757 research outputs found

    Keeping Faith: A Qualitative Study on Religiosity Among Young Catholics in Ireland

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    Ireland is a country that is well-known for its Catholic heritage. Despite its global perception as a Catholic country, the Emerald Isle has experienced rapid secularization within the last 30 years, during which rates of Church attendance and Catholic self-identification have fallen dramatically. Likewise, the legalization of abortion, gay marriage, and divorce, concepts contrary to Catholic teaching, further reflect the island\u27s departure from Catholic Orthodoxy. Should the Catholic religion have a future in Ireland, it will lie in the hands of its devout youth: a demographic with relatively little representation in the literature. Using a hybrid interview and survey format, the study at hand explores the reasons young practicing Catholics in Ireland are keeping their faith and their Catholic identity and the various components that make up their Catholic upbringing and spiritual life. The sample consists of 15 practicing Catholics between the ages of 19-29 recruited through snowball sampling and a personal connection in Letterkenny, Ireland. Among the primary findings, the participants cited several reasons for keeping their Catholic faith and identity: they recognized their Catholic roots in that they grew up in Catholic families and in a Catholic society, believed the religion to be true, identified a need for God that they fulfilled through the Church, found satisfaction in their faith after finding dissatisfaction in living a secular lifestyle, and, in some cases, credited the role of peers and role models in helping them grow in their faith

    Coagulation-dependent mechanisms and asthma

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    Ultraluminous infrared galaxies: mergers of sub-L* galaxies?

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    A sample of 27 low-redshift, mostly cool, ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) has been imaged at 1.6 ÎŒm with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS). The majority (67%) of the sample's galaxies are multiple-nucleus galaxies with projected separations of up to 17 kpc, and the rest of the sample (33%) are single-nucleus galaxies, as determined by the NICMOS angular resolution limit. The average observed, integrated (host+nucleus) H magnitude of our HST H sample ULIRGs is -24.3, slightly above that of an L* galaxy (MH = -24.2), and 52% of the sample's galaxies have sub-L* luminosities. The ULIRGs in the HST H sample are not generated as a result of the merging of two luminous (i.e., ≄L*) spiral galaxies. Instead, the interactions and mergers occur in general between two, or in some cases more, less massive sub-L* (0.3-0.5L*) galaxies. Only one out of the 49 nuclei identified in the entire HST H sample has the properties of a bright quasar-like nucleus. On average, the brightest nuclei in the HST H sample galaxies (i.e., cool ULIRGs) are 1.2 mag fainter than warm ULIRGs and low-luminosity Bright Quasar Survey quasars (BQS QSOs) and 2.6 mag fainter than high-luminosity BQS QSOs. Since the progenitor galaxies involved in the merger are sub-L* galaxies, the mass of the central black hole in these ULIRGs would be only about (1-2) × 107 M☉, if the bulge-to-black hole mass ratio of nearby galaxies holds for ULIRGs. The estimated mass of the central black hole is similar to that of nearby Seyfert 2 galaxies but at least 1 order of magnitude lower than the massive black holes thought to be located at the center of high-luminosity QSOs. Massive nuclear starbursts with constant star formation rates of 10-40 M☉ yr-1 could contribute significantly to the nuclear H-band flux and are consistent with the observed nuclear H-band magnitudes of the ULIRGs in the HST H sample. An evolutionary merging scenario is proposed for the generation of the different types of ULIRGs and QSOs on the basis of the masses of the progenitors involved in the merging process. According to this scenario, cool ULIRGs would be the end product of the merging of two or more low-mass (0.3L*-0.5L*) disk galaxies. Warm ULIRGs and low-luminosity QSOs would be generated by a merger involving intermediate-mass (0.5 L*) disk galaxies. Under this scenario, warm ULIRGs could still be the dust-enshrouded phases of UV-bright low-luminosity QSOs, but cool ULIRGs, which are most ULIRGs, would not evolve into QSOs

    Delivery of short interfering ribonucleic acid-complexed magnetic nanoparticles in an oscillating field occurs via caveolae-mediated endocytosis

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    Gene delivery technologies to introduce foreign genes into highly differentiated mammalian cells have improved significantly over the last few decades. Relatively new techniques such as magnetic nanoparticle-based gene transfection technology are showing great promise in terms of its high transfection efficiency and wide-ranging research applications. We have developed a novel gene delivery technique, which uses magnetic nanoparticles moving under the influence of an oscillating magnetic array. Herein we successfully introduced short interfering RNA (siRNA) against green fluorescent protein (GFP) or actin into stably-transfected GFP-HeLa cells or wild-type HeLa and rat aortic smooth muscle cells, respectively. This gene silencing technique occurred in a dose- and cell density- dependent manner, as reflected using fluorescence intensity and adhesion assays. Furthermore, using endocytosis inhibitors, we established that these magnetic nanoparticle-nucleic acid complexes, moving across the cell surface under the influence of an oscillating magnet array, enters into the cells via the caveolae-mediated endocytic pathway

