiment design and provide recommendations for experiments to refine model parameters and discriminate increasingly complex hypotheses

    Slovenščina 2.0: “Leksikografija”

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    Na konferenci o elektronski leksikografiji eLex 2011 je potekala okrogla miza, na kateri so se razpravljalci ukvarjali z vprašanjem, ali bodo leta 2020 slovarji še obstajali. Prevladalo je splošno mnenje, da bodo slovarji še obstajali, vendar pa bodo drugačni od slovarjev, kot smo jih bili vajeni do sedaj, in da nekaterim od njih verjetno ne bomo več rekli slovarji. Poleg tega so se razpravljalci strinjali v predvidevanju, da bo spletni medij postal v leksikografiji vse bolj prevladujoč. Kasnejše dogajanje na leksikografskem področju je pokazalo, da se leksikografi vsega tega močno zavedajo, kar pa potrjuje tudi ustanovitev evropske mreže za elektronsko leksikografijo (ENeL). Danes se leksikografi ne ukvarjajo več z vprašanjem, ali bodo slovarji v prihodnje še obstajali, temveč bolj s tem, kako elektronske slovarje, zlasti spletne, zasnovati in izdelati, da bodo zadostili potrebam sodobnih uporabnikov

    Analysis of Gap Gene Regulation in a 3D Organism-Scale Model of the Drosophila melanogaster Embryo

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    The axial bodyplan of Drosophila melanogaster is determined during a process called morphogenesis. Shortly after fertilization, maternal bicoid mRNA is translated into Bicoid (Bcd). This protein establishes a spatially graded morphogen distribution along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis of the embryo. Bcd initiates AP axis determination by triggering expression of gap genes that subsequently regulate each other's expression to form a precisely controlled spatial distribution of gene products. Reaction-diffusion models of gap gene expression on a 1D domain have previously been used to infer complex genetic regulatory network (GRN) interactions by optimizing model parameters with respect to 1D gap gene expression data. Here we construct a finite element reaction-diffusion model with a realistic 3D geometry fit to full 3D gap gene expression data. Though gap gene products exhibit dorsal-ventral asymmetries, we discover that previously inferred gap GRNs yield qualitatively correct AP distributions on the 3D domain only when DV-symmetric initial conditions are employed. Model patterning loses qualitative agreement with experimental data when we incorporate a realistic DV-asymmetric distribution of Bcd. Further, we find that geometry alone is insufficient to account for DV-asymmetries in the final gap gene distribution. Additional GRN optimization confirms that the 3D model remains sensitive to GRN parameter perturbations. Finally, we find that incorporation of 3D data in simulation and optimization does not constrain the search space or improve optimization results

    Air quality and error quantity: pollution and performance in a high-skilled, quality-focused occupation

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    We provide the first evidence that short-term exposure to air pollution affects the work performance of a group of highly-skilled, quality-focused employees. We repeatedly observe the decision-making of individual professional baseball umpires, quasi-randomly assigned to varying air quality across time and space. Unique characteristics of this setting combined with high-frequency data disentangle effects of multiple pollutants and identify previously under-explored acute effects. We find a 1 ppm increase in 3-hour CO causes an 11.5% increase in the propensity of umpires to make incorrect calls and a 10 mg/m3 increase in 12-hour PM2.5 causes a 2.6% increase. We control carefully for a variety of potential confounders and results are supported by robustness and falsification checks

    Analysis of a sprint ski race and associated laboratory determinants of world-class performance

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    This investigation was designed to analyze the time-trial (STT) in an international cross-country skiing sprint skating competition for (1) overall STT performance and relative contributions of time spent in different sections of terrain, (2) work rate and kinematics on uphill terrain, and (3) relationships to physiological and kinematic parameters while treadmill roller ski skating. Total time and times in nine different sections of terrain by 12 world-class male sprint skiers were determined, along with work rate and kinematics for one specific uphill section. In addition, peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak), gross efficiency (GE), peak speed (Vpeak), and kinematics in skating were measured. Times on the last two uphill and two final flat sections were correlated to overall STT performance (r = ~−0.80, P < 0.001). For the selected uphill section, speed was correlated to cycle length (r = −0.75, P < 0.01) and the estimated work rate was approximately 160% of peak aerobic power. VO2peak, GE, Vpeak, and peak cycle length were all correlated to STT performance (r = ~−0.85, P < 0.001). More specifically, VO2peak and GE were correlated to the last two uphill and two final flat section times, whereas Vpeak and peak cycle length were correlated to times in all uphill, flat, and curved sections except for the initial section (r = ~−0.80, P < 0.01). Performances on uphill and flat terrain in the latter part were the most significant determinants of overall STT performance. Peak oxygen uptake, efficiency, peak speed, and peak cycle length were strongly correlated to overall STT performance, as well as to performance in different sections of the race

    Combined point of care nucleic acid and antibody testing for SARS-CoV-2 following emergence of D614G Spike Variant

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    Rapid COVID-19 diagnosis in hospital is essential, though complicated by 30-50% of nose/throat swabs being negative by SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT). Furthermore, the D614G spike mutant now dominates the pandemic and it is unclear how serological tests designed to detect anti-Spike antibodies perform against this variant. We assess the diagnostic accuracy of combined rapid antibody point of care (POC) and nucleic acid assays for suspected COVID-19 disease due to either wild type or the D614G spike mutant SARS-CoV-2. The overall detection rate for COVID-19 is 79.2% (95CI 57.8-92.9%) by rapid NAAT alone. Combined point of care antibody test and rapid NAAT is not impacted by D614G and results in very high sensitivity for COVID-19 diagnosis with very high specificity

    Empirical Legal Studies Before 1940: A Bibliographic Essay

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    The modern empirical legal studies movement has well-known antecedents in the law and society and law and economics traditions of the latter half of the 20th century. Less well known is the body of empirical research on legal phenomena from the period prior to World War II. This paper is an extensive bibliographic essay that surveys the English language empirical legal research from approximately 1940 and earlier. The essay is arranged around the themes in the research: criminal justice, civil justice (general studies of civil litigation, auto accident litigation and compensation, divorce, small claims, jurisdiction and procedure, civil juries), debt and bankruptcy, banking, appellate courts, legal needs, legal profession (including legal education), and judicial staffing and selection. Accompanying the essay is an extensive bibliography of research articles, books, and reports

    Common, low-frequency, rare, and ultra-rare coding variants contribute to COVID-19 severity

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    The combined impact of common and rare exonic variants in COVID-19 host genetics is currently insufficiently understood. Here, common and rare variants from whole-exome sequencing data of about 4000 SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals were used to define an interpretable machine-learning model for predicting COVID-19 severity. First, variants were converted into separate sets of Boolean features, depending on the absence or the presence of variants in each gene. An ensemble of LASSO logistic regression models was used to identify the most informative Boolean features with respect to the genetic bases of severity. The Boolean features selected by these logistic models were combined into an Integrated PolyGenic Score that offers a synthetic and interpretable index for describing the contribution of host genetics in COVID-19 severity, as demonstrated through testing in several independent cohorts. Selected features belong to ultra-rare, rare, low-frequency, and common variants, including those in linkage disequilibrium with known GWAS loci. Noteworthily, around one quarter of the selected genes are sex-specific. Pathway analysis of the selected genes associated with COVID-19 severity reflected the multi-organ nature of the disease. The proposed model might provide useful information for developing diagnostics and therapeutics, while also being able to guide bedside disease management. © 2021, The Author(s)