212 research outputs found

    Numerical limitations of the attainment of the orientation of geological planes

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    The paper discusses limitations of analytical attainment of the attitude of a geological plane by using three non-collinear points. We present problems that arise during computing the orientation of a plane generated by almost collinear points. We referred these errors to floating-point arithmetic inaccuracies. To demonstrate the problem, we examined a surface of constant orientation. We used Delaunay triangulation to calculate its local orientation parameters. We introduced a new measure of collinearity applicable for collecting attitude of planar triangles. Using this measure we showed that certain planes generated by the triangulation cannot be treated as a reliable source of measurement. To examine the relationship between collinearity and orientation, we used a combinatorial algorithm to obtain all possible planes from the given set of points. A statistical criterion of rejecting almost collinear planes was suggested

    Modelling of annular plates stability with functionally granded structure interacting with elastic heterogeneous subsoil.

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    This contribution deals with the modelling and analysis of stability problems for thin composite annular plates interacting with elastic heterogeneous subsoil. The object of analysis is an annular plate with a deterministic heterogeneous microstructure and the apparent properties smoothly varying along a radial direction. The aim of contribution is to formulate two macroscopic mathematical models describing stability of this plate. The considerations are based on a tolerance averaging technique. The general results are applied to the analysis of some special stability problems. The obtained results of critical forces with those obtained from finite element method are compared

    Modelling of annular plates stability with functionally graded structure interacting with elastic heterogeneous subsoil

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    This contribution deals with the modelling and analysis of stability problems for thin composite annular plates interacting with elastic heterogeneous subsoil. The object of analysis is an annular plate with a deterministic heterogeneous microstructure and the apparent properties smoothly varying along a radial direction. The aim of contribution is to formulate two macroscopic mathematical models describing stability of this plate. The considerations are based on a tolerance averaging technique. The general results are applied to the analysis of some special stability problems. The obtained results of critical forces with those obtained from finite element method are compared

    Association rules discovery from diagnostic data-application to gearboxes used in mining industry

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    One of the key issues encountered in development of condition monitoring systems for industry is definition of decision rules in diagnostic system for determined diagnostic features. In practice, it appears very often that proposed algorithm is not effective for all technical assets of machinery park. The major cause is usually related to smaller or higher diversity of objects, mainly in terms of design features, operating conditions and wear level. These factors directly influence the profile of measured vibration signals, diagnostic features, thresholds, decision rules and so on. In this paper authors propose the usage of Generalized Rule Induction (GRI) algorithm for association rules discovery from data base of the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) - patterns hidden in data reflecting existing processes phenomena, regularities, and expresses relationships between them. Such approach provides better interpretation of signals, and consequently, much more effective decision rules

    Children with epilepsy against their healthy peers and those with headaches: Differences–similarities

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    Introduction Epilepsy, like most chronic diseases, affects bio-psycho-social functioning of children and adolescents. The aim of this work was to assess functioning of children with epilepsy compared with the group of healthy children and those with headaches carried out by children themselves and their mothers. Material and methods The study included 209 children with epilepsy and 173 children with headaches and 182 healthy students and their mothers. The research tool was Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 Generic Core Scales (PedsQL™ 4.0) questionnaire. Results Quality of life of healthy children was rated the highest in all areas by both children and mothers. In younger and older children, difference was demonstrated between the assessment of the quality of life of healthy children and the ones with epilepsy or healthy children and the ones with and headaches in all areas of the PedsQL™ 4.0 questionnaire (p<0.05). Children with epilepsy had the most difficulties in subscale School Functioning in their own and their mothers’ opinion. Healthy children and their mothers rated the subscale Emotional Functioning lowest. Conclusions The functioning of children with epilepsy in the assessment of children and their mothers was the closest to the functioning of children with headaches. Quality of children's life assessment by children with epilepsy and by healthy children differed between the group of girls and boys and between older and younger children in all PedsQLTM 4.0 questionnaire areas. A medium response compatibility between children with epilepsy and their mothers was shown in individual questions

    Conceptual Design of Experimental Test Rig for Research on Thermo-Flow Processes During Direct Contact Condensation in the Two-Phase Spray-Ejector Condenser

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    The paper presents the conceptual design of a prototype experimental facility for mixing jet-type flow condensers investigations when the steam in exhaust gases is condensed on the water jet in the presence of CO2. The proposed experimental test rig was designed to give abilities to investigate the effectiveness of jet condensers experimentally as part of the CO2 capture phase and especially to investigate Spray-Ejector Condensers (SEC) developed as the combination of ejector and condenser devices. The paper presents the design and key features of the prototype installation components. The basic design was developed based on the simulation results, and for this purpose, model of installation, including characteristics of individual components, was built. The developed model helps to evaluate the main performances of the conceptual test rig and supports the test-rig design process. The main components and the features of the steam generation unit, CO2 supply and mixing with steam, process water preparation, and H2O and CO2 separation subsystem are discussed. The measuring system was designed to test the efficiency of compression and condensation processes of the SEC fed by the CO2/H2O gas mixture. The performances of the two-phase jet condensers can be analyzed by experimental investigation and calculation of heat transferred to the cooling water during direct contact condensation with the presence of CO2. The paper presents the results of heat flowrates and their uncertainties for the selected period of the experimental test, confirming the application of the novel developed test rig.Conceptual Design of Experimental Test Rig for Research on Thermo-Flow Processes During Direct Contact Condensation in the Two-Phase Spray-Ejector CondenserpublishedVersio