    Submillimeter Observations of the Ultraluminous BAL Quasar APM 08279+5255

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    With an inferred bolometric luminosity of 5\times10^{15}{\rm \lsun}, the recently identified z=3.87, broad absorption line quasar APM 08279+5255 is apparently the most luminous object currently known. As half of its prodigious emission occurs in the infrared, APM 08279+5255 also represents the most extreme example of an Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy. Here, we present new submillimeter observations of this phenomenal object; while indicating that a vast quantity of dust is present, these data prove to be incompatible with current models of emission mechanisms and reprocessing in ultraluminous systems. The influence of gravitational lensing upon these models is considered and we find that while the emission from the central continuum emitting region may be significantly enhanced, lensing induced magnification cannot easily reconcile the models with observations. We conclude that further modeling, including the effects of any differential magnification is required to explain the observed emission from APM 08279+5255.Comment: 12 Pages with Two figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    More than teacher directed or child initiated: Preschool curriculum type, parent involvement, and children's outcomes in the child-parent centers.

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    This study investigated the contributions of curriculum approach and parent involvement to the short- and long-term effects of preschool participation in the Title I Chicago Child-Parent Centers. Data came from the complete cohort of 989 low-income children (93% African American) in the Chicago Longitudinal Study, who attended preschool in the 20 Child-Parent Centers in 1983-1985 and kindergarten in 1985-1986. We found that implementation of an instructional approach rated high by Head Teachers in teacher-directed and child-initiated activities was most consistently associated with children’s outcomes, including school readiness at kindergarten entry, reading achievement in third and eighth grades, and avoidance of grade retention. Parent involvement in school activities, as rated by teachers and by parents, was independently associated with child outcomes from school readiness at kindergarten entry to eighth grade reading achievement and grade retention above and beyond the influence of curriculum approach. Findings indicate that instructional approaches that blend a teacher-directed focus with child-initiated activities and parental school involvement are origins of the long-term effects of participation in the Child-Parent Centers

    The Influence of Patient-Centeredness on Minority and Socioeconomically-Disadvantaged Patients’ Trust in their Physicians: An Evidence-Based Structural Equation Modeling Investigation

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    The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of physician patient-centeredness on patient trust across randomly selected groups of patients from an inner city medical practice serving a preponderance of minority and socioeconomically-disadvantaged patients. METHODS: A two-factor multigroup structural equation modeling design was employed, with randomly selected test (N = 300) and cross-validation (N = 300) samples of medical practice patients. Equality constraints were established to test the invariance of effects across groups. The model was compared to its unconstrained counterpart to further test its trustworthiness. An additional 5,000 nonparametric bootstrapped samples for each group were generated to further cross-validate and assess the stability of effect estimates. RESULTS: The model fit well. Physician patient-centeredness significantly influenced patient trust, explaining 82 percent of its variability. When physician patient-centeredness increased by one unit, the predicted value for patient trust increased by 1.043 units (.903 standardized). Patient-centered physician behaviors increased patients’ confidence in and likelihood to recommend their physician. This pattern of effects held across the test and cross-validation groups. The hypothesized model was sustained when compared to its competing counterpart. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence supported the factor and structural validity of the model. This study offers a plausible two-factor model for the measurement and improvement of patient-centeredness, and concomitantly, patient trust in an inner city medical clinic serving minority and socioeconomically-disadvantaged patients. In addition to quality improvement and outcome measurement, the results have implications for improving patient-centeredness, patient trust, the patient–provider relationship, medical education, and reducing health care disparities

    Early warning signals of recovery in complex systems

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    Early warning signals (EWSs) offer the hope that patterns observed in data can predict the future states of ecological systems. While a large body of research identifies such signals prior to the collapse of populations, the prediction that such signals should also be present before a system's recovery has thus far been overlooked. We assess whether EWSs are present prior to the recovery of overexploited marine systems using a trait-based ecological model and analysis of real-world fisheries data. We show that both abundance and trait-based signals are independently detectable prior to the recovery of stocks, but that combining these two signals provides the best predictions of recovery. This work suggests that the efficacy of conservation interventions aimed at restoring systems which have collapsed may be predicted prior to the recovery of the system, with direct relevance for conservation planning and policy

    Image-guided liver surgery: intraoperative projection of computed tomography images utilizing tracked ultrasound

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    AbstractBackgroundUltrasound (US) is the most commonly used form of image guidance during liver surgery. However, the use of navigation systems that incorporate instrument tracking and three-dimensional visualization of preoperative tomography is increasing. This report describes an initial experience using an image-guidance system with navigated US.MethodsAn image-guidance system was used in a total of 50 open liver procedures to aid in localization and targeting of liver lesions. An optical tracking system was employed to localize surgical instruments. Customized hardware and calibration of the US transducer were required. The results of three procedures are highlighted in order to illustrate specific navigation techniques that proved useful in the broader patient cohort.ResultsOver a 7-month span, the navigation system assisted in completing 21 (42%) of the procedures, and tracked US alone provided additional information required to perform resection or ablation in six procedures (12%). Average registration time during the three illustrative procedures was <1min. Average set-up time was approximately 5min per procedure.ConclusionsThe Explorerℱ Liver guidance system represents novel technology that continues to evolve. This initial experience indicates that image guidance is valuable in certain procedures, specifically in cases in which difficult anatomy or tumour location or echogenicity limit the usefulness of traditional guidance methods