    Wybrane zagadnienia związane z projektem rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie ustanowienia Prokuratury Europejskiej

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    The Lisbon Treaty has brought major changes in the functioning of the European Union, including in the area referred to in Art. 4 section 2 point j of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which is an area of freedom, security and justice. It should first be noted that characteristic for European Union “pillar structure” has been liquidated. Former pillar III is nowadays covered by a single legal regime. Without a doubt falls conclude that the Lisbon Treaty has made a huge step towards the approximation of the laws of the Member States. Art. 86 TFEU introduces interesting novelty in this plane, providing for the possibility of establishment of an European Public Prosecutor’s Office, which is the EU body for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to justice the perpetrators of crimes against the financial interests of the European Union. Analysis of selected provisions of the Regulation on the establishment of an European Public Prosecutor’s Office leads to conclusion that draft regulation is not deprived of interpretational doubts. For instance there is a forum shopping threat. Fair trial standard and legislative technique have also been violated.Traktat z Lizbony przyniósł zasadnicze zmiany w funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej, w tym w dziedzinie, o której mowa w art. 4 ust. 2 lit. j Traktatu o Funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej, czyli przestrzeni wolności, bezpieczeństwa i sprawiedliwości. Należy przede wszystkim zauważyć, że zlikwidowano charakterystyczną dla TFUE strukturę filarową, a dawny filar III został objęty jednolitym reżimem prawnym. Bez wątpienia wypada stwierdzić, że Traktat z Lizbony uczynił ogromny krok w kierunku zbliżania ustawodawstw państw członkowskich. Art. 86 TFUE wprowadza interesujące novum na tej płaszczyźnie, przewidując możliwość powołania do życia Prokuratury Europejskiej, czyli unijnego organu do spraw dochodzenia, ścigania i stawiania przed sądem sprawców przestępstw przeciwko interesom finansowym Unii Europejskiej. Analiza wybranych uregulowań projektu rozporządzenia w sprawie ustanowienia Prokuratury Europejskiej pozwala na przyjęcie wniosku, że nie jest to uregulowanie pozbawione wątpliwości interpretacyjnych. Zwracają uwagę choćby takie zagadnienia, jak zjawisko forum shopping, zagrożenie dla gwarancji prawa do sądu czy wreszcie stosowana przez projektodawcę technika legislacyjna

    Extracting Maritime Traffic Networks from AIS Data Using Evolutionary Algorithm

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    The presented method reconstructs a network (a graph) from AIS data, which reflects vessel traffic and can be used for route planning. The approach consists of three main steps: maneuvering points detection, waypoints discovery, and edge construction. The maneuvering points detection uses the CUSUM method and reduces the amount of data for further processing. The genetic algorithm with spatial partitioning is used for waypoints discovery. Finally, edges connecting these waypoints form the final maritime traffic network. The approach aims at advancing the practice of maritime voyage planning, which is typically done manually by a ship’s navigation officer. The authors demonstrate the results of the implementation using Apache Spark, a popular distributed and parallel computing framework. The method is evaluated by comparing the results with an on-line voyage planning application. The evaluation shows that the approach has the capacity to generate a graph which resembles the real-world maritime traffic network

    Underestimation of cancer in case of diagnosis of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) by vacuum assisted core needle biopsy

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    AbstractBackgroundWith the introduction of mammography screening, we are more often dealing with the diagnosis of precancerous and preinvasive breast lesions. An increasing number of patients are observed to show a premalignant change of ADH (atypical ductal hyperplasia). It also involves a wider use of the vacuum assisted core biopsy as a tool for verifying nonpalpable changes identified by mammography.AimThis paper describes our experience of 134 cases of ADH diagnosed at Mammotome® vacuum core needle biopsy.Material and methodsOf 4326 mammotomic biopsies performed at our institution in 2000–2006, ADH was diagnosed in 134 patients (3.1%). Patients underwent surgery to remove the suspected lesion. All histopathological blocks were again reviewed by one pathologist. Clinical, radiological and pathological data were collected for statistical evaluation.ResultsUnderestimation of invasive changes occurred in 12 patients (9%). The only clinicopathologic feature of statistical significance radiologically and pathologically was the presence of radial scar in the mammography.ConclusionsMore frequent diagnosis of precancerous changes in the mammotomic breast biopsy forces us to establish a clear clinical practice. The problem is the underestimation of invasive changes. The occurrence of radial scar on mammography for diagnosis of the presence of ADH increases the risk of invasive changes